diff options
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/pandoc.hs b/pandoc.hs
index 7897d68cf..dd58e79ab 100644
--- a/pandoc.hs
+++ b/pandoc.hs
@@ -78,6 +78,377 @@ import System.Posix.IO (stdOutput)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Text.Pandoc.Class (withMediaBag, PandocIO, getWarnings)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ rawArgs <- map UTF8.decodeArg <$> getArgs
+ prg <- getProgName
+ let (actions, args, errors) = getOpt Permute options rawArgs
+ unless (null errors) $
+ err 2 $ concat $ errors ++
+ ["Try " ++ prg ++ " --help for more information."]
+ -- thread option data structure through all supplied option actions
+ opts <- foldl (>>=) (return defaultOpts) actions
+ convertWithOpts opts args
+convertWithOpts :: Opt -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+convertWithOpts opts args = do
+ let Opt { optTabStop = tabStop
+ , optPreserveTabs = preserveTabs
+ , optStandalone = standalone
+ , optReader = readerName
+ , optWriter = writerName
+ , optParseRaw = parseRaw
+ , optVariables = variables
+ , optMetadata = metadata
+ , optTableOfContents = toc
+ , optTransforms = transforms
+ , optTemplate = templatePath
+ , optOutputFile = outputFile
+ , optNumberSections = numberSections
+ , optNumberOffset = numberFrom
+ , optSectionDivs = sectionDivs
+ , optIncremental = incremental
+ , optSelfContained = selfContained
+ , optSmart = smart
+ , optOldDashes = oldDashes
+ , optHtml5 = html5
+ , optHtmlQTags = htmlQTags
+ , optHighlight = highlight
+ , optHighlightStyle = highlightStyle
+ , optTopLevelDivision = topLevelDivision
+ , optHTMLMathMethod = mathMethod'
+ , optReferenceDoc = referenceDoc
+ , optEpubStylesheet = epubStylesheet
+ , optEpubMetadata = epubMetadata
+ , optEpubFonts = epubFonts
+ , optEpubChapterLevel = epubChapterLevel
+ , optTOCDepth = epubTOCDepth
+ , optDumpArgs = dumpArgs
+ , optIgnoreArgs = ignoreArgs
+ , optVerbose = verbose
+ , optQuiet = quiet
+ , optFailIfWarnings = failIfWarnings
+ , optReferenceLinks = referenceLinks
+ , optReferenceLocation = referenceLocation
+ , optDpi = dpi
+ , optWrapText = wrap
+ , optColumns = columns
+ , optFilters = filters
+ , optEmailObfuscation = obfuscationMethod
+ , optIdentifierPrefix = idPrefix
+ , optIndentedCodeClasses = codeBlockClasses
+ , optDataDir = mbDataDir
+ , optCiteMethod = citeMethod
+ , optListings = listings
+ , optLaTeXEngine = latexEngine
+ , optLaTeXEngineArgs = latexEngineArgs
+ , optSlideLevel = slideLevel
+ , optSetextHeaders = setextHeaders
+ , optAscii = ascii
+ , optTeXLigatures = texLigatures
+ , optDefaultImageExtension = defaultImageExtension
+ , optExtractMedia = mbExtractMedia
+ , optTrace = trace
+ , optTrackChanges = trackChanges
+ , optFileScope = fileScope
+ , optKaTeXStylesheet = katexStylesheet
+ , optKaTeXJS = katexJS
+ } = opts
+ when dumpArgs $
+ do UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout outputFile
+ mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) args
+ exitSuccess
+ let csscdn = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.6.0/katex.min.css"
+ let mathMethod =
+ case (katexJS, katexStylesheet) of
+ (Nothing, _) -> mathMethod'
+ (Just js, ss) -> KaTeX js (fromMaybe csscdn ss)
