diff options
8 files changed, 202 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index 75c37c2fe..8bf09cdd1 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -339,6 +339,8 @@ extra-source-files:
+ test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
+ test/lua/module/pandoc.utils.lua
source-repository head
type: git
location: git://github.com/jgm/pandoc.git
@@ -681,6 +683,7 @@ test-suite test-pandoc
Diff >= 0.2 && < 0.4,
tasty >= 0.11 && < 1.3,
tasty-hunit >= 0.9 && < 0.11,
+ tasty-lua >= 0.2 && < 0.3,
tasty-quickcheck >= 0.8 && < 0.11,
tasty-golden >= 2.3 && < 2.4,
QuickCheck >= 2.4 && < 2.14,
@@ -699,6 +702,7 @@ test-suite test-pandoc
+ Tests.Lua.Module
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
index d07793f28..714b56193 100644
--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ extra-deps:
- pandoc-citeproc-0.16.2
- ipynb-0.1
- cmark-gfm-0.2.0
+- hslua-
- hslua-module-system-0.2.0
+- tasty-lua-0.2.0
"$locals": -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances -Wnoncanonical-monadfail-instances -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Widentities -Wcpp-undef -fhide-source-paths
resolver: lts-13.17
diff --git a/test/Tests/Lua.hs b/test/Tests/Lua.hs
index 4040c38ac..c585182e4 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Lua.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Lua.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
Unit and integration tests for pandoc's Lua subsystem.
-module Tests.Lua ( tests ) where
+module Tests.Lua ( runLuaTest, tests ) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (when)
@@ -128,29 +128,13 @@ tests = map (localOption (QuickCheckTests 20))
(doc $ divWith ("", [], kv_before) (para "nil"))
(doc $ divWith ("", [], kv_after) (para "nil"))
- , testCase "Test module pandoc.utils" $
- assertFilterConversion "pandoc.utils doesn't work as expected."
- "test-pandoc-utils.lua"
- (doc $ para "doesn't matter")
- (doc $ mconcat [ plain (str "blocks_to_inlines: OK")
- , plain (str "hierarchicalize: OK")
- , plain (str "normalize_date: OK")
- , plain (str "pipe: OK")
- , plain (str "failing pipe: OK")
- , plain (str "read: OK")
- , plain (str "failing read: OK")
- , plain (str "sha1: OK")
- , plain (str "stringify: OK")
- , plain (str "to_roman_numeral: OK")
- ])
, testCase "Script filename is set" $
assertFilterConversion "unexpected script name"
(doc $ para "ignored")
(doc $ para (str $ "lua" </> "script-name.lua"))
- , testCase "Pandoc version is set" . runLua' $ do
+ , testCase "Pandoc version is set" . runLuaTest $ do
Lua.getglobal' "table.concat"
Lua.getglobal "PANDOC_VERSION"
Lua.push ("." :: String) -- separator
@@ -158,13 +142,13 @@ tests = map (localOption (QuickCheckTests 20))
Lua.liftIO . assertEqual "pandoc version is wrong" pandocVersion
=<< Lua.peek Lua.stackTop
- , testCase "Pandoc types version is set" . runLua' $ do
+ , testCase "Pandoc types version is set" . runLuaTest $ do
let versionNums = versionBranch pandocTypesVersion
Lua.getglobal "PANDOC_API_VERSION"
Lua.liftIO . assertEqual "pandoc-types version is wrong" versionNums
=<< Lua.peek Lua.stackTop
- , testCase "Allow singleton inline in constructors" . runLua' $ do
+ , testCase "Allow singleton inline in constructors" . runLuaTest $ do
Lua.liftIO . assertEqual "Not the exptected Emph" (Emph [Str "test"])
=<< Lua.callFunc "pandoc.Emph" (Str "test")
Lua.liftIO . assertEqual "Unexpected element" (Para [Str "test"])
@@ -178,19 +162,19 @@ tests = map (localOption (QuickCheckTests 20))
Lua.peek Lua.stackTop
- , testCase "Elements with Attr have `attr` accessor" . runLua' $ do
+ , testCase "Elements with Attr have `attr` accessor" . runLuaTest $ do
Lua.push (Div ("hi", ["moin"], [])
