{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Logging Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2020 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable This module provides data types and functions for warnings and info messages. -} module Text.Pandoc.Logging ( Verbosity(..) , LogMessage(..) , encodeLogMessages , showLogMessage , messageVerbosity ) where import Control.Monad (mzero) import Data.YAML (withStr, FromYAML(..)) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (Config (..), defConfig, encodePretty', keyOrder) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Data (Data, toConstr) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Parsec.Pos -- | Verbosity level. data Verbosity = ERROR | WARNING | INFO deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Data, Enum, Ord, Bounded, Typeable, Generic) instance ToJSON Verbosity where toJSON x = toJSON (show x) instance FromJSON Verbosity where parseJSON (String t) = case t of "ERROR" -> return ERROR "WARNING" -> return WARNING "INFO" -> return INFO _ -> mzero parseJSON _ = mzero instance FromYAML Verbosity where parseYAML = withStr "Verbosity" $ \case "ERROR" -> return ERROR "WARNING" -> return WARNING "INFO" -> return INFO _ -> mzero data LogMessage = SkippedContent Text.Text SourcePos | IgnoredElement Text.Text | CouldNotParseYamlMetadata Text.Text SourcePos | DuplicateLinkReference Text.Text SourcePos | DuplicateNoteReference Text.Text SourcePos | NoteDefinedButNotUsed Text.Text SourcePos | DuplicateIdentifier Text.Text SourcePos | ReferenceNotFound Text.Text SourcePos | CircularReference Text.Text SourcePos | UndefinedToggle Text.Text SourcePos | ParsingUnescaped Text.Text SourcePos | CouldNotLoadIncludeFile Text.Text SourcePos | MacroAlreadyDefined Text.Text SourcePos | InlineNotRendered Inline | BlockNotRendered Block | DocxParserWarning Text.Text | IgnoredIOError Text.Text | CouldNotFetchResource Text.Text Text.Text | CouldNotDetermineImageSize Text.Text Text.Text | CouldNotConvertImage Text.Text Text.Text | CouldNotDetermineMimeType Text.Text | CouldNotConvertTeXMath Text.Text Text.Text | CouldNotParseCSS Text.Text | Fetching Text.Text | Extracting Text.Text | NoTitleElement Text.Text | NoLangSpecified | InvalidLang Text.Text | CouldNotHighlight Text.Text | MissingCharacter Text.Text | Deprecated Text.Text Text.Text | NoTranslation Text.Text | CouldNotLoadTranslations Text.Text Text.Text | UnusualConversion Text.Text | UnexpectedXmlElement Text.Text Text.Text | UnknownOrgExportOption Text.Text | CouldNotDeduceFormat [Text.Text] Text.Text | RunningFilter FilePath | FilterCompleted FilePath Integer deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Ord, Typeable, Generic) instance ToJSON LogMessage where toJSON x = object $ "verbosity" .= toJSON (messageVerbosity x) : "type" .= toJSON (show $ toConstr x) : case x of SkippedContent s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= sourceLine pos, "column" .= sourceColumn pos] IgnoredElement s -> ["contents" .= s] CouldNotParseYamlMetadata s pos -> ["message" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] DuplicateLinkReference s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] NoteDefinedButNotUsed s pos -> ["key" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] DuplicateNoteReference s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] DuplicateIdentifier s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] ReferenceNotFound s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] CircularReference s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] UndefinedToggle s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] ParsingUnescaped s pos -> ["contents" .= s, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] CouldNotLoadIncludeFile fp pos -> ["path" .= fp, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] MacroAlreadyDefined name pos -> ["name" .= name, "source" .= sourceName pos, "line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos), "column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)] InlineNotRendered il -> ["contents" .= toJSON il] BlockNotRendered bl -> ["contents" .= toJSON bl] DocxParserWarning s -> ["contents" .= s] IgnoredIOError s -> ["contents" .= s] CouldNotFetchResource fp s -> ["path" .= fp, "message" .= s] CouldNotDetermineImageSize fp s -> ["path" .= fp, "message" .= s] CouldNotConvertImage fp s -> ["path" .= fp, "message" .= s] CouldNotDetermineMimeType fp -> ["path" .= fp] CouldNotConvertTeXMath s msg -> ["contents" .= s, "message" .= msg] CouldNotParseCSS msg -> ["message" .= msg] Fetching fp -> ["path" .= fp] Extracting fp -> ["path" .= fp] NoTitleElement fallback -> ["fallback" .= fallback] NoLangSpecified -> [] InvalidLang s -> ["lang" .= s] CouldNotHighlight msg -> ["message" .= msg] MissingCharacter msg -> ["message" .= msg] Deprecated thing msg -> ["thing" .= thing, "message" .= msg] NoTranslation term -> ["term" .= term] CouldNotLoadTranslations lang msg -> ["lang" .= lang, "message" .= msg] UnusualConversion msg -> ["message" .= msg] UnexpectedXmlElement element parent -> ["element" .= element, "parent" .= parent] UnknownOrgExportOption option -> ["option" .= option] CouldNotDeduceFormat exts format -> ["extensions" .= exts ,"format" .= format] RunningFilter fp -> ["path" .= Text.pack fp ] FilterCompleted fp ms -> ["path" .= Text.pack fp ,"milliseconds" .