path: root/src/Text
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
index 45970ad94..dbfbfff5b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
@@ -136,10 +136,11 @@ writeICML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
- renderMeta f s = fst <$> runStateT (f opts [] s) defaultWriterState
+ renderBlockMeta f s = fst <$> runStateT (f opts [] s) defaultWriterState
+ renderInlineMeta f s = fst <$> runStateT (f opts [] "" s) defaultWriterState
metadata <- metaToContext opts
- (renderMeta blocksToICML)
- (renderMeta inlinesToICML)
+ (renderBlockMeta blocksToICML)
+ (renderInlineMeta inlinesToICML)
(main, st) <- runStateT (blocksToICML opts [] blocks) defaultWriterState
let context = defField "body" main
@@ -266,9 +267,17 @@ charStylesToDoc st = vcat $ map makeStyle $ Set.toAscList $ inlineStyles st
-- | Escape colon characters as %3a
escapeColons :: Text -> Text
-escapeColons = Text.concatMap $ \x -> case x of
- ':' -> "%3a"
- _ -> Text.singleton x
+escapeColons txt = Text.replace ":" "%3a" txt
+-- | figure out the link destination for a given URL
+-- | HyperlinkURLDestination with more than one colon crashes CS6
+makeDest :: Text -> Doc Text
+makeDest txt = literal $
+ if "#" `Text.isPrefixOf` txt
+ then "HyperlinkTextDestination/" <> escTxt
+ else "HyperlinkURLDestination/" <> escTxt
+ where
+ escTxt = escapeColons $ escapeStringForXML txt
-- | Convert a list of (identifier, url) pairs to the ICML listing of hyperlinks.
hyperlinksToDoc :: Hyperlink -> Doc Text
@@ -277,13 +286,15 @@ hyperlinksToDoc (x:xs) = hyp x $$ hyperlinksToDoc xs
hyp (ident, url) = hdest $$ hlink
- hdest = selfClosingTag "HyperlinkURLDestination"
+ hdest = if "#" `Text.isPrefixOf` url
+ then empty
+ else selfClosingTag "HyperlinkURLDestination"
[("Self", "HyperlinkURLDestination/"<>escapeColons url), ("Name","link"), ("DestinationURL",url), ("DestinationUniqueKey","1")] -- HyperlinkURLDestination with more than one colon crashes CS6
hlink = inTags True "Hyperlink" [("Self","uf-"<>tshow ident), ("Name",url),
("Source","htss-"<>tshow ident), ("Visible","true"), ("DestinationUniqueKey","1")]
$ inTags True "Properties" []
$ inTags False "BorderColor" [("type","enumeration")] (text "Black")
- $$ inTags False "Destination" [("type","object")] (literal $ "HyperlinkURLDestination/"<>escapeColons (escapeStringForXML url)) -- HyperlinkURLDestination with more than one colon crashes CS6
+ $$ inTags False "Destination" [("type","object")] (makeDest url)
-- | Key for specifying user-defined styles
dynamicStyleKey :: Text
@@ -297,16 +308,16 @@ blocksToICML opts style lst = do
-- | Convert a Pandoc block element to ICML.
blockToICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> Block -> WS m (Doc Text)
-blockToICML opts style (Plain lst) = parStyle opts style lst
+blockToICML opts style (Plain lst) = parStyle opts style "" lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToICML opts style (Para img@[Image _ txt (_,Text.stripPrefix "fig:" -> Just _)]) = do
- figure <- parStyle opts (figureName:style) img
- caption <- parStyle opts (imgCaptionName:style) txt
+ figure <- parStyle opts (figureName:style) "" img
+ caption <- parStyle opts (imgCaptionName:style) "" txt
return $ intersperseBrs [figure, caption]
-blockToICML opts style (Para lst) = parStyle opts (paragraphName:style) lst
+blockToICML opts style (Para lst) = parStyle opts (paragraphName:style) "" lst
blockToICML opts style (LineBlock lns) =
blockToICML opts style $ linesToPara lns
-blockToICML opts style (CodeBlock _ str) = parStyle opts (codeBlockName:style) [Str str]
+blockToICML opts style (CodeBlock _ str) = parStyle opts (codeBlockName:style) "" [Str str]
blockToICML _ _ b@(RawBlock f str)
| f == Format "icml" = return $ literal str
| otherwise = do
@@ -316,12 +327,12 @@ blockToICML opts style (BlockQuote blocks) = blocksToICML opts (blockQuoteName:s
blockToICML opts style (OrderedList attribs lst) = listItemsToICML opts orderedListName style (Just attribs) lst
blockToICML opts style (BulletList lst) = listItemsToICML opts bulletListName style Nothing lst
blockToICML opts style (DefinitionList lst) = intersperseBrs `fmap` mapM (definitionListItemToICML opts style) lst
-blockToICML opts style (Header lvl (_, cls, _) lst) =
+blockToICML opts style (Header lvl (ident, cls, _) lst) =
let stl = (headerName <> tshow lvl <> unnumbered):style
unnumbered = if "unnumbered" `elem` cls
then " (unnumbered)"
else ""
- in parStyle opts stl lst
+ in parStyle opts stl ident lst
blockToICML _ _ HorizontalRule = return empty -- we could insert a page break instead
