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1 files changed, 63 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 5e49c9cc5..a60f6f235 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -199,8 +199,23 @@ blockCommand = try $ do
inBrackets :: Inlines -> Inlines
inBrackets x = (str "[") <> x <> (str "]")
+-- eat an optional argument and one or more arguments in braces
+ignoreInlines :: String -> (String, LP Inlines)
+ignoreInlines name = (name, doraw <|> (mempty <$ optargs))
+ where optargs = optional opt *> skipMany (optional sp *> braced)
+ contseq = '\\':name
+ doraw = (rawInline "latex" . (contseq ++) . snd) <$>
+ (getState >>= guard . stateParseRaw >> (withRaw optargs))
+ignoreBlocks :: String -> (String, LP Blocks)
+ignoreBlocks name = (name, doraw <|> (mempty <$ optargs))
+ where optargs = optional opt *> skipMany (optional sp *> braced)
+ contseq = '\\':name
+ doraw = (rawBlock "latex" . (contseq ++) . snd) <$>
+ (getState >>= guard . stateParseRaw >> (withRaw optargs))
blockCommands :: M.Map String (LP Blocks)
-blockCommands = M.fromList
+blockCommands = M.fromList $
[ ("par", pure mempty)
, ("title", mempty <$ (tok >>= addTitle))
, ("subtitle", mempty <$ (tok >>= addSubtitle))
@@ -209,11 +224,7 @@ blockCommands = M.fromList
, ("address", mempty <$ (tok >>= addTitle))
, ("signature", mempty <$ authors)
, ("date", mempty <$ (tok >>= addDate))
- , ("maketitle", pure mempty)
- -- \ignore{} is used conventionally in literate haskell for definitions
- -- that are to be processed by the compiler but not printed.
- , ("ignore", mempty <$ tok)
- , ("hyperdef", mempty <$ (tok *> tok))
+ -- sectioning
, ("chapter", updateState (\s -> s{ stateHasChapters = True }) *> section 0)
, ("section", section 1)
, ("subsection", section 2)
@@ -221,23 +232,27 @@ blockCommands = M.fromList
, ("paragraph", section 4)
, ("subparagraph", section 5)
, ("opening", (para . trimInlines) <$> tok)
- , ("closing", (para . trimInlines) <$> tok)
+ , ("closing", closing)
, ("rule", optional opt *> tok *> tok *> pure horizontalRule)
, ("begin", mzero) -- these are here so they won't be interpreted as inline
, ("end", mzero)
, ("item", loose_item)
, ("documentclass", optional opt *> braced *> preamble)
- -- should be parsed by macro, but we need this
- -- here so these aren't parsed as inline
- , ("newcommand", mempty <$ (tok *> optional opt *> tok))
- , ("renewcommand", mempty <$ (tok *> optional opt *> tok))
- , ("newenvironment", mempty <$ (tok *> tok *> tok))
- , ("renewenvironment", mempty <$ (tok *> tok *> tok))
- , ("special", pure mempty)
- , ("pdfannot", pure mempty)
- , ("pdfstringdef", pure mempty)
- , ("index", pure mempty)
- , ("bibliography", pure mempty)
+ ] ++ map ignoreBlocks
+ -- these commands will be ignored unless --parse-raw is specified,
+ -- in which case they will appear as raw latex blocks
+ [ "newcommand", "renewcommand", "newenvironment", "renewenvironment"
+ -- newcommand, etc. should be parsed by macro, but we need this
+ -- here so these aren't parsed as inline commands to ignore
+ , "special", "pdfannot", "pdfstringdef"
+ , "bibliography", "maketitle", "makeindex", "makeglossary"
+ , "addcontentsline", "addtocontents", "addtocounter"
+ -- \ignore{} is used conventionally in literate haskell for definitions
+ -- that are to be processed by the compiler but not printed.
