{- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua Copyright : Copyright © 2017-2021 Albert Krewinkel License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : alpha Functions to initialize the Lua interpreter. -} module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Init ( runLua ) where import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Catch (try) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..)) import Data.Data (Data, dataTypeConstrs, dataTypeOf, showConstr) import Foreign.Lua (Lua) import GHC.IO.Encoding (getForeignEncoding, setForeignEncoding, utf8) import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (readDataFile, PandocMonad) import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError) import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Packages (installPandocPackageSearcher) import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocLua (PandocLua, liftPandocLua, runPandocLua) import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (throwTopMessageAsError') import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua import qualified Text.Pandoc.Definition as Pandoc import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Pandoc as ModulePandoc -- | Run the lua interpreter, using pandoc's default way of environment -- initialization. runLua :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m) => Lua a -> m (Either PandocError a) runLua luaOp = do enc <- liftIO $ getForeignEncoding <* setForeignEncoding utf8 res <- runPandocLua . try $ do initLuaState liftPandocLua luaOp liftIO $ setForeignEncoding enc return res -- | Initialize the lua state with all required values initLuaState :: PandocLua () initLuaState = do liftPandocLua Lua.openlibs installPandocPackageSearcher initPandocModule loadInitScript "init.lua" where initPandocModule :: PandocLua () initPandocModule = do -- Push module table ModulePandoc.pushModule -- register as loaded module liftPandocLua $ do Lua.pushvalue Lua.stackTop Lua.getfield Lua.registryindex Lua.loadedTableRegistryField Lua.setfield (Lua.nthFromTop 2) "pandoc" Lua.pop 1 -- copy constructors into registry putConstructorsInRegistry -- assign module to global variable liftPandocLua $ Lua.setglobal "pandoc" loadInitScript :: FilePath -> PandocLua () loadInitScript scriptFile = do script <- readDataFile scriptFile status <- liftPandocLua $ Lua.dostring script when (status /= Lua.OK) . liftPandocLua $ throwTopMessageAsError' (("Couldn't load '" ++ scriptFile ++ "'.\n") ++) -- | AST elements are marshaled via normal constructor functions in the -- @pandoc@ module. However, accessing Lua globals from Haskell is -- expensive (due to error handling). Accessing the Lua registry is much -- cheaper, which is why the constructor functions are copied into the -- Lua registry and called from there. -- -- This function expects the @pandoc@ module to be at the top of the -- stack. putConstructorsInRegistry :: PandocLua () putConstructorsInRegistry = liftPandocLua $ do constrsToReg $ Pandoc.Pandoc mempty mempty constrsToReg $ Pandoc.Str mempty constrsToReg $ Pandoc.Para mempty constrsToReg $ Pandoc.Meta mempty constrsToReg $ Pandoc.MetaList mempty constrsToReg $ Pandoc.Citation mempty mempty mempty Pandoc.AuthorInText 0 0 putInReg "Attr" -- used for Attr type alias putInReg "ListAttributes" -- used for ListAttributes type alias putInReg "List" -- pandoc.List putInReg "SimpleTable" -- helper for backward-compatible table handling where constrsToReg :: Data a => a -> Lua () constrsToReg = mapM_ (putInReg . showConstr) . dataTypeConstrs . dataTypeOf putInReg :: String -> Lua () putInReg name = do Lua.push ("pandoc." ++ name) -- name in registry Lua.push name -- in pandoc module Lua.rawget (Lua.nthFromTop 3) Lua.rawset Lua.registryindex