--[[ pandoc.lua Copyright © 2017–2018 Albert Krewinkel Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ]] --- -- Lua functions for pandoc scripts. -- -- @author Albert Krewinkel -- @copyright © 2017–2018 Albert Krewinkel -- @license MIT local M = { _VERSION = "0.4.0" } local List = require 'pandoc.List' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Accessor objects -- -- Create metatables which allow to access numerical indices via accessor -- methods. -- @section -- @local --- Create a new indexing function. -- @param template function template -- @param indices list of indices, starting with the most significant -- @return newly created function -- @local function make_indexing_function(template, indices) local loadstring = loadstring or load local bracketed = {} for i = 1, #indices do bracketed[i] = string.format('[%d]', indices[i]) end local fnstr = string.format('return ' .. template, table.concat(bracketed)) return assert(loadstring(fnstr))() end --- Create accessor functions using a function template. -- @param fn_template function template in which '%s' is replacd with indices -- @param accessors list of accessors -- @return mapping from accessor names to accessor functions -- @local local function create_accessor_functions (fn_template, accessors) local res = {} function add_accessors(acc, ...) local indices = {...} -- ensure a fresh indices table if type(acc) == "string" then res[acc] = make_indexing_function(fn_template, indices) else local ind_len = #indices local unpack = table.unpack or unpack for i = 1, #(acc or {}) do indices[ind_len + 1] = i add_accessors(acc[i], unpack(indices)) end end end add_accessors(accessors) return res end --- Create a new table which allows to access numerical indices via accessor -- functions. -- @local local function create_accessor_behavior (tag, accessors) local behavior = {tag = tag} behavior.getters = create_accessor_functions( 'function (x) return x.c%s end', accessors ) behavior.setters = create_accessor_functions( 'function (x, v) x.c%s = v end', accessors ) behavior.__index = function(t, k) if getmetatable(t).getters[k] then return getmetatable(t).getters[k](t) elseif k == "t" then return getmetatable(t)["tag"] else return getmetatable(t)[k] end end behavior.__newindex = function(t, k, v) if getmetatable(t).setters[k] then getmetatable(t).setters[k](t, v) else rawset(t, k, v) end end return behavior end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The base class for types -- @type Type -- @local local Type = {} Type.name = 'Type' Type.__index = Type Type.behavior = { __type = Type, new = function (obj) obj = obj or {} setmetatable(obj, self) return obj end } Type.behavior.__index = Type.behavior --- Set a new behavior for the type, inheriting that of the parent type if none --- is specified explicitely -- @param behavior the behavior object for this type. -- @local function Type:set_behavior (behavior) behavior = behavior or {} behavior.__index = rawget(behavior, '__index') or behavior behavior.__type = self if not getmetatable(behavior) and getmetatable(self) then setmetatable(behavior, getmetatable(self).behavior) end self.behavior = behavior end --- Create a new subtype, using the given table as base. -- @param name name of the new type -- @param[opt] behavior behavioral object for the new type. -- @return a new type -- @local function Type:make_subtype(name, behavior) local newtype = setmetatable({}, self) newtype.name = name newtype.__index = newtype newtype:set_behavior(behavior) return newtype end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The base class for pandoc's AST elements. -- @type AstElement -- @local local AstElement = Type:make_subtype 'AstElement' AstElement.__call = function(t, ...) local success, ret = pcall(t.new, t, ...) if success then return setmetatable(ret, t.behavior) else error(string.format('Constructor for %s failed: %s\n', t.name, ret)) end end function AstElement:make_subtype(...) local newtype = Type.make_subtype(self, ...) newtype.__call = self.__call return newtype end --- Create a new constructor -- @local -- @param tag Tag used to identify the constructor -- @param fn Function to be called when constructing a new element -- @param accessors names to use as accessors for numerical fields -- @return function that constructs a new element function AstElement:create_constructor(tag, fn, accessors) local constr = self:make_subtype(tag, create_accessor_behavior(tag, accessors)) function constr:new(...) return setmetatable(fn(...), self.behavior) end self.constructor = self.constructor or {} self.constructor[tag] = constr return constr end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Pandoc Document -- @section document --- A complete pandoc document -- @function Pandoc -- @tparam {Block,...