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diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 97ba147e0..9066d9b4f 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,339 @@
+pandoc (1.13.2)
+ * TWiki Reader: add new new twiki reader (API chaneg, Alexander Sulfrian).
+ * Markdown reader:
+ + Better handling of paragraph in div (#1591).
+ Previously text that ended a div would be parsed as Plain
+ unless there was a blank line before the closing div tag.
+ + Don't treat a citation as a reference link label (#1763).
+ + Fix autolinks with following punctuation (#1811).
+ The price of this is that autolinked bare URIs can no longer
+ contain `>` characters, but this is not a big issue.
+ + Fix `Ext_lists_without_preceding_blankline` bug (#1636, Artyom).
+ + Allow `startnum` to work without `fancy_lists`. Formerly
+ `pandoc -f markdown-fancy_lists+startnum` did not work properly.
+ * RST reader (all Daniel Bergey):
+ + Parse quoted literal blocks (#65). RST quoted literal blocks are
+ the same as indented literal blocks (which pandoc already supports)
+ except that the quote character is preserved in each line.
+ + Parse RST class directives. The class directive accepts one or more
+ class names, and creates a Div value with those classes. If the
+ directive has an indented body, the body is parsed as the children of
+ the Div. If not, the first block folowing the directive is made a
+ child of the Div. This differs from the behavior of rst2xml, which
+ does not create a Div element. Instead, the specified classes are
+ applied to each child of the directive. However, most Pandoc Block
+ constructors to not take an Attr argument, so we can't duplicate this
+ behavior.
+ + Warn about skipped directives.
+ + Literal role now produces Code. Code role should have "code" class.
+ + Improved support for custom roles
+ - Added `sourceCode` to classes for `:code:` role, and anything
+ inheriting from it.
+ - Add the name of the custom role to classes if the Inline constructor
+ supports Attr.
+ - If the custom role directive does not specify a parent role, inherit
+ from the `:span:` role.
+ This differs somewhat from the `rst2xml.py` behavior. If a custom role
+ inherits from another custom role, Pandoc will attach both roles' names
+ as classes. `rst2xml.py` will only use the class of the directly invoked
+ role (though in the case of inheriting from a `:code:` role with a
+ `:language:` defined, it will also provide the inherited language as a
+ class).
+ + Warn about ignored fields in role directives.
+ * LaTeX reader:
+ + Parse label after caption into a span instead of
+ inserting an additional paragraph of bracketed text (#1747).
+ + Parse math environments as inline when possible (#1821).
+ + Better handling of `\noindent` and `\greektext` (#1783).
+ + Handle `\texorpdfstring` more gracefully.
+ + Handle `\cref` and `\sep` (Wikiwide).
+ + Support `\smartcite` and `\Smartcite` from biblatex.
+ * HTML reader:
+ + Retain display type of MathML output (#1719, Matthew Pickering).
+ + Recognise `<br>` tags inside `<pre>` blocks (#1620, Matthew Pickering).
+ + Make `embed` tag either block or inline (#1756).
+ * DocBook reader:
+ + Handle `keycombo`, `keycap` (#1815).
+ + Get string content in inner tags for literal elements (#1816).
+ + Handle `menuchoice` elements better, with a `>` between (#1817).
+ + Include `id` on section headers (#1818).
+ + Document/test "type" as implemented (Brian O'Sullivan).
+ + Add support for calloutlist and callout (Brian O'Sullivan).
+ We treat a calloutlist as a bulleted list. This works well in practice.
+ + Add support for `classname` (Bryan O'Sullivan).
+ * Docx reader:
+ + Fix window path for image lookup (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ Don't use os-sensitive "combine", since we always want the paths in our
+ zip-archive to use forward-slashes.
+ + Single-item headers in ordered lists are headers (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ When users number their headers, Word understands that as a single item
+ enumerated list. We make the assumption that such a list is, in fact,
+ a header.
+ + Rewrite rewriteLink to work with new headers (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ There could be new top-level headers after making lists, so we have to
+ rewrite links after that.
+ + Use polyglot header list (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ We're just keeping a list of header formats that different languages use
+ as their default styles. At the moment, we have English, German, Danish,
+ and French. We can continue to add to this.
+ This is simpler than parsing the styles file, and perhaps less
+ error-prone, since there seems to be some variations, even within a
+ language, of how a style file will define headers.
+ + Remove header class properly in other langs (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ When we encounter one of the polyglot header styles, we want to remove
+ that from the par styles after we convert to a header. To do that, we
+ have to keep track of the style name, and remove it appropriately.
+ + Account for external link URLs with anchors. Previously, if a URL
+ had an anchor, the reader would incorrectly identify it as an
+ internal link and return only the anchor as URL. (Caleb McDaniel)
+ + Fix for Issue #1692 (i18n styles) (Nikolay Yakimov).
+ * Org reader:
+ + Added state changing blanklines (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ This allows us to emphasize at the beginning of a new paragraph (or, in
+ general, after blank lines).
