path: root/src/Text
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
index 86f07d9c6..17ffe611c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@ writePowerpoint opts (Pandoc meta blks) = do
utctime <- P.getCurrentTime
+ presSize <- case getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive of
+ Just sz -> return sz
+ Nothing -> throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ "Could not determine presentation size"
let env = def { envMetadata = meta
, envRefArchive = refArchive
, envDistArchive = distArchive
@@ -90,6 +96,7 @@ writePowerpoint opts (Pandoc meta blks) = do
, envSlideLevel = case writerSlideLevel opts of
Just n -> n
Nothing -> getSlideLevel blks'
+ , envPresentationSize = presSize
let st = def { stMediaGlobalIds = initialGlobalIds refArchive distArchive
@@ -110,7 +117,7 @@ data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envMetadata :: Meta
, envDistArchive :: Archive
, envUTCTime :: UTCTime
, envOpts :: WriterOptions
- , envPresentationSize :: PresentationSize
+ , envPresentationSize :: (Integer, Integer)
, envSlideHasHeader :: Bool
, envInList :: Bool
, envInNoteSlide :: Bool
@@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ instance Default WriterEnv where
, envDistArchive = emptyArchive
, envUTCTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime 0
, envOpts = def
- , envPresentationSize = def
+ , envPresentationSize = (720, 540)
, envSlideHasHeader = False
, envInList = False
, envInNoteSlide = False
@@ -183,6 +190,19 @@ initialGlobalIds refArchive distArchive =
M.fromList $ mapMaybe go mediaPaths
+getPresentationSize :: Archive -> Archive -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
+getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive = do
+ entry <- findEntryByPath "ppt/presentation.xml" refArchive `mplus`
+ findEntryByPath "ppt/presentation.xml" distArchive
+ presElement <- parseXMLDoc $ UTF8.toStringLazy $ fromEntry entry
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces presElement
+ sldSize <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "sldSz") presElement
+ cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
+ cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
+ (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
+ (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
+ return (cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700)
type P m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
runP :: Monad m => WriterEnv -> WriterState -> P m a -> m a
@@ -190,28 +210,28 @@ runP env st p = evalStateT (runReaderT p env) st
type Pixels = Integer
-data Presentation = Presentation PresentationSize [Slide]
+data Presentation = Presentation [Slide]
deriving (Show)
-data PresentationSize = PresentationSize { presSizeWidth :: Pixels
- , presSizeRatio :: PresentationRatio
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- data PresentationSize = PresentationSize { presSizeWidth :: Pixels
+-- , presSizeRatio :: PresentationRatio
+-- }
+-- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data PresentationRatio = Ratio4x3
- | Ratio16x9
- | Ratio16x10
- deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- data PresentationRatio = Ratio4x3
+-- | Ratio16x9
+-- | Ratio16x10
+-- deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Note that right now we're only using Ratio4x3.
-getPageHeight :: PresentationSize -> Pixels
-getPageHeight sz = case presSizeRatio sz of
- Ratio4x3 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 4) * 3 :: Double)
- Ratio16x9 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 16) * 9 :: Double)
- Ratio16x10 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 16) * 10 :: Double)
+-- getPageHeight :: PresentationSize -> Pixels
+-- getPageHeight sz = case presSizeRatio sz of
+-- Ratio4x3 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 4) * 3 :: Double)
+-- Ratio16x9 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 16) * 9 :: Double)
+-- Ratio16x10 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 16) * 10 :: Double)
-instance Default PresentationSize where
- def = PresentationSize 720 Ratio4x3
+-- instance Default PresentationSize where
+-- def = PresentationSize 720 Ratio4x3
data Slide = MetadataSlide { metadataSlideTitle :: [ParaElem]
, metadataSlideSubtitle :: [ParaElem]
@@ -520,7 +540,7 @@ blockToShape (Para (il:_)) | Link _ (il':_) target <- il
Pic def{picPropLink = Just target} url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
blockToShape (Table caption algn _ hdrCells rows) = do
caption' <- inlinesToParElems caption
- pageWidth <- presSizeWidth <$> asks envPresentationSize
+ (pageWidth, _) <- asks envPresentationSize
hdrCells' <- rowToParagraphs algn hdrCells
rows' <- mapM (rowToParagraphs algn) rows
let tblPr = if null hdrCells
@@ -641,8 +661,6 @@ blocksToSlide blks = do
slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
blocksToSlide' slideLevel blks
makeNoteEntry :: Int -> [Block] -> [Block]
makeNoteEntry n blks =
let enum = Str (show n ++ ".")
@@ -763,9 +781,8 @@ blocksToPresentation blks = do
(blocksToSlide $ notesSlideBlocks)
return [notesSlide]
- presSize <- asks envPresentationSize
return $
- Presentation presSize $
+ Presentation $
metadataslides ++ tocSlides ++ bodyslides ++ notesSlides
@@ -829,7 +846,7 @@ requiredFiles = [ "_rels/.rels"
presentationToArchive :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Archive
-presentationToArchive p@(Presentation _ slides) = do
+presentationToArchive p@(Presentation slides) = do
filePaths <- patternsToFilePaths inheritedPatterns
-- make sure all required files are available:
@@ -1126,8 +1143,7 @@ makePicElement :: PandocMonad m
-> P m Element
makePicElement picProps mInfo attr = do
opts <- asks envOpts
- pageWidth <- presSizeWidth <$> asks envPresentationSize
- pageHeight <- getPageHeight <$> asks envPresentationSize
+ (pageWidth, pageHeight) <- asks envPresentationSize
hasHeader <- asks envSlideHasHeader
let hasCaption = mInfoCaption mInfo
(imgBytes, _) <- P.fetchItem (mInfoFilePath mInfo)
@@ -1621,7 +1637,7 @@ getRels = do
return $ mapMaybe elementToRel relElems
presentationToRels :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m [Relationship]
-presentationToRels (Presentation _ slides) = do
+presentationToRels (Presentation slides) = do
mySlideRels <- mapM (\(s, n) -> slideToPresRel s n) $ zip slides [1..]
rels <- getRels
let relsWithoutSlides = filter (\r -> relType r /= "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide") rels
@@ -1749,7 +1765,7 @@ slideToSldIdElement slide idNum = do
return $ mknode "p:sldId" [("id", id'), ("r:id", rId)] ()
presentationToSldIdLst :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Element
-presentationToSldIdLst (Presentation _ slides) = do
+presentationToSldIdLst (Presentation slides) = do
ids <- mapM (\(s,n) -> slideToSldIdElement s n) (zip slides [1..])
return $ mknode "p:sldIdLst" [] ids
@@ -1845,7 +1861,7 @@ mediaContentType mInfo
| otherwise = Nothing
presentationToContentTypes :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m ContentTypes
-presentationToContentTypes (Presentation _ slides) = do
+presentationToContentTypes (Presentation slides) = do
mediaInfos <- (mconcat . M.elems) <$> gets stMediaIds
filePaths <- patternsToFilePaths inheritedPatterns
let mediaFps = filter (match (compile "ppt/media/image*")) filePaths