{- Copyright © 2012-2015 John MacFarlane 2017 Albert Krewinkel This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.StackInstances Copyright : © 2012-2016 John MacFarlane © 2017 Albert Krewinkel License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : alpha StackValue instances for pandoc types. -} module Text.Pandoc.Lua.StackInstances () where import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) ) import Scripting.Lua ( LTYPE(..), LuaState, StackValue(..), ltype, newtable, objlen ) import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Lua.SharedInstances () import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util ( addValue, getTable, pushViaConstructor ) import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( safeRead ) instance StackValue Pandoc where push lua (Pandoc meta blocks) = do newtable lua addValue lua "blocks" blocks addValue lua "meta" meta peek lua idx = do blocks <- getTable lua idx "blocks" meta <- getTable lua idx "meta" return $ Pandoc <$> meta <*> blocks valuetype _ = TTABLE instance StackValue Meta where push lua (Meta mmap) = push lua mmap peek lua idx = fmap Meta <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TTABLE instance StackValue MetaValue where push = pushMetaValue peek = peekMetaValue valuetype = \case MetaBlocks _ -> TTABLE MetaBool _ -> TBOOLEAN MetaInlines _ -> TTABLE MetaList _ -> TTABLE MetaMap _ -> TTABLE MetaString _ -> TSTRING instance StackValue Block where push = pushBlock peek = peekBlock valuetype _ = TTABLE instance StackValue Inline where push = pushInline peek = peekInline valuetype _ = TTABLE instance StackValue Citation where push lua (Citation cid prefix suffix mode noteNum hash) = pushViaConstructor lua "Citation" cid mode prefix suffix noteNum hash peek lua idx = do id' <- getTable lua idx "citationId" prefix <- getTable lua idx "citationPrefix" suffix <- getTable lua idx "citationSuffix" mode <- getTable lua idx "citationMode" num <- getTable lua idx "citationNoteNum" hash <- getTable lua idx "citationHash" return $ Citation <$> id' <*> prefix <*> suffix <*> mode <*> num <*> hash valuetype _ = TTABLE instance StackValue Alignment where push lua = push lua . show peek lua idx = (>>= safeRead) <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TSTRING instance StackValue CitationMode where push lua = push lua . show peek lua idx = (>>= safeRead) <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TSTRING instance StackValue Format where push lua (Format f) = push lua f peek lua idx = fmap Format <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TSTRING instance StackValue ListNumberDelim where push lua = push lua . show peek lua idx = (>>= safeRead) <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TSTRING instance StackValue ListNumberStyle where push lua = push lua . show peek lua idx = (>>= safeRead) <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TSTRING instance StackValue MathType where push lua = push lua . show peek lua idx = (>>= safeRead) <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TSTRING instance StackValue QuoteType where push lua = push lua . show peek lua idx = (>>= safeRead) <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TSTRING -- | Push an meta value element to the top of the lua stack. pushMetaValue :: LuaState -> MetaValue -> IO () pushMetaValue lua = \case MetaBlocks blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaBlocks" blcks MetaBool bool -> push lua bool MetaInlines inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaInlines" inlns MetaList metalist -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaList" metalist MetaMap metamap -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaMap" metamap MetaString str -> push lua str -- | Interpret the value at the given stack index as meta value. peekMetaValue :: LuaState -> Int -> IO (Maybe MetaValue) peekMetaValue lua idx = do -- Get the contents of an AST element. let elementContent :: StackValue a => IO (Maybe a) elementContent = peek lua idx luatype <- ltype lua idx case luatype of TBOOLEAN -> fmap MetaBool <$> peek lua idx TSTRING -> fmap MetaString <$> peek lua idx TTABLE -> do tag <- getTable lua idx "t" case tag of Just "MetaBlocks" -> fmap MetaBlocks <$> elementContent Just "MetaBool" -> fmap MetaBool <$> elementContent Just "MetaMap" -> fmap MetaMap <$> elementContent Just "MetaInlines" -> fmap MetaInlines <$> elementContent Just "MetaList" -> fmap MetaList <$> elementContent Just "MetaString" -> fmap MetaString <$> elementContent Nothing -> do -- no meta value tag given, try to guess. len <- objlen lua idx if len <= 0 then fmap MetaMap <$> peek lua idx else (fmap MetaInlines <$> peek lua idx) <|> (fmap MetaBlocks <$> peek lua idx) <|> (fmap MetaList <$> peek lua idx) _ -> return Nothing _ -> return Nothing -- | Push an block element to the top of the lua stack. pushBlock :: LuaState -> Block -> IO () pushBlock lua = \case BlockQuote blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "BlockQuote" blcks BulletList items -> pushViaConstructor lua "BulletList" items CodeBlock attr code -> pushViaConstructor lua "CodeBlock" code (LuaAttr