+ -- --bibliography implies -F pandoc-citeproc for backwards compatibility:
+ let needsCiteproc = isJust (M.lookup "bibliography" (optMetadata opts)) &&
+ optCiteMethod opts `notElem` [Natbib, Biblatex] &&
+ "pandoc-citeproc" `notElem` map takeBaseName filters
+ let filters' = if needsCiteproc then "pandoc-citeproc" : filters
+ else filters
+ let sources = case args of
+ [] -> ["-"]
+ xs | ignoreArgs -> ["-"]
+ | otherwise -> xs
+ datadir <- case mbDataDir of
+ Nothing -> E.catch
+ (Just <$> getAppUserDataDirectory "pandoc")
+ (\e -> let _ = (e :: E.SomeException)
+ in return Nothing)
+ Just _ -> return mbDataDir
+ -- assign reader and writer based on options and filenames
+ let readerName' = case map toLower readerName of
+ [] -> defaultReaderName
+ (if any isURI sources
+ then "html"
+ else "markdown") sources
+ "html4" -> "html"
+ x -> x
+ let writerName' = case map toLower writerName of
+ [] -> defaultWriterName outputFile
+ "epub2" -> "epub"
+ "html4" -> "html"
+ x -> x
+ let format = takeWhile (`notElem` ['+','-'])
+ $ takeFileName writerName' -- in case path to lua script
+ let pdfOutput = map toLower (takeExtension outputFile) == ".pdf"
+ let laTeXOutput = format `elem` ["latex", "beamer"]
+ let conTeXtOutput = format == "context"
+ let html5Output = format == "html5"
+ let laTeXInput = "latex" `isPrefixOf` readerName' ||
+ "beamer" `isPrefixOf` readerName'
+ -- disabling the custom writer for now
+ writer <- if ".lua" `isSuffixOf` format
+ -- note: use non-lowercased version writerName
+ then error "custom writers disabled for now"
+ else case getWriter writerName' of
+ Left e -> err 9 $
+ if format == "pdf"
+ then e ++
+ "\nTo create a pdf with pandoc, use " ++
+ "the latex or beamer writer and specify\n" ++
+ "an output file with .pdf extension " ++
+ "(pandoc -t latex -o filename.pdf)."
+ else e
+ Right w -> return (w :: Writer PandocIO)
+ -- TODO: we have to get the input and the output into the state for
+ -- the sake of the text2tags reader.
+ reader <- case getReader readerName' of
+ Right r -> return (r :: Reader PandocIO)
+ Left e -> err 7 e'
+ where e' = case readerName' of
+ "pdf" -> e ++
+ "\nPandoc can convert to PDF, but not from PDF."
+ "doc" -> e ++
+ "\nPandoc can convert from DOCX, but not from DOC.\nTry using Word to save your DOC file as DOCX, and convert that with pandoc."
+ _ -> e
+ let standalone' = standalone || not (isTextFormat format) || pdfOutput
+ templ <- case templatePath of
+ _ | not standalone' -> return Nothing
+ Nothing -> do
+ deftemp <- getDefaultTemplate datadir format
+ case deftemp of
+ Left e -> throwIO e
+ Right t -> return (Just t)
+ Just tp -> do
+ -- strip off extensions
+ let tp' = case takeExtension tp of
+ "" -> tp <.> format
+ _ -> tp
+ Just <$> E.catch (UTF8.readFile tp')
+ (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
+ then E.catch
+ (readDataFileUTF8 datadir
+ ("templates" </> tp'))
+ (\e' -> let _ = (e' :: E.SomeException)
+ in throwIO e')
+ else throwIO e)
+ variables' <- case mathMethod of
+ LaTeXMathML Nothing -> do
+ s <- readDataFileUTF8 datadir "LaTeXMathML.js"
+ return $ ("mathml-script", s) : variables
+ MathML Nothing -> do
+ s <- readDataFileUTF8 datadir "MathMLinHTML.js"
+ return $ ("mathml-script", s) : variables
+ _ -> return variables
