path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index 796f6fa66..03a4f82ff 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -264,8 +264,14 @@ writeDocx opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
, stTocTitle = tocTitle
+ let isRTLmeta = case lookupMeta "dir" meta of
+ Just (MetaString "rtl") -> True
+ Just (MetaInlines [Str "rtl"]) -> True
+ _ -> False
let env = defaultWriterEnv {
- envChangesAuthor = fromMaybe "unknown" username
+ envRTL = isRTLmeta
+ , envChangesAuthor = fromMaybe "unknown" username
, envChangesDate = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" utctime
@@ -722,11 +728,6 @@ makeTOC _ = return []
-- OpenXML elements (the main document and footnotes).
writeOpenXML :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> WS ([Element], [Element])
writeOpenXML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
- let isRTL = case lookupMeta "dir" meta of
- Just (MetaString "rtl") -> True
- Just (MetaInlines [Str "rtl"]) -> True
- _ -> False
- (if isRTL then setRTL else id) $ do
let tit = docTitle meta ++ case lookupMeta "subtitle" meta of
Just (MetaBlocks [Plain xs]) -> LineBreak : xs
_ -> []
@@ -792,25 +793,30 @@ dynamicStyleKey = "custom-style"
-- | Convert a Pandoc block element to OpenXML.
blockToOpenXML :: WriterOptions -> Block -> WS [Element]
-blockToOpenXML _ Null = return []
-blockToOpenXML opts (Div (ident,classes,kvs) bs)
+blockToOpenXML opts blk = withDirection $ blockToOpenXML' opts blk
+blockToOpenXML' :: WriterOptions -> Block -> WS [Element]
+blockToOpenXML' _ Null = return []
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Div (ident,classes,kvs) bs)
| Just sty <- lookup dynamicStyleKey kvs = do
modify $ \s -> s{stDynamicParaProps = sty : (stDynamicParaProps s)}
withParaPropM (pStyleM sty) $ blocksToOpenXML opts bs
| Just "rtl" <- lookup "dir" kvs = do
let kvs' = filter (("dir", "rtl")/=) kvs
- setRTL $ blockToOpenXML opts (Div (ident,classes,kvs') bs)
+ local (\env -> env { envRTL = True }) $
+ blockToOpenXML opts (Div (ident,classes,kvs') bs)
| Just "ltr" <- lookup "dir" kvs = do
let kvs' = filter (("dir", "ltr")/=) kvs
- setLTR $ blockToOpenXML opts (Div (ident,classes,kvs') bs)
-blockToOpenXML opts (Div (_,["references"],_) bs) = do
+ local (\env -> env { envRTL = False }) $
+ blockToOpenXML opts (Div (ident,classes,kvs') bs)
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Div (_,["references"],_) bs) = do
let (hs, bs') = span isHeaderBlock bs
header <- blocksToOpenXML opts hs
-- We put the Bibliography style on paragraphs after the header
rest <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "Bibliography") $ blocksToOpenXML opts bs'
return (header ++ rest)
-blockToOpenXML opts (Div _ bs) = blocksToOpenXML opts bs
-blockToOpenXML opts (Header lev (ident,_,_) lst) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Div _ bs) = blocksToOpenXML opts bs
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Header lev (ident,_,_) lst) = do
paraProps <- withParaPropM (pStyleM ("Heading "++show lev)) $
getParaProps False
@@ -825,10 +831,10 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Header lev (ident,_,_) lst) = do
,("w:name",bookmarkName)] ()
let bookmarkEnd = mknode "w:bookmarkEnd" [("w:id", id')] ()
return [mknode "w:p" [] (paraProps ++ [bookmarkStart, bookmarkEnd] ++ contents)]
-blockToOpenXML opts (Plain lst) = withParaProp (pCustomStyle "Compact")
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Plain lst) = withParaProp (pCustomStyle "Compact")
$ blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst)
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
-blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
let prop = pCustomStyle $
if null alt
@@ -840,8 +846,8 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
$ blockToOpenXML opts (Para alt)
return $ mknode "w:p" [] (paraProps ++ contents) : captionNode
-- fixDisplayMath sometimes produces a Para [] as artifact
-blockToOpenXML _ (Para []) = return []
-blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst) = do
+blockToOpenXML' _ (Para []) = return []
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Para lst) = do
