makemanpages=$(shell find dist -type f -name make-pandoc-man-pages) ifeq "${makemanpages}" "" makemanpages=@echo "You need to 'cabal configure -fmake-pandoc-man-pages && cabal build'" && exit 1 endif setup=$(shell find dist -type f -name setup) MANPAGES=man/man1/pandoc.1 man/man5/pandoc_markdown.5 CABALARGS=-fmake-pandoc-man-pages --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks all: build test deps: cabal install ${OPTIONS} ${CABALARGS} --only-dependencies build: cabal configure ${OPTIONS} ${CABALARGS} cabal build test: cabal test bench: cabal bench install: cabal install haddock: cabal haddock sdist: build test man haddock # note: cabal sdist doesn't work well with preprocessors for some cabal versions ${setup} sdist man: ${MANPAGES} %.1: %.1.template ${makemanpages} %.5: %.5.template ${makemanpages} clean: -rm ${MANPAGES} .PHONY: all man clean test build bench haddock sdist