path: root/src/Text
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index ad8d5c483..03689e95d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (texMathToInlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.XML (toHtml5Entities)
type Notes = [[Block]]
type Ref = (Doc, Target, Attr)
@@ -279,39 +280,44 @@ noteToMarkdown opts num blocks = do
-- | Escape special characters for Markdown.
escapeString :: WriterOptions -> String -> String
-escapeString _ [] = []
-escapeString opts (c:cs) =
- case c of
+escapeString opts =
+ (if writerPreferAscii opts
+ then T.unpack . toHtml5Entities . T.pack
+ else id) . go
+ where
+ go [] = []
+ go (c:cs) =
+ case c of
'<' | isEnabled Ext_all_symbols_escapable opts ->
- '\\' : '<' : escapeString opts cs
- | otherwise -> "&lt;" ++ escapeString opts cs
+ '\\' : '<' : go cs
+ | otherwise -> "&lt;" ++ go cs
'>' | isEnabled Ext_all_symbols_escapable opts ->
- '\\' : '>' : escapeString opts cs
- | otherwise -> "&gt;" ++ escapeString opts cs
+ '\\' : '>' : go cs
+ | otherwise -> "&gt;" ++ go cs
'@' | isEnabled Ext_citations opts ->
case cs of
| isAlphaNum d || d == '_'
- -> '\\':'@':escapeString opts cs
- _ -> '@':escapeString opts cs
+ -> '\\':'@':go cs
+ _ -> '@':go cs
_ | c `elem` ['\\','`','*','_','[',']','#'] ->
- '\\':c:escapeString opts cs
- '|' | isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts -> '\\':'|':escapeString opts cs
- '^' | isEnabled Ext_superscript opts -> '\\':'^':escapeString opts cs
+ '\\':c:go cs
+ '|' | isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts -> '\\':'|':go cs
+ '^' | isEnabled Ext_superscript opts -> '\\':'^':go cs
'~' | isEnabled Ext_subscript opts ||
- isEnabled Ext_strikeout opts -> '\\':'~':escapeString opts cs
- '$' | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_dollars opts -> '\\':'$':escapeString opts cs
- '\'' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'\'':escapeString opts cs
- '"' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'"':escapeString opts cs
+ isEnabled Ext_strikeout opts -> '\\':'~':go cs
+ '$' | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_dollars opts -> '\\':'$':go cs
+ '\'' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'\'':go cs
+ '"' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'"':go cs
'-' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts ->
case cs of
- '-':_ -> '\\':'-':escapeString opts cs
- _ -> '-':escapeString opts cs
+ '-':_ -> '\\':'-':go cs
+ _ -> '-':go cs
'.' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts ->
case cs of
- '.':'.':rest -> '\\':'.':'.':'.':escapeString opts rest
- _ -> '.':escapeString opts cs
- _ -> c : escapeString opts cs
+ '.':'.':rest -> '\\':'.':'.':'.':go rest
+ _ -> '.':go cs
+ _ -> c : go cs
-- | Construct table of contents from list of header blocks.
tableOfContents :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> MD m Doc
@@ -1069,12 +1075,18 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
return $ if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
then "'" <> contents <> "'"
- else "‘" <> contents <> "’"
+ else
+ if writerPreferAscii opts
+ then "&lsquo;" <> contents <> "&rsquo;"
+ else "‘" <> contents <> "’"
inlineToMarkdown opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
return $ if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
then "\"" <> contents <> "\""
- else "“" <> contents <> "”"
+ else
+ if writerPreferAscii opts
+ then "&ldquo;" <> contents <> "&rdquo;"
+ else "“" <> contents <> "”"
inlineToMarkdown opts (Code attr str) = do
let tickGroups = filter (\s -> '`' `elem` s) $ group str
let longest = if null tickGroups