isFirstPara <- gets stFirstPara
paraProps <- getParaProps $ case lst of
[Math DisplayMath _] -> True
@@ -854,25 +860,25 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst) = do
modify $ \s -> s { stFirstPara = False }
contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
return [mknode "w:p" [] (paraProps' ++ contents)]
-blockToOpenXML _ (RawBlock format str)
+blockToOpenXML' _ (RawBlock format str)
| format == Format "openxml" = return [ x | Elem x <- parseXML str ]
| otherwise = return []
-blockToOpenXML opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
p <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "Block Text") $ blocksToOpenXML opts blocks
return p
-blockToOpenXML opts (CodeBlock attrs str) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (CodeBlock attrs str) = do
p <- withParaProp (pCustomStyle "SourceCode") (blockToOpenXML opts $ Para [Code attrs str])
return p
-blockToOpenXML _ HorizontalRule = do
+blockToOpenXML' _ HorizontalRule = do
return [
mknode "w:p" [] $ mknode "w:r" [] $ mknode "w:pict" []
$ mknode "v:rect" [("style","width:0;height:1.5pt"),
("o:hrstd","t"),("o:hr","t")] () ]
-blockToOpenXML opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
let captionStr = stringify caption
caption' <- if null caption
@@ -920,21 +926,21 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
: [ mkrow True headers' | hasHeader ] ++
map (mkrow False) rows'
-blockToOpenXML opts (BulletList lst) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (BulletList lst) = do
let marker = BulletMarker
addList marker
numid <- getNumId
l <- asList $ concat `fmap` mapM (listItemToOpenXML opts numid) lst
return l
-blockToOpenXML opts (OrderedList (start, numstyle, numdelim) lst) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (OrderedList (start, numstyle, numdelim) lst) = do
let marker = NumberMarker numstyle numdelim start
addList marker
numid <- getNumId
l <- asList $ concat `fmap` mapM (listItemToOpenXML opts numid) lst
return l
-blockToOpenXML opts (DefinitionList items) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (DefinitionList items) = do
l <- concat `fmap` mapM (definitionListItemToOpenXML opts) items
return l
@@ -1027,10 +1033,13 @@ setFirstPara = modify $ \s -> s { stFirstPara = True }
-- | Convert an inline element to OpenXML.
inlineToOpenXML :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> WS [Element]
-inlineToOpenXML _ (Str str) = formattedString str
-inlineToOpenXML opts Space = inlineToOpenXML opts (Str " ")
-inlineToOpenXML opts SoftBreak = inlineToOpenXML opts (Str " ")
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils)
+inlineToOpenXML opts il = withDirection $ inlineToOpenXML' opts il
+inlineToOpenXML' :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> WS [Element]
+inlineToOpenXML' _ (Str str) = formattedString str
+inlineToOpenXML' opts Space = inlineToOpenXML opts (Str " ")
+inlineToOpenXML' opts SoftBreak = inlineToOpenXML opts (Str " ")
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils)
| Just sty <- lookup dynamicStyleKey kvs = do
let kvs' = filter ((dynamicStyleKey, sty)/=) kvs
modify $ \s -> s{stDynamicTextProps = sty : (stDynamicTextProps s)}
@@ -1038,10 +1047,12 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils)
inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs') ils)
| Just "rtl" <- lookup "dir" kvs = do
let kvs' = filter (("dir", "rtl")/=) kvs
- setRTL $ inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs') ils)
+ local (\env -> env { envRTL = True }) $
+ inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs') ils)
| Just "ltr" <- lookup "dir" kvs = do
let kvs' = filter (("dir", "ltr")/=) kvs
- setLTR $ inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs') ils)
+ local (\env -> env { envRTL = False }) $
+ inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs') ils)
| "insertion" `elem` classes = do
defaultAuthor <- asks envChangesAuthor
defaultDate <- asks envChangesDate
@@ -1072,32 +1083,32 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils)
(if "csl-no-strong" `elem` classes then off "w:b" else id) .