} blocks document content -- @tparam[opt] Meta meta document meta data M.Pandoc = AstElement:make_subtype'Pandoc' function M.Pandoc:new (blocks, meta) return { blocks = List:new(blocks), meta = meta or {}, } end -- DEPRECATED synonym: M.Doc = M.Pandoc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Meta -- @section Meta --- Create a new Meta object. It sets the metatable of the given table to --- `Meta`. -- @function Meta -- @tparam meta table table containing document meta information M.Meta = AstElement:make_subtype'Meta' function M.Meta:new (meta) return meta end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- MetaValue -- @section MetaValue M.MetaValue = AstElement:make_subtype('MetaValue') --- Meta blocks -- @function MetaBlocks -- @tparam {Block,...} blocks blocks --- Meta inlines -- @function MetaInlines -- @tparam {Inline,...} inlines inlines --- Meta list -- @function MetaList -- @tparam {MetaValue,...} meta_values list of meta values M.meta_value_list_types = { "MetaBlocks", "MetaInlines", "MetaList", } for i = 1, #M.meta_value_list_types do M[M.meta_value_list_types[i]] = M.MetaValue:create_constructor( M.meta_value_list_types[i], function(content) return List:new(content) end ) end --- Meta map -- @function MetaMap -- @tparam table key_value_map a string-indexed map of meta values M.MetaMap = M.MetaValue:create_constructor( "MetaMap", function (mm) return mm end ) --- Creates string to be used in meta data. -- Does nothing, lua strings are meta strings. -- @function MetaString -- @tparam string str string value function M.MetaString(str) return str end --- Creates boolean to be used in meta data. -- Does nothing, lua booleans are meta booleans. -- @function MetaBool -- @tparam boolean bool boolean value function M.MetaBool(bool) return bool end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Blocks -- @section Block --- Block elements M.Block = AstElement:make_subtype'Block' --- Creates a block quote element -- @function BlockQuote -- @tparam {Block,...} content block content -- @treturn Block block quote element M.BlockQuote = M.Block:create_constructor( "BlockQuote", function(content) return {c = content} end, "content" ) --- Creates a bullet (i.e. unordered) list. -- @function BulletList -- @tparam {{Block,...},...} content list of items -- @treturn Block bullet list element M.BulletList = M.Block:create_constructor( "BulletList", function(content) return {c = content} end, "content" ) --- Creates a code block element -- @function CodeBlock -- @tparam string text code string -- @tparam[opt] Attr attr element attributes -- @treturn Block code block element M.CodeBlock = M.Block:create_constructor( "CodeBlock", function(text, attr) return {c = {attr or M.Attr(), text}} end, {{"identifier", "classes", "attributes"}, "text"} ) --- Creates a definition list, containing terms and their explanation. -- @function DefinitionList -- @tparam {{{Inline,...},{Block,...}},...} content list of items -- @treturn Block definition list element M.DefinitionList = M.Block:create_constructor( "DefinitionList", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a div element -- @function Div -- @tparam {Block,...} content block content -- @tparam[opt] Attr attr element attributes -- @treturn Block div element M.Div = M.Block:create_constructor( "Div", function(content, attr) return {c = {attr or M.Attr(), List:new(content)}} end, {{"identifier", "classes", "attributes"}, "content"} ) --- Creates a header element. -- @function Header -- @tparam int level header level -- @tparam {Inline,...} content inline content -- @tparam[opt] Attr attr element attributes -- @treturn Block header element M.Header = M.Block:create_constructor( "Header", function(level, content, attr) return {c = {level, attr or M.Attr(), content}} end, {"level", {"identifier", "classes", "attributes"}, "content"} ) --- Creates a horizontal rule. -- @function HorizontalRule -- @treturn Block horizontal rule M.HorizontalRule = M.Block:create_constructor( "HorizontalRule", function() return {} end ) --- Creates a line block element. -- @function LineBlock -- @tparam {{Inline,...},...} content inline content -- @treturn Block line block element M.LineBlock = M.Block:create_constructor( "LineBlock", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a null element. -- @function Null -- @treturn Block null element M.Null = M.Block:create_constructor( "Null", function() return {} end ) --- Creates an ordered list. -- @function OrderedList -- @tparam {{Block,...},...} items list items -- @param[opt] listAttributes list parameters -- @treturn Block ordered list element M.OrderedList = M.Block:create_constructor( "OrderedList", function(items, listAttributes) listAttributes = listAttributes or {1, M.DefaultStyle, M.DefaultDelim} return {c = {listAttributes, List:new(items)}} end, {{"start", "style", "delimiter"}, "content"} ) --- Creates a para element. -- @function Para -- @tparam {Inline,...