path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
index 3b5954368..71ba26c8c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Textile
- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Paul Rivier and John MacFarlane
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Paul Rivier and John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Paul Rivier <paul*rivier#demotera*com>
@@ -59,10 +59,11 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML ( htmlTag, isInlineTag, isBlockTag )
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX ( rawLaTeXInline, rawLaTeXBlock )
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match
-import Data.Char ( digitToInt, isLetter )
+import Data.Char ( digitToInt, isUpper )
import Control.Monad ( guard, liftM )
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (*>), (<*))
-- | Parse a Textile text and return a Pandoc document.
readTextile :: ParserState -- ^ Parser state, including options for parser
@@ -72,16 +73,8 @@ readTextile state s =
(readWith parseTextile) state{ stateOldDashes = True } (s ++ "\n\n")
--- Constants and data structure definitions
--- | Special chars border strings parsing
-specialChars :: [Char]
-specialChars = "\\[]<>*#_@~-+^&,.;:!?|\"'%()"
-- | Generate a Pandoc ADT from a textile document
-parseTextile :: GenParser Char ParserState Pandoc
+parseTextile :: Parser [Char] ParserState Pandoc
parseTextile = do
-- textile allows raw HTML and does smart punctuation by default
updateState (\state -> state { stateParseRaw = True, stateSmart = True })
@@ -99,10 +92,10 @@ parseTextile = do
blocks <- parseBlocks
return $ Pandoc (Meta [] [] []) blocks -- FIXME
-noteMarker :: GenParser Char ParserState [Char]
+noteMarker :: Parser [Char] ParserState [Char]
noteMarker = skipMany spaceChar >> string "fn" >> manyTill digit (char '.')
-noteBlock :: GenParser Char ParserState [Char]
+noteBlock :: Parser [Char] ParserState [Char]
noteBlock = try $ do
startPos <- getPosition
ref <- noteMarker
@@ -117,36 +110,37 @@ noteBlock = try $ do
return $ replicate (sourceLine endPos - sourceLine startPos) '\n'
-- | Parse document blocks
-parseBlocks :: GenParser Char ParserState [Block]
+parseBlocks :: Parser [Char] ParserState [Block]
parseBlocks = manyTill block eof
-- | Block parsers list tried in definition order
-blockParsers :: [GenParser Char ParserState Block]
+blockParsers :: [Parser [Char] ParserState Block]
blockParsers = [ codeBlock
, header
, blockQuote
, hrule
, anyList
, rawHtmlBlock
+ , rawLaTeXBlock'
, maybeExplicitBlock "table" table
, maybeExplicitBlock "p" para
, nullBlock ]
-- | Any block in the order of definition of blockParsers
-block :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+block :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
block = choice blockParsers <?> "block"
-codeBlock :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+codeBlock :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
codeBlock = codeBlockBc <|> codeBlockPre
-codeBlockBc :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+codeBlockBc :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
codeBlockBc = try $ do
string "bc. "
contents <- manyTill anyLine blanklines
return $ CodeBlock ("",[],[]) $ unlines contents
-- | Code Blocks in Textile are between <pre> and </pre>
-codeBlockPre :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+codeBlockPre :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
codeBlockPre = try $ do
htmlTag (tagOpen (=="pre") null)
result' <- manyTill anyChar (try $ htmlTag (tagClose (=="pre")) >> blockBreak)
@@ -161,28 +155,23 @@ codeBlockPre = try $ do
return $ CodeBlock ("",[],[]) result'''
-- | Header of the form "hN. content" with N in 1..6
-header :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+header :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
header = try $ do
char 'h'
- level <- oneOf "123456" >>= return . digitToInt
- optional attributes
- char '.'
- whitespace
- name <- manyTill inline blockBreak
- return $ Header level (normalizeSpaces name)
+ level <- digitToInt <$> oneOf "123456"
+ optional attributes >> char '.' >> whitespace
+ name <- normalizeSpaces <$> manyTill inline blockBreak
+ return $ Header level name
-- | Blockquote of the form "bq. content"
-blockQuote :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+blockQuote :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
blockQuote = try $ do
- string "bq"
- optional attributes
- char '.'
