path: root/changelog
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1 files changed, 355 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 39de8534b..bd1aaa43c 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,15 +1,352 @@
+pandoc (2.1.1)
+ * Markdown reader:
+ + Don't coalesce adjacent raw LaTeX blocks if they are separated by a
+ blank line. See lierdakil/pandoc-crossref#160.
+ + Improved `inlinesInBalancedBrackets` (#4272, jgm/pandoc-citeproc#315).
+ The change both improves performance and fixes a regression whereby
+ normal citations inside inline notes and figure captions were not
+ parsed correctly.
+ * RST reader:
+ + Better handling for headers with an anchor (#4240). Instead of creating a
+ Div containing the header, we put the id directly on the header.
+ This way header promotion will work properly.
+ + Add aligned environment when needed in math (#4254). `rst2latex.py`
+ uses an `align*` environment for math in `.. math::` blocks, so this
+ math may contain line breaks. If it does, we put the math in an
+ `aligned` environment to simulate `rst2latex.py`'s behavior.
+ * HTML reader:
+ + Fix col width parsing for percentages < 10% (#4262, n3fariox).
+ * LaTeX reader:
+ + Advance source position at end of stream.
+ + Pass through macro defs in `rawLaTeXBlock` even if the `latex_macros`
+ extension is set (#4246). This reverts to earlier behavior and is
+ probably safer on the whole, since some macros only modify things in
+ included packages, which pandoc's macro expansion can't modify.
+ + Fixed pos calculation in tokenizing escaped space.
+ + Allow macro definitions inside macros (#4253). Previously we went into
+ an infinite loop with
+ ```
+ \newcommand{\noop}[1]{#1}
+ \noop{\newcommand{\foo}[1]{#1}}
+ \foo{hi}
+ ```
+ + Fix inconsistent column widths (#4238). This fixes a bug whereby column
+ widths for the body were different from widths for the header in some
+ tables.
+ * Docx reader (Jesse Rosenthal):
+ + Parse hyperlinks in `instrText` tags (#3389, #4266). This was a form of
+ hyperlink found in older versions of word. The changes introduced for
+ this, though, create a framework for parsing further fields in MS Word
+ (see the spec, ECMA-376-1:2016, §17.16.5, for more on these fields).
+ We introduce a new module, `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Fields` which
+ contains a simple parsec parser. At the moment, only simple hyperlink
+ fields are accepted, but that can be extended in the future.
+ * Muse reader (Alexander Krotov):
+ + Parse `~~` as non-breaking space in Text::Amuse mode.
+ + Refactor list parsing.
+ * Powerpoint writer (Jesse Rosenthal):
+ + Change reference to `notesSlide` to `endNotesSlide`.
+ + Move image sizing into `picProps`.
+ + Improve table placement.
+ + Make our own `_rels/.rels` file.
+ + Import reference-doc images properly.
+ + Move `Presentation.hs` out of `PandocMonad`.
+ + Refactor into separate modules. T.P.W.Powerpoint.Presentation
+ defines the Presentation datatype and goes Pandoc->Presentation;
+ T.P.W.Pandoc.Output goes Presentation->Archive.
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint a thin wrapper around the two modules.
+ + Avoid overlapping blocks in column output.
+ + Position images correctly in two-column layout.
+ + Make content shape retrieval environment-aware.
+ + Improve image handling. We now determine image and caption placement
+ by getting the dimensions of the content box in a given layout.
+ This allows for images to be correctly sized and positioned in a
+ different template. Note that images without captions and headers are
+ no longer full-screened. We can't do this dependably in different
+ layouts, because we don't know where the header is (it could be to
+ the side of the content, for example).
+ + Read presentation size from reference file. Our presentation size is
+ now dependent on the reference/template file we use.
+ + Handle (sub)headers above slidelevel correctly. Above the slidelevel,
+ subheaders will be printed in bold and given a bit of extra space
+ before them. Note that at the moment, no distinction is made between
+ levels of headers above the slide header, though that can be changed.
