path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
7 files changed, 550 insertions, 512 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d37ea653d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Parsing
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+A utility library with parsers used in pandoc readers.
+module Text.Pandoc.Parsing ( (>>~),
+ anyLine,
+ many1Till,
+ notFollowedBy',
+ oneOfStrings,
+ spaceChar,
+ skipSpaces,
+ blankline,
+ blanklines,
+ enclosed,
+ stringAnyCase,
+ parseFromString,
+ lineClump,
+ charsInBalanced,
+ charsInBalanced',
+ romanNumeral,
+ emailAddress,
+ uri,
+ withHorizDisplacement,
+ nullBlock,
+ failIfStrict,
+ failUnlessLHS,
+ escaped,
+ anyOrderedListMarker,
+ orderedListMarker,
+ charRef,
+ readWith,
+ testStringWith,
+ ParserState (..),
+ defaultParserState,
+ HeaderType (..),
+ ParserContext (..),
+ QuoteContext (..),
+ NoteTable,
+ KeyTable,
+ Key (..),
+ lookupKeySrc,
+ refsMatch )
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 (putStrLn)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( characterReference )
+import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper, ord, isAscii )
+import Data.List ( intercalate )
+import Network.URI ( parseURI, URI (..), isAllowedInURI )
+import Control.Monad (join)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (escapeURI)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+-- | Like >>, but returns the operation on the left.
+-- (Suggested by Tillmann Rendel on Haskell-cafe list.)
+(>>~) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m a
+a >>~ b = a >>= \x -> b >> return x
+-- | Parse any line of text
+anyLine :: GenParser Char st [Char]
+anyLine = manyTill anyChar newline
+-- | Like @manyTill@, but reads at least one item.
+many1Till :: GenParser tok st a
+ -> GenParser tok st end
+ -> GenParser tok st [a]
+many1Till p end = do
+ first <- p
+ rest <- manyTill p end
+ return (first:rest)
+-- | A more general form of @notFollowedBy@. This one allows any
+-- type of parser to be specified, and succeeds only if that parser fails.
+-- It does not consume any input.
+notFollowedBy' :: Show b => GenParser a st b -> GenParser a st ()
+notFollowedBy' p = try $ join $ do a <- try p
+ return (unexpected (show a))
+ <|>
+ return (return ())
+-- (This version due to Andrew Pimlott on the Haskell mailing list.)
+-- | Parses one of a list of strings (tried in order).
+oneOfStrings :: [String] -> GenParser Char st String
+oneOfStrings listOfStrings = choice $ map (try . string) listOfStrings
+-- | Parses a space or tab.
+spaceChar :: CharParser st Char
+spaceChar = char ' ' <|> char '\t'
+-- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs.
+skipSpaces :: GenParser Char st ()
+skipSpaces = skipMany spaceChar
+-- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs, then reads a newline.
+blankline :: GenParser Char st Char
+blankline = try $ skipSpaces >> newline
+-- | Parses one or more blank lines and returns a string of newlines.
+blanklines :: GenParser Char st [Char]
+blanklines = many1 blankline
+-- | Parses material enclosed between start and end parsers.
+enclosed :: GenParser Char st t -- ^ start parser
+ -> GenParser Char st end -- ^ end parser
+ -> GenParser Char st a -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
+ -> GenParser Char st [a]
+enclosed start end parser = try $
+ start >> notFollowedBy space >> many1Till parser end
+-- | Parse string, case insensitive.
+stringAnyCase :: [Char] -> CharParser st String
+stringAnyCase [] = string ""
+stringAnyCase (x:xs) = do
+ firstChar <- char (toUpper x) <|> char (toLower x)
+ rest <- stringAnyCase xs
+ return (firstChar:rest)
+-- | Parse contents of 'str' using 'parser' and return result.
+parseFromString :: GenParser tok st a -> [tok] -> GenParser tok st a
+parseFromString parser str = do
+ oldPos <- getPosition
+ oldInput <- getInput
+ setInput str
+ result <- parser
+ setInput oldInput
+ setPosition oldPos
+ return result
+-- | Parse raw line block up to and including blank lines.
+lineClump :: GenParser Char st String
+lineClump = blanklines
+ <|> (many1 (notFollowedBy blankline >> anyLine) >>= return . unlines)
+-- | Parse a string of characters between an open character
+-- and a close character, including text between balanced
+-- pairs of open and close, which must be different. For example,
+-- @charsInBalanced '(' ')'@ will parse "(hello (there))"
+-- and return "hello (there)". Stop if a blank line is
+-- encountered.