- whitespace
- para >>= return . BlockQuote . (:[])
+ string "bq" >> optional attributes >> char '.' >> whitespace
+ BlockQuote . singleton <$> para
-- Horizontal rule
-hrule :: GenParser Char st Block
+hrule :: Parser [Char] st Block
hrule = try $ do
start <- oneOf "-*"
@@ -197,73 +186,62 @@ hrule = try $ do
-- | Can be a bullet list or an ordered list. This implementation is
-- strict in the nesting, sublist must start at exactly "parent depth
-- plus one"
-anyList :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
-anyList = try $ do
- l <- anyListAtDepth 1
- blanklines
- return l
+anyList :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
+anyList = try $ ( (anyListAtDepth 1) <* blanklines )
-- | This allow one type of list to be nested into an other type,
-- provided correct nesting
-anyListAtDepth :: Int -> GenParser Char ParserState Block
+anyListAtDepth :: Int -> Parser [Char] ParserState Block
anyListAtDepth depth = choice [ bulletListAtDepth depth,
orderedListAtDepth depth,
definitionList ]
-- | Bullet List of given depth, depth being the number of leading '*'
-bulletListAtDepth :: Int -> GenParser Char ParserState Block
-bulletListAtDepth depth = try $ do
- items <- many1 (bulletListItemAtDepth depth)
- return (BulletList items)
+bulletListAtDepth :: Int -> Parser [Char] ParserState Block
+bulletListAtDepth depth = try $ BulletList <$> many1 (bulletListItemAtDepth depth)
-- | Bullet List Item of given depth, depth being the number of
-- leading '*'
-bulletListItemAtDepth :: Int -> GenParser Char ParserState [Block]
-bulletListItemAtDepth depth = try $ do
- count depth (char '*')
- optional attributes
- whitespace
- p <- inlines >>= return . Plain
- sublist <- option [] (anyListAtDepth (depth + 1) >>= return . (:[]))
- return (p:sublist)
+bulletListItemAtDepth :: Int -> Parser [Char] ParserState [Block]
+bulletListItemAtDepth = genericListItemAtDepth '*'
-- | Ordered List of given depth, depth being the number of
--- leadingĀ '#'
-orderedListAtDepth :: Int -> GenParser Char ParserState Block
+-- leading '#'
+orderedListAtDepth :: Int -> Parser [Char] ParserState Block
orderedListAtDepth depth = try $ do
items <- many1 (orderedListItemAtDepth depth)
return (OrderedList (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) items)
-- | Ordered List Item of given depth, depth being the number of
--- leadingĀ '#'
-orderedListItemAtDepth :: Int -> GenParser Char ParserState [Block]
-orderedListItemAtDepth depth = try $ do
- count depth (char '#')
- optional attributes
- whitespace
- p <- inlines >>= return . Plain
- sublist <- option [] (anyListAtDepth (depth + 1) >>= return . (:[]))
- return (p:sublist)
+-- leading '#'
+orderedListItemAtDepth :: Int -> Parser [Char] ParserState [Block]
+orderedListItemAtDepth = genericListItemAtDepth '#'
+-- | Common implementation of list items
+genericListItemAtDepth :: Char -> Int -> Parser [Char] ParserState [Block]
+genericListItemAtDepth c depth = try $ do
+ count depth (char c) >> optional attributes >> whitespace
+ p <- inlines
+ sublist <- option [] (singleton <$> anyListAtDepth (depth + 1))
+ return ((Plain p):sublist)
-- | A definition list is a set of consecutive definition items
-definitionList :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
-definitionList = try $ do
- items <- many1 definitionListItem
- return $ DefinitionList items
+definitionList :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
+definitionList = try $ DefinitionList <$> many1 definitionListItem
-- | A definition list item in textile begins with '- ', followed by
-- the term defined, then spaces and ":=". The definition follows, on
-- the same single line, or spaned on multiple line, after a line
-- break.
-definitionListItem :: GenParser Char ParserState ([Inline], [[Block]])
+definitionListItem :: Parser [Char] ParserState ([Inline], [[Block]])
definitionListItem = try $ do
string "- "
term <- many1Till inline (try (whitespace >> string ":="))
def <- inlineDef <|> multilineDef
return (term, def)
- where inlineDef :: GenParser Char ParserState [[Block]]
+ where inlineDef :: Parser [Char] ParserState [[Block]]
inlineDef = liftM (\d -> [[Plain d]]) $ try (whitespace >> inlines)
- multilineDef :: GenParser Char ParserState [[Block]]
+ multilineDef :: Parser [Char] ParserState [[Block]]
multilineDef = try $ do
optional whitespace >> newline
s <- many1Till anyChar (try (string "=:" >> newline))
@@ -273,59 +251,57 @@ definitionListItem = try $ do
-- | This terminates a block such as a paragraph. Because of raw html
-- blocks support, we have to lookAhead for a rawHtmlBlock.
