path: root/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua b/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
index ba6d2a1df..173c9bb29 100644
--- a/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
+++ b/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
@@ -98,6 +98,126 @@ return {
assert.are_equal(count, 3)
+ group "Block elements" {
+ group "BulletList" {
+ test('access items via property `content`', function ()
+ local para = pandoc.Para 'one'
+ local blist = pandoc.BulletList{{para}}
+ assert.are_same({{para}}, blist.content)
+ end),
+ test('property `content` uses fuzzy marshalling', function ()
+ local old = pandoc.Plain 'old'
+ local new = pandoc.Plain 'new'
+ local blist = pandoc.BulletList{{old}}
+ blist.content = {{new}}
+ assert.are_same({{new}}, blist:clone().content)
+ blist.content = new
+ assert.are_same({{new}}, blist:clone().content)
+ end),
+ },
+ group "OrderedList" {
+ test('access items via property `content`', function ()
+ local para = pandoc.Plain 'one'
+ local olist = pandoc.OrderedList{{para}}
+ assert.are_same({{para}}, olist.content)
+ end),
+ test('forgiving constructor', function ()
+ local plain = pandoc.Plain 'old'
+ local olist = pandoc.OrderedList({plain}, {3, 'Example', 'Period'})
+ local listAttribs = pandoc.ListAttributes(3, 'Example', 'Period')
+ assert.are_same(olist.listAttributes, listAttribs)
+ end),
+ test('has list attribute aliases', function ()
+ local olist = pandoc.OrderedList({}, {4, 'Decimal', 'OneParen'})
+ assert.are_equal(olist.start, 4)
+ assert.are_equal(olist.style, 'Decimal')
+ assert.are_equal(olist.delimiter, 'OneParen')
+ end)
+ },
+ group 'DefinitionList' {
+ test('access items via property `content`', function ()
+ local deflist = pandoc.DefinitionList{
+ {'apple', {{pandoc.Plain 'fruit'}, {pandoc.Plain 'company'}}},
+ {pandoc.Str 'coffee', 'Best when hot.'}
+ }
+ assert.are_equal(#deflist.content, 2)
+ assert.are_same(deflist.content[1][1], {pandoc.Str 'apple'})
+ assert.are_same(deflist.content[1][2][2],
+ {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'company'}})
+ assert.are_same(deflist.content[2][2],
+ {{pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'Best when hot.'}}})
+ end),
+ test('modify items via property `content`', function ()
+ local deflist = pandoc.DefinitionList{
+ {'apple', {{{'fruit'}}, {{'company'}}}}
+ }
+ deflist.content[1][1] = pandoc.Str 'orange'
+ deflist.content[1][2][1] = {pandoc.Plain 'tasty fruit'}
+ local newlist = pandoc.DefinitionList{
+ { {pandoc.Str 'orange'},
+ {{pandoc.Plain 'tasty fruit'}, {pandoc.Plain 'company'}}
+ }
+ }
+ assert.are_equal(deflist, newlist)
+ end),
+ },
+ group 'Para' {
+ test('access inline via property `content`', function ()
+ local para = pandoc.Para{'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), 'Sylt!'}
+ assert.are_same(
+ para.content,
+ {pandoc.Str 'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'Sylt!'}
+ )
+ end),
+ test('modifying `content` changes the element', function ()
+ local para = pandoc.Para{'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'Sylt!'}
+ para.content[3] = 'Hamburg!'
+ assert.are_same(
+ para:clone().content,
+ {pandoc.Str 'Moin, ', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'Hamburg!'}
+ )
+ para.content = 'Huh'
+ assert.are_same(
+ para:clone().content,
+ {pandoc.Str 'Huh'}
+ )
+ end),
+ },
+ group 'LineBlock' {
+ test('access lines via property `content`', function ()
+ local spc = pandoc.Space()
+ local lineblock = pandoc.LineBlock{
+ {'200', spc, 'Main', spc, 'St.'},
+ {'Berkeley', spc, 'CA', spc, '94718'}
+ }
+ assert.are_equal(#lineblock.content, 2) -- has two lines
+ assert.are_same(lineblock.content[2][1], pandoc.Str 'Berkeley')
+ end),
+ test('modifying `content` alter the element', function ()
+ local spc = pandoc.Space()
+ local lineblock = pandoc.LineBlock{
+ {'200', spc, 'Main', spc, 'St.'},
+ {'Berkeley', spc, 'CA', spc, '94718'}
+ }
+ lineblock.content[1][1] = '404'
+ assert.are_same(
+ lineblock:clone().content[1],
+ {pandoc.Str '404', spc, pandoc.Str 'Main', spc, pandoc.Str 'St.'}
+ )
+ lineblock.content = {{'line1'}, {'line2'}}
+ assert.are_same(
+ lineblock:clone(),
+ pandoc.LineBlock{
+ {pandoc.Str 'line1'},
+ {pandoc.Str 'line2'}
+ }
+ )
+ end)
+ }
+ },
group 'HTML-like attribute tables' {
test('in element constructor', function ()
local html_attributes = {