path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
index 5a93e0d5b..85e9a0743 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
@@ -50,13 +50,14 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions(readerParseRaw, readerTrace)
Ext_native_divs, Ext_native_spans))
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ((<|>))
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.List ( intercalate, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
import Data.Char ( isDigit )
import Control.Monad ( liftM, guard, when, mzero, void, unless )
import Control.Arrow ((***))
-import Control.Applicative ( (<$>), (<$), (<*), (*>), (<|>))
-import Data.Monoid (mconcat, Monoid, mempty, (<>), First (..))
+import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
+import Data.Monoid (First (..))
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Text.TeXMath (readMathML, writeTeX)
@@ -64,7 +65,8 @@ import Data.Default (Default (..), def)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader,ask, asks, local, runReader)
import Network.URI (isURI)
import Text.Pandoc.Error
+import Text.Pandoc.CSS (foldOrElse, pickStyleAttrProps)
+import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid ((<>))
import Text.Parsec.Error
@@ -74,8 +76,9 @@ readHtml :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
-> Either PandocError Pandoc
readHtml opts inp =
mapLeft (ParseFailure . getError) . flip runReader def $
- runParserT parseDoc (HTMLState def{ stateOptions = opts } [] Nothing)
- "source" tags
+ runParserT parseDoc
+ (HTMLState def{ stateOptions = opts } [] Nothing [] M.empty)
+ "source" tags
where tags = stripPrefixes . canonicalizeTags $
parseTagsOptions parseOptions{ optTagPosition = True } inp
parseDoc = do
@@ -100,7 +103,9 @@ data HTMLState =
{ parserState :: ParserState,
noteTable :: [(String, Blocks)],
- baseHref :: Maybe String
+ baseHref :: Maybe String,
+ identifiers :: [String],
+ headerMap :: M.Map Inlines String
data HTMLLocal = HTMLLocal { quoteContext :: QuoteContext
@@ -252,6 +257,22 @@ pListItem nonItem = do
let liDiv = maybe mempty (\x -> B.divWith (x, [], []) mempty) (lookup "id" attr)
(liDiv <>) <$> pInTags "li" block <* skipMany nonItem
+parseListStyleType :: String -> ListNumberStyle
+parseListStyleType "lower-roman" = LowerRoman
+parseListStyleType "upper-roman" = UpperRoman
+parseListStyleType "lower-alpha" = LowerAlpha
+parseListStyleType "upper-alpha" = UpperAlpha
+parseListStyleType "decimal" = Decimal
+parseListStyleType _ = DefaultStyle
+parseTypeAttr :: String -> ListNumberStyle
+parseTypeAttr "i" = LowerRoman
+parseTypeAttr "I" = UpperRoman
+parseTypeAttr "a" = LowerAlpha
+parseTypeAttr "A" = UpperAlpha
+parseTypeAttr "1" = Decimal
+parseTypeAttr _ = DefaultStyle
pOrderedList :: TagParser Blocks
pOrderedList = try $ do
TagOpen _ attribs <- pSatisfy (~== TagOpen "ol" [])
@@ -261,23 +282,19 @@ pOrderedList = try $ do
sta' = if all isDigit sta
then read sta
else 1
- sty = fromMaybe (fromMaybe "" $
- lookup "style" attribs) $
- lookup "class" attribs
- sty' = case sty of
- "lower-roman" -> LowerRoman
- "upper-roman" -> UpperRoman
- "lower-alpha" -> LowerAlpha
- "upper-alpha" -> UpperAlpha
- "decimal" -> Decimal
- _ ->
- case lookup "type" attribs of
- Just "1" -> Decimal
- Just "I" -> UpperRoman
- Just "i" -> LowerRoman
- Just "A" -> UpperAlpha
- Just "a" -> LowerAlpha
- _ -> DefaultStyle
+ pickListStyle = pickStyleAttrProps ["list-style-type", "list-style"]
+ typeAttr = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "type" attribs
+ classAttr = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "class" attribs
+ styleAttr = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "style" attribs
+ listStyle = fromMaybe "" $ pickListStyle styleAttr
+ sty' = foldOrElse DefaultStyle
+ [ parseTypeAttr typeAttr
+ , parseListStyleType classAttr
+ , parseListStyleType listStyle
+ ]
let nonItem = pSatisfy (\t ->
