% Lua filter types and objects % Albert Krewinkel % Oct 6, 2018 ## Pandoc blocks : document content ([list] of [blocks]) meta : document meta information ([Meta] object) ## Meta Meta information on a document; string-indexed collection of [meta values](#metavalue). This is represented as a string-indexed table containing [meta values](#MetaValue). ## MetaValue Document meta information items. ### MetaBlocks blocks : a list of blocks usable as meta value ([list] of [blocks]) ## Block ### BlockQuote A block quote element content: : block content ([list] of [blocks]) tag, t : the literal `BlockQuote` (string) ### BulletList A bullet list content : list of items ([list] of [blocks]) tag, t : the literal `BlockQuote` (string) ### CodeBlock Block of code. text : code string (string) attr : element attributes (Attr) identifier : alias for `attr.identifier` (string) classes : alias for `attr.classes` ([list] of strings) attributes : alias for `attr.attributes` ([attributes]) tag, t : the literal `CodeBlock` (string) ### DefinitionList Definition list, containing terms and their explanation. content : list of items tag, t : the literal `DefinitionList` (string) ### Div Generic block container with attributes content : block content ([list] of [blocks]) attr : element attributes (Attr) identifier : alias for `attr.identifier` (string) classes : alias for `attr.classes` ([list] of strings) attributes : alias for `attr.attributes` ([attributes]) tag, t : the literal `Div` (string) ### Header Creates a header element. level : header level (integer) content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) attr : element attributes (Attr) identifier : alias for `attr.identifier` (string) classes : alias for `attr.classes` ([list] of strings) attributes : alias for `attr.attributes` ([attributes]) tag, t : the literal `Header` (string) ### HorizontalRule A horizontal rule. tag, t : the literal `HorizontalRule` (string) ### LineBlock A line block, i.e. a list of lines, each separated from the next by a newline. content : inline content tag, t : the literal `LineBlock` (string) ### Null A null element; this element never produces any output in the target format. tag, t : the literal `Null` (string) ### OrderedList An ordered list. Parameters: items : list items ([list] of [blocks]) listAttributes : list parameters (ListAttributes) start : alias for `listAttributes.start` (integer) style : alias for `listAttributes.style` (string) delimiter : alias for `listAttributes.delimiter` (string) tag, t : the literal `OrderedList` (string) ### Para A paragraph content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Para` (string) ### Plain Plain text, not a paragraph content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Plain` (string) ### RawBlock Raw content of a specified format. format : format of content (string) text : raw content (string) tag, t : the literal `RawBlock` (string) ### Table A table. caption: : table caption aligns: : alignments widths: : column widths headers : header row rows: : table rows tag, t : the literal `Table` (string) ## Inline ### Cite Citation content : ([list] of [inlines]) citations : citation entries ([list] of [citations]) tag, t : the literal `Cite` (string) ### Code Inline code text : code string (string) attr : attributes ([Attr]) identifier : alias for `attr.identifier` (string) classes : alias for `attr.classes` ([list] of strings) attributes : alias for `attr.attributes` ([attributes]) tag, t : the literal `Code` (string) ### Emph Emphasized text content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Emph` (string) ### Image Image: alt text (list of inlines), target attr : attributes ([Attr]) caption : text used to describe the image ([list] of [inlines]) src : path to the image file (string) title : brief image description identifier : alias for `attr.identifier` (string) classes : alias for `attr.classes` ([list] of strings) attributes : alias for `attr.attributes` ([attributes]) tag, t : the literal `Image` (string) ### LineBreak Hard line break tag, t : the literal `LineBreak` (string) ### Link Hyperlink: alt text (list of inlines), target attr : attributes ([Attr]) content : text for this link ([list] of [inlines]) target : the link target (string) identifier : alias for `attr.identifier` (string) classes : alias for `attr.classes` ([list] of strings) attributes : alias for `attr.attributes` ([attributes]) tag, t : the literal `Link` (string) ### Math TeX math (literal) mathype : specifier determining whether the math content should be shown inline (`InlineMath`) or on a separate line (`DisplayMath`) (string) text : math content (string) tag, t : the literal `Math` (string) ### Note Footnote or endnote content : ([list] of [blocks]) tag, t : the literal `Note` (string) ### Quoted Quoted text quotetype : type of quotes to be used; one of `SingleQuote` or `DoubleQuote` (string) content : quoted text ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Quoted` (string) ### RawInline Raw inline format : the format of the content (string) text : raw content (string) tag, t : the literal `RawInline` (string) ### SmallCaps Small caps text content : ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `SmallCaps` (string) ### SoftBreak Soft line break tag, t : the literal `SoftBreak` (string) ### Space Inter-word space tag, t : the literal `Space` (string) ### Span Generic inline container with attributes attr : attributes ([Attr]) content : wrapped content ([list] of [inlines]) identifier : alias for `attr.identifier` (string) classes : alias for `attr.classes` ([list] of strings) attributes : alias for `attr.attributes` ([attributes]) tag, t : the literal `Span` (string) ### Str Text text : content (string) tag, t : the literal `Str` (string) ### Strikeout Strikeout text content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Strikeout` (string) ### Strong Strongly emphasized text content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Strong` (string) ### Subscript Subscripted text content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Subscript` (string) ### Superscript Superscripted text content : inline content ([list] of [inlines]) tag, t : the literal `Superscript` (string) ## Attributes List of key/value pairs. Values can be accessed by using keys as indices to the list table. ## Citation Single citation entry id : citation identifier, e.g., a bibtex key (string) mode : citation mode, one of `AuthorInText`, `SuppressAuthor`, or `NormalCitation` (string) prefix : citation prefix ([list] of [inlines]) suffix : citation suffix ([list] of [inlines]) note_num : note number (integer) hash : hash (integer) ## ListAttributes List attributes start : number of the first list item (integer) style : style used for list numbers; possible values are `DefaultStyle`, `Example`, `Decimal`, `LowerRoman`, `UpperRoman`, `LowerAlpha`, and `UpperAlpha` (string) delimiter : delimiter of list numbers; one of `DeaultDelim`, `Period`, `OneParen`, and `TwoParens` (string) ## Hierarchical Element {#Element} Hierarchical elements can be either *Sec* (sections) or *Blk* (blocks). *Blk* elements are treated like [block]s. ### Sec Section elements used to provide hierarchical information on document contents. **Objects of this type are read-only.*** level : header level (integer) numbering : section numbering ([list] of integers) attr : header attributes ([attributes]) label : header content ([list] of [inlines]) contents : list of contents in this section ([list] of hierarchical elements) t, tag : constant `Sec` (string) [block]: #block [blocks]: #block [list]: #list [meta value]: #metavalue [inline]: #inline [inlines]: #inline [Attr]: #attr [attributes]: #attributes [citaions]: #citation