path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Table.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Table.hs')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Table.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Table.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ea9caf58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Table.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Table
+ ( tableEnvironments )
+import Data.Functor (($>))
+import Text.Pandoc.Class
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional, many)
+import Control.Monad (when, void)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead, trim)
+import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage(SkippedContent))
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline, many, mathDisplay, mathInline,
+ optional, space, spaces, withRaw, (<|>))
+tableEnvironments :: PandocMonad m
+ => LP m Blocks
+ -> LP m Inlines
+ -> M.Map Text (LP m Blocks)
+tableEnvironments blocks inline =
+ M.fromList
+ [ ("longtable", env "longtable" $
+ resetCaption *>
+ simpTable blocks inline "longtable" False >>= addTableCaption)
+ , ("table", env "table" $
+ skipopts *> resetCaption *> blocks >>= addTableCaption)
+ , ("tabular*", env "tabular*" $ simpTable blocks inline "tabular*" True)
+ , ("tabularx", env "tabularx" $ simpTable blocks inline "tabularx" True)
+ , ("tabular", env "tabular" $ simpTable blocks inline "tabular" False)
+ ]
+hline :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
+hline = try $ do
+ spaces
+ controlSeq "hline" <|>
+ -- booktabs rules:
+ controlSeq "toprule" <|>
+ controlSeq "bottomrule" <|>
+ controlSeq "midrule" <|>
+ controlSeq "endhead" <|>
+ controlSeq "endfirsthead"
+ spaces
+ optional rawopt
+ return ()
+lbreak :: PandocMonad m => LP m Tok
+lbreak = (controlSeq "\\" <|> controlSeq "tabularnewline")
+ <* skipopts <* spaces
+amp :: PandocMonad m => LP m Tok
+amp = symbol '&'
+-- Split a Word into individual Symbols (for parseAligns)
+splitWordTok :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
+splitWordTok = do
+ inp <- getInput
+ case inp of
+ (Tok spos Word t : rest) ->
+ setInput $ map (Tok spos Symbol . T.singleton) (T.unpack t) <> rest
+ _ -> return ()
+parseAligns :: PandocMonad m => LP m [(Alignment, ColWidth, ([Tok], [Tok]))]
+parseAligns = try $ do
+ let maybeBar = skipMany
+ (try $ sp *> (() <$ symbol '|' <|> () <$ (symbol '@' >> braced)))
+ let cAlign = AlignCenter <$ symbol 'c'
+ let lAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'l'
+ let rAlign = AlignRight <$ symbol 'r'
+ let parAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'p'
+ -- aligns from tabularx
+ let xAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'X'
+ let mAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'm'
+ let bAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'b'
+ let alignChar = splitWordTok *> ( cAlign <|> lAlign <|> rAlign <|> parAlign
+ <|> xAlign <|> mAlign <|> bAlign )
+ let alignPrefix = symbol '>' >> braced
+ let alignSuffix = symbol '<' >> braced
+ let colWidth = try $ do
+ symbol '{'
+ ds <- trim . untokenize <$> manyTill anyTok (controlSeq "linewidth")
+ spaces
+ symbol '}'
+ return $ safeRead ds
+ let alignSpec = do
+ pref <- option [] alignPrefix
+ spaces
+ al <- alignChar
+ width <- colWidth <|> option Nothing (do s <- untokenize <$> braced
+ pos <- getPosition
+ report $ SkippedContent s pos
+ return Nothing)
+ spaces
+ suff <- option [] alignSuffix
+ return (al, width, (pref, suff))
+ let starAlign = do -- '*{2}{r}' == 'rr', we just expand like a macro
+ symbol '*'
+ spaces
+ ds <- trim . untokenize <$> braced
+ spaces
+ spec <- braced
+ case safeRead ds of
+ Just n ->
+ getInput >>= setInput . (mconcat (replicate n spec) ++)
+ Nothing -> Prelude.fail $ "Could not parse " <> T.unpack ds <> " as number"
+ bgroup
+ spaces
+ maybeBar
+ aligns' <- many $ try $ spaces >> optional starAlign >>
+ (alignSpec <* maybeBar)
+ spaces
+ egroup
+ spaces
+ return $ map toSpec aligns'
+ where
+ toColWidth (Just w) | w > 0 = ColWidth w
+ toColWidth _ = ColWidthDefault
+ toSpec (x, y, z) = (x, toColWidth y, z)
+-- N.B. this parser returns a Row that may have erroneous empty cells
+-- in it. See the note above fixTableHead for details.