-blockBreak :: GenParser Char ParserState ()
+blockBreak :: Parser [Char] ParserState ()
blockBreak = try (newline >> blanklines >> return ()) <|>
(lookAhead rawHtmlBlock >> return ())
+-- raw content
-- | A raw Html Block, optionally followed by blanklines
-rawHtmlBlock :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+rawHtmlBlock :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
rawHtmlBlock = try $ do
(_,b) <- htmlTag isBlockTag
optional blanklines
return $ RawBlock "html" b
+-- | Raw block of LaTeX content
+rawLaTeXBlock' :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
+rawLaTeXBlock' = do
+ failIfStrict
+ RawBlock "latex" <$> (rawLaTeXBlock <* spaces)
-- | In textile, paragraphs are separated by blank lines.
-para :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
-para = try $ do
- content <- manyTill inline blockBreak
- return $ Para $ normalizeSpaces content
+para :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
+para = try $ Para . normalizeSpaces <$> manyTill inline blockBreak
-- Tables
-- | A table cell spans until a pipe |
-tableCell :: GenParser Char ParserState TableCell
+tableCell :: Parser [Char] ParserState TableCell
tableCell = do
c <- many1 (noneOf "|\n")
content <- parseFromString (many1 inline) c
return $ [ Plain $ normalizeSpaces content ]
-- | A table row is made of many table cells
-tableRow :: GenParser Char ParserState [TableCell]
-tableRow = try $ do
- char '|'
- cells <- endBy1 tableCell (char '|')
- newline
- return cells
+tableRow :: Parser [Char] ParserState [TableCell]
+tableRow = try $ ( char '|' *> (endBy1 tableCell (char '|')) <* newline)
-- | Many table rows
-tableRows :: GenParser Char ParserState [[TableCell]]
+tableRows :: Parser [Char] ParserState [[TableCell]]
tableRows = many1 tableRow
-- | Table headers are made of cells separated by a tag "|_."
-tableHeaders :: GenParser Char ParserState [TableCell]
-tableHeaders = try $ do
- let separator = (try $ string "|_.")
- separator
- headers <- sepBy1 tableCell separator
- char '|'
- newline
- return headers
+tableHeaders :: Parser [Char] ParserState [TableCell]
+tableHeaders = let separator = (try $ string "|_.") in
+ try $ ( separator *> (sepBy1 tableCell separator) <* char '|' <* newline )
-- | A table with an optional header. Current implementation can
-- handle tables with and without header, but will parse cells
-- alignment attributes as content.
-table :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+table :: Parser [Char] ParserState Block
table = try $ do
headers <- option [] tableHeaders
rows <- tableRows
@@ -341,8 +317,8 @@ table = try $ do
-- | Blocks like 'p' and 'table' do not need explicit block tag.
-- However, they can be used to set HTML/CSS attributes when needed.
maybeExplicitBlock :: String -- ^ block tag name
- -> GenParser Char ParserState Block -- ^ implicit block
- -> GenParser Char ParserState Block
+ -> Parser [Char] ParserState Block -- ^ implicit block
+ -> Parser [Char] ParserState Block
maybeExplicitBlock name blk = try $ do
optional $ try $ string name >> optional attributes >> char '.' >>
((try whitespace) <|> endline)
@@ -356,31 +332,27 @@ maybeExplicitBlock name blk = try $ do
-- | Any inline element
-inline :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+inline :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
inline = choice inlineParsers <?> "inline"
-- | List of consecutive inlines before a newline
-inlines :: GenParser Char ParserState [Inline]
+inlines :: Parser [Char] ParserState [Inline]
inlines = manyTill inline newline
-- | Inline parsers tried in order
-inlineParsers :: [GenParser Char ParserState Inline]
+inlineParsers :: [Parser [Char] ParserState Inline]
inlineParsers = [ autoLink
, str
, whitespace
, endline
, code
+ , escapedInline
, htmlSpan
, rawHtmlInline
+ , rawLaTeXInline'
, note
- , simpleInline (string "??") (Cite [])
- , simpleInline (string "**") Strong
- , simpleInline (string "__") Emph
- , simpleInline (char '*') Strong
- , simpleInline (char '_') Emph
- , simpleInline (char '-') Strikeout
- , simpleInline (char '^') Superscript
- , simpleInline (char '~') Subscript
+ , try $ (char '[' *> inlineMarkup <* char ']')
+ , inlineMarkup
, link
, image
, mark
@@ -388,97 +360,140 @@ inlineParsers = [ autoLink
, symbol
+-- | Inline markups
+inlineMarkup :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+inlineMarkup = choice [ simpleInline (string "??") (Cite [])
+ , simpleInline (string "**") Strong
+ , simpleInline (string "__") Emph
