path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
index cc2da8338..c9c923dae 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Data.List ( (\\), isInfixOf )
+import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum )
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.State
@@ -81,15 +82,12 @@ latexHeader options (Meta title authors date) = do
then ""
else "\\date{" ++ stringToLaTeX date ++ "}\n"
let maketitle = if null title then "" else "\\maketitle\n"
- let verbatim = if "\\usepackage{fancyvrb}" `isInfixOf` extras
- then "\\VerbatimFootnotes % allows verbatim text in footnotes\n"
- else ""
let secnumline = if (writerNumberSections options)
then ""
else "\\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}\n"
let baseHeader = writerHeader options
let header = baseHeader ++ extras
- return $ header ++ secnumline ++ verbatim ++ titletext ++ authorstext ++
+ return $ header ++ secnumline ++ titletext ++ authorstext ++
datetext ++ "\\begin{document}\n" ++ maketitle ++ "\n"
-- escape things as needed for LaTeX
@@ -106,11 +104,11 @@ stringToLaTeX = escapeStringUsing latexEscapes
-- | Remove all code elements from list of inline elements
--- (because it's illegal to have a \\verb inside a command argument)
+-- (because it's illegal to have verbatim inside some command arguments)
deVerb :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
deVerb [] = []
deVerb ((Code str):rest) =
- (Str $ stringToLaTeX str):(deVerb rest)
+ (TeX $ "\\texttt{" ++ stringToLaTeX str ++ "}"):(deVerb rest)
deVerb (other:rest) = other:(deVerb rest)
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to LaTeX.
@@ -155,7 +153,7 @@ blockToLaTeX (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
AlignCenter -> "\\centering"
AlignDefault -> "\\raggedright") ++
"\\hspace{0pt}}p{" ++ width ++
- "\\textwidth}")
+ "\\columnwidth}")
colWidths aligns
let tableBody = "\\begin{tabular}{" ++ colDescriptors ++ "}\n" ++
headers ++ "\\hline\n" ++ concat rows' ++ "\\end{tabular}\n"
@@ -177,7 +175,7 @@ tableRowToLaTeX cols =
listItemToLaTeX lst = blockListToLaTeX lst >>= (return . ("\\item "++))
defListItemToLaTeX (term, def) = do
- term' <- inlineListToLaTeX (deVerb term)
+ term' <- inlineListToLaTeX term
def' <- blockListToLaTeX def
return $ "\\item[" ++ term' ++ "] " ++ def'
@@ -196,27 +194,28 @@ isQuoted _ = False
inlineToLaTeX :: Inline -- ^ Inline to convert
-> State WriterState String
inlineToLaTeX (Emph lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToLaTeX (deVerb lst)
+ contents <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
return $ "\\emph{" ++ contents ++ "}"
inlineToLaTeX (Strong lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToLaTeX (deVerb lst)
+ contents <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
return $ "\\textbf{" ++ contents ++ "}"
inlineToLaTeX (Strikeout lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToLaTeX (deVerb lst)
+ contents <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
addToHeader "\\usepackage[normalem]{ulem}"
return $ "\\sout{" ++ contents ++ "}"
inlineToLaTeX (Superscript lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToLaTeX (deVerb lst)
+ contents <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
return $ "\\textsuperscript{" ++ contents ++ "}"
inlineToLaTeX (Subscript lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToLaTeX (deVerb lst)
+ contents <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
-- oddly, latex includes \textsuperscript but not \textsubscript
-- so we have to define it:
addToHeader "\\newcommand{\\textsubscript}[1]{\\ensuremath{_{\\scriptsize\\textrm{#1}}}}"
return $ "\\textsubscript{" ++ contents ++ "}"
-inlineToLaTeX (Code str) = return $ "\\verb" ++ [chr] ++ stuffing ++ [chr]
- where stuffing = str
- chr = (('`':(enumFromTo '!' '~')) \\ stuffing) !! 0
+inlineToLaTeX (Code str) = return $ "\\Q{" ++ stuffing ++ "}"
+ where stuffing = concatMap (\c -> if isAlphaNum c
+ then [c]
+ else ['\\',c]) str
inlineToLaTeX (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
let s1 = if (not (null lst)) && (isQuoted (head lst)) then "\\," else ""
@@ -244,7 +243,6 @@ inlineToLaTeX (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
addToHeader "\\usepackage{graphicx}"
return $ "\\includegraphics{" ++ source ++ "}"
inlineToLaTeX (Note contents) = do
- addToHeader "\\usepackage{fancyvrb}"
contents' <- blockListToLaTeX contents
return $ "\\footnote{" ++ stripTrailingNewlines contents' ++ "}"