+ + Check for required files. Since we now import from reference/dist
+ file by glob, we need to make sure that we're getting the files we
+ need to make a non-corrupt Powerpoint. This performs that check.
+ + Improve templating using `--reference-doc`. Templating should work
+ much more reliably now.
+ + Include Notes slide in TOC.
+ + Set notes slide header to slide-level.
+ + Add table of contents. This is triggered by the `--toc` flag. Note
+ that in a long slide deck this risks overrunning the text box. The user
+ can address this by setting `--toc-depth=1`.
+ + Set notes slide number correctly.
+ + Clean up adding metadata slide. We want to count the slide numbers
+ correctly if it's in there.
+ + Add anchor links. For anchor-type links (`[foo](#bar)`) we produce
+ an anchor link. In powerpoint these are links to slides, so we keep
+ track of a map relating anchors to the slides they occur on.
+ + Make the slide number available to the blocks. For anchors,
+ block-processing functions need to know what slide number
+ they're in. We make the `envCurSlideId` available to blocks.
+ + Move `curSlideId` to environment.
+ + Allow setting `toc-title` in metadata.
+ + Link notes to endnotes slide.
+ * Markdown writer:
+ + Fix cell width calculation (#4265). Previously we could get
+ ever-lengthening cell widths when a table was run repeatedly through
+ `pandoc -f markdown -t markdown`.
+ * LaTeX writer:
+ + Escape `&` in lstinline (Robert Schütz).
+ * ConTeXt writer:
+ + Use xtables instead of Tables (#4223, Henri Menke).
+ Default to xtables for context output. Natural Tables are used
+ if the new `ntb` extension is set.
+ * HTML writer:
+ + Fixed footnote backlinks with `--id-prefix` (#4235).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Extensions`: Added `Ext_ntb` constructor (API change,
+ Henri Menke).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.ImageSize`: add derived `Eq` instance to `Dimension`
+ (Jesse Rosenthal, API change).
+ * Lua filters (Albert Krewinkel):
+ + Make `PANDOC_READER_OPTIONS` available.
+ The options which were used to read the document are made available to
+ Lua filters via the `PANDOC_READER_OPTIONS` global.
+ + Add lua module `pandoc.utils.run_json_filter`, which runs a JSON filter
+ on a Pandoc document.
+ + Refactor filter-handling code into `Text.Pandoc.Filter.JSON`,
+ `Text.Pandoc.Filter.Lua`, and `Text.Pandoc.Filter.Path`.
+ + Improve error messages. Provide more context about the task
+ which caused an error.
+ * data/pandoc.lua (Albert Krewinkel):
+ + Accept singleton inline as a list. Every constructor which accepts a
+ list of inlines now also accepts a single inline element for
+ convenience.
+ + Accept single block as singleton list. Every constructor which accepts
+ a list of blocks now also accepts a single block element for
+ convenience. Furthermore, strings are accepted as shorthand for
+ `{pandoc.Str "text"}` in constructors.
+ + Add attr, listAttributes accessors. Elements with
+ attributes got an additional `attr` accessor. Attributes were
+ accessible only via the `identifier`, `classes`, and `attributes`,
+ which was in conflict with the documentation, which indirectly states
+ that such elements have the an `attr` property.
+ + Drop `_VERSION`. Having a `_VERSION` became superfluous, as this
+ module is closely tied to the pandoc version, which is available via
+ + Fix access to Attr components. Accessing an Attr value (e.g.,
+ ` Attr().classes`) was broken; the more common case of accessing it via
+ an Inline or Block element was unaffected by this.
+ * Move `metaValueToInlines` to from Docx writer to
+ `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared`, so it can be used by other writers
+ (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ * MANUAL.txt:
+ + Clarify otherlangs in LaTeX (#4072).
+ + Clarify `latex_macros` extension.
+ + Recommend use of `raw_attribute` extension in header includes (#4253).
+ * Allow latest QuickCheck, tasty, criterion.
+ * Remove custom prelude and ghc 7.8 support.