+ variables'' <- if format == "dzslides"
+ then do
+ dztempl <- readDataFileUTF8 datadir
+ ("dzslides" </> "template.html")
+ let dzline = "<!-- {{{{ dzslides core"
+ let dzcore = unlines
+ $ dropWhile (not . (dzline `isPrefixOf`))
+ $ lines dztempl
+ return $ ("dzslides-core", dzcore) : variables'
+ else return variables'
+ let sourceURL = case sources of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (x:_) -> case parseURI x of
+ Just u
+ | uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] ->
+ Just $ show u{ uriQuery = "",
+ uriFragment = "" }
+ _ -> Nothing
+ let readerOpts = def{ readerSmart = if laTeXInput
+ then texLigatures
+ else smart || (texLigatures &&
+ (laTeXOutput || conTeXtOutput))
+ , readerStandalone = standalone'
+ , readerParseRaw = parseRaw
+ , readerColumns = columns
+ , readerTabStop = tabStop
+ , readerOldDashes = oldDashes
+ , readerIndentedCodeClasses = codeBlockClasses
+ , readerApplyMacros = not laTeXOutput
+ , readerDefaultImageExtension = defaultImageExtension
+ , readerTrace = trace
+ , readerTrackChanges = trackChanges
+ , readerFileScope = fileScope
+ }
+ let writerOptions = def { writerTemplate = templ,
+ writerVariables = variables'',
+ writerTabStop = tabStop,
+ writerTableOfContents = toc,
+ writerHTMLMathMethod = mathMethod,
+ writerIncremental = incremental,
+ writerCiteMethod = citeMethod,
+ writerIgnoreNotes = False,
+ writerNumberSections = numberSections,
+ writerNumberOffset = numberFrom,
+ writerSectionDivs = sectionDivs,
+ writerReferenceLinks = referenceLinks,
+ writerReferenceLocation = referenceLocation,
+ writerDpi = dpi,
+ writerWrapText = wrap,
+ writerColumns = columns,
+ writerEmailObfuscation = obfuscationMethod,
+ writerIdentifierPrefix = idPrefix,
+ writerSourceURL = sourceURL,
+ writerUserDataDir = datadir,
+ writerHtml5 = html5,
+ writerHtmlQTags = htmlQTags,
+ writerTopLevelDivision = topLevelDivision,
+ writerListings = listings,
+ writerBeamer = False,
+ writerSlideLevel = slideLevel,
+ writerHighlight = highlight,
+ writerHighlightStyle = highlightStyle,
+ writerSetextHeaders = setextHeaders,
+ writerTeXLigatures = texLigatures,
+ writerEpubMetadata = epubMetadata,
+ writerEpubStylesheet = epubStylesheet,
+ writerEpubFonts = epubFonts,
+ writerEpubChapterLevel = epubChapterLevel,
+ writerTOCDepth = epubTOCDepth,
+ writerReferenceDoc = referenceDoc,
+ writerMediaBag = mempty,
+ writerVerbose = verbose,
+ writerLaTeXArgs = latexEngineArgs
+ }
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+ let istty = True
+ istty <- queryTerminal stdOutput
+ when (istty && not (isTextFormat format) && outputFile == "-") $
+ err 5 $ "Cannot write " ++ format ++ " output to stdout.\n" ++
+ "Specify an output file using the -o option."
+ let convertTabs = tabFilter (if preserveTabs || readerName' == "t2t"
+ then 0
+ else tabStop)
+ readSources :: MonadIO m => [FilePath] -> m String
+ readSources srcs = convertTabs . intercalate "\n" <$>
+ mapM readSource srcs
+ let runIO' :: PandocIO a -> IO a
+ runIO' f = do
+ (res, warnings) <- runIOorExplode $ do
+ x <- f
+ ws <- getWarnings
+ return (x, ws)
+ when (not (null warnings)) $ do
+ unless quiet $
+ mapM_ warn warnings
+ when failIfWarnings $
+ err 3 "Failing because there were warnings."
