path: root/data/templates
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-09-25LaTeX, ConTeXt templates: more specific language variables.John MacFarlane1-6/+7
Instead of directly using `lang`, we now use `babel-lang` and `polyglossia-lang` and `context-lang`. These variables are set by the writers to the necessary values, based on the `lang` variable (which now always takes a value in BCP47 format).
2015-08-11LaTeX template: reverted change in abstract position.John MacFarlane1-6/+5
2015-08-11Revert "LaTeX template: move abstract to before `\maketitle`."John MacFarlane1-5/+8
This reverts commit aa08b4cd677b975cf63c451a3414df447e31b55c.
2015-08-09LaTeX template: move abstract to before `\maketitle`.John MacFarlane1-8/+5
See http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/139469/to-have-abstract-in-the-docu ment-class-revtex
2015-07-06ConTeXt template: activate hanging indent for definition lists.John MacFarlane1-7/+7
2015-06-27Updated LaTeX template: `CJKoptions` variable, allow dvipsnames for colors.John MacFarlane1-7/+7
Thanks to Xavier Olive. The addition of the `CJKoptions` variable allows one to set (e.g.) a bigger font size for Asian fonts than latin ones. Including dvipsnames allows specifying colors like MidnightBlue for link colors. This brings in a dependency on the color package, but it is a standard package and required anyway by graphics.
2015-06-13Added CJKmainfont to latex template (Xavier Olive).John MacFarlane1-7/+7
2015-06-13epub templates: use 'author.role', not 'author.type'.John MacFarlane1-5/+8
2015-06-02Added default commonmark template.John MacFarlane1-11/+5
2015-05-27LaTeX template: Move hyperref before polyglossia.John MacFarlane1-5/+11
This avoids an error "Please load package hyperref before bidi package, and then try to run xelatex on your document again". See jgm/pandoc-templates #96.
2015-05-27LaTeX/beamer: added `setotherlanguages` in polyglossia.John MacFarlane1-5/+5
This uses an `otherlang` variable that takes a list of languages. As requseted in #2174.
2015-05-27Revealjs: allow 'center' to be set to false.John MacFarlane1-5/+5
2015-05-27Template changes.John MacFarlane1-9/+5
* Use polyglossia with xelatex in beamer (#85). * Provide `\tightlist` in beamer template (Anders Persson). * Add toccolor variable to control link color in toc (Kaixhin).
2015-05-11LaTeX, Beamer templates: use `bibliography` instead of `biblio-files`.John MacFarlane1-7/+8
Also use `\addbibresource` instead of `\bibliography` for biblatex. See #1661.
2015-05-10Fixed accidental reversion to earlier templates version.John MacFarlane1-7/+7
From last commit.
2015-05-09Improved warnings when image size can't be determined.John MacFarlane1-7/+7
Closes #1834.
2015-05-03LaTeX template: degrade gracefully if `\paragraph` not defined.John MacFarlane1-7/+7
2015-05-02latex template: use providecommand for tightlist.John MacFarlane1-6/+7
This avoids a conflict when memoir class is used. Thanks to Joseph Harriott.
2015-04-17Merge branch 'latex-tightlist' of https://github.com/jlduran/pandoc into ↵John MacFarlane1-7/+6
jlduran-latex-tightlist Conflicts: data/templates
2015-04-17LaTeX template: redefine `\paragraph`, `\subparagraph`...John MacFarlane1-6/+7
to behave more like section headers. Closes #1658.
2015-04-13LaTeX template: include grffile together with graphicx.John MacFarlane1-7/+6
This properly handles filenames containing spaces and dots. Closes #2074.
2015-04-12OpenDocument template: use `text:p` instead of `text:h` for title.John MacFarlane1-5/+8
Using `text:h` causes problems with numbering. Closes #2059. Thansk to @nkalvi for diagnosing this.
2015-04-07RST writer: better handling of raw latex inline.John MacFarlane1-7/+5
We use `` :raw-latex:`...` `` and add a definition for this role to the template. Closes #1961.
2015-04-07epub, epub3: added header-includes, include-before, include-after.John MacFarlane1-9/+6
Closes #1987.
2015-04-07reveal.js template: move custom css after theme.John MacFarlane1-7/+9
This allows custom css to modify themes, instead of being replaced by themes.
2015-03-31reveal.js template: add new configurable options.John MacFarlane1-5/+8
(Dmitry Smirnov, jgm/pandoc-templates#89) * Made option "center" configurable. * Added new options "maxScale" and "slideNumber". * Added comments to existing options.
2015-02-16Fixed revealjs template so style css is correctly included.John MacFarlane1-8/+5
Closes #1949.
2015-01-20revealjs template - link to non-minified css, js.John MacFarlane1-7/+7
The minified versions no longer ship with the library.