[Para [Str "ignored"]])
Lua.getfield Lua.stackTop "attr"
Lua.liftIO . assertEqual "no accessor" (("hi", ["moin"], []) :: Attr)
=<< Lua.peek Lua.stackTop
- , testCase "module `pandoc.system` is present" . runLua' $ do
+ , testCase "module `pandoc.system` is present" . runLuaTest $ do
Lua.getglobal' "pandoc.system"
ty <- Lua.ltype Lua.stackTop
Lua.liftIO $ assertEqual "module should be a table" Lua.TypeTable ty
- , testCase "informative error messages" . runLua' $ do
+ , testCase "informative error messages" . runLuaTest $ do
Lua.pushboolean True
err <- Lua.peekEither Lua.stackTop
case (err :: Either String Pandoc) of
@@ -212,7 +196,7 @@ roundtripEqual :: (Eq a, Lua.Peekable a, Lua.Pushable a) => a -> IO Bool
roundtripEqual x = (x ==) <$> roundtripped
roundtripped :: (Lua.Peekable a, Lua.Pushable a) => IO a
- roundtripped = runLua' $ do
+ roundtripped = runLuaTest $ do
oldSize <- Lua.gettop
Lua.push x
size <- Lua.gettop
@@ -223,8 +207,8 @@ roundtripEqual x = (x ==) <$> roundtripped
Left e -> error (show e)
Right y -> return y
-runLua' :: Lua.Lua a -> IO a
-runLua' op = runIOorExplode $ do
+runLuaTest :: Lua.Lua a -> IO a
+runLuaTest op = runIOorExplode $ do
setUserDataDir (Just "../data")
res <- runLua op
case res of
diff --git a/test/Tests/Lua/Module.hs b/test/Tests/Lua/Module.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82c9330e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Tests/Lua/Module.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{- |
+Module : Tests.Lua.Module
+Copyright : © 2019 Albert Krewinkel
+License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>
+Stability : alpha
+Portability : portable
+Lua module tests
+module Tests.Lua.Module (tests) where
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Test.Tasty (TestName, TestTree)
+import Test.Tasty.Lua (testLuaFile)
+import Tests.Lua (runLuaTest)
+tests :: [TestTree]
+tests =
+ [ testPandocLua "pandoc" ("lua" </> "module" </> "pandoc.lua")
+ , testPandocLua "pandoc.util" ("lua" </> "module" </> "pandoc.utils.lua")
+ ]
+testPandocLua :: TestName -> FilePath -> TestTree
+testPandocLua = testLuaFile runLuaTest
diff --git a/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua b/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9509cdb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+local tasty = require 'tasty'
+local test = tasty.test_case
+local group = tasty.test_group
+local assert = tasty.assert
+function os_is_windows ()
+ return package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\'
+return {
+ group 'pipe' {
+ test('external string processing', function ()
+ if os_is_windows() then
+ local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('find', {'hi'}, 'hi')
+ assert.are_equal('hi', pipe_result:match '%a+')
+ else
+ local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('tr', {'a', 'b'}, 'abc')
+ assert.are_equal('bbc', pipe_result:match '%a+')
+ end
+ end),
+ test('failing pipe', function ()
+ if os_is_windows() then
+ local success, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'find', {'/a'}, 'hi')
+ assert.is_falsy(success)
+ assert.are_equal('find', err.command)
+ assert.is_truthy(err.error_code ~= 0)
+ else
+ local success, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'false', {}, 'abc')
+ assert.is_falsy(success)
+ assert.are_equal('false', err.command)
+ assert.are_equal(1, err.error_code)
+ assert.are_equal('', err.output)
+ end
+ end)
+ },
+ group 'read' {
+ test('Markdown', function ()
+ local valid_markdown = '*Hello*, World!\n'
+ local expected = pandoc.Pandoc({
+ pandoc.Para {
+ pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Hello' },
+ pandoc.Str ',',
+ pandoc.Space(),
+ pandoc.Str 'World!'
