path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
index 37c78bba8..4a1c27ce6 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (EPUBVersion (..), HTMLMathMethod (..),
ObfuscationMethod (NoObfuscation), WrapOption (..),
WriterOptions (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (makeSections, normalizeDate, renderTags',
- safeRead, stringify, trim, uniqueIdent)
+ safeRead, stringify, trim, uniqueIdent, tshow)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.UUID (getUUID)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query, walk, walkM)
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ getEPUBMetadata opts meta = do
let localeLang =
case mLang of
Just lang ->
- map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) $
- takeWhile (/='.') lang
+ TS.map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) $
+ TS.takeWhile (/='.') lang
Nothing -> "en-US"
- return m{ epubLanguage = localeLang }
+ return m{ epubLanguage = TS.unpack localeLang }
else return m
let fixDate m =
if null (epubDate m)
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ getEPUBMetadata opts meta = do
then return m
else do
let authors' = map stringify $ docAuthors meta
- let toAuthor name = Creator{ creatorText = name
+ let toAuthor name = Creator{ creatorText = TS.unpack name
, creatorRole = Just "aut"
, creatorFileAs = Nothing }
return $ m{ epubCreator = map toAuthor authors' ++ epubCreator m }
@@ -253,18 +253,18 @@ addMetadataFromXML e@(Element (QName "meta" _ _) attrs _ _) md =
addMetadataFromXML _ md = md
metaValueToString :: MetaValue -> String
-metaValueToString (MetaString s) = s
-metaValueToString (MetaInlines ils) = stringify ils
-metaValueToString (MetaBlocks bs) = stringify bs
+metaValueToString (MetaString s) = TS.unpack s
+metaValueToString (MetaInlines ils) = TS.unpack $ stringify ils
+metaValueToString (MetaBlocks bs) = TS.unpack $ stringify bs
metaValueToString (MetaBool True) = "true"
metaValueToString (MetaBool False) = "false"
metaValueToString _ = ""
-metaValueToPaths:: MetaValue -> [FilePath]
+metaValueToPaths :: MetaValue -> [FilePath]
metaValueToPaths (MetaList xs) = map metaValueToString xs
metaValueToPaths x = [metaValueToString x]
-getList :: String -> Meta -> (MetaValue -> a) -> [a]
+getList :: TS.Text -> Meta -> (MetaValue -> a) -> [a]
getList s meta handleMetaValue =
case lookupMeta s meta of
Just (MetaList xs) -> map handleMetaValue xs
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ getTitle meta = getList "title" meta handleMetaValue
, titleType = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "type" m }
handleMetaValue mv = Title (metaValueToString mv) Nothing Nothing
-getCreator :: String -> Meta -> [Creator]
+getCreator :: TS.Text -> Meta -> [Creator]
getCreator s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
Creator{ creatorText = maybe "" metaValueToString $ M.lookup "text" m
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ getCreator s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
, creatorRole = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "role" m }
handleMetaValue mv = Creator (metaValueToString mv) Nothing Nothing
-getDate :: String -> Meta -> [Date]
+getDate :: TS.Text -> Meta -> [Date]
getDate s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
Date{ dateText = fromMaybe "" $
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ getDate s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
handleMetaValue mv = Date { dateText = fromMaybe "" $ normalizeDate' $ metaValueToString mv
, dateEvent = Nothing }
-simpleList :: String -> Meta -> [String]
+simpleList :: TS.Text -> Meta -> [String]
simpleList s meta =
case lookupMeta s meta of
Just (MetaList xs) -> map metaValueToString xs
@@ -366,11 +366,11 @@ metadataFromMeta opts meta = EPUBMetadata{
_ -> Nothing
ibooksFields = case lookupMeta "ibooks" meta of
Just (MetaMap mp)
- -> M.toList $ M.map metaValueToString mp
+ -> M.toList $ M.mapKeys TS.unpack $ M.map metaValueToString mp
_ -> []
calibreFields = case lookupMeta "calibre" meta of
Just (MetaMap mp)
- -> M.toList $ M.map metaValueToString mp
+ -> M.toList $ M.mapKeys TS.unpack $ M.map metaValueToString mp
_ -> []
-- | Produce an EPUB2 file from a Pandoc document.