+ * Reduce compiler noise (exact paths for compiled modules).
pandoc (2.1)
- * Text.Pandoc.App: Filter changes (#4196). Previously we ran all lua
- filters before JSON filters. Now we run filters in the order they are
- presented on the command line, whether lua or JSON. There are two
- incompatible API changes: The type of `applyFilters` has changed, and
- `applyLuaFilters` has been removed. `Filter` is also now exported.
+ * Allow filters and lua filters to be interspersed (#4196). Previously
+ we ran all lua filters before JSON filters. Now we run filters in
+ the order they are presented on the command line, whether lua or JSON.
+ There are two incompatible API changes: The type of `applyFilters`
+ has changed, and `applyLuaFilters` has been removed. `Filter` is
+ also now exported.
+ * Use latest skylighting and omit the `missingIncludes` check, fixing
+ a major performance regression in earlier releases of the 2.x series
+ (#4226). Behavior change: If you use a custom syntax definition that
+ refers to a syntax you haven't loaded, pandoc will now complain when
+ it is highlighting the text, rather than doing a check at the start.
+ This change dramatically speeds up invocations of pandoc on short
+ inputs.
* Text.Pandoc.Class: make `FileTree` opaque (don't export
`FileTree` constructor). This forces users to interact with it using
`insertInFileTree` and `getFileInfo`, which normalize file names.
+ * Markdown reader:
+ + Rewrite `inlinesInBalancedBrackets`. The rewrite is much more
+ direct, avoiding `parseFromString`. And it performs significantly
+ better; unfortunately, parsing time still increases exponentially
+ (see #1735).
+ + Avoid parsing raw tex unless `\` + letter seen. This seems to
+ help with the performance problem, #4216.
+ * LaTeX reader: Simplified a check for raw tex command.
+ * Muse reader (Alexander Krotov):
+ + Enable round trip test (#4107).
+ + Automatically translate `#cover` into `#cover-image`.
+ Amusewiki uses #cover directive to specify cover image.
+ * Docx reader (Jesse Rosenthal):
+ + Allow for insertion/deletion of paragraphs (#3927).
+ If the paragraph has a deleted or inserted paragraph break (depending
+ on the track-changes setting) we hold onto it until the next
+ paragraph. This takes care of accept and reject. For this we introduce
+ a new state which holds the ils from the previous para if necessary.
+ For `--track-changes=all`, we add an empty span with class
+ `paragraph-insertion`/`paragraph-deletion` at the end of the paragraph
+ prior to the break to be inserted or deleted.
+ + Remove unused anchors (#3679). Docx produces a lot of anchors with
+ nothing pointing to them---we now remove these to produce cleaner
+ output. Note that this has to occur at the end of the process
+ because it has to follow link/anchor rewriting.
+ + Read multiple children of `w:sdtContents`.
+ + Combine adjacent anchors. There isn't any reason to have numerous
+ anchors in the same place, since we can't maintain docx's
+ non-nesting overlapping. So we reduce to a single anchor.
+ + Improved tests.
+ * Muse writer (Alexander Krotov): don't escape URIs from AST
+ * Docx writer:
+ + Removed redundant subtitle in title (Sebastian Talmon).
+ + `firstRow` table definition compatibility for Word 2016 (Sebastian
+ Talmon). Word 2016 seems to use a default value of "1" for table
+ headers, if there is no firstRow definition (although a default
+ value of 0 is documented), so all tables get the first Row formatted
+ as header. Setting the parameter to 0 if the table has no header
+ row fixes this for Word 2016
+ + Fix custom styles with spaces in the name (#3290).
+ * Powerpoint writer (Jesse Rosenthal):
+ + Ignore Notes div for parity with other slide outputs.
+ + Set default slidelevel correctly. We had previously defaulted to
+ slideLevel 2. Now we use the correct behavior of defaulting to the
+ highest level header followed by content. We change an expected test
+ result to match this behavior.
+ + Split blocks correctly for linked images.
+ + Combine adjacent runs.
+ + Make inline code inherit code size. Previously (a) the code size
+ wasn't set when we force size, and (b) the properties was set from
+ the default, instead of inheriting.
