{- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.System Copyright : © 2019-2020 Albert Krewinkel License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+pandoc@moltkeplatz.de> Stability : alpha Pandoc's system Lua module. -} module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.System ( pushModule ) where import Foreign.Lua (Lua, NumResults) import Foreign.Lua.Module.System (arch, env, getwd, os, with_env, with_tmpdir, with_wd) import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (addFunction, addField) import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua -- | Push the pandoc.system module on the Lua stack. pushModule :: Lua NumResults pushModule = do Lua.newtable addField "arch" arch addField "os" os addFunction "environment" env addFunction "get_working_directory" getwd addFunction "with_environment" with_env addFunction "with_temporary_directory" with_tmpdir addFunction "with_working_directory" with_wd return 1