= Text.pack (show ms) ] showPos :: SourcePos -> Text.Text showPos pos = Text.pack $ sn ++ "line " ++ show (sourceLine pos) ++ " column " ++ show (sourceColumn pos) where sn = if sourceName pos == "source" || sourceName pos == "" then "" else sourceName pos ++ " " encodeLogMessages :: [LogMessage] -> BL.ByteString encodeLogMessages ms = encodePretty' defConfig{ confCompare = keyOrder [ "type", "verbosity", "contents", "message", "path", "source", "line", "column" ] } ms showLogMessage :: LogMessage -> Text.Text showLogMessage msg = case msg of SkippedContent s pos -> "Skipped '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos IgnoredElement s -> "Ignored element " <> s CouldNotParseYamlMetadata s pos -> "Could not parse YAML metadata at " <> showPos pos <> if Text.null s then "" else ": " <> s DuplicateLinkReference s pos -> "Duplicate link reference '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos DuplicateNoteReference s pos -> "Duplicate note reference '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos NoteDefinedButNotUsed s pos -> "Note with key '" <> s <> "' defined at " <> showPos pos <> " but not used." DuplicateIdentifier s pos -> "Duplicate identifier '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos ReferenceNotFound s pos -> "Reference not found for '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos CircularReference s pos -> "Circular reference '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos UndefinedToggle s pos -> "Undefined toggle '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos ParsingUnescaped s pos -> "Parsing unescaped '" <> s <> "' at " <> showPos pos CouldNotLoadIncludeFile fp pos -> "Could not load include file '" <> fp <> "' at " <> showPos pos MacroAlreadyDefined name pos -> "Macro '" <> name <> "' already defined, ignoring at " <> showPos pos InlineNotRendered il -> "Not rendering " <> Text.pack (show il) BlockNotRendered bl -> "Not rendering " <> Text.pack (show bl) DocxParserWarning s -> "Docx parser warning: " <> s IgnoredIOError s -> "IO Error (ignored): " <> s CouldNotFetchResource fp s -> "Could not fetch resource '" <> fp <> "'" <> if Text.null s then "" else ": " <> s CouldNotDetermineImageSize fp s -> "Could not determine image size for '" <> fp <> "'" <> if Text.null s then "" else ": " <> s CouldNotConvertImage fp s -> "Could not convert image '" <> fp <> "'" <> if Text.null s then "" else ": " <> s CouldNotDetermineMimeType fp -> "Could not determine mime type for '" <> fp <> "'" CouldNotConvertTeXMath s m -> "Could not convert TeX math '" <> s <> "', rendering as TeX" <> if Text.null m then "" else ":\n" <> m CouldNotParseCSS m -> "Could not parse CSS" <> if Text.null m then "" else ":\n" <> m Fetching fp -> "Fetching " <> fp <> "..." Extracting fp -> "Extracting " <> fp <> "..." NoTitleElement fallback -> "This document format requires a nonempty element.\n" <> "Defaulting to '" <> fallback <> "' as the title.\n" <> "To specify a title, use 'title' in metadata or " <> "--metadata title=\"...\"." NoLangSpecified -> "No value for 'lang' was specified in the metadata.\n" <> "It is recommended that lang be specified for this format." InvalidLang s -> "Invalid 'lang' value '" <> s <> "'.\n" <> "Use an IETF language tag like 'en-US'." CouldNotHighlight m -> "Could not highlight code block:\n" <> m MissingCharacter m -> "Missing character: " <> m Deprecated t m -> "Deprecated: " <> t <> if Text.null m then "" else ". " <> m NoTranslation t -> "The term " <> t <> " has no translation defined." CouldNotLoadTranslations lang m -> "Could not load translations for " <> lang <> if Text.null m then "" else "\n" <> m UnusualConversion m -> "Unusual conversion: " <> m UnexpectedXmlElement element parent -> "Unexpected XML element " <> element <> " in " <> parent UnknownOrgExportOption option -> "Ignoring unknown Org export option: " <> option CouldNotDeduceFormat exts format -> "Could not deduce format from file extension " <> Text.intercalate " or " exts <> "\n" <> "Defaulting to " <> format RunningFilter fp -> "Running filter " <> Text.pack fp FilterCompleted fp ms -> "Completed filter " <> Text.pack fp <> " in " <> Text.pack (show ms) <> " ms" messageVerbosity :: LogMessage -> Verbosity messageVerbosity msg = case msg of SkippedContent{} -> INFO IgnoredElement{} -> INFO CouldNotParseYamlMetadata{} -> WARNING DuplicateLinkReference{} -> WARNING DuplicateNoteReference{} -> WARNING NoteDefinedButNotUsed{} -> WARNING DuplicateIdentifier{} -> WARNING ReferenceNotFound{} -> WARNING CircularReference{} -> WARNING UndefinedToggle{} -> WARNING CouldNotLoadIncludeFile f _ | ".sty" `Text.isSuffixOf` f -> INFO | otherwise -> WARNING MacroAlreadyDefined{} -> WARNING ParsingUnescaped{} -> INFO InlineNotRendered{} -> INFO BlockNotRendered{} -> INFO DocxParserWarning{} -> INFO IgnoredIOError{} -> WARNING CouldNotFetchResource{} -> WARNING CouldNotDetermineImageSize{} -> WARNING CouldNotConvertImage{} -> WARNING CouldNotDetermineMimeType{} -> WARNING CouldNotConvertTeXMath{} -> WARNING CouldNotParseCSS{} -> WARNING Fetching{} -> INFO Extracting{} -> INFO NoTitleElement{} -> WARNING NoLangSpecified -> INFO InvalidLang{} -> WARNING CouldNotHighlight{} -> WARNING MissingCharacter{} -> WARNING Deprecated{} -> WARNING NoTranslation{} -> WARNING CouldNotLoadTranslations{} -> WARNING UnusualConversion {} -> WARNING UnexpectedXmlElement {} -> WARNING UnknownOrgExportOption {} -> WARNING CouldNotDeduceFormat{} -> WARNING RunningFilter{} -> INFO FilterCompleted{} -> INFO