pandoc (2.6) PROVISIONAL * Support ipynb (Jupyter notebook) as input and output format. + Add `ipynb` as input and output format (extension `.ipynb`). + Added Text.Pandoc.Readers.Ipynb [API change]. + Added Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ipynb [API change]. + Add `PandocIpynbDecodingError` constructor to Text.Pandoc.Error.Error [API change]. + Depend on ipynb library. + Note: there is no template for ipynb. * Implement task lists (#3051, Mauro Bieg). Added `task_lists` extension. Task lists are supported from markdown and gfm input. They should work, to some degree, in all output formats, though in most formats you'll get a bullet list with a unicode character for the box. In HTML, you get checkboxes and in LaTeX/PDF output, a box is used as the list marker. API changes: + Added constructor `Ext_task_lists` to `Extension`. + Added `taskListItemFromAscii` and `taskListItemToAscii` to Text.Pandoc.Shared. * Add DokuWiki reader (#1792, Alexander Krotov). This adds Text.Pandoc.Readers.DokuWiki [API change], and adds `dokuwiki` as an input format. * HTML reader: + Handle empty `start` attribute (see #5162). + Treat `textarea` as a verbatim environment (#5241) and preserve spacing. * RST reader: + Change treatment of `number-lines` directive (Brian Leung, #5207). Directives of this type without numeric inputs should not have a `startFrom` attribute; with a blank value, the writers can produce extra whitespace. + Removed superfluous `sourceCode` class on code blocks (#5047). + Handle `sourcecode` directive as synonynm for `code` (#5204). * Markdown reader: + Remove `sourceCode` class for literate Haskell code blocks (#5047). Reverse order of `literate` and `haskell` classes on code blocks when parsing literate Haskell, so `haskell` is first. + Treat `