} content inline content -- @treturn Block paragraph element M.Para = M.Block:create_constructor( "Para", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a plain element. -- @function Plain -- @tparam {Inline,...} content inline content -- @treturn Block plain element M.Plain = M.Block:create_constructor( "Plain", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a raw content block of the specified format. -- @function RawBlock -- @tparam string format format of content -- @tparam string text string content -- @treturn Block raw block element M.RawBlock = M.Block:create_constructor( "RawBlock", function(format, text) return {c = {format, text}} end, {"format", "text"} ) --- Creates a table element. -- @function Table -- @tparam {Inline,...} caption table caption -- @tparam {AlignDefault|AlignLeft|AlignRight|AlignCenter,...} aligns alignments -- @tparam {int,...} widths column widths -- @tparam {Block,...} headers header row -- @tparam {{Block,...}} rows table rows -- @treturn Block table element M.Table = M.Block:create_constructor( "Table", function(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) return { c = { List:new(caption), List:new(aligns), List:new(widths), List:new(headers), List:new(rows) } } end, {"caption", "aligns", "widths", "headers", "rows"} ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Inline -- @section Inline --- Inline element class M.Inline = AstElement:make_subtype'Inline' --- Creates a Cite inline element -- @function Cite -- @tparam {Inline,...} content List of inlines -- @tparam {Citation,...} citations List of citations -- @treturn Inline citations element M.Cite = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Cite", function(content, citations) return {c = {List:new(citations), List:new(content)}} end, {"citations", "content"} ) --- Creates a Code inline element -- @function Code -- @tparam string text brief image description -- @tparam[opt] Attr attr additional attributes -- @treturn Inline code element M.Code = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Code", function(text, attr) return {c = {attr or M.Attr(), text}} end, {{"identifier", "classes", "attributes"}, "text"} ) --- Creates an inline element representing emphasised text. -- @function Emph -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline emphasis element M.Emph = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Emph", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a Image inline element -- @function Image -- @tparam {Inline,..} caption text used to describe the image -- @tparam string src path to the image file -- @tparam[opt] string title brief image description -- @tparam[opt] Attr attr additional attributes -- @treturn Inline image element M.Image = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Image", function(caption, src, title, attr) title = title or "" attr = attr or M.Attr() return {c = {attr, List:new(caption), {src, title}}} end, {{"identifier", "classes", "attributes"}, "caption", {"src", "title"}} ) --- Create a LineBreak inline element -- @function LineBreak -- @treturn Inline linebreak element M.LineBreak = M.Inline:create_constructor( "LineBreak", function() return {} end ) --- Creates a link inline element, usually a hyperlink. -- @function Link -- @tparam {Inline,..} content text for this link -- @tparam string target the link target -- @tparam[opt] string title brief link description -- @tparam[opt] Attr attr additional attributes -- @treturn Inline image element M.Link = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Link", function(content, target, title, attr) title = title or "" attr = attr or M.Attr() return {c = {attr, List:new(content), {target, title}}} end, {{"identifier", "classes", "attributes"}, "content", {"target", "title"}} ) --- Creates a Math element, either inline or displayed. -- @function Math -- @tparam "InlineMath"|"DisplayMath" mathtype rendering specifier -- @tparam string text Math content -- @treturn Inline Math element M.Math = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Math", function(mathtype, text) return {c = {mathtype, text}} end, {"mathtype", "text"} ) --- Creates a DisplayMath element (DEPRECATED). -- @function DisplayMath -- @tparam string text Math content -- @treturn Inline Math element M.DisplayMath = M.Inline:create_constructor( "DisplayMath", function(text) return M.Math("DisplayMath", text) end, {"mathtype", "text"} ) --- Creates an InlineMath inline element (DEPRECATED). -- @function InlineMath -- @tparam string text Math content -- @treturn Inline Math element M.InlineMath = M.Inline:create_constructor( "InlineMath", function(text) return M.Math("InlineMath", text) end, {"mathtype", "text"} ) --- Creates a Note inline element -- @function Note -- @tparam {Block,...