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2 files changed, 104 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Shared.hs
index fb4e8eca6..642b33933 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Shared.hs
@@ -431,14 +431,16 @@ endsWithPlain xs =
-- | Convert the relevant components of a new-style table (with block
-- caption, row headers, row and column spans, and so on) to those of
-- an old-style table (inline caption, table head with one row, no
--- foot, and so on).
+-- foot, and so on). Cells with a 'RowSpan' and 'ColSpan' of @(h, w)@
+-- will be cut up into @h * w@ cells of dimension @(1, 1)@, with the
+-- content placed in the upper-left corner.
toLegacyTable :: Caption
-> [ColSpec]
-> TableHead
-> [TableBody]
-> TableFoot
-> ([Inline], [Alignment], [Double], [[Block]], [[[Block]]])
-toLegacyTable (Caption _ cbody) specs (TableHead _ th) tb (TableFoot _ tf)
+toLegacyTable (Caption _ cbody) specs thead tbodies tfoot
= (cbody', aligns, widths, th', tb')
numcols = length specs
@@ -446,13 +448,46 @@ toLegacyTable (Caption _ cbody) specs (TableHead _ th) tb (TableFoot _ tf)
fromWidth (ColWidth w) | w > 0 = w
fromWidth _ = 0
widths = map fromWidth mwidths
- unRow (Row _ x) = map unCell x
- unCell (Cell _ _ _ _ x) = x
+ unRow (Row _ x) = x
unBody (TableBody _ _ hd bd) = hd <> bd
unBodies = concatMap unBody
+ TableHead _ th = Builder.normalizeTableHead numcols thead
+ tb = map (Builder.normalizeTableBody numcols) tbodies
+ TableFoot _ tf = Builder.normalizeTableFoot numcols tfoot
cbody' = blocksToInlines cbody
- sanitise = pad mempty numcols . unRow
- pad element upTo list = take upTo (list ++ repeat element)
(th', tb') = case th of
- (r:rs) -> (sanitise r, map sanitise $ rs <> unBodies tb <> tf)
- [] -> ([], map sanitise $ unBodies tb <> tf)
+ r:rs -> let (pendingPieces, r') = placeCutCells [] $ unRow r
+ rs' = cutRows pendingPieces $ rs <> unBodies tb <> tf
+ in (r', rs')
+ [] -> ([], cutRows [] $ unBodies tb <> tf)
+ -- Adapted from placeRowSection in Builders. There is probably a
+ -- more abstract foldRowSection that unifies them both.
+ placeCutCells pendingPieces cells
+ -- If there are any pending pieces for a column, add
+ -- them. Pending pieces have preference over cells due to grid
+ -- layout rules.
+ | (p:ps):pendingPieces' <- pendingPieces
+ = let (pendingPieces'', rowPieces) = placeCutCells pendingPieces' cells
+ in (ps : pendingPieces'', p : rowPieces)
+ -- Otherwise cut up a cell on the row and deal with its pieces.
+ | c:cells' <- cells
+ = let (h, w, cBody) = getComponents c
+ cRowPieces = cBody : replicate (w - 1) mempty
+ cPendingPieces = replicate w $ replicate (h - 1) mempty
+ pendingPieces' = dropWhile null pendingPieces
+ (pendingPieces'', rowPieces) = placeCutCells pendingPieces' cells'
+ in (cPendingPieces <> pendingPieces'', cRowPieces <> rowPieces)
+ | otherwise = ([], [])
+ cutRows pendingPieces (r:rs)
+ = let (pendingPieces', r') = placeCutCells pendingPieces $ unRow r
+ rs' = cutRows pendingPieces' rs
+ in r' : rs'
+ cutRows _ [] = []
+ getComponents (Cell _ _ (RowSpan h) (ColSpan w) body)
+ = (h, w, body)
diff --git a/test/Tests/Shared.hs b/test/Tests/Shared.hs
index 2f934ca08..09391d9d0 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Shared.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Shared.hs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool, testCase, (@?=))
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (toLegacyTable)
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ testGroup "compactifyDL"
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "compactifyDL"
in compactifyDL x == x)
, testGroup "collapseFilePath" testCollapse
+ , testGroup "toLegacyTable" testLegacyTable
testCollapse :: [TestTree]
@@ -51,3 +53,62 @@ testCollapse = map (testCase "collapse")
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "parent","foo",".."]) @?= (joinPath [ "parent"])
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "","parent","foo","..","..","bar"]) @?= (joinPath [ "","bar"])
, collapseFilePath (joinPath [ "",".","parent","foo"]) @?= (joinPath [ "","parent","foo"])]
+testLegacyTable :: [TestTree]
+testLegacyTable =
+ [ testCase "decomposes a table with head" $ gen1 @?= expect1
+ , testCase "decomposes a table without head" $ gen2 @?= expect2
+ ]
+ where
+ pln = toList . plain . str
+ cl a h w = Cell ("", [], []) AlignDefault h w $ pln a
+ rws = map $ Row nullAttr
+ th = TableHead nullAttr . rws
+ tb n x y = TableBody nullAttr n (rws x) (rws y)
+ tf = TableFoot nullAttr . rws
+ headRows1 =
+ [[cl "a" 1 1, cl "b" 2 2]
+ ,[cl "c" 1 1]
+ ]
+ body1 = tb 1
+ [[cl "e" 3 1,cl "f" 3 2]
+ ,[]
+ ,[]
+ ]
+ [[emptyCell,emptyCell,emptyCell]
+ ,[cl "g" 1 1,emptyCell,emptyCell]
+ ]
+ footRows1 =
+ [[cl "h" 1 2,cl "i" 2 1]
+ ,[cl "j" 1 2]]
+ caption1 = simpleCaption $ plain "caption"
+ spec1 = replicate 2 (AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.5) ++ [(AlignRight, ColWidthDefault)]
+ expect1 = ( [Str "caption"]
+ , replicate 2 AlignDefault ++ [AlignRight]
+ , replicate 2 0.5 ++ [0]
+ , [pln "a", pln "b", mempty]
+ , [[pln "c", mempty, mempty]
+ ,[pln "e", pln "f", mempty]
+ ,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
+ ,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
+ ,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
+ ,[pln "g", mempty, mempty]
+ ,[pln "h", mempty, pln "i"]
+ ,[pln "j", mempty, mempty]]
+ )
+ gen1 = toLegacyTable caption1 spec1 (th headRows1) [body1] (tf footRows1)
+ expect2 = ( []
+ , replicate 2 AlignDefault ++ [AlignRight]
+ , replicate 2 0.5 ++ [0]
+ , []
+ , [[pln "e", pln "f", mempty]
+ ,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
+ ,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
+ ,[mempty, mempty, mempty]
+ ,[pln "g", mempty, mempty]
+ ,[pln "h", mempty, pln "i"]
+ ,[pln "j", mempty, mempty]]
+ )
+ gen2 = toLegacyTable emptyCaption spec1 (th []) [body1] (tf footRows1)