{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} #ifdef DERIVE_JSON_VIA_TH {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} #endif {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.App.CommandLineOptions Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2019 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable Does a pandoc conversion based on command-line options. -} module Text.Pandoc.App.CommandLineOptions ( parseOptions , options , engines ) where import Prelude import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (encodePretty', Config(..), keyOrder, defConfig, Indent(..), NumberFormat(..)) import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper) import Data.List (intercalate, sort) #ifdef _WINDOWS #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) #endif #endif import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Skylighting (Style, Syntax (..), defaultSyntaxMap, parseTheme, pygments) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import System.FilePath import System.IO (stdout) import Text.Pandoc import Text.Pandoc.App.Opt (Opt (..), LineEnding (..)) import Text.Pandoc.Filter (Filter (..)) import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlightingStyles) import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (defaultMathJaxURL, defaultKaTeXURL) import Text.Pandoc.Shared (ordNub, safeRead, defaultUserDataDirs) import Text.Printf #ifdef EMBED_DATA_FILES import Text.Pandoc.Data (dataFiles) #else import Paths_pandoc (getDataDir) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents) #endif import qualified Control.Exception as E import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 parseOptions :: [OptDescr (Opt -> IO Opt)] -> Opt -> IO Opt parseOptions options' defaults = do rawArgs <- map UTF8.decodeArg <$> getArgs prg <- getProgName let (actions, args, unrecognizedOpts, errors) = getOpt' Permute options' rawArgs let unknownOptionErrors = foldr (handleUnrecognizedOption . takeWhile (/= '=')) [] unrecognizedOpts unless (null errors && null unknownOptionErrors) $ E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ concat errors ++ unlines unknownOptionErrors ++ ("Try " ++ prg ++ " --help for more information.") -- thread option data structure through all supplied option actions opts <- foldl (>>=) (return defaults) actions return (opts{ optInputFiles = map normalizePath args }) latexEngines :: [String] latexEngines = ["pdflatex", "lualatex", "xelatex", "latexmk", "tectonic"] htmlEngines :: [String] htmlEngines = ["wkhtmltopdf", "weasyprint", "prince"] engines :: [(String, String)] engines = map ("html",) htmlEngines ++ map ("html5",) htmlEngines ++ map ("latex",) latexEngines ++ map ("beamer",) latexEngines ++ [ ("ms", "pdfroff") , ("context", "context") ] pdfEngines :: [String] pdfEngines = ordNub $ map snd engines lookupHighlightStyle :: String -> IO (Maybe Style) lookupHighlightStyle s | takeExtension s == ".theme" = -- attempt to load KDE theme do contents <- B.readFile s case parseTheme contents of Left _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ "Could not read highlighting theme " ++ s Right sty -> return (Just sty) | otherwise = case lookup (map toLower s) highlightingStyles of Just sty -> return (Just sty) Nothing -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ "Unknown highlight-style " ++ s -- | A list of functions, each transforming the options data structure -- in response to a command-line option. options :: [OptDescr (Opt -> IO Opt)] options = [ Option "fr" ["from","read"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optReader = Just (map toLower arg) }) "FORMAT") "" , Option "tw" ["to","write"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optWriter = Just arg }) "FORMAT") "" , Option "o" ["output"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optOutputFile = Just (normalizePath arg) }) "FILE") "" -- "Name of output file" , Option "" ["wrap"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead ("Wrap" ++ uppercaseFirstLetter arg) of Just o -> return opt { optWrapText = o } Nothing -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "--wrap must be auto, none, or preserve") "auto|none|preserve") "" -- "Option for wrapping text in output" , Option "s" ["standalone"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optStandalone = True })) "" -- "Include needed header and footer on output" , Option "" ["template"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optTemplate = Just (normalizePath arg), optStandalone = True }) "FILE") "" -- "Use custom template" , Option "" ["data-dir"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optDataDir = Just (normalizePath arg) }) "DIRECTORY") -- "Directory containing pandoc data files." "" , Option "M" ["metadata"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let (key, val) = splitField arg return opt{ optMetadata = (key, val) : optMetadata opt }) "KEY[:VALUE]") "" , Option "" ["metadata-file"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optMetadataFile = (optMetadataFile opt) <> [normalizePath arg] }) "FILE") "" , Option "V" ["variable"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let (key, val) = splitField arg return opt{ optVariables = (key, val) : optVariables opt }) "KEY[:VALUE]") "" , Option "" ["ascii"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optAscii = True })) "" -- "Prefer ASCII output" , Option "" ["toc", "table-of-contents"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optTableOfContents = True })) "" -- "Include table of contents" , Option "" ["toc-depth"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead arg of Just t | t >= 1 && t <= 6 -> return opt { optTOCDepth = t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "TOC level must be a number between 1 and 6") "NUMBER") "" -- "Number of levels to include in TOC" , Option "N" ["number-sections"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optNumberSections = True })) "" -- "Number sections in LaTeX" , Option "" ["number-offset"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead ('[':arg ++ "]") of Just ns -> return opt { optNumberOffset = ns, optNumberSections = True } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "could not parse number-offset") "NUMBERS") "" -- "Starting number for sections, subsections, etc." , Option "" ["top-level-division"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let tldName = "TopLevel" ++ uppercaseFirstLetter arg case safeRead tldName of Just tlDiv -> return opt { optTopLevelDivision = tlDiv } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError ("Top-level division must be " ++ "section, chapter, part, or default")) "section|chapter|part") "" -- "Use top-level division type in LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook" , Option "" ["extract-media"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optExtractMedia = Just (normalizePath arg) }) "PATH") "" -- "Directory to which to extract embedded media" , Option "" ["resource-path"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optResourcePath = splitSearchPath arg }) "SEARCHPATH") "" -- "Paths to search for images and other resources" , Option "H" ["include-in-header"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optIncludeInHeader = arg : optIncludeInHeader opt, optStandalone = True }) "FILE") "" -- "File to include at end of header (implies -s)" , Option "B" ["include-before-body"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optIncludeBeforeBody = arg : optIncludeBeforeBody opt, optStandalone = True }) "FILE") "" -- "File to include before document body" , Option "A" ["include-after-body"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optIncludeAfterBody = arg : optIncludeAfterBody opt, optStandalone = True }) "FILE") "" -- "File to include after document body" , Option "" ["no-highlight"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optHighlightStyle = Nothing })) "" -- "Don't highlight source code" , Option "" ["highlight-style"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> lookupHighlightStyle arg >>= \style -> return opt{ optHighlightStyle = style }) "STYLE|FILE") "" -- "Style for highlighted code" , Option "" ["syntax-definition"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let tr c d = map (\x -> if x == c then d else x) let arg' = case arg of -- see #4836 -- HXT confuses Windows path with URI _:':':'\\':_ -> "file:///" ++ tr '\\' '/' arg _ -> normalizePath arg return opt{ optSyntaxDefinitions = arg' : optSyntaxDefinitions opt }) "FILE") "" -- "Syntax definition (xml) file" , Option "" ["dpi"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead arg of Just t | t > 0 -> return opt { optDpi = t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "dpi must be a number greater than 0") "NUMBER") "" -- "Dpi (default 96)" , Option "" ["eol"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case toLower <$> arg of "crlf" -> return opt { optEol = CRLF } "lf" -> return opt { optEol = LF } "native" -> return opt { optEol = Native } -- mac-syntax (cr) is not supported in ghc-base. _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "--eol must be crlf, lf, or native") "crlf|lf|native") "" -- "EOL (default OS-dependent)" , Option "" ["columns"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead arg of Just t | t > 0 -> return opt { optColumns = t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "columns must be a number greater than 0") "NUMBER") "" -- "Length of line in characters" , Option "p" ["preserve-tabs"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optPreserveTabs = True })) "" -- "Preserve tabs instead of converting to spaces" , Option "" ["tab-stop"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead arg of Just t | t > 0 -> return opt { optTabStop = t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "tab-stop must be a number greater than 0") "NUMBER") "" -- "Tab stop (default 4)" , Option "" ["pdf-engine"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let b = takeBaseName arg if b `elem` pdfEngines then return opt { optPdfEngine = Just arg } else E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ "pdf-engine must be one of " ++ intercalate ", " pdfEngines) "PROGRAM") "" -- "Name of program to use in generating PDF" , Option "" ["pdf-engine-opt"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let oldArgs = optPdfEngineArgs opt return opt { optPdfEngineArgs = oldArgs ++ [arg]}) "STRING") "" -- "Flags to pass to the PDF-engine, all instances of this option are accumulated and used" , Option "" ["reference-doc"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optReferenceDoc = Just arg }) "FILE") "" -- "Path of custom reference doc" , Option "" ["self-contained"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optSelfContained = True, optStandalone = True })) "" -- "Make slide shows include all the needed js and css" , Option "" ["request-header"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let (key, val) = splitField arg return opt{ optRequestHeaders = (key, val) : optRequestHeaders opt }) "NAME:VALUE") "" , Option "" ["file-scope"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optFileScope = True })) "" -- "Parse input files before combining" , Option "" ["abbreviations"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optAbbreviations = Just arg }) "FILE") "" -- "Specify file for custom abbreviations" , Option "" ["indented-code-classes"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optIndentedCodeClasses = words $ map (\c -> if c == ',' then ' ' else c) arg }) "STRING") "" -- "Classes (whitespace- or comma-separated) to use for indented code-blocks" , Option "" ["default-image-extension"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optDefaultImageExtension = arg }) "extension") "" -- "Default extension for extensionless images" , Option "F" ["filter"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optFilters = JSONFilter (normalizePath arg) : optFilters opt }) "PROGRAM") "" -- "External JSON filter" , Option "L" ["lua-filter"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optFilters = LuaFilter (normalizePath arg) : optFilters opt }) "SCRIPTPATH") "" -- "Lua filter" , Option "" ["shift-heading-level-by"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead arg of Just t -> return opt{ optShiftHeadingLevel = t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "shift-heading-level-by takes an integer argument") "NUMBER") "" -- "Shift heading level" , Option "" ["base-header-level"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do deprecatedOption "--base-header-level" "Use --shift-heading-level-by instead." case safeRead arg of Just t | t > 0 && t < 6 -> return opt{ optBaseHeaderLevel = t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "base-header-level must be 1-5") "NUMBER") "" -- "Headers base level" , Option "" ["strip-empty-paragraphs"] (NoArg (\opt -> do deprecatedOption "--strip-empty-paragraphs" "Use +empty_paragraphs extension." return opt{ optStripEmptyParagraphs = True })) "" -- "Strip empty paragraphs" , Option "" ["track-changes"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do action <- case arg of "accept" -> return AcceptChanges "reject" -> return RejectChanges "all" -> return AllChanges _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError ("Unknown option for track-changes: " ++ arg) return opt { optTrackChanges = action }) "accept|reject|all") "" -- "Accepting or reject MS Word track-changes."" , Option "" ["strip-comments"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optStripComments = True })) "" -- "Strip HTML comments" , Option "" ["reference-links"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optReferenceLinks = True } )) "" -- "Use reference links in parsing HTML" , Option "" ["reference-location"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do action <- case arg of "block" -> return EndOfBlock "section" -> return