} content footnote block content M.Note = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Note", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a Quoted inline element given the quote type and quoted content. -- @function Quoted -- @tparam "DoubleQuote"|"SingleQuote" quotetype type of quotes to be used -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline quoted element M.Quoted = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Quoted", function(quotetype, content) return {c = {quotetype, List:new(content)}} end, {"quotetype", "content"} ) --- Creates a single-quoted inline element (DEPRECATED). -- @function SingleQuoted -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline quoted element -- @see Quoted M.SingleQuoted = M.Inline:create_constructor( "SingleQuoted", function(content) return M.Quoted(M.SingleQuote, content) end, {"quotetype", "content"} ) --- Creates a single-quoted inline element (DEPRECATED). -- @function DoubleQuoted -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline quoted element -- @see Quoted M.DoubleQuoted = M.Inline:create_constructor( "DoubleQuoted", function(content) return M.Quoted("DoubleQuote", content) end, {"quotetype", "content"} ) --- Creates a RawInline inline element -- @function RawInline -- @tparam string format format of the contents -- @tparam string text string content -- @treturn Inline raw inline element M.RawInline = M.Inline:create_constructor( "RawInline", function(format, text) return {c = {format, text}} end, {"format", "text"} ) --- Creates text rendered in small caps -- @function SmallCaps -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline smallcaps element M.SmallCaps = M.Inline:create_constructor( "SmallCaps", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a SoftBreak inline element. -- @function SoftBreak -- @treturn Inline softbreak element M.SoftBreak = M.Inline:create_constructor( "SoftBreak", function() return {} end ) --- Create a Space inline element -- @function Space -- @treturn Inline space element M.Space = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Space", function() return {} end ) --- Creates a Span inline element -- @function Span -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @tparam[opt] Attr attr additional attributes -- @treturn Inline span element M.Span = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Span", function(content, attr) return {c = {attr or M.Attr(), List:new(content)}} end, {{"identifier", "classes", "attributes"}, "content"} ) --- Creates a Str inline element -- @function Str -- @tparam string text content -- @treturn Inline string element M.Str = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Str", function(text) return {c = text} end, "text" ) --- Creates text which is striked out. -- @function Strikeout -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline strikeout element M.Strikeout = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Strikeout", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a Strong element, whose text is usually displayed in a bold font. -- @function Strong -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline strong element M.Strong = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Strong", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a Subscript inline element -- @function Subscript -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline subscript element M.Subscript = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Subscript", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) --- Creates a Superscript inline element -- @function Superscript -- @tparam {Inline,..} content inline content -- @treturn Inline strong element M.Superscript = M.Inline:create_constructor( "Superscript", function(content) return {c = List:new(content)} end, "content" ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Element components -- @section components --- Check if the first element of a pair matches the given value. -- @param x key value to be checked -- @return function returning true iff first element of its argument matches x -- @local local function assoc_key_equals (x) return function (y) return y[1] == x end end --- Lookup a value in an associative list -- @function lookup -- @local -- @tparam {{key, value},...} alist associative list -- @param key key for which the associated value is to be looked up local function lookup(alist, key) return (List.find_if(alist, assoc_key_equals(key)) or {})[2] end --- Return an iterator which returns key-value pairs of an associative list. -- @function apairs -- @local -- @tparam {{key, value},...