path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index 4e6a7b39c..1a77a5958 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (
) where
-import Data.List ( findIndex, sortBy )
+import Data.List ( findIndex, sortBy, transpose )
import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum )
import Text.ParserCombinators.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ setextHChars = ['=','-']
blockQuoteChar = '>'
hyphenChar = '-'
ellipsesChar = '.'
+listColSepChar = '|'
-- treat these as potentially non-text when parsing inline:
specialChars = [escapeChar, labelStart, labelEnd, emphStart, emphEnd,
@@ -106,9 +107,9 @@ indentSpaces = do
state <- getState
let tabStop = stateTabStop state
count tabStop (char ' ') <|>
- (do{skipNonindentSpaces; string "\t"}) <?> "indentation"
+ (do{nonindentSpaces; string "\t"}) <?> "indentation"
-skipNonindentSpaces = do
+nonindentSpaces = do
state <- getState
let tabStop = stateTabStop state
choice (map (\n -> (try (count n (char ' ')))) (reverse [0..(tabStop - 1)]))
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ parseMarkdown = do
parseBlocks = manyTill block eof
-block = choice [ codeBlock, note, referenceKey, header, hrule, list,
+block = choice [ header, table, codeBlock, note, referenceKey, hrule, list,
blockQuote, htmlBlock, rawLaTeXEnvironment', para,
plain, blankBlock, nullBlock ] <?> "block"
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ emacsBoxQuote = try (do
return raw)
emailBlockQuoteStart = try (do
- skipNonindentSpaces
+ nonindentSpaces
char blockQuoteChar
option ' ' (char ' ')
return "> ")
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ list = choice [ bulletList, orderedList ] <?> "list"
bulletListStart = try (do
option ' ' newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
- skipNonindentSpaces
+ nonindentSpaces
notFollowedBy' hrule -- because hrules start out just like lists
oneOf bulletListMarkers
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ bulletListStart = try (do
orderedListStart = try (do
option ' ' newline -- if preceded by a Plain block in a list context
- skipNonindentSpaces
+ nonindentSpaces
many1 digit <|> (do{failIfStrict; count 1 letter})
delim <- oneOf orderedListDelimiters
if delim /= '.' then failIfStrict else return ()
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ rawHtmlBlocks = try (do
referenceKey = try (do
- skipNonindentSpaces
+ nonindentSpaces
label <- reference
char labelSep
@@ -523,6 +524,150 @@ rawLaTeXEnvironment' = do
+-- Tables
+-- | Parse a dashed line with optional trailing spaces; return its length
+-- and the length including trailing space.
+dashedLine ch = do
+ dashes <- many1 (char ch)
+ sp <- many spaceChar
+ return $ (length dashes, length $ dashes ++ sp)
+-- | Parse a table header with dashed lines of '-' preceded by
+-- one line of text.
+simpleTableHeader = do
+ rawContent <- anyLine
+ initSp <- nonindentSpaces
+ dashes <- many1 (dashedLine '-')
+ newline
+ let (lengths, lines) = unzip dashes
+ let indices = scanl (+) (length initSp) lines
+ let rawHeads = tail $ splitByIndices (init indices) rawContent
+ let aligns = zipWith alignType (map (\a -> [a]) rawHeads) lengths
+ return $ (rawHeads, aligns, indices)
+-- | Parse a table footer - dashed lines followed by blank line.
+tableFooter = try $ do
+ nonindentSpaces
+ many1 (dashedLine '-')
+ blanklines
+-- | Parse a table separator - dashed line.
+tableSep = try $ do
+ nonindentSpaces
+ many1 (dashedLine '-')
+ string "\n"
+-- | Parse a raw line and split it into chunks by indices.
+rawTableLine indices = do
+ notFollowedBy' (blanklines <|> tableFooter)
+ line <- many1Till anyChar newline
+ return $ map removeLeadingTrailingSpace $ tail $
+ splitByIndices (init indices) line
+-- | Parse a table line and return a list of lists of blocks (columns).