+parseTableRow :: PandocMonad m
+ => LP m Blocks -- ^ block parser
+ -> LP m Inlines -- ^ inline parser
+ -> Text -- ^ table environment name
+ -> [([Tok], [Tok])] -- ^ pref/suffixes
+ -> LP m Row
+parseTableRow blocks inline envname prefsufs = do
+ notFollowedBy (spaces *> end_ envname)
+ -- add prefixes and suffixes in token stream:
+ let celltoks (pref, suff) = do
+ prefpos <- getPosition
+ contents <- mconcat <$>
+ many ( snd <$> withRaw
+ ((lookAhead (controlSeq "parbox") >>
+ void blocks) -- #5711
+ <|>
+ (lookAhead (controlSeq "begin") >> void inline)
+ <|>
+ (lookAhead (symbol '$') >> void inline))
+ <|>
+ (do notFollowedBy
+ (() <$ amp <|> () <$ lbreak <|> end_ envname)
+ count 1 anyTok) )
+ suffpos <- getPosition
+ option [] (count 1 amp)
+ return $ map (setpos prefpos) pref ++ contents ++ map (setpos suffpos) suff
+ rawcells <- mapM celltoks prefsufs
+ cells <- mapM (parseFromToks (parseTableCell blocks)) rawcells
+ spaces
+ return $ Row nullAttr cells
+parseTableCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks -> LP m Cell
+parseTableCell blocks = do
+ spaces
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ sInTableCell = True }
+ cell' <- multicolumnCell blocks
+ <|> multirowCell blocks
+ <|> parseSimpleCell
+ <|> parseEmptyCell
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ sInTableCell = False }
+ spaces
+ return cell'
+ where
+ -- The parsing of empty cells is important in LaTeX, especially when dealing
+ -- with multirow/multicolumn. See #6603.
+ parseEmptyCell = spaces $> emptyCell
+ parseSimpleCell = simpleCell <$> (plainify <$> blocks)
+cellAlignment :: PandocMonad m => LP m Alignment
+cellAlignment = skipMany (symbol '|') *> alignment <* skipMany (symbol '|')
+ where
+ alignment = do
+ c <- untoken <$> singleChar
+ return $ case c of
+ "l" -> AlignLeft
+ "r" -> AlignRight
+ "c" -> AlignCenter
+ "*" -> AlignDefault
+ _ -> AlignDefault
+plainify :: Blocks -> Blocks
+plainify bs = case toList bs of
+ [Para ils] -> plain (fromList ils)
+ _ -> bs
+multirowCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks -> LP m Cell
+multirowCell blocks = controlSeq "multirow" >> do
+ -- Full prototype for \multirow macro is:
+ -- \multirow[vpos]{nrows}[bigstruts]{width}[vmove]{text}
+ -- However, everything except `nrows` and `text` make
+ -- sense in the context of the Pandoc AST
+ _ <- optional $ symbol '[' *> cellAlignment <* symbol ']' -- vertical position
+ nrows <- fmap (fromMaybe 1 . safeRead . untokenize) braced
+ _ <- optional $ symbol '[' *> manyTill anyTok (symbol ']') -- bigstrut-related
+ _ <- symbol '{' *> manyTill anyTok (symbol '}') -- Cell width
+ _ <- optional $ symbol '[' *> manyTill anyTok (symbol ']') -- Length used for fine-tuning
+ content <- symbol '{' *> (plainify <$> blocks) <* symbol '}'
+ return $ cell AlignDefault (RowSpan nrows) (ColSpan 1) content
+multicolumnCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks -> LP m Cell
+multicolumnCell blocks = controlSeq "multicolumn" >> do
+ span' <- fmap (fromMaybe 1 . safeRead . untokenize) braced
+ alignment <- symbol '{' *> cellAlignment <* symbol '}'
+ let singleCell = do
+ content <- plainify <$> blocks
+ return $ cell alignment (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan span') content
+ -- Two possible contents: either a \multirow cell, or content.
+ -- E.g. \multicol{1}{c}{\multirow{2}{1em}{content}}
+ -- Note that a \multirow cell can be nested in a \multicolumn,
+ -- but not the other way around. See #6603
+ let nestedCell = do
+ (Cell _ _ (RowSpan rs) _ bs) <- multirowCell blocks
+ return $ cell
+ alignment
+ (RowSpan rs)
+ (ColSpan span')
+ (fromList bs)
+ symbol '{' *> (nestedCell <|> singleCell) <* symbol '}'
+-- LaTeX tables are stored with empty cells underneath multirow cells
+-- denoting the grid spaces taken up by them. More specifically, if a
+-- cell spans m rows, then it will overwrite all the cells in the
+-- columns it spans for (m-1) rows underneath it, requiring padding
+-- cells in these places. These padding cells need to be removed for
+-- proper table reading. See #6603.
+-- These fixTable functions do not otherwise fix up malformed
+-- input tables: that is left to the table builder.
+fixTableHead :: TableHead -> TableHead
+fixTableHead (TableHead attr rows) = TableHead attr rows'
+ where
+ rows' = fixTableRows rows
+fixTableBody :: TableBody -> TableBody
+fixTableBody (TableBody attr rhc th tb)
+ = TableBody attr rhc th' tb'
+ where
+ th' = fixTableRows th
+ tb' = fixTableRows tb
+fixTableRows :: [Row] -> [Row]
+fixTableRows = fixTableRows' $ repeat Nothing
+ where
+ fixTableRows' oldHang (Row attr cells : rs)
+ = let (newHang, cells') = fixTableRow oldHang cells
+ rs' = fixTableRows' newHang rs
+ in Row attr cells' : rs'
+ fixTableRows' _ [] = []
+-- The overhang is represented as Just (relative cell dimensions) or
+-- Nothing for an empty grid space.