+charsInBalanced :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
+charsInBalanced open close = try $ do
+ char open
+ raw <- many $ (many1 (noneOf [open, close, '\n']))
+ <|> (do res <- charsInBalanced open close
+ return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
+ <|> try (string "\n" >>~ notFollowedBy' blanklines)
+ char close
+ return $ concat raw
+-- | Like @charsInBalanced@, but allow blank lines in the content.
+charsInBalanced' :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
+charsInBalanced' open close = try $ do
+ char open
+ raw <- many $ (many1 (noneOf [open, close]))
+ <|> (do res <- charsInBalanced' open close
+ return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
+ char close
+ return $ concat raw
+-- Auxiliary functions for romanNumeral:
+lowercaseRomanDigits :: [Char]
+lowercaseRomanDigits = ['i','v','x','l','c','d','m']
+uppercaseRomanDigits :: [Char]
+uppercaseRomanDigits = map toUpper lowercaseRomanDigits
+-- | Parses a roman numeral (uppercase or lowercase), returns number.
+romanNumeral :: Bool -- ^ Uppercase if true
+ -> GenParser Char st Int
+romanNumeral upperCase = do
+ let romanDigits = if upperCase
+ then uppercaseRomanDigits
+ else lowercaseRomanDigits
+ lookAhead $ oneOf romanDigits
+ let [one, five, ten, fifty, hundred, fivehundred, thousand] =
+ map char romanDigits
+ thousands <- many thousand >>= (return . (1000 *) . length)
+ ninehundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> thousand >> return 900
+ fivehundreds <- many fivehundred >>= (return . (500 *) . length)
+ fourhundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> fivehundred >> return 400
+ hundreds <- many hundred >>= (return . (100 *) . length)
+ nineties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> hundred >> return 90
+ fifties <- many fifty >>= (return . (50 *) . length)
+ forties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> fifty >> return 40
+ tens <- many ten >>= (return . (10 *) . length)
+ nines <- option 0 $ try $ one >> ten >> return 9
+ fives <- many five >>= (return . (5 *) . length)
+ fours <- option 0 $ try $ one >> five >> return 4
+ ones <- many one >>= (return . length)
+ let total = thousands + ninehundreds + fivehundreds + fourhundreds +
+ hundreds + nineties + fifties + forties + tens + nines +
+ fives + fours + ones
+ if total == 0
+ then fail "not a roman numeral"
+ else return total
+-- Parsers for email addresses and URIs
+emailChar :: GenParser Char st Char
+emailChar = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-+_."
+domainChar :: GenParser Char st Char
+domainChar = alphaNum <|> char '-'
+domain :: GenParser Char st [Char]
+domain = do
+ first <- many1 domainChar
+ dom <- many1 $ try (char '.' >> many1 domainChar )
+ return $ intercalate "." (first:dom)
+-- | Parses an email address; returns original and corresponding
+-- escaped mailto: URI.
+emailAddress :: GenParser Char st (String, String)
+emailAddress = try $ do
+ firstLetter <- alphaNum
+ restAddr <- many emailChar
+ let addr = firstLetter:restAddr
+ char '@'
+ dom <- domain
+ let full = addr ++ '@':dom
+ return (full, escapeURI $ "mailto:" ++ full)
+-- | Parses a URI. Returns pair of original and URI-escaped version.
+uri :: GenParser Char st (String, String)
+uri = try $ do
+ let protocols = [ "http:", "https:", "ftp:", "file:", "mailto:",
+ "news:", "telnet:" ]
+ lookAhead $ oneOfStrings protocols
+ -- scan non-ascii characters and ascii characters allowed in a URI
+ str <- many1 $ satisfy (\c -> not (isAscii c) || isAllowedInURI c)
+ -- now see if they amount to an absolute URI
+ case parseURI (escapeURI str) of
+ Just uri' -> if uriScheme uri' `elem` protocols
+ then return (str, show uri')
+ else fail "not a URI"
+ Nothing -> fail "not a URI"
+-- | Applies a parser, returns tuple of its results and its horizontal
+-- displacement (the difference between the source column at the end
+-- and the source column at the beginning). Vertical displacement
+-- (source row) is ignored.
+withHorizDisplacement :: GenParser Char st a -- ^ Parser to apply
+ -> GenParser Char st (a, Int) -- ^ (result, displacement)
+withHorizDisplacement parser = do
+ pos1 <- getPosition
+ result <- parser
+ pos2 <- getPosition
+ return (result, sourceColumn pos2 - sourceColumn pos1)
+-- | Parses a character and returns 'Null' (so that the parser can move on
+-- if it gets stuck).
+nullBlock :: GenParser Char st Block
+nullBlock = anyChar >> return Null
+-- | Fail if reader is in strict markdown syntax mode.
