path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
index 474bda3de..78b377993 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
@@ -94,13 +95,14 @@ readHtml opts inp = do
Left err -> throwError $ PandocParseError $ getError err
replaceNotes :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> TagParser m [Block]
-replaceNotes = walkM replaceNotes'
+replaceNotes bs = do
+ st <- getState
+ return $ walk (replaceNotes' (noteTable st)) bs
-replaceNotes' :: PandocMonad m => Inline -> TagParser m Inline
-replaceNotes' (RawInline (Format "noteref") ref) = maybe (Str "") (Note . B.toList) . lookup ref <$> getNotes
- where
- getNotes = noteTable <$> getState
-replaceNotes' x = return x
+replaceNotes' :: [(String, Blocks)] -> Inline -> Inline
+replaceNotes' noteTbl (RawInline (Format "noteref") ref) =
+ maybe (Str "") (Note . B.toList) $ lookup ref noteTbl
+replaceNotes' _ x = x
data HTMLState =
@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ type TagParser m = HTMLParser m [Tag Text]
pHtml :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
pHtml = try $ do
- (TagOpen "html" attr) <- lookAhead pAnyTag
+ (TagOpen "html" attr) <- lookAhead pAny
for_ (lookup "lang" attr) $
updateState . B.setMeta "lang" . B.text . T.unpack
pInTags "html" block
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ pBody :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
pBody = pInTags "body" block
pHead :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
-pHead = pInTags "head" $ pTitle <|> pMetaTag <|> pBaseTag <|> (mempty <$ pAnyTag)
+pHead = pInTags "head" $ pTitle <|> pMetaTag <|> pBaseTag <|> (mempty <$ pAny)
where pTitle = pInTags "title" inline >>= setTitle . trimInlines
setTitle t = mempty <$ updateState (B.setMeta "title" t)
pMetaTag = do
@@ -216,15 +218,16 @@ eCase = do
let attr = toStringAttr attr'
case flip lookup namespaces =<< lookup "required-namespace" attr of
Just p -> Just <$> pInTags "case" (skipMany pBlank *> p <* skipMany pBlank)
- Nothing -> Nothing <$ manyTill pAnyTag (pSatisfy (matchTagClose "case"))
+ Nothing -> Nothing <$ manyTill pAny (pSatisfy (matchTagClose "case"))
eFootnote :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m ()
eFootnote = try $ do
let notes = ["footnote", "rearnote"]
guardEnabled Ext_epub_html_exts
- (TagOpen tag attr') <- lookAhead pAnyTag
+ (TagOpen tag attr') <- lookAhead pAny
let attr = toStringAttr attr'
- guard $ maybe False (`elem` notes) (lookup "type" attr)
+ guard $ maybe False (`elem` notes)
+ (lookup "type" attr <|> lookup "epub:type" attr)
let ident = fromMaybe "" (lookup "id" attr)
content <- pInTags tag block
addNote ident content
@@ -235,20 +238,26 @@ addNote uid cont = updateState (\s -> s {noteTable = (uid, cont) : noteTable s})
eNoteref :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Inlines
eNoteref = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_epub_html_exts
- TagOpen tag attr' <- lookAhead pAnyTag
- let attr = toStringAttr attr'
- guard $ lookup "type" attr == Just "noteref"
- let ident = maybe "" (dropWhile (== '#')) (lookup "href" attr)
- guard (not (null ident))
- pInTags tag block
+ TagOpen tag attr <-
+ pSatisfy (\case
+ TagOpen _ as
+ -> (lookup "type" as <|> lookup "epub:type" as)
+ == Just "noteref"
+ _ -> False)
+ ident <- case T.unpack <$> lookup "href" attr of
+ Just ('#':rest) -> return rest
+ _ -> mzero
+ _ <- manyTill pAny (pSatisfy (\case
+ TagClose t -> t == tag
+ _ -> False))
return $ B.rawInline "noteref" ident
-- Strip TOC if there is one, better to generate again
eTOC :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m ()
eTOC = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_epub_html_exts
- (TagOpen tag attr) <- lookAhead pAnyTag
- guard $ lookup "type" attr == Just "toc"
+ (TagOpen tag attr) <- lookAhead pAny
+ guard $ (lookup "type" attr <|> lookup "epub:type" attr) == Just "toc"
void (pInTags tag block)
pList :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
@@ -357,7 +366,7 @@ fixPlains inList bs = if any isParaish bs'
