diff options
11 files changed, 53 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 4c89760fb..62c9acc89 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ matrix:
# The Stack builds. We can pass in arbitrary Stack arguments via the ARGS
# variable, such as using --stack-yaml to point to a different file.
- - env: BUILD=stack ARGS="--resolver lts-5"
- compiler: ": #stack 7.10.3"
- addons: {apt: {packages: [ghc-7.10.3], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
- env: BUILD=stack ARGS="--resolver lts-6"
compiler: ": #stack 7.10.3"
addons: {apt: {packages: [ghc-7.10.3], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
@@ -63,10 +59,6 @@ matrix:
compiler: ": #stack nightly"
addons: {apt: {packages: [libgmp-dev]}}
- - env: BUILD=stack ARGS="--resolver lts-5"
- compiler: ": #stack 7.10.3 osx"
- os: osx
- env: BUILD=stack ARGS="--resolver lts-6"
compiler: ": #stack 7.10.3 osx"
os: osx
diff --git a/data/templates b/data/templates
-Subproject ba3a8f742371f9e9f04100d0e61638cf65fd6ce
+Subproject 019d6a2bd84ad75dcf9d629561c87794a2f3965
diff --git a/deb/stack.yaml b/deb/stack.yaml
index 85e142e09..8b1e64ec0 100644
--- a/deb/stack.yaml
+++ b/deb/stack.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,5 @@ packages:
- '..'
- data-default-0.6.0
-- data-default-instances-base-0.1.0
- pandoc-citeproc-0.10
-resolver: lts-6.1
+resolver: lts-6.5
diff --git a/osx/stack.yaml b/osx/stack.yaml
index 0988dacd3..ac438d1a2 100644
--- a/osx/stack.yaml
+++ b/osx/stack.yaml
@@ -18,8 +18,5 @@ packages:
- '..'
- 'pandoc-citeproc-0.10'
-- 'hsb2hs-0.3.1'
- 'data-default-0.6.0'
-- 'data-default-instances-base-0.1.0'
-- 'preprocessor-tools-1.0.1'
-resolver: lts-6.1
+resolver: lts-6.5
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 258fdfcf4..8100a6823 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList $
tok >>= \lab ->
pure (link url "" lab))
, ("includegraphics", do options <- option [] keyvals
- src <- unescapeURL <$> braced
+ src <- unescapeURL . removeDoubleQuotes <$> braced
mkImage options src)
, ("enquote", enquote)
, ("cite", citation "cite" NormalCitation False)
@@ -1396,3 +1396,10 @@ endInclude = do
co <- braced
setPosition $ newPos fn (fromMaybe 1 $ safeRead ln) (fromMaybe 1 $ safeRead co)
return mempty
+removeDoubleQuotes :: String -> String
+removeDoubleQuotes ('"':xs) =
+ case reverse xs of
+ '"':ys -> reverse ys
+ _ -> '"':xs
+removeDoubleQuotes xs = xs
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Arrows/Utils.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Arrows/Utils.hs
index 8c9ee0539..ad71cf08d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Arrows/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Arrows/Utils.hs
@@ -383,49 +383,49 @@ raiseAEmpty = arr (fromRight (const mempty) >>> Left)
-- | Execute the second arrow if the first succeeds
-(>>?) :: (ArrowChoice a, Monoid failure)
+(>>?) :: (ArrowChoice a)
=> FallibleArrow a x failure success
-> FallibleArrow a success failure success'
-> FallibleArrow a x failure success'
a >>? b = a >>> Left ^||| b
-- | Execute the lifted second arrow if the first succeeds
-(>>?^) :: (ArrowChoice a, Monoid failure)
+(>>?^) :: (ArrowChoice a)
=> FallibleArrow a x failure success
-> (success -> success')
-> FallibleArrow a x failure success'
a >>?^ f = a >>^ Left ^|||^ Right . f
-- | Execute the lifted second arrow if the first succeeds
-(>>?^?) :: (ArrowChoice a, Monoid failure)
+(>>?^?) :: (ArrowChoice a)
=> FallibleArrow a x failure success
-> (success -> Either failure success')
-> FallibleArrow a x failure success'
a >>?^? b = a >>> Left ^|||^ b
-- | Execute the second arrow if the lifted first arrow succeeds
-(^>>?) :: (ArrowChoice a, Monoid failure)
+(^>>?) :: (ArrowChoice a)
=> (x -> Either failure success)
-> FallibleArrow a success failure success'
-> FallibleArrow a x failure success'
a ^>>? b = a ^>> Left ^||| b
-- | Execute the lifted second arrow if the lifted first arrow succeeds
-(^>>?^) :: (ArrowChoice a, Monoid failure)
+(^>>?^) :: (ArrowChoice a)
=> (x -> Either failure success)
-> (success -> success')
-> FallibleArrow a x failure success'
a ^>>?^ f = arr $ a >>> right f
-- | Execute the lifted second arrow if the lifted first arrow succeeds
-(^>>?^?) :: (ArrowChoice a, Monoid failure)
+(^>>?^?) :: (ArrowChoice a)
=> (x -> Either failure success)
-> (success -> Either failure success')
-> FallibleArrow a x failure success'
a ^>>?^? f = a ^>> Left ^|||^ f
-- | Execute the second, non-fallible arrow if the first arrow succeeds
-(>>?!) :: (ArrowChoice a, Monoid failure)
+(>>?!) :: (ArrowChoice a)
=> FallibleArrow a x failure success
-> a success success'
-> FallibleArrow a x failure success'
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index af81c49cd..9c6c4b33f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -150,9 +150,13 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Data (dataFiles)