+failIfStrict :: GenParser Char ParserState ()
+failIfStrict = do
+ state <- getState
+ if stateStrict state then fail "strict mode" else return ()
+-- | Fail unless we're in literate haskell mode.
+failUnlessLHS :: GenParser tok ParserState ()
+failUnlessLHS = do
+ state <- getState
+ if stateLiterateHaskell state then return () else fail "Literate haskell feature"
+-- | Parses backslash, then applies character parser.
+escaped :: GenParser Char st Char -- ^ Parser for character to escape
+ -> GenParser Char st Inline
+escaped parser = try $ do
+ char '\\'
+ result <- parser
+ return (Str [result])
+-- | Parses an uppercase roman numeral and returns (UpperRoman, number).
+upperRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+upperRoman = do
+ num <- romanNumeral True
+ return (UpperRoman, num)
+-- | Parses a lowercase roman numeral and returns (LowerRoman, number).
+lowerRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+lowerRoman = do
+ num <- romanNumeral False
+ return (LowerRoman, num)
+-- | Parses a decimal numeral and returns (Decimal, number).
+decimal :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+decimal = do
+ num <- many1 digit
+ return (Decimal, read num)
+-- | Parses a '#' returns (DefaultStyle, 1).
+defaultNum :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+defaultNum = do
+ char '#'
+ return (DefaultStyle, 1)
+-- | Parses a lowercase letter and returns (LowerAlpha, number).
+lowerAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+lowerAlpha = do
+ ch <- oneOf ['a'..'z']
+ return (LowerAlpha, ord ch - ord 'a' + 1)
+-- | Parses an uppercase letter and returns (UpperAlpha, number).
+upperAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+upperAlpha = do
+ ch <- oneOf ['A'..'Z']
+ return (UpperAlpha, ord ch - ord 'A' + 1)
+-- | Parses a roman numeral i or I
+romanOne :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+romanOne = (char 'i' >> return (LowerRoman, 1)) <|>
+ (char 'I' >> return (UpperRoman, 1))
+-- | Parses an ordered list marker and returns list attributes.
+anyOrderedListMarker :: GenParser Char st ListAttributes
+anyOrderedListMarker = choice $
+ [delimParser numParser | delimParser <- [inPeriod, inOneParen, inTwoParens],
+ numParser <- [decimal, defaultNum, romanOne,
+ lowerAlpha, lowerRoman, upperAlpha, upperRoman]]
+-- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a period, returns list attributes.
+inPeriod :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+ -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
+inPeriod num = try $ do
+ (style, start) <- num
+ char '.'
+ let delim = if style == DefaultStyle
+ then DefaultDelim
+ else Period
+ return (start, style, delim)
+-- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a paren, returns list attributes.
+inOneParen :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+ -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
+inOneParen num = try $ do
+ (style, start) <- num
+ char ')'
+ return (start, style, OneParen)
+-- | Parses a list number (num) enclosed in parens, returns list attributes.
+inTwoParens :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
+ -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
+inTwoParens num = try $ do
+ char '('
+ (style, start) <- num
+ char ')'
+ return (start, style, TwoParens)
+-- | Parses an ordered list marker with a given style and delimiter,
+-- returns number.
+orderedListMarker :: ListNumberStyle
+ -> ListNumberDelim
+ -> GenParser Char st Int
+orderedListMarker style delim = do
+ let num = defaultNum <|> -- # can continue any kind of list
+ case style of
+ DefaultStyle -> decimal
+ Decimal -> decimal
+ UpperRoman -> upperRoman
+ LowerRoman -> lowerRoman
+ UpperAlpha -> upperAlpha
+ LowerAlpha -> lowerAlpha
+ let context = case delim of
+ DefaultDelim -> inPeriod
+ Period -> inPeriod
+ OneParen -> inOneParen
+ TwoParens -> inTwoParens
+ (start, _, _) <- context num
+ return start
+-- | Parses a character reference and returns a Str element.
+charRef :: GenParser Char st Inline
+charRef = do
+ c <- characterReference
+ return $ Str [c]
+-- | Parse a string with a given parser and state.
+readWith :: GenParser Char ParserState a -- ^ parser
+ -> ParserState -- ^ initial state
+ -> String -- ^ input string
+ -> a
+readWith parser state input =
+ case runParser parser state "source" input of
+ Left err -> error $ "\nError:\n" ++ show err
+ Right result -> result
+-- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
+testStringWith :: (Show a) => GenParser Char ParserState a
+ -> String
+ -> IO ()
+testStringWith parser str = UTF8.putStrLn $ show $
+ readWith parser defaultParserState str
+-- | Parsing options.
+data ParserState = ParserState
+ { stateParseRaw :: Bool, -- ^ Parse raw HTML and LaTeX?