not (tagOpen (`elem` ["li","ol","ul","dl"]) (const True) t) &&
not (t ~== TagClose "ol"))
@@ -330,9 +347,16 @@ pRawTag = do
pDiv :: TagParser Blocks
pDiv = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_native_divs
- TagOpen _ attr <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy $ tagOpen (=="div") (const True)
- contents <- pInTags "div" block
- return $ B.divWith (mkAttr attr) contents
+ let isDivLike "div" = True
+ isDivLike "section" = True
+ isDivLike _ = False
+ TagOpen tag attr <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy $ tagOpen isDivLike (const True)
+ contents <- pInTags tag block
+ let (ident, classes, kvs) = mkAttr attr
+ let classes' = if tag == "section"
+ then "section":classes
+ else classes
+ return $ B.divWith (ident, classes', kvs) contents
pRawHtmlBlock :: TagParser Blocks
pRawHtmlBlock = do
@@ -385,9 +409,10 @@ pHeader = try $ do
let ident = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "id" attr
let classes = maybe [] words $ lookup "class" attr
let keyvals = [(k,v) | (k,v) <- attr, k /= "class", k /= "id"]
+ attr' <- registerHeader (ident, classes, keyvals) contents
return $ if bodyTitle
then mempty -- skip a representation of the title in the body
- else B.headerWith (ident, classes, keyvals) level contents
+ else B.headerWith attr' level contents
pHrule :: TagParser Blocks
pHrule = do
@@ -587,7 +612,7 @@ pLink = try $ do
let uid = fromAttrib "id" tag
let cls = words $ fromAttrib "class" tag
lab <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline (pCloses "a")
- return $ B.linkWith (escapeURI url) title (uid, cls, []) lab
+ return $ B.linkWith (uid, cls, []) (escapeURI url) title lab
pImage :: TagParser Inlines
pImage = do
@@ -605,7 +630,7 @@ pImage = do
"" -> []
v -> [(k, v)]
let kvs = concat $ map getAtt ["width", "height", "sizes", "srcset"]
- return $ B.imageWith (escapeURI url) title (uid, cls, kvs) (B.text alt)
+ return $ B.imageWith (uid, cls, kvs) (escapeURI url) title (B.text alt)
pCode :: TagParser Inlines
pCode = try $ do
@@ -618,12 +643,11 @@ pSpan = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_native_spans
TagOpen _ attr <- lookAhead $ pSatisfy $ tagOpen (=="span") (const True)
contents <- pInTags "span" inline
- let attr' = mkAttr attr
- return $ case attr' of
- ("",[],[("style",s)])
- | filter (`notElem` " \t;") s == "font-variant:small-caps" ->
- B.smallcaps contents
- _ -> B.spanWith (mkAttr attr) contents
+ let isSmallCaps = fontVariant == "small-caps"
+ where styleAttr = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "style" attr
+ fontVariant = fromMaybe "" $ pickStyleAttrProps ["font-variant"] styleAttr
+ let tag = if isSmallCaps then B.smallcaps else B.spanWith (mkAttr attr)
+ return $ tag contents
pRawHtmlInline :: TagParser Inlines
pRawHtmlInline = do
@@ -920,6 +944,7 @@ htmlTag f = try $ do
parseOptions{ optTagWarning = True } inp
guard $ f next
case next of
+ TagWarning _ -> fail "encountered TagWarning"
TagComment s
| "<!--" `isPrefixOf` inp -> do
count (length s + 4) anyChar
@@ -967,6 +992,14 @@ isSpace _ = False
-- Instances
+instance HasIdentifierList HTMLState where
+ extractIdentifierList = identifiers
+ updateIdentifierList f s = s{ identifiers = f (identifiers s) }
+instance HasHeaderMap HTMLState where
+ extractHeaderMap = headerMap
+ updateHeaderMap f s = s{ headerMap = f (headerMap s) }
-- This signature should be more general
-- MonadReader HTMLLocal m => HasQuoteContext st m
instance HasQuoteContext st (Reader HTMLLocal) where
@@ -976,9 +1009,6 @@ instance HasQuoteContext st (Reader HTMLLocal) where
instance HasReaderOptions HTMLState where
extractReaderOptions = extractReaderOptions . parserState
-instance Default HTMLState where
- def = HTMLState def [] Nothing
instance HasMeta HTMLState where
setMeta s b st = st {parserState = setMeta s b $ parserState st}
deleteMeta s st = st {parserState = deleteMeta s $ parserState st}