path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
index 4fb30e6c4..7be0cd392 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Inlines, Blocks, trimInlines)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Data.Sequence (viewr, ViewR(..))
import Data.Char (toLower, isHexDigit, isSpace)
+import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Pandoc.Error
-- | Parse reStructuredText string and return Pandoc document.
@@ -541,6 +541,12 @@ directive' = do
body <- option "" $ try $ blanklines >> indentedBlock
optional blanklines
let body' = body ++ "\n\n"
+ imgAttr cl = ("", classes, getAtt "width" ++ getAtt "height")
+ where
+ classes = words $ maybe "" trim $ lookup cl fields
+ getAtt k = case lookup k fields of
+ Just v -> [(k, filter (not . isSpace) v)]
+ Nothing -> []
case label of
"raw" -> return $ B.rawBlock (trim top) (stripTrailingNewlines body)
"role" -> addNewRole top $ map (\(k,v) -> (k, trim v)) fields
@@ -590,15 +596,16 @@ directive' = do
"figure" -> do
(caption, legend) <- parseFromString extractCaption body'
let src = escapeURI $ trim top
- return $ B.para (B.image src "fig:" caption) <> legend
+ return $ B.para (B.imageWith (imgAttr "figclass") src "fig:" caption) <> legend
"image" -> do
let src = escapeURI $ trim top
let alt = B.str $ maybe "image" trim $ lookup "alt" fields
+ let attr = imgAttr "class"
return $ B.para
$ case lookup "target" fields of
Just t -> B.link (escapeURI $ trim t) ""
- $ B.image src "" alt
- Nothing -> B.image src "" alt
+ $ B.imageWith attr src "" alt
+ Nothing -> B.imageWith attr src "" alt
"class" -> do
let attrs = ("", (splitBy isSpace $ trim top), map (\(k,v) -> (k, trimr v)) fields)
-- directive content or the first immediately following element
@@ -812,10 +819,10 @@ substKey = try $ do
res <- B.toList <$> directive'
il <- case res of
-- use alt unless :alt: attribute on image:
- [Para [Image [Str "image"] (src,tit)]] ->
- return $ B.image src tit alt
- [Para [Link [Image [Str "image"] (src,tit)] (src',tit')]] ->
- return $ B.link src' tit' (B.image src tit alt)
+ [Para [Image attr [Str "image"] (src,tit)]] ->
+ return $ B.imageWith attr src tit alt
+ [Para [Link _ [Image attr [Str "image"] (src,tit)] (src',tit')]] ->
+ return $ B.link src' tit' (B.imageWith attr src tit alt)
[Para ils] -> return $ B.fromList ils
_ -> mzero
let key = toKey $ stripFirstAndLast ref
@@ -827,7 +834,8 @@ anonymousKey = try $ do
src <- targetURI
pos <- getPosition
let key = toKey $ "_" ++ printf "%09d" (sourceLine pos)
- updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key (src,"") $ stateKeys s }
+ --TODO: parse width, height, class and name attributes
+ updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key ((src,""), nullAttr) $ stateKeys s }
stripTicks :: String -> String
stripTicks = reverse . stripTick . reverse . stripTick
@@ -841,7 +849,8 @@ regularKey = try $ do
char ':'
src <- targetURI
let key = toKey $ stripTicks ref
- updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key (src,"") $ stateKeys s }
+ --TODO: parse width, height, class and name attributes
+ updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key ((src,""), nullAttr) $ stateKeys s }
-- tables
@@ -1096,7 +1105,7 @@ endline = try $ do
then notFollowedBy (anyOrderedListMarker >> spaceChar) >>
notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
else return ()
- return B.space
+ return B.softbreak
-- links
@@ -1131,12 +1140,12 @@ referenceLink = try $ do
if null anonKeys
then mzero
else return (head anonKeys)
- (src,tit) <- case M.lookup key keyTable of
- Nothing -> fail "no corresponding key"
- Just target -> return target
+ ((src,tit), attr) <- case M.lookup key keyTable of
+ Nothing -> fail "no corresponding key"
+ Just val -> return val
-- if anonymous link, remove key so it won't be used again
when (isAnonKey key) $ updateState $ \s -> s{ stateKeys = M.delete key keyTable }
- return $ B.link src tit label'
+ return $ B.linkWith attr src tit label'
autoURI :: RSTParser Inlines
autoURI = do