+ return res
+ let sourceToDoc :: [FilePath] -> PandocIO (Pandoc, MediaBag)
+ sourceToDoc sources' =
+ case reader of
+ StringReader r
+ | fileScope || readerName' == "json" -> do
+ pairs <- mapM
+ (readSource >=> withMediaBag . r readerOpts) sources
+ return (mconcat (map fst pairs), mconcat (map snd pairs))
+ | otherwise ->
+ readSources sources' >>= withMediaBag . r readerOpts
+ ByteStringReader r -> do
+ pairs <- mapM (readFile' >=>
+ withMediaBag . r readerOpts) sources
+ return (mconcat (map fst pairs), mconcat (map snd pairs))
+ runIO' $ do
+ (doc, media) <- sourceToDoc sources
+ doc' <- (maybe return (extractMedia media) mbExtractMedia >=>
+ adjustMetadata metadata >=>
+ applyTransforms transforms >=>
+ applyFilters datadir filters' [format]) doc
+ let writerOptions' = writerOptions{ writerMediaBag = media }
+ case writer of
+ -- StringWriter f -> f writerOptions doc' >>= writerFn outputFile
+ ByteStringWriter f -> f writerOptions' doc' >>= writeFnBinary outputFile
+ StringWriter f
+ | pdfOutput -> do
+ -- make sure writer is latex or beamer or context or html5
+ unless (laTeXOutput || conTeXtOutput || html5Output) $
+ err 47 $ "cannot produce pdf output with " ++ format ++
+ " writer"
+ let pdfprog = case () of
+ _ | conTeXtOutput -> "context"
+ _ | html5Output -> "wkhtmltopdf"
+ _ -> latexEngine
+ -- check for pdf creating program
+ mbPdfProg <- liftIO $ findExecutable pdfprog
+ when (isNothing mbPdfProg) $
+ err 41 $ pdfprog ++ " not found. " ++
+ pdfprog ++ " is needed for pdf output."
+ res <- makePDF pdfprog f writerOptions' doc'
+ case res of
+ Right pdf -> writeFnBinary outputFile pdf
+ Left err' -> liftIO $ do
+ B.hPutStr stderr err'
+ B.hPut stderr $ B.pack [10]
+ err 43 "Error producing PDF"
+ | otherwise -> do
+ let htmlFormat = format `elem`
+ ["html","html5","s5","slidy","slideous","dzslides","revealjs"]
+ selfcontain = if selfContained && htmlFormat
+ then makeSelfContained writerOptions'
+ else return
+ handleEntities = if htmlFormat && ascii
+ then toEntities
+ else id
+ output <- f writerOptions' doc'
+ selfcontain (output ++ ['\n' | not standalone']) >>=
+ writerFn outputFile . handleEntities
type Transform = Pandoc -> Pandoc
copyrightMessage :: String
@@ -1125,374 +1496,6 @@ uppercaseFirstLetter :: String -> String
uppercaseFirstLetter (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
uppercaseFirstLetter [] = []
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- rawArgs <- map UTF8.decodeArg <$> getArgs
- prg <- getProgName
- let (actions, args, errors) = getOpt Permute options rawArgs
- unless (null errors) $
- err 2 $ concat $ errors ++
- ["Try " ++ prg ++ " --help for more information."]
