path: root/tests/Tests/Writers/Docx.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/Tests/Writers/Docx.hs')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Writers/Docx.hs b/tests/Tests/Writers/Docx.hs
index 8dba0ea55..31fc3a47b 100644
--- a/tests/Tests/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/tests/Tests/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -13,120 +13,137 @@ import System.FilePath ((</>))
type Options = (WriterOptions, ReaderOptions)
compareOutput :: Options
- -> FilePath
- -> IO (Pandoc, Pandoc)
-compareOutput opts nativeFile = do
- nf <- Prelude.readFile nativeFile
+ -> FilePath
+ -> FilePath
+ -> IO (Pandoc, Pandoc)
+compareOutput opts nativeFileIn nativeFileOut = do
+ nf <- Prelude.readFile nativeFileIn
+ nf' <- Prelude.readFile nativeFileOut
let wopts = fst opts
df <- writeDocx wopts{writerUserDataDir = Just (".." </> "data")}
(handleError $ readNative nf)
let (p, _) = handleError $ readDocx (snd opts) df
- return (p, handleError $ readNative nf)
+ return (p, handleError $ readNative nf')
-testCompareWithOptsIO :: Options -> String -> FilePath -> IO Test
-testCompareWithOptsIO opts name nativeFile = do
- (dp, np) <- compareOutput opts nativeFile
+testCompareWithOptsIO :: Options -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Test
+testCompareWithOptsIO opts name nativeFileIn nativeFileOut = do
+ (dp, np) <- compareOutput opts nativeFileIn nativeFileOut
return $ test id name (dp, np)
-testCompareWithOpts :: Options -> String -> FilePath -> Test
-testCompareWithOpts opts name nativeFile =
- buildTest $ testCompareWithOptsIO opts name nativeFile
+testCompareWithOpts :: Options -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Test
+testCompareWithOpts opts name nativeFileIn nativeFileOut =
+ buildTest $ testCompareWithOptsIO opts name nativeFileIn nativeFileOut
-testCompare :: String -> FilePath -> Test
-testCompare = testCompareWithOpts def
+roundTripCompareWithOpts :: Options -> String -> FilePath -> Test
+roundTripCompareWithOpts opts name nativeFile =
+ testCompareWithOpts opts name nativeFile nativeFile
+-- testCompare :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Test
+-- testCompare = testCompareWithOpts def
+roundTripCompare :: String -> FilePath -> Test
+roundTripCompare = roundTripCompareWithOpts def
tests :: [Test]
tests = [ testGroup "inlines"
- [ testCompare
+ [ roundTripCompare
"font formatting"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"font formatting with character styles"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"inline image"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"inline image in links"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"handling unicode input"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"literal tabs"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"normalizing inlines"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"normalizing inlines deep inside blocks"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"move trailing spaces outside of formatting"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"inline code (with VerbatimChar style)"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"inline code in subscript and superscript"
, testGroup "blocks"
- [ testCompare
+ [ roundTripCompare
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"headers already having auto identifiers"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"numbered headers automatically made into list"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"i18n blocks (headers and blockquotes)"
-- Continuation does not survive round-trip
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"definition lists"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"custom defined lists in styles"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"footnotes and endnotes"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"blockquotes (parsing indent as blockquote)"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"hanging indents"
-- tables headers do not survive round-trip, should look into that
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"tables with lists in cells"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"code block"
- , testCompare
+ , roundTripCompare
"dropcap paragraphs"
, testGroup "metadata"
- [ testCompareWithOpts (def,def{readerStandalone=True})
+ [ roundTripCompareWithOpts (def,def{readerStandalone=True})
"metadata fields"
- , testCompareWithOpts (def,def{readerStandalone=True})
+ , roundTripCompareWithOpts (def,def{readerStandalone=True})
"stop recording metadata with normal text"
+ , testGroup "customized styles"
+ [ testCompareWithOpts
+ ( def{writerReferenceDocx=Just "docx/custom-style-reference.docx"}
+ , def)
+ "simple customized blocks and inlines"
+ "docx/custom-style-roundtrip-start.native"
+ "docx/custom-style-roundtrip-end.native"
+ ]