EndOfSection "document" -> return EndOfDocument _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError ("Unknown option for reference-location: " ++ arg) return opt { optReferenceLocation = action }) "block|section|document") "" -- "Accepting or reject MS Word track-changes."" , Option "" ["atx-headers"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optSetextHeaders = False } )) "" -- "Use atx-style headers for markdown" , Option "" ["listings"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optListings = True })) "" -- "Use listings package for LaTeX code blocks" , Option "i" ["incremental"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optIncremental = True })) "" -- "Make list items display incrementally in Slidy/Slideous/S5" , Option "" ["slide-level"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead arg of Just t | t >= 1 && t <= 6 -> return opt { optSlideLevel = Just t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "slide level must be a number between 1 and 6") "NUMBER") "" -- "Force header level for slides" , Option "" ["section-divs"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optSectionDivs = True })) "" -- "Put sections in div tags in HTML" , Option "" ["html-q-tags"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optHtmlQTags = True })) "" -- "Use tags for quotes in HTML" , Option "" ["email-obfuscation"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do method <- case arg of "references" -> return ReferenceObfuscation "javascript" -> return JavascriptObfuscation "none" -> return NoObfuscation _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError ("Unknown obfuscation method: " ++ arg) return opt { optEmailObfuscation = method }) "none|javascript|references") "" -- "Method for obfuscating email in HTML" , Option "" ["id-prefix"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optIdentifierPrefix = arg }) "STRING") "" -- "Prefix to add to automatically generated HTML identifiers" , Option "T" ["title-prefix"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let newvars = ("title-prefix", arg) : optVariables opt return opt { optVariables = newvars, optStandalone = True }) "STRING") "" -- "String to prefix to HTML window title" , Option "c" ["css"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optCss = arg : optCss opt }) -- add new link to end, so it is included in proper order "URL") "" -- "Link to CSS style sheet" , Option "" ["epub-subdirectory"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optEpubSubdirectory = arg }) "DIRNAME") "" -- "Name of subdirectory for epub content in OCF container" , Option "" ["epub-cover-image"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optVariables = ("epub-cover-image", arg) : optVariables opt }) "FILE") "" -- "Path of epub cover image" , Option "" ["epub-metadata"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optEpubMetadata = Just arg }) "FILE") "" -- "Path of epub metadata file" , Option "" ["epub-embed-font"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optEpubFonts = arg : optEpubFonts opt }) "FILE") "" -- "Directory of fonts to embed" , Option "" ["epub-chapter-level"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> case safeRead arg of Just t | t >= 1 && t <= 6 -> return opt { optEpubChapterLevel = t } _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError "chapter level must be a number between 1 and 6") "NUMBER") "" -- "Header level at which to split chapters in EPUB" , Option "" ["ipynb-output"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> if arg `notElem` ["all","none","best"] then E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ "ipynb-output must be all, none, or best" else return opt { optIpynbOutput = arg }) "all|none|best") "" -- "Starting number for sections, subsections, etc." , Option "" ["bibliography"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optMetadata = ("bibliography", arg) : optMetadata opt }) "FILE") "" , Option "" ["csl"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optMetadata = ("csl", arg) : optMetadata opt }) "FILE") "" , Option "" ["citation-abbreviations"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optMetadata = ("citation-abbreviations", arg): optMetadata opt }) "FILE") "" , Option "" ["natbib"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optCiteMethod = Natbib })) "" -- "Use natbib cite commands in LaTeX output" , Option "" ["biblatex"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optCiteMethod = Biblatex })) "" -- "Use biblatex cite commands in LaTeX output" , Option "" ["mathml"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optHTMLMathMethod = MathML })) "" -- "Use mathml for HTML math" , Option "" ["webtex"] (OptArg (\arg opt -> do let url' = fromMaybe "https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?" arg return opt { optHTMLMathMethod = WebTeX url' }) "URL") "" -- "Use web service for HTML math" , Option "" ["mathjax"] (OptArg (\arg opt -> do let url' = fromMaybe (defaultMathJaxURL ++ "MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_CHTML-full") arg return opt { optHTMLMathMethod = MathJax url'}) "URL") "" -- "Use MathJax for HTML math" , Option "" ["katex"] (OptArg (\arg opt -> return opt { optHTMLMathMethod = KaTeX $ fromMaybe defaultKaTeXURL arg }) "URL") "" -- Use KaTeX for HTML Math , Option "" ["gladtex"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optHTMLMathMethod = GladTeX })) "" -- "Use gladtex for HTML math" , Option "" ["trace"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optTrace = True })) "" -- "Turn on diagnostic tracing in readers." , Option "" ["dump-args"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optDumpArgs = True })) "" -- "Print output filename and arguments to stdout." , Option "" ["ignore-args"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optIgnoreArgs = True })) "" -- "Ignore command-line arguments." , Option "" ["verbose"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optVerbosity = INFO })) "" -- "Verbose diagnostic output." , Option "" ["quiet"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optVerbosity = ERROR })) "" -- "Suppress warnings." , Option "" ["fail-if-warnings"] (NoArg (\opt -> return opt { optFailIfWarnings = True })) "" -- "Exit with error status if there were warnings." , Option "" ["log"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> return opt{ optLogFile = Just arg }) "FILE") "" -- "Log messages in JSON format to this file." , Option "" ["bash-completion"] (NoArg (\_ -> do datafiles <- getDataFileNames tpl <- runIOorExplode $ UTF8.toString <$> readDefaultDataFile "bash_completion.tpl" let optnames (Option shorts longs _ _) = map (\c -> ['-',c]) shorts ++ map ("--" ++) longs let allopts = unwords (concatMap optnames options) UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout $ printf tpl allopts (unwords readersNames) (unwords writersNames) (unwords $ map fst highlightingStyles) (unwords datafiles) exitSuccess )) "" -- "Print bash completion script" , Option "" ["list-input-formats"] (NoArg (\_ -> do mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) readersNames exitSuccess )) "" , Option "" ["list-output-formats"] (NoArg (\_ -> do mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) writersNames exitSuccess )) "" , Option "" ["list-extensions"] (OptArg (\arg _ -> do let extList :: [Extension] extList = [minBound..maxBound] let allExts = case arg of Nothing -> extensionsFromList extList Just fmt -> getAllExtensions fmt let defExts = case arg of Nothing -> getDefaultExtensions "markdown" Just fmt -> getDefaultExtensions fmt let showExt x = (if extensionEnabled x defExts then '+' else if extensionEnabled x allExts then '-' else ' ') : drop 4 (show x) mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout . showExt) [ex | ex <- extList, extensionEnabled ex allExts] exitSuccess ) "FORMAT") "" , Option "" ["list-highlight-languages"] (NoArg (\_ -> do let langs = [ T.unpack (T.toLower (sShortname s)) | s <- M.elems defaultSyntaxMap , sShortname s `notElem` [T.pack "Alert", T.pack "Alert_indent"] ] mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) langs exitSuccess )) "" , Option "" ["list-highlight-styles"] (NoArg (\_ -> do mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout . fst) highlightingStyles exitSuccess )) "" , Option "D" ["print-default-template"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let write = case optOutputFile opt of Just f -> UTF8.writeFile f Nothing -> UTF8.hPutStr stdout templ <- runIO $ do setUserDataDir Nothing getDefaultTemplate arg case templ of Right t | T.null t -> -- e.g. for docx, odt, json: E.throwIO $ PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError ("templates/default." ++ arg) | otherwise -> write . T.unpack $ t Left e -> E.throwIO e exitSuccess) "FORMAT") "" -- "Print default template for FORMAT" , Option "" ["print-default-data-file"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let write = case optOutputFile opt of Just f -> BS.writeFile f Nothing -> BS.hPutStr stdout runIOorExplode $ readDefaultDataFile arg >>= liftIO . write exitSuccess) "FILE") "" -- "Print default data file" , Option "" ["print-highlight-style"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> do let write = case optOutputFile opt of Just f -> B.writeFile f