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ writeEPUB :: PandocMonad m
writeEPUB epubVersion opts doc = do
let epubSubdir = writerEpubSubdirectory opts
-- sanity check on epubSubdir
- unless (all (\c -> isAscii c && isAlphaNum c) epubSubdir) $
+ unless (TS.all (\c -> isAscii c && isAlphaNum c) epubSubdir) $
throwError $ PandocEpubSubdirectoryError epubSubdir
- let initState = EPUBState { stMediaPaths = [], stMediaNextId = 0, stEpubSubdir = epubSubdir }
+ let initState = EPUBState { stMediaPaths = [], stMediaNextId = 0, stEpubSubdir = TS.unpack epubSubdir }
evalStateT (pandocToEPUB epubVersion opts doc) initState
pandocToEPUB :: PandocMonad m
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
[] -> case epubTitle metadata of
[] -> "UNTITLED"
(x:_) -> titleText x
- x -> stringify x
+ x -> TS.unpack $ stringify x
-- stylesheet
stylesheets <- case epubStylesheets metadata of
@@ -468,13 +468,13 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
case imageSize opts' (B.toStrict imgContent) of
Right sz -> return $ sizeInPixels sz
Left err' -> (0, 0) <$ report
- (CouldNotDetermineImageSize img err')
+ (CouldNotDetermineImageSize (TS.pack img) err')
cpContent <- lift $ writeHtml
opts'{ writerVariables =
Context (M.fromList [
("coverpage", toVal' "true"),
- ("pagetitle", toVal' $
- escapeStringForXML plainTitle),
+ ("pagetitle", toVal $
+ escapeStringForXML $ TS.pack plainTitle),
("cover-image", toVal' coverImage),
("cover-image-width", toVal' $
show coverImageWidth),
@@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
Context (M.fromList [
("titlepage", toVal' "true"),
("body-type", toVal' "frontmatter"),
- ("pagetitle", toVal' $
- escapeStringForXML plainTitle)])
+ ("pagetitle", toVal $
+ escapeStringForXML $ TS.pack plainTitle)])
<> cssvars True <> vars }
(Pandoc meta [])
tpEntry <- mkEntry "text/title_page.xhtml" tpContent
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let matchingGlob f = do
xs <- lift $ P.glob f
when (null xs) $
- report $ CouldNotFetchResource f "glob did not match any font files"
+ report $ CouldNotFetchResource (TS.pack f) "glob did not match any font files"
return xs
let mkFontEntry f = mkEntry ("fonts/" ++ takeFileName f) =<<
lift (P.readFileLazy f)
@@ -551,16 +551,16 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let chapters' = secsToChapters secs
- let extractLinkURL' :: Int -> Inline -> [(String, String)]
+ let extractLinkURL' :: Int -> Inline -> [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
extractLinkURL' num (Span (ident, _, _) _)
- | not (null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num ++ ('#':ident))]
+ | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL' _ _ = []
- let extractLinkURL :: Int -> Block -> [(String, String)]
+ let extractLinkURL :: Int -> Block -> [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
extractLinkURL num (Div (ident, _, _) _)
- | not (null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num ++ ('#':ident))]
+ | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL num (Header _ (ident, _, _) _)
- | not (null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num ++ ('#':ident))]
+ | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL num b = query (extractLinkURL' num) b
let reftable = concat $ zipWith (\(Chapter bs) num ->
@@ -568,10 +568,10 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
chapters' [1..]
let fixInternalReferences :: Inline -> Inline
- fixInternalReferences (Link attr lab ('#':xs, tit)) =
- case lookup xs reftable of
+ fixInternalReferences (Link attr lab (src, tit))
+ | Just ('#', xs) <- TS.uncons src = case lookup xs reftable of
Just ys -> Link attr lab (ys, tit)
- Nothing -> Link attr lab ('#':xs, tit)
+ Nothing -> Link attr lab (src, tit)
fixInternalReferences x = x
-- internal reference IDs change when we chunk the file,
@@ -645,14 +645,14 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
("href", makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
- fromMaybe "application/octet-stream"
+ maybe "application/octet-stream" TS.unpack
$ mediaTypeOf $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
let fontNode ent = unode "item" !
[("id", toId $ makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
("href", makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
- ("media-type", fromMaybe "" $
+ ("media-type", maybe "" TS.unpack $
getMimeType $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
let tocTitle = fromMaybe plainTitle $
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let tocLevel = writerTOCDepth opts
let navPointNode :: PandocMonad m
- => (Int -> [Inline] -> String -> [Element] -> Element)
+ => (Int -> [Inline] -> TS.Text -> [Element] -> Element)
-> Block -> StateT Int m [Element]
navPointNode formatter (Div (ident,_,_)
(Header lvl (_,_,kvs) ils : children)) = do
@@ -734,29 +734,29 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
n <- get
modify (+1)
let num = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "number" kvs
- let tit = if writerNumberSections opts && not (null num)
+ let tit = if writerNumberSections opts && not (TS.null num)
then Span ("", ["section-header-number"], [])
[Str num] : Space : ils
else ils
src <- case lookup ident reftable of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> throwError $ PandocSomeError $
- ident ++ " not found in reftable"
+ ident <> " not found in reftable"
subs <- concat <$> mapM (navPointNode formatter) children
return [formatter n tit src subs]
navPointNode formatter (Div _ bs) =
concat <$> mapM (navPointNode formatter) bs
navPointNode _ _ = return []
- let navMapFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> String -> [Element] -> Element
+ let navMapFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> TS.Text -> [Element] -> Element
navMapFormatter n tit src subs = unode "navPoint" !