pRawTag :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Text
pRawTag = do
- tag <- pAnyTag
+ tag <- pAny
let ignorable x = x `elem` ["html","head","body","!DOCTYPE","?xml"]
if tagOpen ignorable (const True) tag || tagClose ignorable tag
then return mempty
@@ -414,13 +423,14 @@ ignore raw = do
pHtmlBlock :: PandocMonad m => Text -> TagParser m Text
pHtmlBlock t = try $ do
open <- pSatisfy (matchTagOpen t [])
- contents <- manyTill pAnyTag (pSatisfy (matchTagClose t))
+ contents <- manyTill pAny (pSatisfy (matchTagClose t))
return $ renderTags' $ [open] <> contents <> [TagClose t]
-- Sets chapter context
eSection :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
eSection = try $ do
- let matchChapter as = maybe False (T.isInfixOf "chapter") (lookup "type" as)
+ let matchChapter as = maybe False (T.isInfixOf "chapter")
+ (lookup "type" as <|> lookup "epub:type" as)
let sectTag = tagOpen (`elem` sectioningContent) matchChapter
TagOpen tag _ <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy sectTag
setInChapter (pInTags tag block)
@@ -439,7 +449,8 @@ headerLevel tagtype =
eTitlePage :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m ()
eTitlePage = try $ do
- let isTitlePage as = maybe False (T.isInfixOf "titlepage") (lookup "type" as)
+ let isTitlePage as = maybe False (T.isInfixOf "titlepage")
+ (lookup "type" as <|> lookup "epub:type" as)
let groupTag = tagOpen (\x -> x `elem` groupingContent || x == "section")
TagOpen tag _ <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy groupTag
@@ -605,7 +616,7 @@ pCodeBlock :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Blocks
pCodeBlock = try $ do
TagOpen _ attr' <- pSatisfy (matchTagOpen "pre" [])
let attr = toStringAttr attr'
- contents <- manyTill pAnyTag (pCloses "pre" <|> eof)
+ contents <- manyTill pAny (pCloses "pre" <|> eof)
let rawText = concatMap tagToString contents
-- drop leading newline if any
let result' = case rawText of
@@ -658,8 +669,8 @@ pSat f = do
pSatisfy :: PandocMonad m => (Tag Text -> Bool) -> TagParser m (Tag Text)
pSatisfy f = try $ optional pLocation >> pSat f
-pAnyTag :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m (Tag Text)
-pAnyTag = pSatisfy (const True)
+pAny :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m (Tag Text)
+pAny = pSatisfy (const True)
pSelfClosing :: PandocMonad m
=> (Text -> Bool) -> ([Attribute Text] -> Bool)
@@ -766,7 +777,7 @@ pCode :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Inlines
pCode = try $ do
(TagOpen open attr') <- pSatisfy $ tagOpen (`elem` ["code","tt"]) (const True)
let attr = toStringAttr attr'
- result <- manyTill pAnyTag (pCloses open)
+ result <- manyTill pAny (pCloses open)
return $ B.codeWith (mkAttr attr) $ unwords $ lines $ T.unpack $
innerText result
@@ -813,7 +824,7 @@ pScriptMath = try $ do
-> return $ "display" `T.isSuffixOf` x
_ -> mzero
contents <- T.unpack . innerText <$>
- manyTill pAnyTag (pSatisfy (matchTagClose "script"))
+ manyTill pAny (pSatisfy (matchTagClose "script"))
return $ (if isdisplay then B.displayMath else B.math) contents
pMath :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> TagParser m Inlines
@@ -824,7 +835,7 @@ pMath inCase = try $ do
let attr = toStringAttr attr'
unless inCase $
guard (maybe True (== mathMLNamespace) (lookup "xmlns" attr))
- contents <- manyTill pAnyTag (pSatisfy (matchTagClose "math"))
+ contents <- manyTill pAny (pSatisfy (matchTagClose "math"))
case mathMLToTeXMath (T.unpack $ renderTags $
[open] <> contents <> [TagClose "math"]) of
Left _ -> return $ B.spanWith ("",["math"],attr) $ B.text $
@@ -867,7 +878,7 @@ pCloses :: PandocMonad m => Text -> TagParser m ()
pCloses tagtype = try $ do
t <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy $ \tag -> isTagClose tag || isTagOpen tag
case t of
- (TagClose t') | t' == tagtype -> void pAnyTag
+ (TagClose t') | t' == tagtype -> void pAny
(TagOpen t' _) | t' `closes` tagtype -> return ()
(TagClose "ul") | tagtype == "li" -> return ()
(TagClose "ol") | tagtype == "li" -> return ()