+ stateParserContext :: ParserContext, -- ^ Inside list?
+ stateQuoteContext :: QuoteContext, -- ^ Inside quoted environment?
+ stateSanitizeHTML :: Bool, -- ^ Sanitize HTML?
+ stateKeys :: KeyTable, -- ^ List of reference keys
+#ifdef _CITEPROC
+ stateCitations :: [String], -- ^ List of available citations
+ stateNotes :: NoteTable, -- ^ List of notes
+ stateTabStop :: Int, -- ^ Tab stop
+ stateStandalone :: Bool, -- ^ Parse bibliographic info?
+ stateTitle :: [Inline], -- ^ Title of document
+ stateAuthors :: [[Inline]], -- ^ Authors of document
+ stateDate :: [Inline], -- ^ Date of document
+ stateStrict :: Bool, -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax?
+ stateSmart :: Bool, -- ^ Use smart typography?
+ stateLiterateHaskell :: Bool, -- ^ Treat input as literate haskell
+ stateColumns :: Int, -- ^ Number of columns in terminal
+ stateHeaderTable :: [HeaderType], -- ^ Ordered list of header types used
+ stateIndentedCodeClasses :: [String] -- ^ Classes to use for indented code blocks
+ }
+ deriving Show
+defaultParserState :: ParserState
+defaultParserState =
+ ParserState { stateParseRaw = False,
+ stateParserContext = NullState,
+ stateQuoteContext = NoQuote,
+ stateSanitizeHTML = False,
+ stateKeys = M.empty,
+#ifdef _CITEPROC
+ stateCitations = [],
+ stateNotes = [],
+ stateTabStop = 4,
+ stateStandalone = False,
+ stateTitle = [],
+ stateAuthors = [],
+ stateDate = [],
+ stateStrict = False,
+ stateSmart = False,
+ stateLiterateHaskell = False,
+ stateColumns = 80,
+ stateHeaderTable = [],
+ stateIndentedCodeClasses = [] }
+data HeaderType
+ = SingleHeader Char -- ^ Single line of characters underneath
+ | DoubleHeader Char -- ^ Lines of characters above and below
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data ParserContext
+ = ListItemState -- ^ Used when running parser on list item contents
+ | NullState -- ^ Default state
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data QuoteContext
+ = InSingleQuote -- ^ Used when parsing inside single quotes
+ | InDoubleQuote -- ^ Used when parsing inside double quotes
+ | NoQuote -- ^ Used when not parsing inside quotes
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+type NoteTable = [(String, String)]
+newtype Key = Key [Inline] deriving (Show, Read)
+instance Eq Key where
+ Key a == Key b = refsMatch a b
+instance Ord Key where
+ compare (Key a) (Key b) = if a == b then EQ else compare a b
+type KeyTable = M.Map Key Target
+-- | Look up key in key table and return target object.
+lookupKeySrc :: KeyTable -- ^ Key table
+ -> Key -- ^ Key
+ -> Maybe Target
+lookupKeySrc table key = case M.lookup key table of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just src -> Just src
+-- | Returns @True@ if keys match (case insensitive).
+refsMatch :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -> Bool
+refsMatch ((Str x):restx) ((Str y):resty) =
+ ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Emph x):restx) ((Emph y):resty) =
+ refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Strong x):restx) ((Strong y):resty) =
+ refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Strikeout x):restx) ((Strikeout y):resty) =
+ refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Superscript x):restx) ((Superscript y):resty) =
+ refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Subscript x):restx) ((Subscript y):resty) =
+ refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((SmallCaps x):restx) ((SmallCaps y):resty) =
+ refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Quoted t x):restx) ((Quoted u y):resty) =
+ t == u && refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Code x):restx) ((Code y):resty) =
+ ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((Math t x):restx) ((Math u y):resty) =
+ ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && t == u && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((TeX x):restx) ((TeX y):resty) =
+ ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch ((HtmlInline x):restx) ((HtmlInline y):resty) =
+ ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch (x:restx) (y:resty) = (x == y) && refsMatch restx resty
+refsMatch [] x = null x
+refsMatch x [] = null x
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
index 5c188e3d9..6d54e7349 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( decodeCharacterReferences )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, intercalate )
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 01fca9f2b..bbc5bb872 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX (
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Char ( chr )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index a6d383fca..f6b4169ec 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum )
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX ( rawLaTeXInline, rawLaTeXEnvironment' )
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML ( rawHtmlBlock, anyHtmlBlockTag,
