version?=$(shell grep '^[Vv]ersion:' pandoc.cabal | awk '{print $$2;}') pandoc=$(shell find dist -name pandoc -type f -exec ls -t {} \; | head -1) SOURCEFILES?=$(shell git ls-tree -r master --name-only | grep "\.hs$$") BRANCH?=master RESOLVER?=lts-13 GHCOPTS=-fdiagnostics-color=always WEBSITE=../../web/ REVISION?=1 quick: stack install --ghc-options='$(GHCOPTS)' --install-ghc --flag 'pandoc:embed_data_files' --fast --test --ghc-options='-j +RTS -A64m -RTS' --test-arguments='-j4 --hide-successes $(TESTARGS)' quick-cabal: cabal new-configure . --ghc-options '$(GHCOPTS)' --disable-optimization --enable-tests cabal new-build . --disable-optimization cabal new-run test-pandoc --disable-optimization -- --hide-successes $(TESTARGS) full-cabal: cabal new-configure . --ghc-options '$(GHCOPTS)' --flags '+embed_data_files +trypandoc' --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks cabal new-build . --disable-optimization cabal new-run test-pandoc --disable-optimization -- --hide-successes $(TESTARGS) full: stack install --flag 'pandoc:embed_data_files' --flag 'pandoc:trypandoc' --bench --no-run-benchmarks --test --test-arguments='-j4 --hide-successes' --ghc-options '-Wall -Werror -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -O0 -j4 $(GHCOPTS)' ghci: stack ghci --flag 'pandoc:embed_data_files' haddock: stack haddock # Note: to accept current results of golden tests, # make test TESTARGS='--accept' test: stack test --flag 'pandoc:embed_data_files' --fast --test-arguments='-j4 --hide-successes $(TESTARGS)' --ghc-options '$(GHCOPTS)' ghcid: ghcid -c "stack repl --flag 'pandoc:embed_data_files'" bench: stack bench --benchmark-arguments='$(BENCHARGS)' --ghc-options '$(GHCOPTS)' weigh: stack build --ghc-options '$(GHCOPTS)' pandoc:weigh-pandoc && stack exec weigh-pandoc reformat: for f in $(SOURCEFILES); do echo $$f; stylish-haskell -i $$f ; done lint: hlint fix_spacing hlint: for f in $(SOURCEFILES); do echo $$f; hlint --verbose --refactor --refactor-options='-s -o -' $$f; done fix_spacing: # Fix trailing newlines and spaces at ends of lines for f in $(SOURCEFILES); do printf '%s\n' "`cat $$f`" | sed -e 's/ *$$//' > $$f.tmp; mv $$f.tmp $$f; done changes_github: pandoc --filter tools/extract-changes.hs -t gfm --wrap=none --template tools/changes_template.html | sed -e 's/\\#/#/g' | pbcopy dist: man/pandoc.1 cabal sdist rm -rf "pandoc-${version}" tar xvzf dist/pandoc-${version}.tar.gz cd pandoc-${version} stack setup && stack test && cd .. && rm -rf "pandoc-${version}" check: checkdocs check-cabal checkdocs: ! grep -q -n -e "\t" MANUAL.txt debpkg: man/pandoc.1 docker run -v `pwd`:/mnt \ -v `pwd`/linux/artifacts:/artifacts \ -e REVISION=$(REVISION) \ -w /mnt \ utdemir/ghc-musl:v12-libgmp-ghc8101 bash \ /mnt/linux/ man/pandoc.1: MANUAL.txt man/pandoc.1.before man/pandoc.1.after pandoc $< -f markdown -t man -s \ --lua-filter man/manfilter.lua \ --include-before-body man/pandoc.1.before \ --include-after-body man/pandoc.1.after \ --metadata author="" \ --variable footer="pandoc $(version)" \ -o $@ README.template MANUAL.txt tools/update-readme.lua pandoc --lua-filter tools/update-readme.lua \ --reference-location=section -t gfm $< -o $@ project.nix: pandoc.cabal nix-shell --pure -p cabal2nix --run "cabal2nix ." > $@ nix-shell: project.nix nix-shell --attr env release.nix download_stats: curl | \ jq -r '.[] | .assets | .[] | "\(.download_count)\t\(.name)"' pandoc-templates: rm ../pandoc-templates/default.* ; \ cp data/templates/* ../pandoc-templates/ ; \ pushd ../pandoc-templates/ && \ git add * && \ git commit -m "Updated templates for pandoc $(version)" && \ popd trypandoc: ssh -t macfarlane 'cd src/pandoc && git pull && stack install --flag pandoc:trypandoc --flag pandoc:embed_data_files && cd trypandoc && sudo make install' update-website: make -C $(WEBSITE) update make -C $(WEBSITE) make -C $(WEBSITE) upload clean: stack clean check-cabal: git-files.txt sdist-files.txt echo "Checking to see if all committed test/data files are in sdist." diff -u $^ sdist-files.txt: .FORCE cabal sdist --list-only | sed 's/\.\///' | grep '^\(test\|data\)\/' | sort > $@ git-files.txt: .FORCE git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | grep '^\(test\|data\)\/' | sort > $@ .PHONY: .FORCE deps quick full haddock install clean test bench changes_github dist prof download_stats reformat lint weigh doc/ pandoc-templates trypandoc update-website debpkg checkdocs ghcid ghci fix_spacing hlint check check-cabal nix-shell