path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs
index d25ba725f..1e72c2040 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Pretty (
, render
, cr
, blankline
+ , blanklines
, space
, text
, char
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ data D = Text Int String
| BreakingSpace
| CarriageReturn
| NewLine
- | BlankLine
+ | BlankLines Int -- number of blank lines
deriving (Show)
newtype Doc = Doc { unDoc :: Seq D }
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ isBlank :: D -> Bool
isBlank BreakingSpace = True
isBlank CarriageReturn = True
isBlank NewLine = True
-isBlank BlankLine = True
+isBlank (BlankLines _) = True
isBlank (Text _ (c:_)) = isSpace c
isBlank _ = False
@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ vsep = foldr ($+$) empty
nestle :: Doc -> Doc
nestle (Doc d) = Doc $ go d
where go x = case viewl x of
- (BlankLine :< rest) -> go rest
+ (BlankLines _ :< rest) -> go rest
(NewLine :< rest) -> go rest
_ -> x
@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ chomp d = Doc (fromList dl')
go (BreakingSpace : xs) = go xs
go (CarriageReturn : xs) = go xs
go (NewLine : xs) = go xs
- go (BlankLine : xs) = go xs
+ go (BlankLines _ : xs) = go xs
go (Prefixed s d' : xs) = Prefixed s (chomp d') : xs
go xs = xs
@@ -216,9 +217,10 @@ outp off s | off < 0 = do -- offset < 0 means newline characters
let pref = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse rawpref
modify $ \st -> st{ output = fromString pref : output st
, column = column st + realLength pref }
+ let numnewlines = length $ takeWhile (=='\n') $ reverse s
modify $ \st -> st { output = fromString s : output st
, column = 0
- , newlines = newlines st + 1 }
+ , newlines = newlines st + numnewlines }
outp off s = do -- offset >= 0 (0 might be combining char)
st' <- get
let pref = prefix st'
@@ -277,15 +279,11 @@ renderList (BeforeNonBlank d : xs) =
| otherwise -> renderDoc d >> renderList xs
[] -> renderList xs
-renderList (BlankLine : xs) = do
+renderList (BlankLines num : xs) = do
st <- get
case output st of
- _ | newlines st > 1 || null xs -> return ()
- _ | column st == 0 -> do
- outp (-1) "\n"
- _ -> do
- outp (-1) "\n"
- outp (-1) "\n"
+ _ | newlines st > num || null xs -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> replicateM_ (1 + num - newlines st) (outp (-1) "\n")
renderList xs
renderList (CarriageReturn : xs) = do
@@ -302,7 +300,7 @@ renderList (NewLine : xs) = do
renderList (BreakingSpace : CarriageReturn : xs) = renderList (CarriageReturn:xs)
renderList (BreakingSpace : NewLine : xs) = renderList (NewLine:xs)
-renderList (BreakingSpace : BlankLine : xs) = renderList (BlankLine:xs)
+renderList (BreakingSpace : BlankLines n : xs) = renderList (BlankLines n:xs)
renderList (BreakingSpace : BreakingSpace : xs) = renderList (BreakingSpace:xs)
renderList (BreakingSpace : xs) = do
let isText (Text _ _) = True
@@ -383,9 +381,13 @@ cr = Doc $ singleton CarriageReturn
-- | Inserts a blank line unless one exists already.
-- (@blankline <> blankline@ has the same effect as @blankline@.
--- If you want multiple blank lines, use @text "\\n\\n"@.
blankline :: Doc
-blankline = Doc $ singleton BlankLine
+blankline = Doc $ singleton (BlankLines 1)
+-- | Inserts a blank lines unless they exists already.
+-- (@blanklines m <> blanklines n@ has the same effect as @blankline (max m n)@.
+blanklines :: Int -> Doc
+blanklines n = Doc $ singleton (BlankLines n)
-- | Uses the specified string as a prefix for every line of
-- the inside document (except the first, if not at the beginning