From 79f25fb9ce49659427c2fe690115e56c255e29e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Sulfrian Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:31:38 +0100 Subject: TWiki Reader: add basic syntax test --- tests/Tests/Old.hs | 3 + tests/twiki-reader.native | 174 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tests/twiki-reader.twiki | 221 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 398 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tests/twiki-reader.native create mode 100644 tests/twiki-reader.twiki (limited to 'tests') diff --git a/tests/Tests/Old.hs b/tests/Tests/Old.hs index 8a256b761..0f7b33dd1 100644 --- a/tests/Tests/Old.hs +++ b/tests/Tests/Old.hs @@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ tests = [ testGroup "markdown" , test "formatting" ["-r", "epub", "-w", "native"] "epub/formatting.epub" "epub/formatting.native" ] + , testGroup "twiki" + [ test "reader" ["-r", "twiki", "-w", "native", "-s"] + "twiki-reader.twiki" "twiki-reader.native" ] , testGroup "other writers" $ map (\f -> testGroup f $ writerTests f) [ "opendocument" , "context" , "texinfo", "icml" , "man" , "plain" , "rtf", "org", "asciidoc" diff --git a/tests/twiki-reader.native b/tests/twiki-reader.native new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bde55a378 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/twiki-reader.native @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []}) +[Header 1 ("header",[],[]) [Str "header"] +,Header 2 ("header-level-two",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "two"] +,Header 3 ("header-level-3",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "3"] +,Header 4 ("header-level-four",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Emph [Str "level"],Space,Str "four"] +,Header 5 ("header-level-5",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "5"] +,Header 6 ("header-level-6",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "6"] +,Para [Str "---+++++++",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "header"] +,Para [Str "--++",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "header"] +,Header 1 ("emph-and-strong",[],[]) [Str "emph",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "strong"] +,Para [Emph [Str "emph"],Space,Strong [Str "strong"]] +,Para [Emph [Strong [Str "strong",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "emph"]]] +,Para [Strong [Emph [Str "emph",Space,Str "inside"],Space,Str "strong"]] +,Para [Strong [Str "strong",Space,Str "with",Space,Emph [Str "emph"]]] +,Para [Emph [Strong [Str "strong",Space,Str "inside"],Space,Str "emph"]] +,Header 1 ("horizontal-rule",[],[]) [Str "horizontal",Space,Str "rule"] +,Para [Str "top"] +,HorizontalRule +,Para [Str "bottom"] +,HorizontalRule +,Header 1 ("nop",[],[]) [Str "nop"] +,Para [Str "_not",Space,Str "emph_"] +,Header 1 ("entities",[],[]) [Str "entities"] +,Para [Str "hi",Space,Str "&",Space,Str "low"] +,Para [Str "hi",Space,Str "&",Space,Str "low"] +,Para [Str "G\246del"] +,Para [Str "\777\2730"] +,Header 1 ("comments",[],[]) [Str "comments"] +,Para [Str "inline",Space,Str "comment"] +,Para [Str "between",Space,Str "blocks"] +,Header 1 ("linebreaks",[],[]) [Str "linebreaks"] +,Para [Str "hi",LineBreak,Str "there"] +,Para [Str "hi",LineBreak,Space,Str "there"] +,Header 1 ("inline-code",[],[]) [Str "inline",Space,Str "code"] +,Para [Code ("",[],[]) "*\8594*",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "typed",Space,Code ("",["haskell"],[]) ">>="] +,Header 1 ("code-blocks",[],[]) [Str "code",Space,Str "blocks"] +,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "case xs of\n (_:_) -> reverse xs\n [] -> ['*']" +,CodeBlock ("",["haskell"],[]) "case xs of\n (_:_) -> reverse xs\n [] -> ['*']" +,Header 1 ("block-quotes",[],[]) [Str "block",Space,Str "quotes"] +,Para [Str "Regular",Space,Str "paragraph"] +,BlockQuote + [Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "block",Space,Str "quote."] + ,Para [Str "With",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "paragraphs."]] +,Para [Str "Nother",Space,Str "paragraph."] +,Header 1 ("external-links",[],[]) [Str "external",Space,Str "links"] +,Para [Link [Emph [Str "Google"],Space,Str "search",Space,Str "engine"] ("","")] +,Para [Link [Str ""] ("","")] +,Para [Link [Str ""] ("",""),Space,Link [Str ""] ("","")] +,Para [Link [Str "email",Space,Str "me"] ("","")] +,Para [Str ""] +,Para [Str ""] +,Para [Str ""] +,Para [Str ""] +,Para [Str ""] +,Para [Str ""] +,Header 1 ("lists",[],[]) [Str "lists"] +,BulletList + [[Plain [Str "Start",Space,Str "each",Space,Str "line"]] + ,[Plain [Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "asterisk",Space,Str "(*)."] + ,BulletList + [[Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "asterisks",Space,Str "gives",Space,Str "deeper"] + ,BulletList + [[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "deeper",Space,Str "levels."]]]