- -- thread option data structure through all supplied option actions
- opts <- foldl (>>=) (return defaultOpts) actions
- convertWithOpts opts args
-convertWithOpts :: Opt -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
-convertWithOpts opts args = do
- let Opt { optTabStop = tabStop
- , optPreserveTabs = preserveTabs
- , optStandalone = standalone
- , optReader = readerName
- , optWriter = writerName
- , optParseRaw = parseRaw
- , optVariables = variables
- , optMetadata = metadata
- , optTableOfContents = toc
- , optTransforms = transforms
- , optTemplate = templatePath
- , optOutputFile = outputFile
- , optNumberSections = numberSections
- , optNumberOffset = numberFrom
- , optSectionDivs = sectionDivs
- , optIncremental = incremental
- , optSelfContained = selfContained
- , optSmart = smart
- , optOldDashes = oldDashes
- , optHtml5 = html5
- , optHtmlQTags = htmlQTags
- , optHighlight = highlight
- , optHighlightStyle = highlightStyle
- , optTopLevelDivision = topLevelDivision
- , optHTMLMathMethod = mathMethod'
- , optReferenceDoc = referenceDoc
- , optEpubStylesheet = epubStylesheet
- , optEpubMetadata = epubMetadata
- , optEpubFonts = epubFonts
- , optEpubChapterLevel = epubChapterLevel
- , optTOCDepth = epubTOCDepth
- , optDumpArgs = dumpArgs
- , optIgnoreArgs = ignoreArgs
- , optVerbose = verbose
- , optQuiet = quiet
- , optFailIfWarnings = failIfWarnings
- , optReferenceLinks = referenceLinks
- , optReferenceLocation = referenceLocation
- , optDpi = dpi
- , optWrapText = wrap
- , optColumns = columns
- , optFilters = filters
- , optEmailObfuscation = obfuscationMethod
- , optIdentifierPrefix = idPrefix
- , optIndentedCodeClasses = codeBlockClasses
- , optDataDir = mbDataDir
- , optCiteMethod = citeMethod
- , optListings = listings
- , optLaTeXEngine = latexEngine
- , optLaTeXEngineArgs = latexEngineArgs
- , optSlideLevel = slideLevel
- , optSetextHeaders = setextHeaders
- , optAscii = ascii
- , optTeXLigatures = texLigatures
- , optDefaultImageExtension = defaultImageExtension
- , optExtractMedia = mbExtractMedia
- , optTrace = trace
- , optTrackChanges = trackChanges
- , optFileScope = fileScope
- , optKaTeXStylesheet = katexStylesheet
- , optKaTeXJS = katexJS
- } = opts
- when dumpArgs $
- do UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout outputFile
- mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) args
- exitSuccess
- let csscdn = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.6.0/katex.min.css"
- let mathMethod =
- case (katexJS, katexStylesheet) of
- (Nothing, _) -> mathMethod'
- (Just js, ss) -> KaTeX js (fromMaybe csscdn ss)
- -- --bibliography implies -F pandoc-citeproc for backwards compatibility:
- let needsCiteproc = isJust (M.lookup "bibliography" (optMetadata opts)) &&
- optCiteMethod opts `notElem` [Natbib, Biblatex] &&
- "pandoc-citeproc" `notElem` map takeBaseName filters
- let filters' = if needsCiteproc then "pandoc-citeproc" : filters
- else filters
- let sources = case args of
- [] -> ["-"]
- xs | ignoreArgs -> ["-"]
- | otherwise -> xs
- datadir <- case mbDataDir of
- Nothing -> E.catch
- (Just <$> getAppUserDataDirectory "pandoc")
- (\e -> let _ = (e :: E.SomeException)
- in return Nothing)
- Just _ -> return mbDataDir
- -- assign reader and writer based on options and filenames
- let readerName' = case map toLower readerName of
- [] -> defaultReaderName
- (if any isURI sources
- then "html"
- else "markdown") sources
- "html4" -> "html"
- x -> x
- let writerName' = case map toLower writerName of
- [] -> defaultWriterName outputFile
- "epub2" -> "epub"
- "html4" -> "html"
- x -> x
- let format = takeWhile (`notElem` ['+','-'])
- $ takeFileName writerName' -- in case path to lua script
- let pdfOutput = map toLower (takeExtension outputFile) == ".pdf"
- let laTeXOutput = format `elem` ["latex", "beamer"]
- let conTeXtOutput = format == "context"
- let html5Output = format == "html5"
- let laTeXInput = "latex" `isPrefixOf` readerName' ||
- "beamer" `isPrefixOf` readerName'
- -- disabling the custom writer for now
- writer <- if ".lua" `isSuffixOf` format
- -- note: use non-lowercased version writerName
- then error "custom writers disabled for now"
- else case getWriter writerName' of
- Left e -> err 9 $
- if format == "pdf"
- then e ++
- "\nTo create a pdf with pandoc, use " ++
- "the latex or beamer writer and specify\n" ++
- "an output file with .pdf extension " ++
- "(pandoc -t latex -o filename.pdf)."