+tableLine indices = try $ do
+ rawline <- rawTableLine indices
+ mapM (parseFromStr (many plain)) rawline
+-- | Parse a multiline table row and return a list of blocks (columns).
+multilineRow indices = try $ do
+ colLines <- many1 (rawTableLine indices)
+ option "" blanklines
+ let cols = map unlines $ transpose colLines
+ mapM (parseFromStr (many plain)) cols
+-- | Calculate relative widths of table columns, based on indices
+widthsFromIndices :: Int -- ^ Number of columns on terminal
+ -> [Int] -- ^ Indices
+ -> [Float] -- ^ Fractional relative sizes of columns
+widthsFromIndices _ [] = []
+widthsFromIndices numColumns indices =
+ let lengths = zipWith (-) indices (0:indices)
+ totLength = sum lengths
+ quotient = if totLength > numColumns
+ then fromIntegral totLength
+ else fromIntegral numColumns
+ fracs = map (\l -> (fromIntegral l) / quotient) lengths in
+ tail fracs
+-- | Parses a table caption: inlines beginning with 'Table:'
+-- and followed by blank lines
+tableCaption = try $ do
+ nonindentSpaces
+ string "Table:"
+ result <- many1 inline
+ blanklines
+ return $ normalizeSpaces result
+-- | Parse a table using 'headerParser', 'lineParser', and 'footerParser'
+tableWith headerParser lineParser footerParser = try $ do
+ (rawHeads, aligns, indices) <- headerParser
+ lines <- many1Till (lineParser indices) footerParser
+ caption <- option [] tableCaption
+ heads <- mapM (parseFromStr (many plain)) rawHeads
+ state <- getState
+ let numColumns = stateColumns state
+ let widths = widthsFromIndices numColumns indices
+ return $ Table caption aligns widths heads lines
+-- | Parse a simple table with '---' header and one line per row.
+simpleTable = tableWith simpleTableHeader tableLine blanklines
+-- | Parse a multiline table: starts with row of '-' on top, then header
+-- (which may be multiline), then the rows,
+-- which may be multiline, separated by blank lines, and
+-- ending with a footer (dashed line followed by blank line).
+multilineTable = tableWith multilineTableHeader multilineRow tableFooter
+multilineTableHeader = try $ do
+ tableSep
+ rawContent <- many1 (do{notFollowedBy' tableSep;
+ many1Till anyChar newline})
+ initSp <- nonindentSpaces
+ dashes <- many1 (dashedLine '-')
+ newline
+ let (lengths, lines) = unzip dashes
+ let indices = scanl (+) (length initSp) lines
+ let rawHeadsList = transpose $ map
+ (\ln -> tail $ splitByIndices (init indices) ln)
+ rawContent
+ let rawHeads = map (joinWithSep " ") rawHeadsList
+ let aligns = zipWith alignType rawHeadsList lengths
+ return $ ((map removeLeadingTrailingSpace rawHeads),
+ aligns, indices)
+-- | Returns the longest of a list of strings.
+longest :: [String] -> String
+longest [] = ""
+longest [x] = x
+longest (x:xs) =
+ if (length x) >= (maximum $ map length xs)
+ then x
+ else longest xs
+-- | Returns an alignment type for a table, based on a list of strings
+-- (the rows of the column header) and a number (the length of the
+-- dashed line under the rows.
+alignType :: [String] -> Int -> Alignment
+alignType [] len = AlignDefault
+alignType strLst len =
+ let str = longest $ map removeTrailingSpace strLst
+ leftSpace = if null str then False else ((str !! 0) `elem` " \t")
+ rightSpace = (length str < len || (str !! (len - 1)) `elem` " \t") in
+ case (leftSpace, rightSpace) of
+ (True, False) -> AlignRight
+ (False, True) -> AlignLeft
+ (True, True) -> AlignCenter
+ (False, False) -> AlignDefault
+table = do
+ failIfStrict
+ result <- simpleTable <|> multilineTable <?> "table"
+ return result
-- inline