diff options
3 files changed, 54 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/BlockStarts.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/BlockStarts.hs
index 9c6614c99..7937c0ef7 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/BlockStarts.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/BlockStarts.hs
@@ -75,21 +75,25 @@ latexEnvStart = try $
latexEnvName :: Monad m => OrgParser m String
latexEnvName = try $ mappend <$> many1 alphaNum <*> option "" (string "*")
--- | Parses bullet list marker.
-bulletListStart :: Monad m => OrgParser m ()
-bulletListStart = try $
- choice
- [ () <$ skipSpaces <* oneOf "+-" <* skipSpaces1
- , () <$ skipSpaces1 <* char '*' <* skipSpaces1
- ]
+bulletListStart :: Monad m => OrgParser m Int
+bulletListStart = try $ do
+ ind <- length <$> many spaceChar
+ -- Unindented lists cannot use '*' bullets.
+ oneOf (if ind == 0 then "+-" else "*+-")
+ skipSpaces1 <|> lookAhead eol
+ return (ind + 1)
genericListStart :: Monad m
=> OrgParser m String
-> OrgParser m Int
-genericListStart listMarker = try $
- (+) <$> (length <$> many spaceChar)
- <*> (length <$> listMarker <* many1 spaceChar)
+genericListStart listMarker = try $ do
+ ind <- length <$> many spaceChar
+ void listMarker
+ skipSpaces1 <|> lookAhead eol
+ return (ind + 1)
+eol :: Monad m => OrgParser m ()
+eol = void (char '\n')
orderedListStart :: Monad m => OrgParser m Int
orderedListStart = genericListStart orderedListMarker
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
index 7f10195fe..04a0efc15 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ paraOrPlain = try $ do
-- is directly followed by a list item, in which case the block is read as
-- plain text.
try (guard nl
- *> notFollowedBy (inList *> (() <$ orderedListStart <|> bulletListStart))
+ *> notFollowedBy (inList *> (orderedListStart <|> bulletListStart))
*> return (B.para <$> ils))
<|> return (B.plain <$> ils)
@@ -757,40 +757,34 @@ list :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
list = choice [ definitionList, bulletList, orderedList ] <?> "list"
definitionList :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
-definitionList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
- fmap (B.definitionList . compactifyDL) . sequence
- <$> many1 (definitionListItem $ bulletListStart' (Just n))
+definitionList = try $ do
+ indent <- lookAhead bulletListStart
+ fmap (B.definitionList . compactifyDL) . sequence
+ <$> many1 (definitionListItem (bulletListStart `indented` indent))
bulletList :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
-bulletList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
- fmap (B.bulletList . compactify) . sequence
- <$> many1 (listItem (bulletListStart' $ Just n))
+bulletList = try $ do
+ indent <- lookAhead bulletListStart
+ fmap (B.bulletList . compactify) . sequence
+ <$> many1 (listItem (bulletListStart `indented` indent))
+indented :: Monad m => OrgParser m Int -> Int -> OrgParser m Int
+indented indentedMarker minIndent = try $ do
+ n <- indentedMarker
+ guard (minIndent <= n)
+ return n
orderedList :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m (F Blocks)
-orderedList = fmap (B.orderedList . compactify) . sequence
- <$> many1 (listItem orderedListStart)
-bulletListStart' :: Monad m => Maybe Int -> OrgParser m Int
--- returns length of bulletList prefix, inclusive of marker
-bulletListStart' Nothing = do ind <- length <$> many spaceChar
- oneOf (bullets $ ind == 0)
- skipSpaces1
- return (ind + 1)
-bulletListStart' (Just n) = do count (n-1) spaceChar
- oneOf (bullets $ n == 1)
- many1 spaceChar
- return n
--- Unindented lists are legal, but they can't use '*' bullets.
--- We return n to maintain compatibility with the generic listItem.
-bullets :: Bool -> String
-bullets unindented = if unindented then "+-" else "*+-"
+orderedList = try $ do
+ indent <- lookAhead orderedListStart
+ fmap (B.orderedList . compactify) . sequence
+ <$> many1 (listItem (orderedListStart `indented` indent))
definitionListItem :: PandocMonad m
=> OrgParser m Int
-> OrgParser m (F (Inlines, [Blocks]))
-definitionListItem parseMarkerGetLength = try $ do
- markerLength <- parseMarkerGetLength
+definitionListItem parseIndentedMarker = try $ do
+ markerLength <- parseIndentedMarker
term <- manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") (try definitionMarker)
line1 <- anyLineNewline
blank <- option "" ("\n" <$ blankline)
@@ -802,13 +796,12 @@ definitionListItem parseMarkerGetLength = try $ do
definitionMarker =
spaceChar *> string "::" <* (spaceChar <|> lookAhead newline)
--- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
+-- | parse raw text for one list item
listItem :: PandocMonad m
=> OrgParser m Int
-> OrgParser m (F Blocks)
-listItem start = try . withContext ListItemState $ do
- markerLength <- try start
+listItem parseIndentedMarker = try . withContext ListItemState $ do
+ markerLength <- try parseIndentedMarker
firstLine <- anyLineNewline
blank <- option "" ("\n" <$ blankline)
rest <- concat <$> many (listContinuation markerLength)
@@ -818,9 +811,9 @@ listItem start = try . withContext ListItemState $ do
-- Note: nested lists are parsed as continuations.
listContinuation :: Monad m => Int
-> OrgParser m String
-listContinuation markerLength = try $
+listContinuation markerLength = try $ do
notFollowedBy' blankline
- *> (mappend <$> (concat <$> many1 listLine)
- <*> many blankline)
+ mappend <$> (concat <$> many1 listLine)
+ <*> many blankline
listLine = try $ indentWith markerLength *> anyLineNewline
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Org.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
index 30074d6bd..dbd56c880 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
@@ -1262,6 +1262,12 @@ tests =
, headerWith ("notvalidlistitem", [], []) 1 "NotValidListItem"
+ , "Empty bullet points" =:
+ T.unlines [ "-"
+ , "- "
+ ] =?>
+ bulletList [ plain "", plain "" ]
, "Simple Ordered List" =:
("1. Item1\n" <>
"2. Item2\n") =?>
@@ -1289,6 +1295,12 @@ tests =
in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
+ , "Empty ordered list item" =:
+ T.unlines [ "1."
+ , "3. "
+ ] =?>
+ orderedList [ plain "", plain "" ]
, "Nested Ordered Lists" =:
("1. One\n" <>
" 1. One-One\n" <>