- else e
- Right w -> return (w :: Writer PandocIO)
- -- TODO: we have to get the input and the output into the state for
- -- the sake of the text2tags reader.
- reader <- case getReader readerName' of
- Right r -> return (r :: Reader PandocIO)
- Left e -> err 7 e'
- where e' = case readerName' of
- "pdf" -> e ++
- "\nPandoc can convert to PDF, but not from PDF."
- "doc" -> e ++
- "\nPandoc can convert from DOCX, but not from DOC.\nTry using Word to save your DOC file as DOCX, and convert that with pandoc."
- _ -> e
- let standalone' = standalone || not (isTextFormat format) || pdfOutput
- templ <- case templatePath of
- _ | not standalone' -> return Nothing
- Nothing -> do
- deftemp <- getDefaultTemplate datadir format
- case deftemp of
- Left e -> throwIO e
- Right t -> return (Just t)
- Just tp -> do
- -- strip off extensions
- let tp' = case takeExtension tp of
- "" -> tp <.> format
- _ -> tp
- Just <$> E.catch (UTF8.readFile tp')
- (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
- then E.catch
- (readDataFileUTF8 datadir
- ("templates" </> tp'))
- (\e' -> let _ = (e' :: E.SomeException)
- in throwIO e')
- else throwIO e)
- variables' <- case mathMethod of
- LaTeXMathML Nothing -> do
- s <- readDataFileUTF8 datadir "LaTeXMathML.js"
- return $ ("mathml-script", s) : variables
- _ -> return variables
- variables'' <- if format == "dzslides"
- then do
- dztempl <- readDataFileUTF8 datadir
- ("dzslides" </> "template.html")
- let dzline = "<!-- {{{{ dzslides core"
- let dzcore = unlines
- $ dropWhile (not . (dzline `isPrefixOf`))
- $ lines dztempl
- return $ ("dzslides-core", dzcore) : variables'
- else return variables'
- let sourceURL = case sources of
- [] -> Nothing
- (x:_) -> case parseURI x of
- Just u
- | uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] ->
- Just $ show u{ uriQuery = "",
- uriFragment = "" }
- _ -> Nothing
- let readerOpts = def{ readerSmart = if laTeXInput
- then texLigatures
- else smart || (texLigatures &&
- (laTeXOutput || conTeXtOutput))
- , readerStandalone = standalone'
- , readerParseRaw = parseRaw
- , readerColumns = columns
- , readerTabStop = tabStop
- , readerOldDashes = oldDashes
- , readerIndentedCodeClasses = codeBlockClasses
- , readerApplyMacros = not laTeXOutput
- , readerDefaultImageExtension = defaultImageExtension
- , readerTrace = trace
- , readerTrackChanges = trackChanges
- , readerFileScope = fileScope
- }
- let writerOptions = def { writerTemplate = templ,
- writerVariables = variables'',
- writerTabStop = tabStop,
- writerTableOfContents = toc,
- writerHTMLMathMethod = mathMethod,
- writerIncremental = incremental,
- writerCiteMethod = citeMethod,
- writerIgnoreNotes = False,
- writerNumberSections = numberSections,
- writerNumberOffset = numberFrom,
- writerSectionDivs = sectionDivs,
- writerReferenceLinks = referenceLinks,
- writerReferenceLocation = referenceLocation,
- writerDpi = dpi,
- writerWrapText = wrap,
- writerColumns = columns,
- writerEmailObfuscation = obfuscationMethod,
- writerIdentifierPrefix = idPrefix,
- writerSourceURL = sourceURL,
- writerUserDataDir = datadir,
- writerHtml5 = html5,
- writerHtmlQTags = htmlQTags,
- writerTopLevelDivision = topLevelDivision,
- writerListings = listings,
- writerBeamer = False,
- writerSlideLevel = slideLevel,
- writerHighlight = highlight,
- writerHighlightStyle = highlightStyle,
- writerSetextHeaders = setextHeaders,
- writerTeXLigatures = texLigatures,
- writerEpubMetadata = epubMetadata,
- writerEpubStylesheet = epubStylesheet,
- writerEpubFonts = epubFonts,
- writerEpubChapterLevel = epubChapterLevel,
- writerTOCDepth = epubTOCDepth,
- writerReferenceDoc = referenceDoc,
- writerMediaBag = mempty,
- writerVerbose = verbose,
- writerLaTeXArgs = latexEngineArgs
- }
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
- let istty = True
- istty <- queryTerminal stdOutput
- when (istty && not (isTextFormat format) && outputFile == "-") $
- err 5 $ "Cannot write " ++ format ++ " output to stdout.\n" ++
- "Specify an output file using the -o option."