+fixTableRow :: [Maybe (ColSpan, RowSpan)] -> [Cell] -> ([Maybe (ColSpan, RowSpan)], [Cell])
+fixTableRow oldHang cells
+ -- If there's overhang, drop cells until their total width meets the
+ -- width of the occupied grid spaces (or we run out)
+ | (n, prefHang, restHang) <- splitHang oldHang
+ , n > 0
+ = let cells' = dropToWidth getCellW n cells
+ (restHang', cells'') = fixTableRow restHang cells'
+ in (prefHang restHang', cells'')
+ -- Otherwise record the overhang of a pending cell and fix the rest
+ -- of the row
+ | c@(Cell _ _ h w _):cells' <- cells
+ = let h' = max 1 h
+ w' = max 1 w
+ oldHang' = dropToWidth getHangW w' oldHang
+ (newHang, cells'') = fixTableRow oldHang' cells'
+ in (toHang w' h' <> newHang, c : cells'')
+ | otherwise
+ = (oldHang, [])
+ where
+ getCellW (Cell _ _ _ w _) = w
+ getHangW = maybe 1 fst
+ getCS (ColSpan n) = n
+ toHang c r
+ | r > 1 = [Just (c, r)]
+ | otherwise = replicate (getCS c) Nothing
+ -- Take the prefix of the overhang list representing filled grid
+ -- spaces. Also return the remainder and the length of this prefix.
+ splitHang = splitHang' 0 id
+ splitHang' !n l (Just (c, r):xs)
+ = splitHang' (n + c) (l . (toHang c (r-1) ++)) xs
+ splitHang' n l xs = (n, l, xs)
+ -- Drop list items until the total width of the dropped items
+ -- exceeds the passed width.
+ dropToWidth _ n l | n < 1 = l
+ dropToWidth wproj n (c:cs) = dropToWidth wproj (n - wproj c) cs
+ dropToWidth _ _ [] = []
+simpTable :: PandocMonad m
+ => LP m Blocks
+ -> LP m Inlines
+ -> Text
+ -> Bool
+ -> LP m Blocks
+simpTable blocks inline envname hasWidthParameter = try $ do
+ when hasWidthParameter $ () <$ tokWith inline
+ skipopts
+ colspecs <- parseAligns
+ let (aligns, widths, prefsufs) = unzip3 colspecs
+ optional $ controlSeq "caption" *> setCaption inline
+ spaces
+ optional label
+ spaces
+ optional lbreak
+ spaces
+ skipMany hline
+ spaces
+ header' <- option [] . try . fmap (:[]) $
+ parseTableRow blocks inline envname prefsufs <*
+ lbreak <* many1 hline
+ spaces
+ rows <- sepEndBy (parseTableRow blocks inline envname prefsufs)
+ (lbreak <* optional (skipMany hline))
+ spaces
+ optional $ controlSeq "caption" *> setCaption inline
+ spaces
+ optional label
+ spaces
+ optional lbreak
+ spaces
+ lookAhead $ controlSeq "end" -- make sure we're at end
+ let th = fixTableHead $ TableHead nullAttr header'
+ let tbs = [fixTableBody $ TableBody nullAttr 0 [] rows]
+ let tf = TableFoot nullAttr []
+ return $ table emptyCaption (zip aligns widths) th tbs tf
+addTableCaption :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> LP m Blocks
+addTableCaption = walkM go
+ where go (Table attr c spec th tb tf) = do
+ st <- getState
+ let mblabel = sLastLabel st
+ capt <- case (sCaption st, mblabel) of
+ (Just ils, Nothing) -> return $ caption Nothing (plain ils)
+ (Just ils, Just lab) -> do
+ num <- getNextNumber sLastTableNum
+ setState
+ st{ sLastTableNum = num
+ , sLabels = M.insert lab
+ [Str (renderDottedNum num)]
+ (sLabels st) }
+ return $ caption Nothing (plain ils) -- add number??
+ (Nothing, _) -> return c
+ let attr' = case (attr, mblabel) of
+ ((_,classes,kvs), Just ident) ->
+ (ident,classes,kvs)
+ _ -> attr
+ return $ addAttrDiv attr' $ Table nullAttr capt spec th tb tf
+ go x = return x
+-- TODO: For now we add a Div to contain table attributes, since
+-- most writers don't do anything yet with attributes on Table.
+-- This can be removed when that changes.
+addAttrDiv :: Attr -> Block -> Block
+addAttrDiv ("",[],[]) b = b
+addAttrDiv attr b = Div attr [b]