} alist associative list local apairs = function (alist) local i = 1 local cur function nxt () cur = rawget(alist, i) if cur then i = i + 1 return cur[1], cur[2] end return nil end return nxt, nil, nil end --- AttributeList, a metatable to allow table-like access to attribute lists -- represented by associative lists. -- @local local AttributeList = { __index = function (t, k) if type(k) == "number" then return rawget(t, k) else return lookup(t, k) end end, __newindex = function (t, k, v) local cur, idx = List.find_if(t, assoc_key_equals(k)) if v == nil then table.remove(t, idx) elseif cur then cur[2] = v elseif type(k) == "number" then rawset(t, k, v) else rawset(t, #t + 1, {k, v}) end end, __pairs = apairs } --- Convert a table to an associative list. The order of key-value pairs in the -- alist is undefined. The table should either contain no numeric keys or -- already be an associative list. -- @local -- @tparam table tbl associative list or table without numeric keys. -- @treturn table associative list local to_alist = function (tbl) if #tbl ~= 0 or next(tbl) == nil then -- probably already an alist return tbl end local alist = {} local i = 1 for k, v in pairs(tbl) do alist[i] = {k, v} i = i + 1 end return alist end -- Attr --- Create a new set of attributes (Attr). -- @function Attr -- @tparam[opt] string identifier element identifier -- @tparam[opt] {string,...} classes element classes -- @tparam[opt] table attributes table containing string keys and values -- @return element attributes M.Attr = AstElement:make_subtype'Attr' function M.Attr:new (identifier, classes, attributes) identifier = identifier or '' classes = List:new(classes or {}) attributes = setmetatable(to_alist(attributes or {}), AttributeList) return {identifier, classes, attributes} end M.Attr.behavior._field_names = {identifier = 1, classes = 2, attributes = 3} M.Attr.behavior.__index = function(t, k) return rawget(t, k) or rawget(t, M.Attr._field_names[k]) or rawget(getmetatable(t), k) end M.Attr.behavior.__newindex = function(t, k, v) if M.Attr._field_names[k] then rawset(t, M.Attr._field_names[k], v) else rawset(t, k, v) end end -- Citation M.Citation = AstElement:make_subtype'Citation' --- Creates a single citation. -- @function Citation -- @tparam string id citation identifier (like a bibtex key) -- @tparam AuthorInText|SuppressAuthor|NormalCitation mode citation mode -- @tparam[opt] {Inline,...} prefix citation prefix -- @tparam[opt] {Inline,...} suffix citation suffix -- @tparam[opt] int note_num note number -- @tparam[opt] int hash hash number function M.Citation:new (id, mode, prefix, suffix, note_num, hash) return { id = id, mode = mode, prefix = prefix or {}, suffix = suffix or {}, note_num = note_num or 0, hash = hash or 0, } end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Constants -- @section constants --- Author name is mentioned in the text. -- @see Citation -- @see Cite M.AuthorInText = "AuthorInText" --- Author name is suppressed. -- @see Citation -- @see Cite M.SuppressAuthor = "SuppressAuthor" --- Default citation style is used. -- @see Citation -- @see Cite M.NormalCitation = "NormalCitation" --- Table cells aligned left. -- @see Table M.AlignLeft = "AlignLeft" --- Table cells right-aligned. -- @see Table M.AlignRight = "AlignRight" --- Table cell content is centered. -- @see Table M.AlignCenter = "AlignCenter" --- Table cells are alignment is unaltered. -- @see Table M.AlignDefault = "AlignDefault" --- Default list number delimiters are used. -- @see OrderedList M.DefaultDelim = "DefaultDelim" --- List numbers are delimited by a period. -- @see OrderedList M.Period = "Period" --- List numbers are delimited by a single parenthesis. -- @see OrderedList M.OneParen = "OneParen" --- List numbers are delimited by a double parentheses. -- @see OrderedList M.TwoParens = "TwoParens" --- List are numbered in the default style -- @see OrderedList M.DefaultStyle = "DefaultStyle" --- List items are numbered as examples. -- @see OrderedList M.Example = "Example" --- List are numbered using decimal integers. -- @see OrderedList M.Decimal = "Decimal" --- List are numbered using lower-case roman numerals. -- @see OrderedList M.LowerRoman = "LowerRoman" --- List are numbered using upper-case roman numerals -- @see OrderedList M.UpperRoman = "UpperRoman" --- List are numbered using lower-case alphabetic characters. -- @see OrderedList M.LowerAlpha = "LowerAlpha" --- List are numbered using upper-case alphabetic characters. -- @see OrderedList M.UpperAlpha = "UpperAlpha" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Functions which have moved to different modules local utils = require 'pandoc.utils' M.sha1 = utils.sha1 return M