- let convertTabs = tabFilter (if preserveTabs || readerName' == "t2t"
- then 0
- else tabStop)
- readSources :: MonadIO m => [FilePath] -> m String
- readSources srcs = convertTabs . intercalate "\n" <$>
- mapM readSource srcs
- let runIO' :: PandocIO a -> IO a
- runIO' f = do
- (res, warnings) <- runIOorExplode $ do
- x <- f
- ws <- getWarnings
- return (x, ws)
- when (not (null warnings)) $ do
- unless quiet $
- mapM_ warn warnings
- when failIfWarnings $
- err 3 "Failing because there were warnings."
- return res
- let sourceToDoc :: [FilePath] -> PandocIO (Pandoc, MediaBag)
- sourceToDoc sources' =
- case reader of
- StringReader r
- | fileScope || readerName' == "json" -> do
- pairs <- mapM
- (readSource >=> withMediaBag . r readerOpts) sources
- return (mconcat (map fst pairs), mconcat (map snd pairs))
- | otherwise ->
- readSources sources' >>= withMediaBag . r readerOpts
- ByteStringReader r -> do
- pairs <- mapM (readFile' >=>
- withMediaBag . r readerOpts) sources
- return (mconcat (map fst pairs), mconcat (map snd pairs))
- runIO' $ do
- (doc, media) <- sourceToDoc sources
- doc' <- (maybe return (extractMedia media) mbExtractMedia >=>
- adjustMetadata metadata >=>
- applyTransforms transforms >=>
- applyFilters datadir filters' [format]) doc
- let writerOptions' = writerOptions{ writerMediaBag = media }
- case writer of
- -- StringWriter f -> f writerOptions doc' >>= writerFn outputFile
- ByteStringWriter f -> f writerOptions' doc' >>= writeFnBinary outputFile
- StringWriter f
- | pdfOutput -> do
- -- make sure writer is latex or beamer or context or html5
- unless (laTeXOutput || conTeXtOutput || html5Output) $
- err 47 $ "cannot produce pdf output with " ++ format ++
- " writer"
- let pdfprog = case () of
- _ | conTeXtOutput -> "context"
- _ | html5Output -> "wkhtmltopdf"
- _ -> latexEngine
- -- check for pdf creating program
- mbPdfProg <- liftIO $ findExecutable pdfprog
- when (isNothing mbPdfProg) $
- err 41 $ pdfprog ++ " not found. " ++
- pdfprog ++ " is needed for pdf output."
- res <- makePDF pdfprog f writerOptions' doc'
- case res of
- Right pdf -> writeFnBinary outputFile pdf
- Left err' -> liftIO $ do
- B.hPutStr stderr err'
- B.hPut stderr $ B.pack [10]
- err 43 "Error producing PDF"
- | otherwise -> do
- let htmlFormat = format `elem`
- ["html","html5","s5","slidy","slideous","dzslides","revealjs"]
- selfcontain = if selfContained && htmlFormat
- then makeSelfContained writerOptions'
- else return
- handleEntities = if htmlFormat && ascii
- then toEntities
- else id
- output <- f writerOptions' doc'
- selfcontain (output ++ ['\n' | not standalone']) >>=
- writerFn outputFile . handleEntities
readSource :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m String
readSource "-" = liftIO UTF8.getContents
readSource src = case parseURI src of