path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
index e52220f01..c17e041b5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ stringToLaTeX _ [] = return ""
stringToLaTeX ctx (x:xs) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
rest <- stringToLaTeX ctx xs
- let ligatures = writerTeXLigatures opts && (ctx /= CodeString)
+ let ligatures = writerTeXLigatures opts && ctx == TextString
let isUrl = ctx == URLString
when (x == '€') $
modify $ \st -> st{ stUsesEuro = True }
@@ -207,7 +207,8 @@ stringToLaTeX ctx (x:xs) = do
'&' -> "\\&" ++ rest
'_' | not isUrl -> "\\_" ++ rest
'#' -> "\\#" ++ rest
- '-' -> case xs of -- prevent adjacent hyphens from forming ligatures
+ '-' | not isUrl -> case xs of
+ -- prevent adjacent hyphens from forming ligatures
('-':_) -> "-\\/" ++ rest
_ -> '-' : rest
'~' | not isUrl -> "\\textasciitilde{}" ++ rest
@@ -229,12 +230,13 @@ stringToLaTeX ctx (x:xs) = do
'\x2013' | ligatures -> "--" ++ rest
_ -> x : rest
-toLabel :: String -> String
-toLabel [] = ""
-toLabel (x:xs)
- | (isLetter x || isDigit x) && isAscii x = x:toLabel xs
- | elem x "-+=:;." = x:toLabel xs
- | otherwise = "ux" ++ printf "%x" (ord x) ++ toLabel xs
+toLabel :: String -> State WriterState String
+toLabel z = go `fmap` stringToLaTeX URLString z
+ where go [] = ""
+ go (x:xs)
+ | (isLetter x || isDigit x) && isAscii x = x:go xs
+ | elem x "-+=:;." = x:go xs
+ | otherwise = "ux" ++ printf "%x" (ord x) ++ go xs
-- | Puts contents into LaTeX command.
inCmd :: String -> Doc -> Doc
@@ -340,57 +342,57 @@ blockToLaTeX (BlockQuote lst) = do
return $ "\\begin{quote}" $$ contents $$ "\\end{quote}"
blockToLaTeX (CodeBlock (identifier,classes,keyvalAttr) str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
+ ref <- toLabel identifier
+ let linkAnchor = if null identifier
+ then empty
+ else "\\hyperdef{}" <> braces (text ref) <>
+ braces ("\\label" <> braces (text ref))
+ let lhsCodeBlock = do
+ modify $ \s -> s{ stLHS = True }
+ return $ flush (linkAnchor $$ "\\begin{code}" $$ text str $$
+ "\\end{code}") $$ cr
+ let rawCodeBlock = do
+ st <- get
+ env <- if stInNote st
+ then modify (\s -> s{ stVerbInNote = True }) >>
+ return "Verbatim"
+ else return "verbatim"
+ return $ flush (linkAnchor $$ text ("\\begin{" ++ env ++ "}") $$
+ text str $$ text ("\\end{" ++ env ++ "}")) <> cr
+ let listingsCodeBlock = do
+ st <- get
+ let params = if writerListings (stOptions st)
+ then (case getListingsLanguage classes of
+ Just l -> [ "language=" ++ l ]
+ Nothing -> []) ++
+ [ "numbers=left" | "numberLines" `elem` classes
+ || "number" `elem` classes
+ || "number-lines" `elem` classes ] ++
+ [ (if key == "startFrom"
+ then "firstnumber"
+ else key) ++ "=" ++ attr |
+ (key,attr) <- keyvalAttr ] ++
+ (if identifier == ""
+ then []
+ else [ "label=" ++ ref ])
+ else []
+ printParams
+ | null params = empty
+ | otherwise = brackets $ hcat (intersperse ", " (map text params))
+ return $ flush ("\\begin{lstlisting}" <> printParams $$ text str $$
+ "\\end{lstlisting}") $$ cr
+ let highlightedCodeBlock =
+ case highlight formatLaTeXBlock ("",classes,keyvalAttr) str of
+ Nothing -> rawCodeBlock
+ Just h -> modify (\st -> st{ stHighlighting = True }) >>
+ return (flush $ linkAnchor $$ text h)
case () of
_ | isEnabled Ext_literate_haskell opts && "haskell" `elem` classes &&
"literate" `elem` classes -> lhsCodeBlock
| writerListings opts -> listingsCodeBlock
| writerHighlight opts && not (null classes) -> highlightedCodeBlock
| otherwise -> rawCodeBlock
- where ref = text $ toLabel identifier
- linkAnchor = if null identifier
- then empty
- else "\\hyperdef{}" <> braces ref <>