anyHtmlInlineTag, anyHtmlTag,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
index 7b4b5eee8..b61e2d6c5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST (
) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Monad ( when, unless, liftM )
import Data.List ( findIndex, intercalate, transpose, sort )
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index 88eccb96c..3817b3532 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -52,45 +52,6 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
BlockWrapper (..),
- -- * Parsing
- (>>~),
- anyLine,
- many1Till,
- notFollowedBy',
- oneOfStrings,
- spaceChar,
- skipSpaces,
- blankline,
- blanklines,
- enclosed,
- stringAnyCase,
- parseFromString,
- lineClump,
- charsInBalanced,
- charsInBalanced',
- romanNumeral,
- emailAddress,
- uri,
- withHorizDisplacement,
- nullBlock,
- failIfStrict,
- failUnlessLHS,
- escaped,
- anyOrderedListMarker,
- orderedListMarker,
- charRef,
- readWith,
- testStringWith,
- ParserState (..),
- defaultParserState,
- HeaderType (..),
- ParserContext (..),
- QuoteContext (..),
- NoteTable,
- KeyTable,
- Key (..),
- lookupKeySrc,
- refsMatch,
-- * Prettyprinting
@@ -113,22 +74,18 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 (readFile, putStrLn)
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 (readFile)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ ( Doc, fsep, ($$), (<>), empty, isEmpty, text, nest )
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP
-import Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences ( characterReference )
-import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper, ord, isLower, isUpper, isAlpha, isAscii,
+import Data.Char ( toLower, isLower, isUpper, isAlpha, isAscii,
isLetter, isDigit )
import Data.List ( find, isPrefixOf, intercalate )
-import Network.URI ( parseURI, URI (..), isAllowedInURI, escapeURIString, unEscapeString )
+import Network.URI ( isAllowedInURI, escapeURIString, unEscapeString )
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String ( encodeString, decodeString )
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
import Data.Generics (Typeable, Data)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
-import Control.Monad (join)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
import Paths_pandoc (getDataFileName)
@@ -329,467 +286,6 @@ tabFilter tabStop =
in go tabStop
--- Parsing
--- | Like >>, but returns the operation on the left.
--- (Suggested by Tillmann Rendel on Haskell-cafe list.)
-(>>~) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m a
-a >>~ b = a >>= \x -> b >> return x
--- | Parse any line of text
-anyLine :: GenParser Char st [Char]
-anyLine = manyTill anyChar newline
--- | Like @manyTill@, but reads at least one item.
-many1Till :: GenParser tok st a
- -> GenParser tok st end
- -> GenParser tok st [a]
-many1Till p end = do
- first <- p
- rest <- manyTill p end
- return (first:rest)
--- | A more general form of @notFollowedBy@. This one allows any
--- type of parser to be specified, and succeeds only if that parser fails.
--- It does not consume any input.
-notFollowedBy' :: Show b => GenParser a st b -> GenParser a st ()
-notFollowedBy' p = try $ join $ do a <- try p
- return (unexpected (show a))
- <|>
- return (return ())
--- (This version due to Andrew Pimlott on the Haskell mailing list.)
--- | Parses one of a list of strings (tried in order).
-oneOfStrings :: [String] -> GenParser Char st String
-oneOfStrings listOfStrings = choice $ map (try . string) listOfStrings
--- | Parses a space or tab.
-spaceChar :: CharParser st Char
-spaceChar = char ' ' <|> char '\t'
--- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs.
-skipSpaces :: GenParser Char st ()
-skipSpaces = skipMany spaceChar
--- | Skips zero or more spaces or tabs, then reads a newline.
-blankline :: GenParser Char st Char
-blankline = try $ skipSpaces >> newline
--- | Parses one or more blank lines and returns a string of newlines.
-blanklines :: GenParser Char st [Char]
-blanklines = many1 blankline
--- | Parses material enclosed between start and end parsers.
-enclosed :: GenParser Char st t -- ^ start parser
- -> GenParser Char st end -- ^ end parser
- -> GenParser Char st a -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
- -> GenParser Char st [a]
-enclosed start end parser = try $
- start >> notFollowedBy space >> many1Till parser end
--- | Parse string, case insensitive.
-stringAnyCase :: [Char] -> CharParser st String
-stringAnyCase [] = string ""
-stringAnyCase (x:xs) = do
- firstChar <- char (toUpper x) <|> char (toLower x)
- rest <- stringAnyCase xs
- return (firstChar:rest)
--- | Parse contents of 'str' using 'parser' and return result.
-parseFromString :: GenParser tok st a -> [tok] -> GenParser tok st a
-parseFromString parser str = do
- oldPos <- getPosition
- oldInput <- getInput
- setInput str
- result <- parser
- setInput oldInput
- setPosition oldPos
- return result
--- | Parse raw line block up to and including blank lines.