+ + Simplify `replaceNamedChildren` function.
+ + Allow linked images. The following markdown:
+ `[![Image Title](image.jpg)](http://www.example.com)`
+ will now produce a linked image in the resulting PowerPoint file.
+ + Fix error with empty table cell. We require an empty `<a:p>` tag,
+ even if the cell contains no paragraphs---otherwise PowerPoint
+ complains of corruption.
+ + Implement two-column slides. This uses the columns/column div
+ format described in the pandoc manual. At the moment, only two
+ columns (half the screen each) are allowed. Custom widths are not
+ supported.
+ + Added more tests.
+ * OpenDocument/ODT writers: improved rendering of formulas (#4170, oltolm).
+ * Lua filters (Albert Krewinkel):
+ + `data/pandoc.lua`: drop 'pandoc-api-version' from Pandoc objects
+ + The current pandoc-types version is made available to Lua programs in
+ the global `PANDOC_API_VERSION`. It contains the version as a list of
+ numbers.
+ + The pandoc version available as a global `PANDOC_VERSION` (a list
+ of numbers).
+ + `data/pandoc.lua`: make `Attr` an `AstElement`.
+ + `data/pandoc.lua`: make all types subtypes of `AstElement`.
+ `Pandoc`, `Meta`, and `Citation` were just plain functions and did
+ not set a metatable on the returned value, which made it difficult
+ to amend objects of these types with new behavior. They are now
+ subtypes of AstElement, meaning that all their objects can gain
+ new features when a method is added to the behavior object
+ (e.g., `pandoc.Pandoc.behavior`).
+ + `data/pandoc.lua`: split type and behavior tables. Clearly distinguish
+ between a type and the behavioral properties of an instance of that
+ type. The behavior of a type (and all its subtypes) can now be
+ amended by adding methods to that types `behavior` object, without
+ exposing the type objects internals. E.g.:
+ ```lua
+ pandoc.Inline.behavior.frob = function () print'42' end
+ local str = pandoc.Str'hello'
+ str.frob() -- outputs '42'
+ ```
+ + `data/pandoc.lua`: fix Element inheritance. Extending all elements
+ of a given type (e.g., all inline elements) was difficult, as the
+ table used to lookup unknown methods would be reset every time a
+ new element of that type was created, preventing recursive property
+ lookup. This is was changed in that all methods and attributes of
+ supertypes are now available to their subtypes.
+ + `data/pandoc.lua`: fix attribute names of Citation (#4222). The
+ fields were named like the Haskell fields, not like the documented,
+ shorter version. The names are changed to match the documentation
+ and Citations are given a shared metatable to enable simple
+ extensibility.
+ + `data/pandoc.lua`: drop function `pandoc.global_filter`.
+ + Bump `hslua` version to 0.9.5. This version fixes a bug that made it
+ difficult to handle failures while getting lists or a Map from Lua.
+ A bug in pandoc, which made it necessary to always pass a tag when
+ using MetaList or MetaBlock, is fixed as a result. Using the pandoc
+ module's constructor functions for these values is now optional
+ (if still recommended).
+ + Stop exporting `pushPandocModule` (API change). The introduction
+ of `runPandocLua` renders direct use of this function obsolete.
+ + Update generation of module docs for lua filters.
+ + `Lua.Module.Utils`: make stringify work on `MetaValues` (John
+ MacFarlane). I'm sure this was intended in the first place,
+ but currently only `Meta` is supported.
+ * Improve benchmarks.
+ + Set the default extensions properly.
+ + Improve benchmark argument parsing. You can now say
+ `make bench BENCHARGS="markdown latex reader"` and both the
+ markdown and latex readers will be benchmarked.
+ * MANUAL.txt simplify and add more structure (Mauro Bieg).
+ * Generate README.md from template and MANUAL.txt.
+ `make README.md` will generate the README.md after changes
+ to MANUAL.txt have been made.