+ , simpleInline (char '*') Strong
+ , simpleInline (char '_') Emph
+ , simpleInline (char '+') Emph -- approximates underline
+ , simpleInline (char '-') Strikeout
+ , simpleInline (char '^') Superscript
+ , simpleInline (char '~') Subscript
+ ]
-- | Trademark, registered, copyright
-mark :: GenParser Char st Inline
+mark :: Parser [Char] st Inline
mark = try $ char '(' >> (try tm <|> try reg <|> copy)
-reg :: GenParser Char st Inline
+reg :: Parser [Char] st Inline
reg = do
oneOf "Rr"
char ')'
return $ Str "\174"
-tm :: GenParser Char st Inline
+tm :: Parser [Char] st Inline
tm = do
oneOf "Tt"
oneOf "Mm"
char ')'
return $ Str "\8482"
-copy :: GenParser Char st Inline
+copy :: Parser [Char] st Inline
copy = do
oneOf "Cc"
char ')'
return $ Str "\169"
-note :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+note :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
note = try $ do
- char '['
- ref <- many1 digit
- char ']'
- state <- getState
- let notes = stateNotes state
+ ref <- (char '[' *> many1 digit <* char ']')
+ notes <- stateNotes <$> getState
case lookup ref notes of
Nothing -> fail "note not found"
Just raw -> liftM Note $ parseFromString parseBlocks raw
+-- | Special chars
+markupChars :: [Char]
+markupChars = "\\[]*#_@~-+^|%="
+-- | Break strings on following chars. Space tab and newline break for
+-- inlines breaking. Open paren breaks for mark. Quote, dash and dot
+-- break for smart punctuation. Punctuation breaks for regular
+-- punctuation. Double quote breaks for named links. > and < break
+-- for inline html.
+stringBreakers :: [Char]
+stringBreakers = " \t\n('-.,:!?;\"<>"
+wordBoundaries :: [Char]
+wordBoundaries = markupChars ++ stringBreakers
+-- | Parse a hyphened sequence of words
+hyphenedWords :: Parser [Char] ParserState String
+hyphenedWords = try $ do
+ hd <- noneOf wordBoundaries
+ tl <- many ( (noneOf wordBoundaries) <|>
+ try (oneOf markupChars <* lookAhead (noneOf wordBoundaries) ) )
+ let wd = hd:tl
+ option wd $ try $
+ (\r -> concat [wd, "-", r]) <$> (char '-' *> hyphenedWords)
-- | Any string
-str :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+str :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
str = do
- xs <- many1 (noneOf (specialChars ++ "\t\n "))
- optional $ try $ do
- lookAhead (char '(')
- notFollowedBy' mark
- getInput >>= setInput . (' ':) -- add space before acronym explanation
- -- parse a following hyphen if followed by a letter
- -- (this prevents unwanted interpretation as starting a strikeout section)
- result <- option xs $ try $ do
- char '-'
- next <- lookAhead letter
- guard $ isLetter (last xs) || isLetter next
- return $ xs ++ "-"
- pos <- getPosition
- updateState $ \s -> s{ stateLastStrPos = Just pos }
- return $ Str result
+ baseStr <- hyphenedWords
+ -- RedCloth compliance : if parsed word is uppercase and immediatly
+ -- followed by parens, parens content is unconditionally word acronym
+ fullStr <- option baseStr $ try $ do
+ guard $ all isUpper baseStr
+ acro <- enclosed (char '(') (char ')') anyChar
+ return $ concat [baseStr, " (", acro, ")"]
+ updateLastStrPos
+ return $ Str fullStr
-- | Textile allows HTML span infos, we discard them
-htmlSpan :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
-htmlSpan = try $ do
- char '%'
- _ <- attributes
- content <- manyTill anyChar (char '%')
- return $ Str content
+htmlSpan :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+htmlSpan = try $ Str <$> ( char '%' *> attributes *> manyTill anyChar (char '%') )
-- | Some number of space chars
-whitespace :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+whitespace :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
whitespace = many1 spaceChar >> return Space <?> "whitespace"
-- | In Textile, an isolated endline character is a line break
-endline :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+endline :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
endline = try $ do
newline >> notFollowedBy blankline
return LineBreak
-rawHtmlInline :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
-rawHtmlInline = liftM (RawInline "html" . snd)
- $ htmlTag isInlineTag
+rawHtmlInline :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+rawHtmlInline = RawInline "html" . snd <$> htmlTag isInlineTag
+-- | Raw LaTeX Inline
+rawLaTeXInline' :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+rawLaTeXInline' = try $ do
+ failIfStrict
+ rawLaTeXInline
+-- | Textile standard link syntax is "label":target. But we
+-- can also have ["label":target].