-lineClump :: GenParser Char st String
-lineClump = blanklines
- <|> (many1 (notFollowedBy blankline >> anyLine) >>= return . unlines)
--- | Parse a string of characters between an open character
--- and a close character, including text between balanced
--- pairs of open and close, which must be different. For example,
--- @charsInBalanced '(' ')'@ will parse "(hello (there))"
--- and return "hello (there)". Stop if a blank line is
--- encountered.
-charsInBalanced :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
-charsInBalanced open close = try $ do
- char open
- raw <- many $ (many1 (noneOf [open, close, '\n']))
- <|> (do res <- charsInBalanced open close
- return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
- <|> try (string "\n" >>~ notFollowedBy' blanklines)
- char close
- return $ concat raw
--- | Like @charsInBalanced@, but allow blank lines in the content.
-charsInBalanced' :: Char -> Char -> GenParser Char st String
-charsInBalanced' open close = try $ do
- char open
- raw <- many $ (many1 (noneOf [open, close]))
- <|> (do res <- charsInBalanced' open close
- return $ [open] ++ res ++ [close])
- char close
- return $ concat raw
--- Auxiliary functions for romanNumeral:
-lowercaseRomanDigits :: [Char]
-lowercaseRomanDigits = ['i','v','x','l','c','d','m']
-uppercaseRomanDigits :: [Char]
-uppercaseRomanDigits = map toUpper lowercaseRomanDigits
--- | Parses a roman numeral (uppercase or lowercase), returns number.
-romanNumeral :: Bool -- ^ Uppercase if true
- -> GenParser Char st Int
-romanNumeral upperCase = do
- let romanDigits = if upperCase
- then uppercaseRomanDigits
- else lowercaseRomanDigits
- lookAhead $ oneOf romanDigits
- let [one, five, ten, fifty, hundred, fivehundred, thousand] =
- map char romanDigits
- thousands <- many thousand >>= (return . (1000 *) . length)
- ninehundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> thousand >> return 900
- fivehundreds <- many fivehundred >>= (return . (500 *) . length)
- fourhundreds <- option 0 $ try $ hundred >> fivehundred >> return 400
- hundreds <- many hundred >>= (return . (100 *) . length)
- nineties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> hundred >> return 90
- fifties <- many fifty >>= (return . (50 *) . length)
- forties <- option 0 $ try $ ten >> fifty >> return 40
- tens <- many ten >>= (return . (10 *) . length)
- nines <- option 0 $ try $ one >> ten >> return 9
- fives <- many five >>= (return . (5 *) . length)
- fours <- option 0 $ try $ one >> five >> return 4
- ones <- many one >>= (return . length)
- let total = thousands + ninehundreds + fivehundreds + fourhundreds +
- hundreds + nineties + fifties + forties + tens + nines +
- fives + fours + ones
- if total == 0
- then fail "not a roman numeral"
- else return total
--- Parsers for email addresses and URIs
-emailChar :: GenParser Char st Char
-emailChar = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-+_."
-domainChar :: GenParser Char st Char
-domainChar = alphaNum <|> char '-'
-domain :: GenParser Char st [Char]
-domain = do
- first <- many1 domainChar
- dom <- many1 $ try (char '.' >> many1 domainChar )
- return $ intercalate "." (first:dom)
--- | Parses an email address; returns original and corresponding
--- escaped mailto: URI.
-emailAddress :: GenParser Char st (String, String)
-emailAddress = try $ do
- firstLetter <- alphaNum
- restAddr <- many emailChar
- let addr = firstLetter:restAddr
- char '@'
- dom <- domain
- let full = addr ++ '@':dom
- return (full, escapeURI $ "mailto:" ++ full)
--- | Parses a URI. Returns pair of original and URI-escaped version.
-uri :: GenParser Char st (String, String)
-uri = try $ do
- let protocols = [ "http:", "https:", "ftp:", "file:", "mailto:",
- "news:", "telnet:" ]
- lookAhead $ oneOfStrings protocols
- -- scan non-ascii characters and ascii characters allowed in a URI
- str <- many1 $ satisfy (\c -> not (isAscii c) || isAllowedInURI c)
- -- now see if they amount to an absolute URI
- case parseURI (escapeURI str) of
- Just uri' -> if uriScheme uri' `elem` protocols
- then return (str, show uri')
- else fail "not a URI"
- Nothing -> fail "not a URI"
--- | Applies a parser, returns tuple of its results and its horizontal
--- displacement (the difference between the source column at the end
--- and the source column at the beginning). Vertical displacement
--- (source row) is ignored.
