#!/usr/bin/env python """Pandoc filter to process code blocks with class "graphviz" into graphviz-generated images. """ import pygraphviz import hashlib import os import sys from pandoc import toJSONFilter def sha1(x): return hashlib.sha1(x).hexdigest() imagedir = "graphviz-images" def graphviz(key, value, format): if key == 'CodeBlock': [[ident,classes,keyvals], code] = value caption = "caption" if "graphviz" in classes: G = pygraphviz.AGraph(string = code) G.layout() filename = sha1(code) if format == "html": filetype = "png" elif format == "latex": filetype = "pdf" else: filetype = "png" alt = [{'Str': caption}] src = imagedir + '/' + filename + '.' + filetype if not os.path.isfile(src): try: os.mkdir(imagedir) sys.stderr.write('Created directory ' + imagedir + '\n') except OSError: pass G.draw(src) sys.stderr.write('Created image ' + src + '\n') tit = "" return {'Para': [{'Image': [alt, [src,tit]]}]} if __name__ == "__main__": toJSONFilter(graphviz)