Nothing -> B.putStr sty <- fromMaybe pygments <$> lookupHighlightStyle arg write $ encodePretty' defConfig{confIndent = Spaces 4 ,confCompare = keyOrder (map T.pack ["text-color" ,"background-color" ,"line-number-color" ,"line-number-background-color" ,"bold" ,"italic" ,"underline" ,"text-styles"]) ,confNumFormat = Generic ,confTrailingNewline = True} sty exitSuccess) "STYLE|FILE") "" -- "Print default template for FORMAT" , Option "v" ["version"] (NoArg (\_ -> do prg <- getProgName defaultDatadirs <- defaultUserDataDirs UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout (prg ++ " " ++ pandocVersion ++ compileInfo ++ "\nDefault user data directory: " ++ intercalate " or " defaultDatadirs ++ ('\n':copyrightMessage)) exitSuccess )) "" -- "Print version" , Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg (\_ -> do prg <- getProgName UTF8.hPutStr stdout (usageMessage prg options) exitSuccess )) "" -- "Show help" ] getDataFileNames :: IO [FilePath] getDataFileNames = do #ifdef EMBED_DATA_FILES let allDataFiles = map fst dataFiles #else allDataFiles <- filter (\x -> x /= "." && x /= "..") <$> (getDataDir >>= getDirectoryContents) #endif return $ "reference.docx" : "reference.odt" : "reference.pptx" : allDataFiles -- Returns usage message usageMessage :: String -> [OptDescr (Opt -> IO Opt)] -> String usageMessage programName = usageInfo (programName ++ " [OPTIONS] [FILES]") copyrightMessage :: String copyrightMessage = intercalate "\n" [ "Copyright (C) 2006-2019 John MacFarlane", "Web: http://pandoc.org", "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.", "There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness", "for a particular purpose." ] compileInfo :: String compileInfo = "\nCompiled with pandoc-types " ++ VERSION_pandoc_types ++ ", texmath " ++ VERSION_texmath ++ ", skylighting " ++ VERSION_skylighting handleUnrecognizedOption :: String -> [String] -> [String] handleUnrecognizedOption "--smart" = (("--smart/-S has been removed. Use +smart or -smart extension instead.\n" ++ "For example: pandoc -f markdown+smart -t markdown-smart.") :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--normalize" = ("--normalize has been removed. Normalization is now automatic." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "-S" = handleUnrecognizedOption "--smart" handleUnrecognizedOption "--old-dashes" = ("--old-dashes has been removed. Use +old_dashes extension instead." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--no-wrap" = ("--no-wrap has been removed. Use --wrap=none instead." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--latex-engine" = ("--latex-engine has been removed. Use --pdf-engine instead." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--latex-engine-opt" = ("--latex-engine-opt has been removed. Use --pdf-engine-opt instead." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--chapters" = ("--chapters has been removed. Use --top-level-division=chapter instead." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--reference-docx" = ("--reference-docx has been removed. Use --reference-doc instead." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--reference-odt" = ("--reference-odt has been removed. Use --reference-doc instead." :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--parse-raw" = ("--parse-raw/-R has been removed. Use +raw_html or +raw_tex extension.\n" :) handleUnrecognizedOption "--epub-stylesheet" = ("--epub-stylesheet has been removed. Use --css instead.\n" :) handleUnrecognizedOption "-R" = handleUnrecognizedOption "--parse-raw" handleUnrecognizedOption x = (("Unknown option " ++ x ++ ".") :) uppercaseFirstLetter :: String -> String uppercaseFirstLetter (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs uppercaseFirstLetter [] = [] readersNames :: [String] readersNames = sort (map fst (readers :: [(String, Reader PandocIO)])) writersNames :: [String] writersNames = sort (map fst (writers :: [(String, Writer PandocIO)])) splitField :: String -> (String, String) splitField s = case break (`elem` ":=") s of (k,_:v) -> (k,v) (k,[]) -> (k,"true") deprecatedOption :: String -> String -> IO () deprecatedOption o msg = runIO (report $ Deprecated o msg) >>= \r -> case r of Right () -> return () Left e -> E.throwIO e -- On Windows with ghc 8.6+, we need to rewrite paths -- beginning with \\ to \\?\UNC\. -- See #5127. normalizePath :: FilePath -> FilePath #ifdef _WINDOWS #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,12,0) normalizePath fp = if "\\\\" `isPrefixOf` fp && not ("\\\\?\\" `isPrefixOf` fp) then "\\\\?\\UNC\\" ++ drop 2 fp else fp #else normalizePath = id #endif #else normalizePath = id #endif