+ }
+ })
+ assert.are_same(expected, pandoc.read(valid_markdown))
+ end),
+ test('failing read', function ()
+ assert.error_matches(
+ function () pandoc.read('foo', 'nosuchreader') end,
+ 'Unknown reader: nosuchreader'
+ )
+ end)
+ },
diff --git a/test/lua/module/pandoc.utils.lua b/test/lua/module/pandoc.utils.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc37ec354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lua/module/pandoc.utils.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+local tasty = require 'tasty'
+local utils = require 'pandoc.utils'
+local assert = tasty.assert
+local test = tasty.test_case
+local group = tasty.test_group
+return {
+ group 'blocks_to_inlines' {
+ test('default separator', function ()
+ local blocks = {
+ pandoc.Para { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1' },
+ pandoc.Para { pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph2' } }
+ }
+ local expected = {
+ pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1',
+ pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str '¶', pandoc.Space(),
+ pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph2' }
+ }
+ assert.are_same(
+ expected,
+ utils.blocks_to_inlines(blocks)
+ )
+ end),
+ test('custom separator', function ()
+ local blocks = {
+ pandoc.Para{ pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1' },
+ pandoc.Para{ pandoc.Emph 'Paragraph2' }
+ }
+ local expected = {
+ pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1',
+ pandoc.LineBreak(),
+ pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Paragraph2' }
+ }
+ assert.are_same(
+ expected,
+ utils.blocks_to_inlines(blocks, { pandoc.LineBreak() })
+ )
+ end)
+ },
+ group 'hierarchicalize' {
+ test('sanity check', function ()
+ local blks = {
+ pandoc.Header(1, {pandoc.Str 'First'}),
+ pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Second'}),
+ pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Third'}),
+ }
+ local hblks = utils.hierarchicalize(blks)
+ -- cannot create Elements directly; performing only an approximate
+ -- sanity checking instead of a full equality comparison.
+ assert.are_equal('Sec', hblks[1].t)
+ assert.are_equal('Sec', hblks[1].contents[1].t)
+ assert.are_equal(1, hblks[1].contents[2].numbering[1])
+ assert.are_equal(2, hblks[1].contents[2].numbering[2])
+ end)
+ },
+ group 'normalize_date' {
+ test('09 Nov 1989', function ()
+ assert.are_equal('1989-11-09', utils.normalize_date '09 Nov 1989')
+ end),
+ test('12/31/2017', function ()
+ assert.are_equal('2017-12-31', utils.normalize_date '12/31/2017')
+ end),
+ },
+ group 'sha1' {
+ test('hashing', function ()
+ local ref_hash = '0a0a9f2a6772942557ab5355d76af442f8f65e01'
+ assert.are_equal(ref_hash, utils.sha1 'Hello, World!')
+ end)
+ },
+ group 'stringify' {
+ test('inlines', function ()
+ local inline = pandoc.Emph{
+ pandoc.Str 'Cogito',
+ pandoc.Space(),
+ pandoc.Str 'ergo',
+ pandoc.Space(),
+ pandoc.Str 'sum.',
+ }
+ assert.are_equal('Cogito ergo sum.', utils.stringify(inline))
+ end)
+ },
+ group 'to_roman_numeral' {
+ test('convertes number', function ()
+ assert.are_equal('MDCCCLXXXVIII', utils.to_roman_numeral(1888))
+ end),
+ test('fails on non-convertible argument', function ()
+ assert.is_falsy(pcall(utils.to_roman_numeral, 'not a number'))
+ end)
+ },
diff --git a/test/lua/test-pandoc-utils.lua b/test/lua/test-pandoc-utils.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4421603ec..000000000
--- a/test/lua/test-pandoc-utils.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-utils = require 'pandoc.utils'
--- Squash blocks to inlines
-function test_blocks_to_inlines ()
- local blocks = {
- pandoc.Para{ pandoc.Str 'Paragraph1' },
- pandoc.Para{ pandoc.Emph 'Paragraph2' }
- }
- local inlines = utils.blocks_to_inlines(blocks, {pandoc.LineBreak()})
- return #inlines == 3
- and inlines[1].text == "Paragraph1"
- and inlines[2].t == 'LineBreak'
- and inlines[3].content[1].text == "Paragraph2"
--- hierarchicalize
-function test_hierarchicalize ()
- local blks = {
- pandoc.Header(1, {pandoc.Str 'First'}),
- pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Second'}),
- pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Third'}),
- }
- local hblks = utils.hierarchicalize(blks)
- return hblks[1].t == "Sec"
- and hblks[1].contents[1].t == "Sec"
- and hblks[1].contents[2].numbering[1] == 1
- and hblks[1].contents[2].numbering[2] == 2
--- SHA1
-function test_sha1 ()
- local ref_hash = '0a0a9f2a6772942557ab5355d76af442f8f65e01'
- local hash = utils.sha1 'Hello, World!'