+ * Update copyright notices to include 2018 (Albert Krewinkel).
pandoc (2.0.6)
* Added `jats` as an input format.
@@ -11185,7 +11522,7 @@ pandoc (1.5)
* Added Maybe datadir parameter to readDataFile, saveOpenDocumentAsODT,
latexMathMLScript, s5HeaderIncludes, and getDefaultTemplate. If
- Nothing, no user directory is searched for an override.
+ Nothing, no user directory is searched for an override.
* Added 'plain' output format. This is similar to markdown, but
removes links, pictures, inline formatting, and most anything that
@@ -11299,8 +11636,8 @@ pandoc (1.5)
+ Allow footnotes to be indented < 4 spaces.
This fixes a regression. A test case has been added.
+ Escape spaces in URLs as %20. Previously they were incorrectly
- escaped as +, which is appropriate only for the query part of
- a URL. Resolves Issue #220.
+ escaped as +, which is appropriate only for the query part of
+ a URL. Resolves Issue #220.
+ Require two spaces after capital letter + period for list item.
Otherwise "E. coli" starts a list. This might change the semantics
of some existing documents, since previously the two-space
@@ -11427,7 +11764,7 @@ pandoc (1.4)
* Pandoc no longer requires Template Haskell. Resolves Issue #186.
+ Removed need for TH in ODT module. Instead get reference.odt from
- data file at run time.
+ data file at run time.
+ Removed TH dependency from S5 module. S5 module now exports
s5HeaderIncludes, which pandoc.hs includes if writer is s5 and
@@ -11444,7 +11781,7 @@ pandoc (1.4)
on unix), or, if not found there, from the system data
directory ($CABALDIR/shared/pandoc-VERSION/). All data
files, including templates, LaTeXMathML.js, s5 styles,
- and reference.odt, can be overridden by the user.
+ and reference.odt, can be overridden by the user.
* s5 files moved from data/ui/default to s5/default.
@@ -11469,7 +11806,7 @@ pandoc (1.4)
* Added --reference-odt option, so users may customize the styles
used in pandoc-generated ODT files. Users may also place a
- default reference.odt in the ~\.pandoc directory.
+ default reference.odt in the ~\.pandoc directory.
* ODT writer:
+ Indented and line-broke styles.xml so it can be modified more easily.
@@ -11553,8 +11890,8 @@ pandoc (1.3)
* Treat a backslash followed by a newline as a hard line break
in markdown. Resolves Issue #154. This is a nice alternative
- to markdown's "invisible" way of indicating hardline breaks
- using lines that end with two spaces.
+ to markdown's "invisible" way of indicating hardline breaks
+ using lines that end with two spaces.
* Improved performance of markdown reader by ~10% by eliminating the
need for a separate parsing pass for notes. Raw notes are now stored
@@ -11565,7 +11902,7 @@ pandoc (1.3)
* In markdown reader, treat 4 or more * or _ in a row as literal
text. (Trying to parse long strings of * or _ as strong or emph
- leads to exponential performance problems.)
+ leads to exponential performance problems.)
* Markdown reader: Use + rather than %20 for spaces in URLs.
@@ -11583,8 +11920,8 @@ pandoc (1.3)
* Modified html+lhs output to use "haskell" highlighter instead
of "literateHaskell". The highlighting module now adds bird tracks
- after highlighting (for HTML output), if the code block has the
- "literate" class. This gives better results, because kate's
+ after highlighting (for HTML output), if the code block has the
+ "literate" class. This gives better results, because kate's
haskell highlighter is much better than the literateHaskell
@@ -11705,7 +12042,7 @@ pandoc (1.2.1)
explicit marker. For example:
A. my list
- #. continued
+ #. continued
Resolves Issue #140.
+ Allow continuation lines in line blocks. Also added test cases for
@@ -11738,7 +12075,7 @@ pandoc (1.2.1)
* Added new Haskell version of markdown2pdf, due to
Paulo Tanimoto. This should be more portable than the old
- shell script.
+ shell script.
* Made 'pandoc -v' more explicit about compiler options.
Resolves Issue #139.