-withHorizDisplacement :: GenParser Char st a -- ^ Parser to apply
- -> GenParser Char st (a, Int) -- ^ (result, displacement)
-withHorizDisplacement parser = do
- pos1 <- getPosition
- result <- parser
- pos2 <- getPosition
- return (result, sourceColumn pos2 - sourceColumn pos1)
--- | Parses a character and returns 'Null' (so that the parser can move on
--- if it gets stuck).
-nullBlock :: GenParser Char st Block
-nullBlock = anyChar >> return Null
--- | Fail if reader is in strict markdown syntax mode.
-failIfStrict :: GenParser Char ParserState ()
-failIfStrict = do
- state <- getState
- if stateStrict state then fail "strict mode" else return ()
--- | Fail unless we're in literate haskell mode.
-failUnlessLHS :: GenParser tok ParserState ()
-failUnlessLHS = do
- state <- getState
- if stateLiterateHaskell state then return () else fail "Literate haskell feature"
--- | Parses backslash, then applies character parser.
-escaped :: GenParser Char st Char -- ^ Parser for character to escape
- -> GenParser Char st Inline
-escaped parser = try $ do
- char '\\'
- result <- parser
- return (Str [result])
--- | Parses an uppercase roman numeral and returns (UpperRoman, number).
-upperRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-upperRoman = do
- num <- romanNumeral True
- return (UpperRoman, num)
--- | Parses a lowercase roman numeral and returns (LowerRoman, number).
-lowerRoman :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-lowerRoman = do
- num <- romanNumeral False
- return (LowerRoman, num)
--- | Parses a decimal numeral and returns (Decimal, number).
-decimal :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-decimal = do
- num <- many1 digit
- return (Decimal, read num)
--- | Parses a '#' returns (DefaultStyle, 1).
-defaultNum :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-defaultNum = do
- char '#'
- return (DefaultStyle, 1)
--- | Parses a lowercase letter and returns (LowerAlpha, number).
-lowerAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-lowerAlpha = do
- ch <- oneOf ['a'..'z']
- return (LowerAlpha, ord ch - ord 'a' + 1)
--- | Parses an uppercase letter and returns (UpperAlpha, number).
-upperAlpha :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-upperAlpha = do
- ch <- oneOf ['A'..'Z']
- return (UpperAlpha, ord ch - ord 'A' + 1)
--- | Parses a roman numeral i or I
-romanOne :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
-romanOne = (char 'i' >> return (LowerRoman, 1)) <|>
- (char 'I' >> return (UpperRoman, 1))
--- | Parses an ordered list marker and returns list attributes.
-anyOrderedListMarker :: GenParser Char st ListAttributes
-anyOrderedListMarker = choice $
- [delimParser numParser | delimParser <- [inPeriod, inOneParen, inTwoParens],
- numParser <- [decimal, defaultNum, romanOne,
- lowerAlpha, lowerRoman, upperAlpha, upperRoman]]
--- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a period, returns list attributes.
-inPeriod :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
-inPeriod num = try $ do
- (style, start) <- num
- char '.'
- let delim = if style == DefaultStyle
- then DefaultDelim
- else Period
- return (start, style, delim)
--- | Parses a list number (num) followed by a paren, returns list attributes.
-inOneParen :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
-inOneParen num = try $ do
- (style, start) <- num
- char ')'
- return (start, style, OneParen)
--- | Parses a list number (num) enclosed in parens, returns list attributes.
-inTwoParens :: GenParser Char st (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- -> GenParser Char st ListAttributes
-inTwoParens num = try $ do
- char '('
- (style, start) <- num
- char ')'
- return (start, style, TwoParens)
--- | Parses an ordered list marker with a given style and delimiter,
--- returns number.
-orderedListMarker :: ListNumberStyle
- -> ListNumberDelim
- -> GenParser Char st Int
-orderedListMarker style delim = do
- let num = defaultNum <|> -- # can continue any kind of list
- case style of
- DefaultStyle -> decimal
- Decimal -> decimal
- UpperRoman -> upperRoman
- LowerRoman -> lowerRoman
- UpperAlpha -> upperAlpha
- LowerAlpha -> lowerAlpha
- let context = case delim of
- DefaultDelim -> inPeriod
- Period -> inPeriod
- OneParen -> inOneParen
- TwoParens -> inTwoParens
- (start, _, _) <- context num
- return start
--- | Parses a character reference and returns a Str element.
-charRef :: GenParser Char st Inline
-charRef = do
- c <- characterReference
- return $ Str [c]
--- | Parse a string with a given parser and state.
