.TH HTML2MARKDOWN 1 "November 21, 2006" Pandoc "User Manuals" .SH NAME html2markdown \- converts HTML to markdown-formatted text .SH SYNOPSIS \fBhtml2markdown\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fIinput\-file\fR or \fIURL\fR] [\fB\-\-\fR] [\fIpandoc\-opts\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBhtml2markdown\fR converts \fIinput\-file\fR or \fIURL\fR (or text from STDIN) from HTML to markdown\-formatted plain text. If a URL is specified, \fBhtml2markdown\fR uses an available program (e.g. wget, w3m, lynx or curl) to fetch its contents. Output is sent to STDOUT. .PP \fBhtml2markdown\fR is a wrapper for \fBpandoc\fR. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h Show usage message. .TP .B \-e \fIencoding\fR Assume the character encoding \fIencoding\fR in reading the HTML. (Note: \fIencoding\fR will be passed to \fBiconv\fR; a list of available encodings may be obtained using `\fBiconv \-l\fR'.) If the \fB\-e\fR option is not specified, the encoding will be determined as follows: If input is from STDIN, the local encoding will be assumed. Otherwise, \fBhtml2markdown\fR will try to extract the character encoding from the "Content-type" meta tag. If no character encoding is specified in this way, UTF-8 will be assumed for a URL argument, and the local encoding will be assumed for a file argument. .TP .B \-g \fIcommand\fR Use \fIcommand\fR to fetch the contents of a URL. (By default, \fBhtml2markdown\fR searches for an available program or text-based browser to fetch the contents of a URL.) For example: .IP html2markdown \-g 'wget \-\-user=foo \-\-password=bar' mysite.com .TP .B \-n Disable automatic fetching of contents when URLs are specified as arguments. .TP .I pandoc\-opts Any options appearing after \fIinput\-file\fR or \fIURL\fR on the command line will be passed directly to \fBpandoc\fR. If no \fIinput-file\fR or \fIURL\fR is specified, these options must be preceded by ` \fB\-\-\fR '. (In other cases, ` \fB\-\-\fR ' is optional.) See \fBpandoc\fR(1) for a list of options that may be used. Example: .IP html2markdown input.txt \-\- \-R .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBpandoc\fR(1), \fBmarkdown2html\fR(1), \fBmarkdown2latex\fR(1), \fBlatex2markdown\fR(1), \fBmarkdown2pdf\fR(1), \fBiconv\fR(1) .SH AUTHOR John MacFarlane and Recai Oktas