import Paths_pandoc (getDataFileName)
-import Network.HTTP.Client (httpLbs, parseUrl,
- responseBody, responseHeaders,
+import Network.HTTP.Client (httpLbs, responseBody, responseHeaders,
+#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,4,30)
+import Network.HTTP.Client (parseRequest)
+import Network.HTTP.Client (parseUrl)
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,4,18)
import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager)
@@ -946,13 +950,18 @@ openURL u
in return $ Right (decodeLenient contents, Just mime)
| otherwise = withSocketsDo $ E.try $ do
- req <- parseUrl u
+#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,4,30)
+ let parseReq = parseRequest
+ let parseReq = parseUrl
(proxy :: Either E.SomeException String) <- E.try $ getEnv "http_proxy"
- let req' = case proxy of
- Left _ -> req
- Right pr -> case parseUrl pr of
- Just r -> addProxy (host r) (port r) req
- Nothing -> req
+ req <- parseReq u
+ req' <- case proxy of
+ Left _ -> return req
+ Right pr -> (parseReq pr >>= \r ->
+ return $ addProxy (host r) (port r) req)
+ `mplus` return req
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,4,18)
resp <- newManager tlsManagerSettings >>= httpLbs req'
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
index 888c866a6..5829bcd33 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ elementToBeamer slideLevel (Sec lvl _num (ident,classes,kvs) tit elts)
not (null $ query hasCodeBlock elts ++ query hasCode elts)
let frameoptions = ["allowdisplaybreaks", "allowframebreaks",
"b", "c", "t", "environment",
- "label", "plain", "shrink"]
+ "label", "plain", "shrink", "standout"]
let optionslist = ["fragile" | fragile] ++
[k | k <- classes, k `elem` frameoptions] ++
[k ++ "=" ++ v | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` frameoptions]
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ inlineToLaTeX (Image attr _ (source, _)) = do
source' = if isURI source
then source
else unEscapeString source
- source'' <- stringToLaTeX URLString (escapeURI source')
+ source'' <- stringToLaTeX URLString source'
inHeading <- gets stInHeading
return $
(if inHeading then "\\protect\\includegraphics" else "\\includegraphics") <>
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs
index 38a03cd83..05563970a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ blockToZimWiki opts (Para inlines) = do
blockToZimWiki opts (RawBlock f str)
| f == Format "zimwiki" = return str
| f == Format "html" = do cont <- indentFromHTML opts str; return cont
- | otherwise = return "" -- $ "** unknown raw block "++ show f ++ "=" ++ str ++ " **"
+ | otherwise = return ""
blockToZimWiki _ HorizontalRule = return "\n----\n"
-blockToZimWiki opts (Header level _ inlines) = do
+blockToZimWiki opts (Header level _ inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToZimWiki opts $ removeFormatting inlines -- emphasis, links etc. not allowed in headers
let eqs = replicate ( 7 - level ) '='
return $ eqs ++ " " ++ contents ++ " " ++ eqs ++ "\n"
@@ -204,23 +204,23 @@ indentFromHTML _ str = do
let val = drop 10 $ reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse str
--let val = take ((length valls) - 2) valls
modify $ \s -> s { stItemNum = read val }
- return "" -- $ indent ++ val ++ "." -- zim does its own numbering
+ return ""
else if isInfixOf "<ol>" str then do
let olcount=countSubStrs "<ol>" str
modify $ \s -> s { stIndent = stIndent s ++ replicate olcount '\t', stItemNum = 1 }
- return "" -- $ "OL-ON[" ++ newfix ++"]"
+ return ""
else if isInfixOf "</ol>" str then do
let olcount=countSubStrs "/<ol>" str
modify $ \s -> s{ stIndent = drop olcount (stIndent s) }
- return "" -- $ "OL-OFF[" ++ newfix ++"]"
- else
- return $ "" -- ** unknown inner HTML "++ str ++"**"
+ return ""
+ else
+ return ""
countSubStrs :: String -> String -> Int
countSubStrs sub str = length $ breakOnAll (pack sub) (pack str)
cleanupCode :: String -> String
-cleanupCode = substitute "<nowiki>" "" . substitute "</nowiki>" ""
+cleanupCode = substitute "<nowiki>" "" . substitute "</nowiki>" ""
vcat :: [String] -> String
vcat = intercalate "\n"
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
index 37b361d44..62bf29b1e 100644
--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -9,6 +9,4 @@ packages:
- '.'
- data-default-0.6.0
-- data-default-instances-base-0.1.0
-- texmath-
-resolver: lts-6.1
+resolver: lts-6.5
diff --git a/windows/stack.yaml b/windows/stack.yaml
index 15f203366..011dfb4c9 100644
--- a/windows/stack.yaml
+++ b/windows/stack.yaml
@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ flags:
- '..'
-- 'hsb2hs-0.3.1'
- 'data-default-0.6.0'
-- 'data-default-instances-base-0.1.0'
-- 'preprocessor-tools-1.0.1'
- 'pandoc-citeproc-0.10'
-- 'texmath-'
-resolver: lts-6.1
+resolver: lts-6.5