[("id", "navPoint-" ++ show n)] $
- [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" $ stringify tit
- , unode "content" ! [("src", "text/" ++ src)] $ ()
+ [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" $ TS.unpack $ stringify tit
+ , unode "content" ! [("src", "text/" <> TS.unpack src)] $ ()
] ++ subs
let tpNode = unode "navPoint" ! [("id", "navPoint-0")] $
- [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" (stringify $ docTitle' meta)
+ [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" (TS.unpack $ stringify $ docTitle' meta)
, unode "content" ! [("src", "text/title_page.xhtml")]
$ () ]
@@ -784,11 +784,11 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
tocEntry <- mkEntry "toc.ncx" tocData
- let navXhtmlFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> String -> [Element] -> Element
+ let navXhtmlFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> TS.Text -> [Element] -> Element
navXhtmlFormatter n tit src subs = unode "li" !
[("id", "toc-li-" ++ show n)] $
(unode "a" !
- [("href", "text/" ++ src)]
+ [("href", "text/" <> TS.unpack src)]
$ titElements)
: case subs of
[] -> []
@@ -799,12 +799,12 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing
, writerVariables =
Context (M.fromList
- [("pagetitle", toVal' $
- escapeStringForXML plainTitle)])
+ [("pagetitle", toVal $
+ escapeStringForXML $ TS.pack plainTitle)])
<> writerVariables opts}
(Pandoc nullMeta
[Plain $ walk clean tit])) of
- Left _ -> TS.pack $ stringify tit
+ Left _ -> stringify tit
Right x -> x
-- can't have <a> elements inside generated links...
clean (Link _ ils _) = Span ("", [], []) ils
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
tocBlocks <- lift $ evalStateT
(concat <$> mapM (navPointNode navXhtmlFormatter) secs) 1
let navBlocks = [RawBlock (Format "html")
- $ showElement $ -- prettyprinting introduces bad spaces
+ $ TS.pack $ showElement $ -- prettyprinting introduces bad spaces
unode navtag ! ([("epub:type","toc") | epub3] ++
[("id","toc")]) $
[ unode "h1" ! [("id","toc-title")] $ tocTitle
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
else []
let landmarks = if null landmarkItems
then []
- else [RawBlock (Format "html") $ ppElement $
+ else [RawBlock (Format "html") $ TS.pack $ ppElement $
unode "nav" ! [("epub:type","landmarks")
,("hidden","hidden")] $
@@ -995,49 +995,49 @@ showDateTimeISO8601 :: UTCTime -> String
showDateTimeISO8601 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%TZ"
transformTag :: PandocMonad m
- => Tag String
- -> E m (Tag String)
+ => Tag TS.Text
+ -> E m (Tag TS.Text)
transformTag tag@(TagOpen name attr)
| name `elem` ["video", "source", "img", "audio"] &&
isNothing (lookup "data-external" attr) = do
let src = fromAttrib "src" tag
let poster = fromAttrib "poster" tag
- newsrc <- modifyMediaRef src
- newposter <- modifyMediaRef poster
+ newsrc <- modifyMediaRef $ TS.unpack src
+ newposter <- modifyMediaRef $ TS.unpack poster
let attr' = filter (\(x,_) -> x /= "src" && x /= "poster") attr ++
- [("src", "../" ++ newsrc) | not (null newsrc)] ++
- [("poster", "../" ++ newposter) | not (null newposter)]
+ [("src", "../" <> newsrc) | not (TS.null newsrc)] ++
+ [("poster", "../" <> newposter) | not (TS.null newposter)]
return $ TagOpen name attr'
transformTag tag = return tag
modifyMediaRef :: PandocMonad m
=> FilePath
- -> E m FilePath
+ -> E m TS.Text
modifyMediaRef "" = return ""
modifyMediaRef oldsrc = do
media <- gets stMediaPaths
case lookup oldsrc media of
- Just (n,_) -> return n
+ Just (n,_) -> return $ TS.pack n
Nothing -> catchError
- (do (img, mbMime) <- P.fetchItem oldsrc
- let ext = fromMaybe (takeExtension (takeWhile (/='?') oldsrc))
- (('.':) <$> (mbMime >>= extensionFromMimeType))
+ (do (img, mbMime) <- P.fetchItem $ TS.pack oldsrc
