{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Error Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2020 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable This module provides a standard way to deal with possible errors encounted during parsing. -} module Text.Pandoc.Error ( PandocError(..), handleError) where import Prelude import Control.Exception (Exception) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith) import System.IO (stderr) import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.Parsec.Error import Text.Parsec.Pos hiding (Line) type Input = Text data PandocError = PandocIOError Text IOError | PandocHttpError Text HttpException | PandocShouldNeverHappenError Text | PandocSomeError Text | PandocParseError Text | PandocParsecError Input ParseError | PandocMakePDFError Text | PandocOptionError Text | PandocSyntaxMapError Text | PandocFailOnWarningError | PandocPDFProgramNotFoundError Text | PandocPDFError Text | PandocFilterError Text Text | PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError Text | PandocResourceNotFound Text | PandocTemplateError Text | PandocAppError Text | PandocEpubSubdirectoryError Text | PandocMacroLoop Text | PandocUTF8DecodingError Text Int Word8 | PandocIpynbDecodingError Text | PandocUnknownReaderError Text | PandocUnknownWriterError Text | PandocUnsupportedExtensionError Text Text deriving (Show, Typeable, Generic) instance Exception PandocError -- | Handle PandocError by exiting with an error message. handleError :: Either PandocError a -> IO a handleError (Right r) = return r handleError (Left e) = case e of PandocIOError _ err' -> ioError err' PandocHttpError u err' -> err 61 $ "Could not fetch " <> u <> "\n" <> tshow err' PandocShouldNeverHappenError s -> err 62 $ "Something we thought was impossible happened!\n" <> "Please report this to pandoc's developers: " <> s PandocSomeError s -> err 63 s PandocParseError s -> err 64 s PandocParsecError input err' -> let errPos = errorPos err' errLine = sourceLine errPos errColumn = sourceColumn errPos ls = T.lines input <> [""] errorInFile = if length ls > errLine - 1 then T.concat ["\n", ls !! (errLine - 1) ,"\n", T.replicate (errColumn - 1) " " ,"^"] else "" in err 65 $ "\nError at " <> tshow err' <> -- if error comes from a chunk or included file, -- then we won't get the right text this way: if sourceName errPos == "source" then errorInFile else "" PandocMakePDFError s -> err 66 s PandocOptionError s -> err 6 s PandocSyntaxMapError s -> err 67 s PandocFailOnWarningError -> err 3 "Failing because there were warnings." PandocPDFProgramNotFoundError pdfprog -> err 47 $ pdfprog <> " not found. Please select a different --pdf-engine or install " <> pdfprog PandocPDFError logmsg -> err 43 $ "Error producing PDF.\n" <> logmsg PandocFilterError filtername msg -> err 83 $ "Error running filter " <> filtername <> ":\n" <> msg PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError fn -> err 97 $ "Could not find data file " <> fn PandocResourceNotFound fn -> err 99 $ "File " <> fn <> " not found in resource path" PandocTemplateError s -> err 5 $ "Error compiling template " <> s PandocAppError s -> err 4 s PandocEpubSubdirectoryError s -> err 31 $ "EPUB subdirectory name '" <> s <> "' contains illegal characters" PandocMacroLoop s -> err 91 $ "Loop encountered in expanding macro " <> s PandocUTF8DecodingError f offset w -> err 92 $ "UTF-8 decoding error in " <> f <> " at byte offset " <> tshow offset <> " (" <> T.pack (printf "%2x" w) <> ").\n" <> "The input must be a UTF-8 encoded text." PandocIpynbDecodingError w -> err 93 $ "ipynb decoding error: " <> w PandocUnknownReaderError r -> err 21 $ "Unknown input format " <> r <> case r of "doc" -> "\nPandoc can convert from DOCX, but not from DOC." <> "\nTry using Word to save your DOC file as DOCX," <> " and convert that with pandoc." "pdf" -> "\nPandoc can convert to PDF, but not from PDF." _ -> "" PandocUnknownWriterError w -> err 22 $ "Unknown output format " <> w <> case w of "pdf" -> "To create a pdf using pandoc, use" <> " -t latex|beamer|context|ms|html5" <> "\nand specify an output file with " <> ".pdf extension (-o filename.pdf)." "doc" -> "\nPandoc can convert to DOCX, but not from DOC." _ -> "" PandocUnsupportedExtensionError ext f -> err 23 $ "The extension " <> ext <> " is not supported " <> "for " <> f err :: Int -> Text -> IO a err exitCode msg = do UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr (T.unpack msg) exitWith $ ExitFailure exitCode return undefined tshow :: Show a => a -> Text tshow = T.pack . show