{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes #-} module Tests.Readers.Markdown (tests) where import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Test.Framework import Tests.Helpers import Tests.Arbitrary() import Text.Pandoc.Builder -- import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( normalize ) import Text.Pandoc markdown :: String -> Pandoc markdown = readMarkdown defaultParserState{ stateStandalone = True } infix 5 =: (=:) :: ToString c => String -> (String, c) -> Test (=:) = test markdown {- p_markdown_round_trip :: Block -> Bool p_markdown_round_trip b = matches d' d'' where d' = normalize $ Pandoc (Meta [] [] []) [b] d'' = normalize $ readMarkdown defaultParserState{ stateSmart = True } $ writeMarkdown defaultWriterOptions d' matches (Pandoc _ [Plain []]) (Pandoc _ []) = True matches (Pandoc _ [Para []]) (Pandoc _ []) = True matches (Pandoc _ [Plain xs]) (Pandoc _ [Para xs']) = xs == xs' matches x y = x == y -} tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "inline code" [ "with attribute" =: "`document.write(\"Hello\");`{.javascript}" =?> para (codeWith ("",["javascript"],[]) "document.write(\"Hello\");") , "with attribute space" =: "`*` {.haskell .special x=\"7\"}" =?> para (codeWith ("",["haskell","special"],[("x","7")]) "*") ] , testGroup "mixed emphasis and strong" [ "emph and strong emph alternating" =: "*xxx* ***xxx*** xxx\n*xxx* ***xxx*** xxx" =?> para (emph "xxx" +++ space +++ strong (emph "xxx") +++ space +++ "xxx" +++ space +++ emph "xxx" +++ space +++ strong (emph "xxx") +++ space +++ "xxx") , "emph with spaced strong" =: "*x **xx** x*" =?> para (emph ("x" +++ space +++ strong "xx" +++ space +++ "x")) ] , testGroup "footnotes" [ "indent followed by newline and flush-left text" =: "[^1]\n\n[^1]: my note\n\n \nnot in note\n" =?> para (note (para "my note")) +++ para "not in note" , "indent followed by newline and indented text" =: "[^1]\n\n[^1]: my note\n \n in note\n" =?> para (note (para "my note" +++ para "in note")) , "recursive note" =: "[^1]\n\n[^1]: See [^1]\n" =?> para (note (para "See [^1]")) ] , testGroup "lhs" [ test (readMarkdown defaultParserState{stateLiterateHaskell = True}) "inverse bird tracks and html" $ "> a\n\n< b\n\n