blockToICML opts style (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) =
let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
@@ -366,8 +377,8 @@ blockToICML opts style (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) =
, ("BodyRowCount", tshow nrRows)
, ("ColumnCount", tshow nrCols)
] (colDescs $$ cells)
- liftM2 ($$) tableDoc $ parStyle opts (tableCaptionName:style) caption
-blockToICML opts style (Div (_, _, kvs) lst) =
+ liftM2 ($$) tableDoc $ parStyle opts (tableCaptionName:style) "" caption
+blockToICML opts style (Div (_ident, _, kvs) lst) =
let dynamicStyle = maybeToList $ lookup dynamicStyleKey kvs
in blocksToICML opts (dynamicStyle <> style) lst
blockToICML _ _ Null = return empty
@@ -416,61 +427,65 @@ listItemToICML opts style isFirst attribs item =
definitionListItemToICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> ([Inline],[[Block]]) -> WS m (Doc Text)
definitionListItemToICML opts style (term,defs) = do
- term' <- parStyle opts (defListTermName:style) term
+ term' <- parStyle opts (defListTermName:style) "" term
defs' <- mapM (blocksToICML opts (defListDefName:style)) defs
return $ intersperseBrs (term' : defs')
-- | Convert a list of inline elements to ICML.
-inlinesToICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> [Inline] -> WS m (Doc Text)
-inlinesToICML opts style lst = vcat `fmap` mapM (inlineToICML opts style) (mergeStrings opts lst)
+inlinesToICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> Text -> [Inline] -> WS m (Doc Text)
+inlinesToICML opts style ident lst = vcat `fmap` mapM (inlineToICML opts style ident) (mergeStrings opts lst)
-- | Convert an inline element to ICML.
-inlineToICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> Inline -> WS m (Doc Text)
-inlineToICML _ style (Str str) = charStyle style $ literal $ escapeStringForXML str
-inlineToICML opts style (Emph lst) = inlinesToICML opts (emphName:style) lst
-inlineToICML opts style (Underline lst) = inlinesToICML opts (underlineName:style) lst
-inlineToICML opts style (Strong lst) = inlinesToICML opts (strongName:style) lst
-inlineToICML opts style (Strikeout lst) = inlinesToICML opts (strikeoutName:style) lst
-inlineToICML opts style (Superscript lst) = inlinesToICML opts (superscriptName:style) lst
-inlineToICML opts style (Subscript lst) = inlinesToICML opts (subscriptName:style) lst
-inlineToICML opts style (SmallCaps lst) = inlinesToICML opts (smallCapsName:style) lst
-inlineToICML opts style (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = inlinesToICML opts style $
+inlineToICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> Text -> Inline -> WS m (Doc Text)
+inlineToICML _ style ident (Str str) = charStyle style ident $ literal $ escapeStringForXML str
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Emph lst) = inlinesToICML opts (emphName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Underline lst) = inlinesToICML opts (underlineName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Strong lst) = inlinesToICML opts (strongName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Strikeout lst) = inlinesToICML opts (strikeoutName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Superscript lst) = inlinesToICML opts (superscriptName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Subscript lst) = inlinesToICML opts (subscriptName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (SmallCaps lst) = inlinesToICML opts (smallCapsName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = inlinesToICML opts style ident $
mergeStrings opts $ [Str "‘"] ++ lst ++ [Str "’"]
-inlineToICML opts style (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = inlinesToICML opts style $
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = inlinesToICML opts style ident $
mergeStrings opts $ [Str "“"] ++ lst ++ [Str "”"]
-inlineToICML opts style (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToICML opts (citeName:style) lst
-inlineToICML _ style (Code _ str) = charStyle (codeName:style) $ literal $ escapeStringForXML str
-inlineToICML _ style Space = charStyle style space
-inlineToICML opts style SoftBreak =
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToICML opts (citeName:style) ident lst
+inlineToICML _ style ident (Code _ str) = charStyle (codeName:style) ident $ literal $ escapeStringForXML str
+inlineToICML _ style ident Space = charStyle style ident space
+inlineToICML opts style ident SoftBreak =
case writerWrapText opts of
- WrapAuto -> charStyle style space
- WrapNone -> charStyle style space
- WrapPreserve -> charStyle style cr
