# Author: John MacFarlane # Copyright: (C) 2013 John MacFarlane # License: GPL version 2 or higher """ Functions to aid writing python scripts that process the pandoc AST serialized as JSON. """ import sys import json def walk(x, action, format = ""): """Walk a tree, applying an action to every object. Returns a modified tree. """ if isinstance(x, list): array = [] for item in x: if isinstance(item, dict): if item == {}: array.append(walk(item, action, format)) else: for k in item: res = action(k, item[k], format) if res is None: array.append(walk(item, action, format)) elif isinstance(res, list): for z in res: array.append(walk(z, action, format)) else: array.append(walk(res, action, format)) else: array.append(walk(item, action, format)) return array elif isinstance(x, dict): obj = {} for k in x: obj[k] = walk(x[k], action, format) return obj else: return x def toJSONFilter(action): """Converts an action into a filter that reads a JSON-formatted pandoc document from stdin, transforms it by walking the tree with the action, and returns a new JSON-formatted pandoc document to stdout. The argument is a function action(key, value, format), where key is the type of the pandoc object (e.g. 'Str', 'Para'), value is the contents of the object (e.g. a string for 'Str', a list of inline elements for 'Para'), and format is the target output format (which will be taken for the first command line argument if present). If the function returns None, the object to which it applies will remain unchanged. If it returns an object, the object will be replaced. If it returns a list, the list will be spliced in to the list to which the target object belongs. (So, returning an empty list deletes the object.) """ doc = json.loads(sys.stdin.read()) if len(sys.argv) > 1: format = sys.argv[1] else: format = "" altered = walk(doc, action, format) json.dump(altered, sys.stdout) def attributes(attrs): """Returns an attribute list, constructed from the dictionary attrs. """ attrs = attrs or [] ident = attrs["id"] or "" classes = attrs["classes"] or [] keyvals = [x for x in attrs and x != "classes" and x != "id"] return [ident, classes, keyvals]