2014-12-28EPUB templates: use div, not p, for "rights" on title page.John MacFarlane1-6/+7
2014-11-17Really fix #1758. Add `id="cover"` to body on cover page.John MacFarlane1-5/+7
Not title page!
2014-11-16Removed extra body tag from epub3 template.John MacFarlane1-7/+5
This fixes a bug introduced by the previous fix.
2014-11-16epub, epub3 templates: Added id="cover" to body of titlepage.John MacFarlane1-6/+6
This aids styling, making it possible for example to set 0 margins on the title page. Closes jgm/pandoc#1758.
2014-09-27LaTeX template: Add shorthands=off to babel options.John MacFarlane1-7/+6
Closes #1648.
2014-09-26LaTeX template: load polyglossia before bibtex.John MacFarlane1-8/+7
Fixes jgm/pandoc-templates#70. Thanks to bluebirch.
2014-09-09LaTeX template: Added \VerbatimFootnotes if there is verbatim in notes.John MacFarlane1-26/+7
Fixes a bug when there is verbatim inside notes. Closes #1616.
2014-09-01LaTeX writer: Use a declaration for tight listsJose Luis Duran1-29/+0
Currently, pandoc has hard-coded the following in order to make tight lists in LaTeX: ```hs text "\\itemsep1pt\\parskip0pt\\parsep0pt" ``` Which is fine, but does not allow customizations. For example, the `memoir` class already has a `\tightlist` declaration for this purpose: ```tex \newcommand{\tightlist}{% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} ``` I'm proposing to use a similar solution: ```diff @@ In Writers/LaTeX.hs: -then text "\\itemsep1pt\\parskip0pt\\parsep0pt" +then text "\\tightlist" @@ In templates/default.latex: +\newcommand{\tightlist}{% + \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}\setlength{\parsep}{0pt}} ``` This allows us to customize the tightness to our needs. Backward Compatibility If a person is using a custom LaTeX template (not based upon the `memoir` class), the `\tightlist` declaration must be added.
2014-08-31EPUB, EPUB3 templates: Handle structured metadata on titlepage.John MacFarlane1-6/+27
Previously we just expected 'title', 'subtitle', 'author', 'date'. Now we still support those, but also support the format recommended for epub metadata in the pandoc README: --- title: - type: main text: My Book - type: subtitle text: An investigation of metadata creator: - role: author text: John Smith - role: editor text: Sarah Jones identifier: - scheme: DOI text: doi:10.234234.234/33 publisher: My Press rights: (c) 2007 John Smith, CC BY-NC ...
2014-08-20LaTeX template: disable microtype protrusion for typewriter font.John MacFarlane1-5/+7
Closes #1549. Thanks to lemzwerg.
2014-08-17Fixed typo in templates README.John MacFarlane1-7/+5
2014-08-16Updated README in templates to indicate templates license.John MacFarlane1-5/+7
The templates are duel licensed, BSD3 and GPL2+.
2014-08-13EPUB3 template: add epub:type annotation in titlepage.John MacFarlane1-8/+5
2014-08-12Docx Reader: Trim line breaks from the beginning and end of SectionJesse Rosenthal1-5/+8
Headers. We might also want to do this elsewhere (for pars, for example).
2014-08-12epub3 template: Put title page in section with epub:type titlepage.John MacFarlane1-8/+5
2014-07-20Include `lot` and `lof` variables in latex template.John MacFarlane1-5/+8
These can be set to get `\listoftables` and `\listoffigures`. Closes #1407. At this point we won't add a command line argument, because this only affects one writer. But the variables can be set at the command line with -Vlof -Vlot or in YAML metadata.
2014-07-08Added type attribute to link tags in epub3 template.John MacFarlane1-8/+5
They are supposed to be only "advisory" in HTML5, but apparently kindlegen needs them.
2014-06-28Updated to latest version of jgm/pandoc-templates - including default.dokuwikiClare Macrae1-5/+8
2014-06-28Updated to latest version of jgm/pandoc-templatesClare Macrae1-8/+5
2013-07-14Initial work to create dokuwiki writer (#386)Clare Macrae1-7/+7
In this first version, all dokuwiki files are straight copies of the media wiki counterparts.
2013-07-04default.latex: Use tex-ansi mapping for monofont.John MacFarlane1-6/+7
This ensures that straight quotes appear as straight, rather than being treated as curly. See #889.
2013-06-27Man writer: give more fine-grained control in template.John MacFarlane1-7/+6
Now the `title`, `section`, `header`, and `footer` can all be set individually in metadata. The `description` variable has been removed. Quotes have been added so that spaces are allowed in the title. If you have a title that begins COMMAND(1) footer here | header here pandoc will parse it as before into a title, section, header, and footer. But you can also specify these elements explicitly. Closes #885.