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "Line",Space,Str "breaks",LineBreak,Str "don't",Space,Str "break",Space,Str "levels."]] + ,[Plain [Str "Continuations",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "also",Space,Str "possible"] + ,BulletList + [[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "do",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "break",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "flow"]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "Level",Space,Str "one"]]] +,Para [Str "Any",Space,Str "other",Space,Str "start",Space,Str "ends",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list."] +,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "Start",Space,Str "each",Space,Str "line"]] + ,[Plain [Str "with",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "number",Space,Str "(1.)."] + ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "number",Space,Str "signs",Space,Str "gives",Space,Str "deeper"] + ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "deeper"]] + ,[Plain [Str "levels."]]]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "Line",Space,Str "breaks",LineBreak,Str "don't",Space,Str "break",Space,Str "levels."]] + ,[Plain [Str "Blank",Space,Str "lines"]]] +,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "end",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "start",Space,Str "another."]]] +,Para [Str "Any",Space,Str "other",Space,Str "start",Space,Str "also",Space,Str "ends",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list."] +,DefinitionList + [([Str "item",Space,Str "1"], + [[Plain [Str "definition",Space,Str "1"]]]) + ,([Str "item",Space,Str "2"], + [[Plain [Str "definition",Space,Str "2-1",Space,Str "definition",Space,Str "2-2"]]]) + ,([Str "item",Space,Emph [Str "3"]], + [[Plain [Str "definition",Space,Emph [Str "3"]]]])] +,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "one"]] + ,[Plain [Str "two"] + ,BulletList + [[Plain [Str "two",Space,Str "point",Space,Str "one"]] + ,[Plain [Str "two",Space,Str "point",Space,Str "two"]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "three"] + ,DefinitionList + [([Str "three",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "one"], + [[Plain [Str "three",Space,Str "def",Space,Str "one"]]])]] + ,[Plain [Str "four"] + ,DefinitionList + [([Str "four",Space,Str "def",Space,Str "one"], + [[Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "continuation"]]])]] + ,[Plain [Str "five"] + ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1"] + ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1"]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "2"]]]]] +,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "other"] + ,OrderedList (1,UpperRoman,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "list"]] + ,[Plain [Str "styles"]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "are"] + ,OrderedList (1,LowerRoman,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "also"]] + ,[Plain [Str "possible"]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "all"] + ,OrderedList (1,LowerAlpha,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "the"]] + ,[Plain [Str "different"]] + ,[Plain [Str "styles"]]]] + ,[Plain [Str "are"] + ,OrderedList (1,UpperAlpha,DefaultDelim) + [[Plain [Str "implemented"]] + ,[Plain [Str "and"]] + ,[Plain [Str "supported"]]]]] +,Header 1 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "tables"] +,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0] + [[] + ,[]] + [[[Plain [Str "Orange"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]] + ,[[Plain [Str "Bread"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]]] + ,[[Plain [Str "Butter"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]] +,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0] + [[Plain [Str "Orange"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]] + [[[Plain [Str "Bread"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]]] + ,[[Plain [Strong [Str "Butter"]]] + ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]] +,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0] + [[Plain [Str "Orange"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]] + [[[Plain [Str "Bread",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "and",Space,Str "cheese"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Pie",LineBreak,LineBreak,Strong [Str "apple"],Space,Str "and",Space,Emph [Str "carrot"]]]]] +,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0] + [[] + ,[] + ,[]] + [[[Plain [Str "Orange"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]] + ,[Plain [Str "more"]]] + ,[[Plain [Str "Bread"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]] + ,[Plain [Str "more"]]] + ,[[Plain [Str "Butter"]] + ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]] + ,[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "more"]]]] +,Header 1 ("macros",[],[]) [Str "macros"] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) []] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str ""]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str "content with spaces"]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str "content with spaces"]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test")]) [Str "content with spaces"]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str "content with spaces ARG1=test"]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test")]) [Str "content with spaces"]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test"),("ARG2","test2")]) [Str ""]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test"),("ARG2","test2")]) [Str ""]] +,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test"),("ARG2","test2")]) [Str "multiline\ndoes also work"]]] diff --git a/tests/twiki-reader.twiki b/tests/twiki-reader.twiki new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51828ef80 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/twiki-reader.twiki @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +---+ header + +---++ header level two + +---+++ header level 3 + +---++++ header _level_ four + +---+++++ header level 5 + +---++++++ header level 6 + +---+++++++ not a header + + --++ not a header + +---+ emph and strong + +_emph_ *strong* + +__strong and emph__ + +*emph inside strong* + +*strong with emph* + +_strong inside emph_ + +---+ horizontal rule + +top +--- +bottom + +--- + +---+ nop + +_not emph_ + +---+ entities + +hi & low + +hi & low + +Gödel + +̉પ + +---+ comments + +inline comment + + + +between blocks + + + +---+ linebreaks + +hi%BR%there + +hi%BR% +there + +---+ inline code + +*→* =typed= >>= + +---+ code blocks + + +case xs of + (_:_) -> reverse xs + [] -> ['*'] + + + +case xs of + (_:_) -> reverse xs + [] -> ['*'] + + +---+ block quotes + +Regular paragraph +
+This is a block quote. + +With two paragraphs. +
+Nother paragraph. + +---+ external links + +[[][Google search engine]] + + + +[[]] [[]] + +[[][email me]] + +! + + + + + + + +! + + + + + +---+ lists + + * Start each line + * with an asterisk (*). + * More asterisks gives deeper + * and deeper levels. + * Line breaks%BR%don't break levels. + * Continuations + are also possible + * and do not break the list flow + * Level one +Any other start ends the list. + + 1. Start each line + 1. with a number (1.). + 1. More number signs gives deeper + 1. and deeper + 1. levels. + 1. Line breaks%BR%don't break levels. + 1. Blank lines + + 1. end the list and start another. +Any other start also +ends the list. + + $ item 1: definition 1 + $ item 2: definition 2-1 + definition 2-2 + $ item _3_: definition _3_ + + 1. one + 1. two + * two point one + * two point two + 1. three + $ three item one: three def one + 1. four + $ four def one: this + is a continuation + 1. five + 1. five sub 1 + 1. five sub 1 sub 1 + 1. five sub 2 + + 1. other + I. list + I. styles + 1. are + i. also + i. possible + 1. all + a. the + a. different + a. styles + 1. are + A. implemented + A. and + A. supported + +---+ tables + +|Orange|Apple| +|Bread|Pie| +|Butter|Ice cream| + +|*Orange*|*Apple*| +|Bread|Pie| +|*Butter*|Ice cream| + +|*Orange*|*Apple*| +|Bread%BR%%BR%and cheese|Pie%BR%%BR%*apple* and carrot| + +| Orange | Apple | more | +| Bread | Pie | more | +| Butter | Ice cream | and more | + +---+ macros + +%TEST% + +%TEST{}% + +%TEST{content with spaces}% + +%TEST{"content with spaces"}% + +%TEST{"content with spaces" ARG1="test"}% + +%TEST{content with spaces ARG1=test}% + +%TEST{ARG1=test content with spaces}% + +%TEST{ARG1=test ARG2=test2}% + +%TEST{ARG1="test" ARG2="test2"}% + +%TEST{ARG1="test" +ARG2="test2" +multiline +does also work}% -- cgit v1.2.3