path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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1 files changed, 42 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs
index 0307407ac..d81d3b68b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ Typeclass for pandoc readers and writers, allowing both IO and pure instances.
module Text.Pandoc.Class ( PandocMonad(..)
, CommonState(..)
, PureState(..)
+ , getPureState
+ , getsPureState
+ , putPureState
+ , modifyPureState
, getPOSIXTime
, getZonedTime
, warning
@@ -266,6 +270,21 @@ instance Default PureState where
, stCabalDataDir = mempty
, stFontFiles = []
+getPureState :: PandocPure PureState
+getPureState = PandocPure $ lift $ lift $ get
+getsPureState :: (PureState -> a) -> PandocPure a
+getsPureState f = f <$> getPureState
+putPureState :: PureState -> PandocPure ()
+putPureState ps= PandocPure $ lift $ lift $ put ps
+modifyPureState :: (PureState -> PureState) -> PandocPure ()
+modifyPureState f = PandocPure $ lift $ lift $ modify f
data FileInfo = FileInfo { infoFileMTime :: UTCTime
, infoFileContents :: B.ByteString
@@ -294,33 +313,33 @@ runPure x = flip evalState def $
unPandocPure x
instance PandocMonad PandocPure where
- lookupEnv s = PandocPure $ do
- env <- lift $ lift $ gets stEnv
+ lookupEnv s = do
+ env <- getsPureState stEnv
return (lookup s env)
- getCurrentTime = PandocPure $ lift $ lift $ gets stTime
+ getCurrentTime = getsPureState stTime
- getCurrentTimeZone = PandocPure $ lift $ lift $ gets stTimeZone
+ getCurrentTimeZone = getsPureState stTimeZone
- getDefaultReferenceDocx _ = PandocPure $ lift $ lift $ gets stReferenceDocx
+ getDefaultReferenceDocx _ = getsPureState stReferenceDocx
- getDefaultReferenceODT _ = PandocPure $ lift $ lift $ gets stReferenceODT
+ getDefaultReferenceODT _ = getsPureState stReferenceODT
- newStdGen = PandocPure $ do
- g <- lift $ lift $ gets stStdGen
+ newStdGen = do
+ g <- getsPureState stStdGen
let (_, nxtGen) = next g
- lift $ lift $ modify $ \st -> st { stStdGen = nxtGen }
+ modifyPureState $ \st -> st { stStdGen = nxtGen }
return g
- newUniqueHash = PandocPure $ do
- uniqs <- lift $ lift $ gets stUniqStore
+ newUniqueHash = do
+ uniqs <- getsPureState stUniqStore
case uniqs of
u : us -> do
- lift $ lift $ modify $ \st -> st { stUniqStore = us }
+ modifyPureState $ \st -> st { stUniqStore = us }
return u
_ -> M.fail "uniq store ran out of elements"
- readFileLazy fp = PandocPure $ do
- fps <- lift $ lift $ gets stFiles
+ readFileLazy fp = do
+ fps <- getsPureState stFiles
case infoFileContents <$> getFileInfo fp fps of
Just bs -> return (BL.fromStrict bs)
Nothing -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fp
@@ -331,14 +350,14 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocPure where
readDataFile Nothing fname = do
let fname' = if fname == "MANUAL.txt" then fname else "data" </> fname
BL.toStrict <$> (readFileLazy fname')
- readDataFile (Just userDir) fname = PandocPure $ do
- userDirFiles <- lift $ lift $ gets stUserDataDir
+ readDataFile (Just userDir) fname = do
+ userDirFiles <- getsPureState stUserDataDir
case infoFileContents <$> (getFileInfo (userDir </> fname) userDirFiles) of
Just bs -> return bs
- Nothing -> unPandocPure $ readDataFile Nothing fname
+ Nothing -> readDataFile Nothing fname
fail = M.fail
- fetchItem _ fp = PandocPure $ do
- fps <- lift $ lift $ gets stFiles
+ fetchItem _ fp = do
+ fps <- getsPureState stFiles
case infoFileContents <$> (getFileInfo fp fps) of
Just bs -> return (Right (bs, getMimeType fp))
Nothing -> return (Left $ E.toException $ PandocFileReadError fp)
@@ -348,12 +367,12 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocPure where
Nothing -> fetchItem sourceUrl nm
Just (mime, bs) -> return (Right (B.concat $ BL.toChunks bs, Just mime))
- glob s = PandocPure $ do
- fontFiles <- lift $ lift $ gets stFontFiles
+ glob s = do
+ fontFiles <- getsPureState stFontFiles
return (filter (match (compile s)) fontFiles)
- getModificationTime fp = PandocPure $ do
- fps <- lift $ lift $ gets stFiles
+ getModificationTime fp = do
+ fps <- getsPureState stFiles
case infoFileMTime <$> (getFileInfo fp fps) of
Just tm -> return tm
Nothing -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fp