(if "csl-no-smallcaps" `elem` classes then off "w:smallCaps" else id))
$ inlinesToOpenXML opts ils
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Strong lst) =
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Strong lst) =
withTextProp (mknode "w:b" [] ()) $ inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Emph lst) =
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Emph lst) =
withTextProp (mknode "w:i" [] ()) $ inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Subscript lst) =
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Subscript lst) =
withTextProp (mknode "w:vertAlign" [("w:val","subscript")] ())
$ inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Superscript lst) =
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Superscript lst) =
withTextProp (mknode "w:vertAlign" [("w:val","superscript")] ())
$ inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
-inlineToOpenXML opts (SmallCaps lst) =
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (SmallCaps lst) =
withTextProp (mknode "w:smallCaps" [] ())
$ inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Strikeout lst) =
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Strikeout lst) =
withTextProp (mknode "w:strike" [] ())
$ inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
-inlineToOpenXML _ LineBreak = return [br]
-inlineToOpenXML _ (RawInline f str)
+inlineToOpenXML' _ LineBreak = return [br]
+inlineToOpenXML' _ (RawInline f str)
| f == Format "openxml" = return [ x | Elem x <- parseXML str ]
| otherwise = return []
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Quoted quoteType lst) =
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Quoted quoteType lst) =
inlinesToOpenXML opts $ [Str open] ++ lst ++ [Str close]
where (open, close) = case quoteType of
SingleQuote -> ("\x2018", "\x2019")
DoubleQuote -> ("\x201C", "\x201D")
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Math mathType str) = do
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Math mathType str) = do
let displayType = if mathType == DisplayMath
then DisplayBlock
else DisplayInline
@@ -1105,8 +1116,8 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Math mathType str) = do
case writeOMML displayType <$> readTeX str of
Right r -> return [r]
Left _ -> inlinesToOpenXML opts (texMathToInlines mathType str)
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Code attrs str) = do
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Code attrs str) = do
let unhighlighted = intercalate [br] `fmap`
(mapM formattedString $ lines str)
formatOpenXML _fmtOpts = intercalate [br] . map (map toHlTok)
@@ -1120,7 +1131,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Code attrs str) = do
Nothing -> unhighlighted
Just h -> return h
else unhighlighted
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Note bs) = do
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Note bs) = do
notes <- gets stFootnotes
notenum <- getUniqueId
footnoteStyle <- rStyleM "Footnote Reference"
@@ -1143,11 +1154,11 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Note bs) = do
[ mknode "w:rPr" [] footnoteStyle
, mknode "w:footnoteReference" [("w:id", notenum)] () ] ]
-- internal link:
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Link _ txt ('#':xs,_)) = do
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Link _ txt ('#':xs,_)) = do
contents <- withTextPropM (rStyleM "Hyperlink") $ inlinesToOpenXML opts txt
return [ mknode "w:hyperlink" [("w:anchor",xs)] contents ]
-- external link:
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Link _ txt (src,_)) = do
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Link _ txt (src,_)) = do
contents <- withTextPropM (rStyleM "Hyperlink") $ inlinesToOpenXML opts txt
extlinks <- gets stExternalLinks
id' <- case M.lookup src extlinks of
@@ -1158,7 +1169,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Link _ txt (src,_)) = do
M.insert src i extlinks }
return i
return [ mknode "w:hyperlink" [("r:id",id')] contents ]
-inlineToOpenXML opts (Image attr alt (src, _)) = do
+inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr alt (src, _)) = do
-- first, check to see if we've already done this image
pageWidth <- gets stPrintWidth
imgs <- gets stImages
@@ -1269,28 +1280,23 @@ fitToPage (x, y) pageWidth
(pageWidth, floor $ ((fromIntegral pageWidth) / x) * y)
| otherwise = (floor x, floor y)
-setRTL :: WS a -> WS a
-setRTL x = do
- isRTL <- asks envRTL
- if isRTL
- then x
- else flip local x $ \env -> env {
- envRTL = True
- , envParaProperties = (mknode "w:bidi" [] ()) : envParaProperties env
- , envTextProperties = (mknode "w:rtl" [] ()) : envTextProperties env
- }
+withDirection :: WS a -> WS a
+withDirection x = do
+ isDir <- asks envRTL
+ paraProps <- asks envParaProperties
+ textProps <- asks envTextProperties
+ -- we have to do this because we don't want to accumulate these
+ -- properties if we have it set while the environment is already
+ -- active.
+ let paraProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "bidi") paraProps
+ textProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "rtl") textProps
+ if isDir
+ then flip local x $
+ \env -> env { envParaProperties = (mknode "w:bidi" [] ()) : paraProps'
+ , envTextProperties = (mknode "w:rtl" [] ()) : textProps'
+ }
+ else flip local x $ \env -> env { envParaProperties = paraProps'
+ , envTextProperties = textProps'
+ }
-setLTR :: WS a -> WS a
-setLTR x = do
- isRTL <- asks envRTL
- if isRTL
- then do paraProps <- asks envParaProperties
- textProps <- asks envTextProperties
- let paraProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "bidi") paraProps
- textProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "rtl") textProps
- flip local x $ \env -> env { envRTL = False
- , envParaProperties = paraProps'
- , envTextProperties = textProps'
- }
- else x