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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
index 389589e9a..4155cca05 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
@@ -423,8 +423,6 @@ imageTypeOf x = case drop 1 (map toLower (takeExtension x)) of
data IdentState = IdentState{
chapterNumber :: Int,
- runningIdents :: [String],
- chapterIdents :: [String],
identTable :: [(String,String)]
} deriving (Read, Show)
@@ -453,23 +451,17 @@ correlateRefs :: Int -> [Block] -> [(String,String)]
correlateRefs chapterHeaderLevel bs =
identTable $ execState (mapM_ go bs)
IdentState{ chapterNumber = 0
- , runningIdents = []
- , chapterIdents = []
, identTable = [] }
where go :: Block -> State IdentState ()
- go (Header n (ident,_,_) ils) = do
+ go (Header n (ident,_,_) _) = do
when (n <= chapterHeaderLevel) $
- modify $ \s -> s{ chapterNumber = chapterNumber s + 1
- , chapterIdents = [] }
+ modify $ \s -> s{ chapterNumber = chapterNumber s + 1 }
st <- get
let chapterid = showChapter (chapterNumber st) ++
if n <= chapterHeaderLevel
then ""
- else '#' : uniqueIdent ils (chapterIdents st)
- modify $ \s -> s{ runningIdents = ident : runningIdents st
- , chapterIdents = chapterid : chapterIdents st
- , identTable = (ident, chapterid) : identTable st
- }
+ else '#' : ident
+ modify $ \s -> s{ identTable = (ident, chapterid) : identTable st }
go _ = return ()
-- Replace internal link references using the table produced