path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Vimwiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Vimwiki.hs
index fecbb2fb4..5575b3687 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Vimwiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Vimwiki.hs
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ preformatted = try $ do
lookAhead newline
contents <- manyTill anyChar (try (char '\n' >> many spaceChar >> string "}}}"
>> many spaceChar >> newline))
- if not (contents == "") && (head contents == '\n')
+ if (contents /= "") && (head contents == '\n')
then return $ B.codeBlockWith (makeAttr attrText) (tail contents)
else return $ B.codeBlockWith (makeAttr attrText) contents
@@ -310,10 +310,10 @@ mixedList' prevInd = do
curLine <- listItemContent
let listBuilder =
if builder == "ul" then B.bulletList else B.orderedList
- (subList, lowInd) <- (mixedList' curInd)
+ (subList, lowInd) <- mixedList' curInd
if lowInd >= curInd
then do
- (sameIndList, endInd) <- (mixedList' lowInd)
+ (sameIndList, endInd) <- mixedList' lowInd
let curList = combineList curLine subList ++ sameIndList
if curInd > prevInd
then return ([listBuilder curList], endInd)
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ bulletListMarkers = "ul" <$ (char '*' <|> char '-')
orderedListMarkers :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m String
orderedListMarkers =
- ("ol" <$choice ((orderedListMarker Decimal Period):(($OneParen)
+ ("ol" <$choice (orderedListMarker Decimal Period:(($OneParen)
<$> orderedListMarker
<$> [Decimal, LowerRoman, UpperRoman, LowerAlpha, UpperAlpha])))
<|> ("ol" <$ char '#')
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ tableRow = try $ do
tableCell :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m Blocks
tableCell = try $
- B.plain . trimInlines . mconcat <$> (manyTill inline' (char '|'))
+ B.plain . trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline' (char '|')
placeholder :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m ()
placeholder = try $
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ placeholder = try $
ph :: PandocMonad m => String -> VwParser m ()
ph s = try $ do
many spaceChar >>string ('%':s) >> spaceChar
- contents <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> (manyTill inline (lookAhead newline))
+ contents <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline (lookAhead newline)
--use lookAhead because of placeholder in the whitespace parser
let meta' = return $ B.setMeta s contents nullMeta :: F Meta
updateState $ \st -> st { stateMeta' = stateMeta' st <> meta' }
@@ -515,12 +515,12 @@ bareURL = try $ do
strong :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m Inlines
strong = try $ do
s <- lookAhead $ between (char '*') (char '*') (many1 $ noneOf "*")
- guard $ not ((head s) `elem` spaceChars)
- &&not ((last s) `elem` spaceChars)
+ guard $ (head s `notElem` spaceChars)
+ && (last s `notElem` spaceChars)
char '*'
contents <- mconcat <$>manyTill inline' (char '*'
>> notFollowedBy alphaNum)
- return $ B.spanWith ((makeId contents), [], []) mempty
+ return $ B.spanWith (makeId contents, [], []) mempty
<> B.strong contents
makeId :: Inlines -> String
@@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ makeId i = concat (stringify <$> toList i)
emph :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m Inlines
emph = try $ do
s <- lookAhead $ between (char '_') (char '_') (many1 $ noneOf "_")
- guard $ not ((head s) `elem` spaceChars)
- &&not ((last s) `elem` spaceChars)
+ guard $ (head s `notElem` spaceChars)
+ && (last s `notElem` spaceChars)
char '_'
contents <- mconcat <$>manyTill inline' (char '_'
>> notFollowedBy alphaNum)
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ emph = try $ do
strikeout :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m Inlines
strikeout = try $ do
string "~~"
- contents <- mconcat <$>many1Till inline' (string $ "~~")
+ contents <- mconcat <$>many1Till inline' (string "~~")
return $ B.strikeout contents
code :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m Inlines
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ link = try $ do
return $ B.link (procLink contents) "" (B.str contents)
True -> do
url <- manyTill anyChar $ char '|'
- lab <- mconcat <$> (manyTill inline $ string "]]")
+ lab <- mconcat <$> manyTill inline (string "]]")
return $ B.link (procLink url) "" lab
image :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m Inlines
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ images k
return $ B.image (procImgurl imgurl) "" (B.str "")
| k == 1 = do
imgurl <- manyTill anyChar (char '|')
- alt <- mconcat <$> (manyTill inline (try $ string "}}"))
+ alt <- mconcat <$> manyTill inline (try $ string "}}")
return $ B.image (procImgurl imgurl) "" alt
| k == 2 = do
imgurl <- manyTill anyChar (char '|')
@@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ images k
procLink' :: String -> String
procLink' s
- | (take 6 s) == "local:" = "file" ++ drop 5 s
- | (take 6 s) == "diary:" = "diary/" ++ drop 6 s ++ ".html"
+ | take 6 s == "local:" = "file" ++ drop 5 s
+ | take 6 s == "diary:" = "diary/" ++ drop 6 s ++ ".html"
| or ((`isPrefixOf` s) <$> [ "http:", "https:", "ftp:", "file:", "mailto:",
"news:", "telnet:" ])
= s
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ procLink s = procLink' x ++ y
where (x, y) = break (=='#') s
procImgurl :: String -> String
-procImgurl s = if (take 6 s) == "local:" then "file" ++ drop 5 s else s
+procImgurl s = if take 6 s == "local:" then "file" ++ drop 5 s else s
inlineMath :: PandocMonad m => VwParser m Inlines
inlineMath = try $ do