+link :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+link = linkB <|> linkNoB
+linkNoB :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+linkNoB = try $ do
+ name <- surrounded (char '"') inline
+ char ':'
+ let stopChars = "!.,;:"
+ url <- manyTill nonspaceChar (lookAhead $ space <|> try (oneOf stopChars >> (space <|> newline)))
+ return $ Link name (url, "")
--- | Textile standard link syntax is "label":target
-link :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
-link = try $ do
+linkB :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+linkB = try $ do
+ char '['
name <- surrounded (char '"') inline
char ':'
- url <- manyTill (anyChar) (lookAhead $ (space <|> try (oneOf ".;,:" >> (space <|> newline))))
+ url <- manyTill nonspaceChar (char ']')
return $ Link name (url, "")
-- | Detect plain links to http or email.
-autoLink :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+autoLink :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
autoLink = do
(orig, src) <- (try uri <|> try emailAddress)
return $ Link [Str orig] (src, "")
-- | image embedding
-image :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+image :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
image = try $ do
char '!' >> notFollowedBy space
src <- manyTill anyChar (lookAhead $ oneOf "!(")
@@ -486,41 +501,53 @@ image = try $ do
char '!'
return $ Image [Str alt] (src, alt)
--- | Any special symbol defined in specialChars
-symbol :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
-symbol = do
- result <- oneOf specialChars
- return $ Str [result]
+escapedInline :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+escapedInline = escapedEqs <|> escapedTag
+escapedEqs :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+escapedEqs = Str <$> (try $ string "==" *> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "=="))
+-- | literal text escaped btw <notextile> tags
+escapedTag :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+escapedTag = Str <$>
+ (try $ string "<notextile>" *> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "</notextile>"))
+-- | Any special symbol defined in wordBoundaries
+symbol :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+symbol = Str . singleton <$> oneOf wordBoundaries
-- | Inline code
-code :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+code :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
code = code1 <|> code2
-code1 :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
-code1 = surrounded (char '@') anyChar >>= return . Code nullAttr
+code1 :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+code1 = Code nullAttr <$> surrounded (char '@') anyChar
-code2 :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+code2 :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
code2 = do
htmlTag (tagOpen (=="tt") null)
- result' <- manyTill anyChar (try $ htmlTag $ tagClose (=="tt"))
- return $ Code nullAttr result'
+ Code nullAttr <$> manyTill anyChar (try $ htmlTag $ tagClose (=="tt"))
-- | Html / CSS attributes
-attributes :: GenParser Char ParserState String
+attributes :: Parser [Char] ParserState String
attributes = choice [ enclosed (char '(') (char ')') anyChar,
enclosed (char '{') (char '}') anyChar,
enclosed (char '[') (char ']') anyChar]
-- | Parses material surrounded by a parser.
-surrounded :: GenParser Char st t -- ^ surrounding parser
- -> GenParser Char st a -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
- -> GenParser Char st [a]
-surrounded border = enclosed border border
+surrounded :: Parser [Char] st t -- ^ surrounding parser
+ -> Parser [Char] st a -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
+ -> Parser [Char] st [a]
+surrounded border = enclosed border (try border)
-- | Inlines are most of the time of the same form
-simpleInline :: GenParser Char ParserState t -- ^ surrounding parser
+simpleInline :: Parser [Char] ParserState t -- ^ surrounding parser
-> ([Inline] -> Inline) -- ^ Inline constructor
- -> GenParser Char ParserState Inline -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
+ -> Parser [Char] ParserState Inline -- ^ content parser (to be used repeatedly)
simpleInline border construct = surrounded border (inlineWithAttribute) >>=
return . construct . normalizeSpaces
where inlineWithAttribute = (try $ optional attributes) >> inline
+-- | Create a singleton list
+singleton :: a -> [a]
+singleton x = [x]