+ , "ignore"
+ , "hyperdef"
+ , "noindent"
+ , "markboth", "markright", "markleft"
addTitle :: Inlines -> LP ()
@@ -288,7 +303,7 @@ isBlockCommand :: String -> Bool
isBlockCommand s = maybe False (const True) $ M.lookup s blockCommands
inlineCommands :: M.Map String (LP Inlines)
-inlineCommands = M.fromList
+inlineCommands = M.fromList $
[ ("emph", emph <$> tok)
, ("textit", emph <$> tok)
, ("textsc", smallcaps <$> tok)
@@ -307,6 +322,8 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList
, ("(", mathInline $ manyTill anyChar (try $ string "\\)"))
, ("[", mathDisplay $ manyTill anyChar (try $ string "\\]"))
, ("ensuremath", mathInline $ braced)
+ , ("P", lit "¶")
+ , ("S", lit "§")
, ("$", lit "$")
, ("%", lit "%")
, ("&", lit "&")
@@ -339,7 +356,6 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList
, ("pounds", lit "£")
, ("euro", lit "€")
, ("copyright", lit "©")
- , ("sect", lit "§")
, ("`", option (str "`") $ try $ tok >>= accent grave)
, ("'", option (str "'") $ try $ tok >>= accent acute)
, ("^", option (str "^") $ try $ tok >>= accent hat)
@@ -352,6 +368,7 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList
, (",", pure mempty)
, ("@", pure mempty)
, (" ", lit "\160")
+ , ("ps", pure $ str "PS." <> space)
, ("bar", lit "|")
, ("textless", lit "<")
, ("textgreater", lit ">")
@@ -417,7 +434,10 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList
, ("citeauthor", (try (tok *> optional sp *> controlSeq "citetext") *>
complexNatbibCitation AuthorInText)
<|> citation AuthorInText False)
- ]
+ ] ++ map ignoreInlines
+ -- these commands will be ignored unless --parse-raw is specified,
+ -- in which case they will appear as raw latex blocks:
+ [ "index" ]
unescapeURL :: String -> String
unescapeURL ('\\':x:xs) | isEscapable x = x:unescapeURL xs
@@ -573,7 +593,8 @@ handleIncludes ('\\':xs) =
yss <- mapM getfile fs
(intercalate "\n" yss ++) `fmap`
handleIncludes rest
- _ -> case runParser verbatimEnv defaultParserState "input" ('\\':xs) of
+ _ -> case runParser (verbCmd <|> verbatimEnv) defaultParserState
+ "input" ('\\':xs) of
Right (r, rest) -> (r ++) `fmap` handleIncludes rest
_ -> ('\\':) `fmap` handleIncludes xs
handleIncludes (x:xs) = (x:) `fmap` handleIncludes xs
@@ -589,6 +610,15 @@ include = do
else map (flip replaceExtension ".sty") fs
return (fs', rest)
+verbCmd :: LP (String, String)
+verbCmd = do
+ (_,r) <- withRaw $ do
+ controlSeq "verb"
+ c <- anyChar
+ manyTill anyChar (char c)
+ rest <- getInput
+ return (r, rest)
verbatimEnv :: LP (String, String)
verbatimEnv = do
(_,r) <- withRaw $ do
@@ -659,12 +689,19 @@ letter_contents = do
-- add signature (author) and address (title)
let addr = case stateTitle st of
[] -> mempty
- x -> para $ fromList x
+ x -> para $ trimInlines $ fromList x
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ stateAuthors = [], stateTitle = [] }
+ return $ addr <> bs -- sig added by \closing
+closing :: LP Blocks
+closing = do
+ contents <- tok
+ st <- getState
let sigs = case stateAuthors st of
[] -> mempty
- xs -> para $ fromList $ intercalate [LineBreak] xs
- updateState $ \s -> s{ stateAuthors = [], stateTitle = [] }
- return $ addr <> bs <> sigs
+ xs -> para $ trimInlines $ fromList
+ $ intercalate [LineBreak] xs
+ return $ para (trimInlines contents) <> sigs
item :: LP Blocks
item = blocks *> controlSeq "item" *> optional opt *> blocks