+ let ext = maybe (takeExtension (takeWhile (/='?') oldsrc)) TS.unpack
+ (("." <>) <$> (mbMime >>= extensionFromMimeType))
newName <- getMediaNextNewName ext
let newPath = "media/" ++ newName
entry <- mkEntry newPath (B.fromChunks . (:[]) $ img)
modify $ \st -> st{ stMediaPaths =
(oldsrc, (newPath, Just entry)):media}
- return newPath)
+ return $ TS.pack newPath)
(\e -> do
- report $ CouldNotFetchResource oldsrc (show e)
- return oldsrc)
+ report $ CouldNotFetchResource (TS.pack oldsrc) (tshow e)
+ return $ TS.pack oldsrc)
getMediaNextNewName :: PandocMonad m => String -> E m String
getMediaNextNewName ext = do
nextId <- gets stMediaNextId
modify $ \st -> st { stMediaNextId = nextId + 1 }
let nextName = "file" ++ show nextId ++ ext
- (P.fetchItem nextName >> getMediaNextNewName ext) `catchError` const (return nextName)
+ (P.fetchItem (TS.pack nextName) >> getMediaNextNewName ext) `catchError` const (return nextName)
transformBlock :: PandocMonad m
=> Block
@@ -1054,14 +1054,14 @@ transformInline :: PandocMonad m
-> Inline
-> E m Inline
transformInline _opts (Image attr lab (src,tit)) = do
- newsrc <- modifyMediaRef src
- return $ Image attr lab ("../" ++ newsrc, tit)
+ newsrc <- modifyMediaRef $ TS.unpack src
+ return $ Image attr lab ("../" <> newsrc, tit)
transformInline opts (x@(Math t m))
| WebTeX url <- writerHTMLMathMethod opts = do
- newsrc <- modifyMediaRef (url ++ urlEncode m)
+ newsrc <- modifyMediaRef (TS.unpack url <> urlEncode (TS.unpack m))
let mathclass = if t == DisplayMath then "display" else "inline"
return $ Span ("",["math",mathclass],[])
- [Image nullAttr [x] ("../" ++ newsrc, "")]
+ [Image nullAttr [x] ("../" <> newsrc, "")]
transformInline _opts (RawInline fmt raw)
| fmt == Format "html" = do
let tags = parseTags raw
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ ppTopElement = ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" ++) . unEntity .
unEntity ('&':'#':xs) =
let (ds,ys) = break (==';') xs
rest = drop 1 ys
- in case safeRead ('\'':'\\':ds ++ "'") of
+ in case safeRead (TS.pack $ "'\\" <> ds <> "'") of
Just x -> x : unEntity rest
Nothing -> '&':'#':unEntity xs
unEntity (x:xs) = x : unEntity xs
@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ mediaTypeOf :: FilePath -> Maybe MimeType
mediaTypeOf x =
let mediaPrefixes = ["image", "video", "audio"] in
case getMimeType x of
- Just y | any (`isPrefixOf` y) mediaPrefixes -> Just y
+ Just y | any (`TS.isPrefixOf` y) mediaPrefixes -> Just y
_ -> Nothing
-- Returns filename for chapter number.
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ addIdentifiers :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> [Block]
addIdentifiers opts bs = evalState (mapM go bs) Set.empty
where go (Header n (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
ids <- get
- let ident' = if null ident
+ let ident' = if TS.null ident
then uniqueIdent (writerExtensions opts) ils ids
else ident
modify $ Set.insert ident'
@@ -1111,13 +1111,16 @@ addIdentifiers opts bs = evalState (mapM go bs) Set.empty
-- Variant of normalizeDate that allows partial dates: YYYY, YYYY-MM
normalizeDate' :: String -> Maybe String
-normalizeDate' xs =
- let xs' = trim xs in
- case xs' of
- [y1,y2,y3,y4] | all isDigit [y1,y2,y3,y4] -> Just xs' -- YYYY
- [y1,y2,y3,y4,'-',m1,m2] | all isDigit [y1,y2,y3,y4,m1,m2] -- YYYY-MM
- -> Just xs'
- _ -> normalizeDate xs'
+normalizeDate' = fmap TS.unpack . go . trim . TS.pack
+ where
+ go xs
+ | TS.length xs == 4 -- YYY
+ , TS.all isDigit xs = Just xs
+ | (y, s) <- TS.splitAt 4 xs -- YYY-MM
+ , Just ('-', m) <- TS.uncons s
+ , TS.length m == 2
+ , TS.all isDigit y && TS.all isDigit m = Just xs
+ | otherwise = normalizeDate xs
toRelator :: String -> Maybe String
toRelator x