attr) DefinitionList items -> pushViaConstructor lua "DefinitionList" items Div attr blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "Div" blcks (LuaAttr attr) Header lvl attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Header" lvl inlns (LuaAttr attr) HorizontalRule -> pushViaConstructor lua "HorizontalRule" LineBlock blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "LineBlock" blcks OrderedList lstAttr list -> pushViaConstructor lua "OrderedList" list lstAttr Null -> pushViaConstructor lua "Null" Para blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "Para" blcks Plain blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "Plain" blcks RawBlock f cs -> pushViaConstructor lua "RawBlock" f cs Table capt aligns widths headers rows -> pushViaConstructor lua "Table" capt aligns widths headers rows -- | Return the value at the given index as block if possible. peekBlock :: LuaState -> Int -> IO (Maybe Block) peekBlock lua idx = do tag <- getTable lua idx "t" case tag of Nothing -> return Nothing Just t -> case t of "BlockQuote" -> fmap BlockQuote <$> elementContent "BulletList" -> fmap BulletList <$> elementContent "CodeBlock" -> fmap (withAttr CodeBlock) <$> elementContent "DefinitionList" -> fmap DefinitionList <$> elementContent "Div" -> fmap (withAttr Div) <$> elementContent "Header" -> fmap (\(lvl, LuaAttr attr, lst) -> Header lvl attr lst) <$> elementContent "HorizontalRule" -> return (Just HorizontalRule) "LineBlock" -> fmap LineBlock <$> elementContent "OrderedList" -> fmap (uncurry OrderedList) <$> elementContent "Null" -> return (Just Null) "Para" -> fmap Para <$> elementContent "Plain" -> fmap Plain <$> elementContent "RawBlock" -> fmap (uncurry RawBlock) <$> elementContent "Table" -> fmap (\(capt, aligns, widths, headers, body) -> Table capt aligns widths headers body) <$> elementContent _ -> return Nothing where -- Get the contents of an AST element. elementContent :: StackValue a => IO (Maybe a) elementContent = getTable lua idx "c" -- | Push an inline element to the top of the lua stack. pushInline :: LuaState -> Inline -> IO () pushInline lua = \case Cite citations lst -> pushViaConstructor lua "Cite" lst citations Code attr lst -> pushViaConstructor lua "Code" lst (LuaAttr attr) Emph inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Emph" inlns Image attr alt (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor lua "Image" alt src tit (LuaAttr attr) LineBreak -> pushViaConstructor lua "LineBreak" Link attr lst (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor lua "Link" lst src tit (LuaAttr attr) Note blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "Note" blcks Math mty str -> pushViaConstructor lua "Math" mty str Quoted qt inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Quoted" qt inlns RawInline f cs -> pushViaConstructor lua "RawInline" f cs SmallCaps inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "SmallCaps" inlns SoftBreak -> pushViaConstructor lua "SoftBreak" Space -> pushViaConstructor lua "Space" Span attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Span" inlns (LuaAttr attr) Str str -> pushViaConstructor lua "Str" str Strikeout inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Strikeout" inlns Strong inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Strong" inlns Subscript inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Subscript" inlns Superscript inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Superscript" inlns -- | Return the value at the given index as inline if possible. peekInline :: LuaState -> Int -> IO (Maybe Inline) peekInline lua idx = do tag <- getTable lua idx "t" case tag of Nothing -> return Nothing Just t -> case t of "Cite" -> fmap (uncurry Cite) <$> elementContent "Code" -> fmap (withAttr Code) <$> elementContent "Emph" -> fmap Emph <$> elementContent "Image" -> fmap (\(LuaAttr attr, lst, tgt) -> Image attr lst tgt) <$> elementContent "Link" -> fmap (\(LuaAttr attr, lst, tgt) -> Link attr lst tgt) <$> elementContent "LineBreak" -> return (Just LineBreak) "Note" -> fmap Note <$> elementContent "Math" -> fmap (uncurry Math) <$> elementContent "Quoted" -> fmap (uncurry Quoted) <$> elementContent "RawInline" -> fmap (uncurry RawInline) <$> elementContent "SmallCaps" -> fmap SmallCaps <$> elementContent "SoftBreak" -> return (Just SoftBreak) "Space" -> return (Just Space) "Span" -> fmap (withAttr Span) <$> elementContent "Str" -> fmap Str <$> elementContent "Strikeout" -> fmap Strikeout <$> elementContent "Strong" -> fmap Strong <$> elementContent "Subscript" -> fmap Subscript <$> elementContent "Superscript"-> fmap Superscript <$> elementContent _ -> return Nothing where -- Get the contents of an AST element. elementContent :: StackValue a => IO (Maybe a) elementContent = getTable lua idx "c" withAttr :: (Attr -> a -> b) -> (LuaAttr, a) -> b withAttr f (attributes, x) = f (fromLuaAttr attributes) x -- | Wrapper for Attr newtype LuaAttr = LuaAttr { fromLuaAttr :: Attr } instance StackValue LuaAttr where push lua (LuaAttr (id', classes, kv)) = pushViaConstructor lua "Attr" id' classes kv peek lua idx = fmap LuaAttr <$> peek lua idx valuetype _ = TTABLE