- braces ("\\label" <> braces ref)
- lhsCodeBlock = do
- modify $ \s -> s{ stLHS = True }
- return $ flush (linkAnchor $$ "\\begin{code}" $$ text str $$
- "\\end{code}") $$ cr
- rawCodeBlock = do
- st <- get
- env <- if stInNote st
- then modify (\s -> s{ stVerbInNote = True }) >>
- return "Verbatim"
- else return "verbatim"
- return $ flush (linkAnchor $$ text ("\\begin{" ++ env ++ "}") $$
- text str $$ text ("\\end{" ++ env ++ "}")) <> cr
- listingsCodeBlock = do
- st <- get
- let params = if writerListings (stOptions st)
- then (case getListingsLanguage classes of
- Just l -> [ "language=" ++ l ]
- Nothing -> []) ++
- [ "numbers=left" | "numberLines" `elem` classes
- || "number" `elem` classes
- || "number-lines" `elem` classes ] ++
- [ (if key == "startFrom"
- then "firstnumber"
- else key) ++ "=" ++ attr |
- (key,attr) <- keyvalAttr ] ++
- (if identifier == ""
- then []
- else [ "label=" ++ toLabel identifier ])
- else []
- printParams
- | null params = empty
- | otherwise = brackets $ hcat (intersperse ", " (map text params))
- return $ flush ("\\begin{lstlisting}" <> printParams $$ text str $$
- "\\end{lstlisting}") $$ cr
- highlightedCodeBlock =
- case highlight formatLaTeXBlock ("",classes,keyvalAttr) str of
- Nothing -> rawCodeBlock
- Just h -> modify (\st -> st{ stHighlighting = True }) >>
- return (flush $ linkAnchor $$ text h)
blockToLaTeX (RawBlock f x)
| f == Format "latex" || f == Format "tex"
= return $ text x
@@ -579,6 +581,7 @@ sectionHeader :: Bool -- True for unnumbered
-> State WriterState Doc
sectionHeader unnumbered ref level lst = do
txt <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
+ lab <- text `fmap` toLabel ref
let noNote (Note _) = Str ""
noNote x = x
let lstNoNotes = walk noNote lst
@@ -599,13 +602,13 @@ sectionHeader unnumbered ref level lst = do
let refLabel x = (if ref `elem` internalLinks
then text "\\hyperdef"
<> braces empty
- <> braces (text $ toLabel ref)
+ <> braces lab
<> braces x
else x)
- let headerWith x y r = refLabel $ text x <> y <>
- if null r
+ let headerWith x y = refLabel $ text x <> y <>
+ if null ref
then empty
- else text "\\label" <> braces (text $ toLabel r)
+ else text "\\label" <> braces lab
let sectionType = case level' of
0 | writerBeamer opts -> "part"
| otherwise -> "chapter"
@@ -624,7 +627,7 @@ sectionHeader unnumbered ref level lst = do
return $ if level' > 5
then txt
else prefix $$
- headerWith ('\\':sectionType) stuffing ref
+ headerWith ('\\':sectionType) stuffing
$$ if unnumbered
then "\\addcontentsline{toc}" <>
braces (text sectionType) <>
@@ -659,9 +662,10 @@ inlineToLaTeX (Span (id',classes,_) ils) = do
let noEmph = "csl-no-emph" `elem` classes
let noStrong = "csl-no-strong" `elem` classes
let noSmallCaps = "csl-no-smallcaps" `elem` classes
- let label' = if (null id')
- then empty
- else text "\\label" <> braces (text $ toLabel id')
+ label' <- if null id'
+ then return empty
+ else toLabel id' >>= \x ->
+ return (text "\\label" <> braces (text x))
fmap (label' <>)
((if noEmph then inCmd "textup" else id) .
(if noStrong then inCmd "textnormal" else id) .
@@ -745,9 +749,8 @@ inlineToLaTeX (LineBreak) = return "\\\\"
inlineToLaTeX Space = return space
inlineToLaTeX (Link txt ('#':ident, _)) = do
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX txt
- ident' <- stringToLaTeX URLString ident
- return $ text "\\hyperref" <> brackets (text $ toLabel ident') <>
- braces contents
+ lab <- toLabel ident
+ return $ text "\\hyperref" <> brackets (text lab) <> braces contents
inlineToLaTeX (Link txt (src, _)) =
case txt of
[Str x] | x == src -> -- autolink