#!/bin/sh -e # make directories for a Mac OSX package # WARNING: This isn't finished. Don't use it yet! # Need to fix permissions & ownerships. See # http://s.sudre.free.fr/Stuff/PackageMaker_Howto.html # Also, think about where to put these files. I'm not sure /usr/local/bin # is in the path by default in OSX. PANDOC="pandoc" EXECUTABLES="pandoc markdown2html html2markdown markdown2latex latex2markdown markdown2pdf" DOCS="README README.html BUGS TODO" MAN_PAGES=$(echo "$EXECUTABLES" | sed -e 's#\([^ ]*\)#man/man1/\1\.1#g') make # make sure the executables have been built make README.html make test rm -rf osx-pkg # remove old package directories mkdir osx-pkg mkdir osx-pkg/Resources mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/bin mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/share mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/share/doc mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/share/doc/pandoc mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/man mkdir osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/man/man1 $PANDOC -s -w rtf README > osx-pkg/Resources/ReadMe.rtf $PANDOC -s -w rtf LICENSE > osx-pkg/Resources/License.rtf chmod +x $EXECUTABLES cp $EXECUTABLES osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/bin/ cp $DOCS osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/share/doc/pandoc/ cp $MAN_PAGES osx-pkg/Package_Root/usr/local/man/man1/ echo echo "You may now run PackageMaker.app. For Root, specify" echo "osx-pkg/Package_Root. The ReadMe.rtf and License.rtf files" echo "can be found in osx-pkg/Resources." echo