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1 files changed, 48 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs
index cee93c4fc..0abd0361e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Class.hs
@@ -110,9 +110,15 @@ class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadError PandocExecutionError m) =>
getWarnings :: m [String]
fail :: String -> m b
glob :: String -> m [FilePath]
+ getModificationTime :: FilePath -> m UTCTime
+ -- The following are common to all instantiations of the monad, up
+ -- to the record names, so I'd like to work out a better way to deal
+ -- with it.
setMediaBag :: MediaBag -> m ()
insertMedia :: FilePath -> Maybe MimeType -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
- getModificationTime :: FilePath -> m UTCTime
+ getInputFiles :: m (Maybe [FilePath])
+ getOutputFile :: m (Maybe FilePath)
--Some functions derived from Primitives:
@@ -152,8 +158,16 @@ instance Default PandocStateIO where
, ioStMediaBag = mempty
+data PandocEnvIO = PandocEnvIO { ioEnvInputFiles :: Maybe [FilePath]
+ , ioEnvOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
+ }
+instance Default PandocEnvIO where
+ def = PandocEnvIO { ioEnvInputFiles = Nothing -- stdin
+ , ioEnvOutputFile = Nothing -- stdout
+ }
runIO :: PandocIO a -> IO (Either PandocExecutionError a)
-runIO ma = flip evalStateT def $ runExceptT $ unPandocIO ma
+runIO ma = flip evalStateT def $ flip runReaderT def $ runExceptT $ unPandocIO ma
runIOorExplode :: PandocIO a -> IO a
runIOorExplode ma = do
@@ -166,11 +180,12 @@ runIOorExplode ma = do
Left (PandocSomeError s) -> error s
newtype PandocIO a = PandocIO {
- unPandocIO :: ExceptT PandocExecutionError (StateT PandocStateIO IO) a
+ unPandocIO :: ExceptT PandocExecutionError (ReaderT PandocEnvIO (StateT PandocStateIO IO)) a
} deriving ( MonadIO
, Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
+ , MonadReader PandocEnvIO
, MonadState PandocStateIO
, MonadError PandocExecutionError
@@ -202,15 +217,20 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocIO where
liftIO $ IO.warn msg
getWarnings = gets ioStWarnings
glob = liftIO . IO.glob
- setMediaBag mb =
- modify $ \st -> st{ioStMediaBag = mb}
- insertMedia fp mime bs =
- modify $ \st -> st{ioStMediaBag = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs (ioStMediaBag st) }
getModificationTime fp = do
eitherMtime <- liftIO (tryIOError $ IO.getModificationTime fp)
case eitherMtime of
Right mtime -> return mtime
Left _ -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fp
+ -- Common functions
+ setMediaBag mb =
+ modify $ \st -> st{ioStMediaBag = mb}
+ insertMedia fp mime bs =
+ modify $ \st -> st{ioStMediaBag = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs (ioStMediaBag st) }
+ getInputFiles = asks ioEnvInputFiles
+ getOutputFile = asks ioEnvOutputFile
data PureState = PureState { stStdGen :: StdGen
, stWord8Store :: [Word8] -- should be
@@ -253,6 +273,8 @@ data PureEnv = PureEnv { envEnv :: [(String, String)]
, envUserDataDir :: FileTree
, envCabalDataDir :: FileTree
, envFontFiles :: [FilePath]
+ , envInputFiles :: Maybe [FilePath]
+ , envOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
-- We have to figure this out a bit more. But let's put some empty
@@ -267,6 +289,8 @@ instance Default PureEnv where
, envUserDataDir = mempty
, envCabalDataDir = mempty
, envFontFiles = []
+ , envInputFiles = Nothing
+ , envOutputFile = Nothing
instance E.Exception PandocExecutionError
@@ -348,14 +372,26 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocPure where
fontFiles <- asks envFontFiles
return (filter (match (compile s)) fontFiles)
+ getModificationTime fp = do
+ fps <- asks envFiles
+ case infoFileMTime <$> (getFileInfo fp fps) of
+ Just tm -> return tm
+ Nothing -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fp
+ -- Common files
setMediaBag mb =
modify $ \st -> st{stMediaBag = mb}
insertMedia fp mime bs =
modify $ \st -> st{stMediaBag = MB.insertMedia fp mime bs (stMediaBag st) }
- getModificationTime fp = do
- fps <- asks envFiles
- case infoFileMTime <$> (getFileInfo fp fps) of
- Just tm -> return tm
- Nothing -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fp
+ getInputFiles = asks envInputFiles
+ getOutputFile = asks envOutputFile