-readWith :: GenParser Char ParserState a -- ^ parser
- -> ParserState -- ^ initial state
- -> String -- ^ input string
- -> a
-readWith parser state input =
- case runParser parser state "source" input of
- Left err -> error $ "\nError:\n" ++ show err
- Right result -> result
--- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
-testStringWith :: (Show a) => GenParser Char ParserState a
- -> String
- -> IO ()
-testStringWith parser str = UTF8.putStrLn $ show $
- readWith parser defaultParserState str
--- | Parsing options.
-data ParserState = ParserState
- { stateParseRaw :: Bool, -- ^ Parse raw HTML and LaTeX?
- stateParserContext :: ParserContext, -- ^ Inside list?
- stateQuoteContext :: QuoteContext, -- ^ Inside quoted environment?
- stateSanitizeHTML :: Bool, -- ^ Sanitize HTML?
- stateKeys :: KeyTable, -- ^ List of reference keys
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- stateCitations :: [String], -- ^ List of available citations
- stateNotes :: NoteTable, -- ^ List of notes
- stateTabStop :: Int, -- ^ Tab stop
- stateStandalone :: Bool, -- ^ Parse bibliographic info?
- stateTitle :: [Inline], -- ^ Title of document
- stateAuthors :: [[Inline]], -- ^ Authors of document
- stateDate :: [Inline], -- ^ Date of document
- stateStrict :: Bool, -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax?
- stateSmart :: Bool, -- ^ Use smart typography?
- stateLiterateHaskell :: Bool, -- ^ Treat input as literate haskell
- stateColumns :: Int, -- ^ Number of columns in terminal
- stateHeaderTable :: [HeaderType], -- ^ Ordered list of header types used
- stateIndentedCodeClasses :: [String] -- ^ Classes to use for indented code blocks
- }
- deriving Show
-defaultParserState :: ParserState
-defaultParserState =
- ParserState { stateParseRaw = False,
- stateParserContext = NullState,
- stateQuoteContext = NoQuote,
- stateSanitizeHTML = False,
- stateKeys = M.empty,
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- stateCitations = [],
- stateNotes = [],
- stateTabStop = 4,
- stateStandalone = False,
- stateTitle = [],
- stateAuthors = [],
- stateDate = [],
- stateStrict = False,
- stateSmart = False,
- stateLiterateHaskell = False,
- stateColumns = 80,
- stateHeaderTable = [],
- stateIndentedCodeClasses = [] }
-data HeaderType
- = SingleHeader Char -- ^ Single line of characters underneath
- | DoubleHeader Char -- ^ Lines of characters above and below
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-data ParserContext
- = ListItemState -- ^ Used when running parser on list item contents
- | NullState -- ^ Default state
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-data QuoteContext
- = InSingleQuote -- ^ Used when parsing inside single quotes
- | InDoubleQuote -- ^ Used when parsing inside double quotes
- | NoQuote -- ^ Used when not parsing inside quotes
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-type NoteTable = [(String, String)]
-newtype Key = Key [Inline] deriving (Show, Read)
-instance Eq Key where
- Key a == Key b = refsMatch a b
-instance Ord Key where
- compare (Key a) (Key b) = if a == b then EQ else compare a b
-type KeyTable = M.Map Key Target
--- | Look up key in key table and return target object.
-lookupKeySrc :: KeyTable -- ^ Key table
- -> Key -- ^ Key
- -> Maybe Target
-lookupKeySrc table key = case M.lookup key table of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just src -> Just src
--- | Returns @True@ if keys match (case insensitive).
-refsMatch :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -> Bool
-refsMatch ((Str x):restx) ((Str y):resty) =
- ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Emph x):restx) ((Emph y):resty) =
- refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Strong x):restx) ((Strong y):resty) =
- refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Strikeout x):restx) ((Strikeout y):resty) =
- refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Superscript x):restx) ((Superscript y):resty) =
- refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Subscript x):restx) ((Subscript y):resty) =
- refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((SmallCaps x):restx) ((SmallCaps y):resty) =
- refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Quoted t x):restx) ((Quoted u y):resty) =
- t == u && refsMatch x y && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Code x):restx) ((Code y):resty) =
- ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((Math t x):restx) ((Math u y):resty) =
- ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && t == u && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((TeX x):restx) ((TeX y):resty) =
- ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch ((HtmlInline x):restx) ((HtmlInline y):resty) =
- ((map toLower x) == (map toLower y)) && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch (x:restx) (y:resty) = (x == y) && refsMatch restx resty
-refsMatch [] x = null x
-refsMatch x [] = null x
-- Prettyprinting
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index 41ead8d68..238405337 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ Markdown: <http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/>
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown (writeMarkdown, writePlain) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Blocks
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ( parse, GenParser )
import Data.List ( group, isPrefixOf, find, intersperse, transpose )