-inlineToICML _ style LineBreak = charStyle style $ literal lineSeparator
-inlineToICML opts style (Math mt str) =
+ WrapAuto -> charStyle style ident space
+ WrapNone -> charStyle style ident space
+ WrapPreserve -> charStyle style ident cr
+inlineToICML _ style ident LineBreak = charStyle style ident $ literal lineSeparator
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Math mt str) =
lift (texMathToInlines mt str) >>=
- (fmap mconcat . mapM (inlineToICML opts style))
-inlineToICML _ _ il@(RawInline f str)
+ (fmap mconcat . mapM (inlineToICML opts style ident))
+inlineToICML _ _ _ il@(RawInline f str)
| f == Format "icml" = return $ literal str
| otherwise = do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return empty
-inlineToICML opts style (Link _ lst (url, title)) = do
- content <- inlinesToICML opts (linkName:style) lst
+inlineToICML opts style ident (Link _ lst (url, title)) = do
+ content <- inlinesToICML opts (linkName:style) ident lst
state $ \st ->
- let ident = if null $ links st
- then 1::Int
- else 1 + fst (head $ links st)
- newst = st{ links = (ident, url):links st }
+ let link_id = if null $ links st
+ then 1::Int
+ else 1 + fst (head $ links st)
+ newst = st{ links = (link_id, url):links st }
cont = inTags True "HyperlinkTextSource"
- [("Self","htss-"<>tshow ident), ("Name",title), ("Hidden","false")] content
+ [("Self","htss-"<>tshow link_id), ("Name",title), ("Hidden","false")] content
in (cont, newst)
-inlineToICML opts style (Image attr _ target) = imageICML opts style attr target
-inlineToICML opts style (Note lst) = footnoteToICML opts style lst
-inlineToICML opts style (Span (_, _, kvs) lst) =
+inlineToICML opts style _ident (Image attr _ target) = imageICML opts style attr target
+inlineToICML opts style _ (Note lst) = footnoteToICML opts style lst
+inlineToICML opts style _ (Span (ident, _, kvs) lst) =
let dynamicStyle = maybeToList $ lookup dynamicStyleKey kvs
- in inlinesToICML opts (dynamicStyle <> style) lst
+ in inlinesToICML opts (dynamicStyle <> style) ident lst
+-- ident will be the id of the span, that we need to use down in the hyperlink setter
+-- if T.null ident
+-- then
+-- else do
-- | Convert a list of block elements to an ICML footnote.
footnoteToICML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> [Block] -> WS m (Doc Text)
@@ -503,8 +518,8 @@ intersperseBrs :: [Doc Text] -> Doc Text
intersperseBrs = vcat . intersperse (selfClosingTag "Br" []) . filter (not . isEmpty)
-- | Wrap a list of inline elements in an ICML Paragraph Style
-parStyle :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> [Inline] -> WS m (Doc Text)
-parStyle opts style lst =
+parStyle :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Style -> Text -> [Inline] -> WS m (Doc Text)
+parStyle opts style ident lst =
let slipIn x y = if Text.null y
then x
else x <> " > " <> y
@@ -523,15 +538,36 @@ parStyle opts style lst =
in ("NumberingStartAt", i) : ats
else [attrs]
in do
- content <- inlinesToICML opts [] lst
+ content <- inlinesToICML opts [] ident lst
let cont = inTags True "ParagraphStyleRange" attrs' content
state $ \st -> (cont, st{ blockStyles = Set.insert stlStr $ blockStyles st })
+-- | Create the destination name
+makeDestName :: Text -> Text
+makeDestName name = "#" <> Text.replace " " "-" name
+-- | Create a HyperlinkTextDestination for a given identifier
+makeLinkDest :: Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
+makeLinkDest ident cont = vcat [
+ selfClosingTag "HyperlinkTextDestination"
+ [("Self", "HyperlinkTextDestination/"<>makeDestName ident), ("Name","Destination"), ("DestinationUniqueKey","1")]
+ , inTagsSimple "Content" $ flush cont
+ ]
+-- | Create the markup for the content (incl. named destinations)
+-- | NOTE: since we have no easy way to get actual named dests, we just create them for any short content blocks
+makeContent :: Text -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
+makeContent ident cont
+ | isEmpty cont = empty
+ | not (Text.null ident) = makeLinkDest ident cont
+ | otherwise = inTagsSimple "Content" $ flush cont
-- | Wrap a Doc in an ICML Character Style.
-charStyle :: PandocMonad m => Style -> Doc Text -> WS m (Doc Text)
-charStyle style content =
+charStyle :: PandocMonad m => Style -> Text -> Doc Text -> WS m (Doc Text)
+charStyle style ident content =
let (stlStr, attrs) = styleToStrAttr style
- doc = inTags True "CharacterStyleRange" attrs $ inTagsSimple "Content" $ flush content
+ doc = inTags True "CharacterStyleRange" attrs
+ $ makeContent ident content
state $ \st ->
let styles = if Text.null stlStr