- return hash == ref_hash
--- Pipe
-function file_exists (filename)
- local fh = io.open(filename, 'r')
- return fh ~= nil and (fh:close() or true)
-function warn (...) io.stderr:write(...) end
-function os_is_windows ()
- return package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\'
-function test_pipe ()
- if os_is_windows() then
- local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('find', {'hi'}, 'hi')
- return pipe_result:match("%a+") == 'hi'
- else
- local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('tr', {'a', 'b'}, 'abc')
- return pipe_result:match("%a+") == 'bbc'
- end
-function test_failing_pipe ()
- if os_is_windows() then
- local res, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'find', {'/a'}, 'hi')
- return not res and
- err.command == 'find' and
- err.error_code ~= 0
- else
- local res, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'false', {}, 'abc')
- return not res and
- err.command == 'false' and
- err.error_code == 1 and
- err.output == ''
- end
--- Read
-function test_read ()
- local valid_markdown = '*Hello*, World!\n'
- local res = pandoc.read(valid_markdown).blocks[1].content
- return res[1].t == 'Emph' and res[3].t == 'Space' and res[4].t == 'Str'
-function test_failing_read ()
- local res, err = pcall(pandoc.read, 'foo', 'nosuchreader')
- return not res and err:match 'Unknown reader: nosuchreader'
--- Stringify
-function test_stringify ()
- local inline = pandoc.Emph{
- pandoc.Str 'Cogito',
- pandoc.Space(),
- pandoc.Str 'ergo',
- pandoc.Space(),
- pandoc.Str 'sum.',
- }
- return utils.stringify(inline) == 'Cogito ergo sum.'
--- to_roman_numeral
-function test_to_roman_numeral ()
- return utils.to_roman_numeral(1888) == 'MDCCCLXXXVIII'
- -- calling with a string fails
- and not pcall(utils.to_roman_numeral, 'not a number')
--- normalize_date
-function test_normalize_date ()
- return utils.normalize_date("12/31/2017") == '2017-12-31'
- and utils.normalize_date("pandoc") == nil
--- Return result
-function run(fn)
- return fn() and "OK" or "FAIL"
-function Para (el)
- return {
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("blocks_to_inlines: " .. run(test_blocks_to_inlines))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("hierarchicalize: " .. run(test_hierarchicalize))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("normalize_date: " .. run(test_normalize_date))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("pipe: " .. run(test_pipe))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("failing pipe: " .. run(test_failing_pipe))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("read: " .. run(test_read))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("failing read: " .. run(test_failing_read))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("sha1: " .. run(test_sha1))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("stringify: " .. run(test_stringify))},
- pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("to_roman_numeral: " .. run(test_to_roman_numeral))},
- }
diff --git a/test/test-pandoc.hs b/test/test-pandoc.hs
index 64f381021..775f998ca 100644
--- a/test/test-pandoc.hs
+++ b/test/test-pandoc.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import GHC.IO.Encoding
import Test.Tasty
import qualified Tests.Command
import qualified Tests.Lua
+import qualified Tests.Lua.Module
import qualified Tests.Old
import qualified Tests.Readers.Creole
import qualified Tests.Readers.Docx
@@ -84,7 +85,10 @@ tests pandocPath = testGroup "pandoc tests"
, testGroup "FB2" Tests.Readers.FB2.tests
, testGroup "DokuWiki" Tests.Readers.DokuWiki.tests
- , testGroup "Lua filters" Tests.Lua.tests
+ , testGroup "Lua"
+ [ testGroup "Lua filters" Tests.Lua.tests
+ , testGroup "Lua modules" Tests.Lua.Module.tests
+ ]
main :: IO ()