+ + Fixed bug with bulleted lists:
+ - a
+ - b
+ * c
+ was being parsed as a list, even though an unindented `*`
+ should make a heading. See
+ <http://orgmode.org/manual/Plain-lists.html#fn-1>.
+ + Org reader: absolute, relative paths in link (#1741, Albert
+ Krewinkel). The org reader was too restrictive when parsing links;
+ some relative links and links to files given as absolute paths
+ were not recognized correctly.
+ + Org reader: allow empty links (jgm/gitit#471, Albert Krewinkel).
+ This is important for use in gitit, which uses empty links
+ for wikilinks.
+ + Respect indent when parsing Org bullet lists (#1650, Timothy
+ Humphries). Fixes issue with top-level bullet list parsing.
+ + Fix indent issue for definition lists (Timothy Humphries,
+ see #1650, #1698, #1680).
+ + Parse multi-inline terms correctly in definition list (#1649,
+ Matthew Pickering).
+ + Fix rules for emphasis recognition (Albert Krewinkel).
+ Things like `/hello,/` or `/hi'/` were falsy recognized as emphasised
+ strings. This is wrong, as `,` and `'` are forbidden border chars and
+ may not occur on the inner border of emphasized text.
+ + Drop COMMENT document trees (Albert Krewinkel).
+ Document trees under a header starting with the word `COMMENT` are
+ comment trees and should not be exported. Those trees are dropped
+ silently (#1678).
+ + Properly handle links to `file:target` (Albert Krewinkel).
+ Org links like `[[file:target][title]]` were not handled correctly,
+ parsing the link target verbatim. The org reader is changed such that
+ the leading `file:` is dropped from the link target (see #756, #1812).
+ + Parse LaTeX-style MathML entities (#1657, Albert Krewinkel).
+ Org supports special symbols which can be included using LaTeX syntax,
+ but are actually MathML entities. Examples for this are
+ `\nbsp` (non-breaking space), `\Aacute` (the letter A with accent acute)
+ or `\copy` (the copyright sign ©)
+ * EPUB reader:
+ + URI handling improvements. Now we outsource most of the work to
+ `fetchItem'`. Also, do not include queries in file extensions (#1671).
+ * LaTeX writer:
+ + Use `\texorpdfstring` for section captions when needed (Vaclav Zeman).
+ + Handle consecutive linebreaks (#1733).
+ + Protect graphics in headers (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ Graphics in `\section`/`\subsection` etc titles need to be `\protect`ed.
+ + Put `~` before header in list item text (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ Because of the built-in line skip, LaTeX can't handle a section header
+ as the first element in a list item.
+ + Avoid using reserved characters as `\lstinline` delimiters (#1595).
+ + Better handling of display math in simple tables (#1754).
+ We convert display math to inline math in simple tables,
+ since LaTeX can't deal with display math in simple tables.
+ + Escape spaces in code (#1694, Bjorn Buckwalter).
+ * ICML writer:
+ + Don't force all citations into footnotes.
+ * RTF writer:
+ + Add blankline at end of output (#1732, Matthew Pickering).
+ * RST writer:
+ + Ensure blank line after figure.
+ + Avoid exces whitespace after last list item (#1777).
+ + Wrap line blocks with spaces before continuations (#1656).
+ + Fixed double-rendering of footnotes in RST tables (#1769).
+ * DokuWiki writer:
+ + Better handling of block quotes. This change ensures that
+ multiple paragraph blockquotes are rendered using native `>`
+ rather than as HTML (#1738).
+ + Fix external images (#1739). Preface relative links with ":",
+ absolute URIs without. (Timothy Humphries)
+ * HTML writer:
+ + Use protocol-relative URL for mathjax.
+ + Put newline btw img and caption paragraph.
+ + MathML now outputted with tex annotation (#1635, Matthew Pickering).
+ + Add support for KaTeX HTML math (#1626, Matthew Pickering).
+ This adds `KaTeX` to `HTMLMathMethod` (API change).
+ + Don't double render when `email-obfuscation=none` (#1625, Matthew
+ Pickering).
+ + Make header attributes work outside top level (#1711).
+ Previously they only appeared on top level header elements.
+ Now they work e.g. in blockquotes.
+ * ODT writer:
+ + Correctly handle images without extensions (#1729).
+ + Strip querystring in ODT write (#1682, Todd Sifleet).
+ * FB2 writer:
+ + Add newline to output.
+ * EPUB writer:
+ + Don't add `sourceURL` to absolute URIs (#1669).
+ + Don't use unsupported `opf:title-type` for epub2.
+ + Include "landmarks" section in nav document for epub3 (#1757).
+ + Removed playOrder from navpoint elements in ncx file (#1760).
+ These aren't required, and they make manual modification of epubs
+ difficult.
+ + Extract title even from structured title.
+ + Don't include nav node in spine unless `--toc` was requested.
+ Previously we included it in the spine with `linear="no"`, leading
+ to odd results in some readers (#1593).
+ + Fixed absolute URI detection (#1672).
+ + Correctly resolve relative URIs (#1671).
+ + Use regular page template for `nav.xhtml`, including doctype (#1759).
+ * Docx writer:
+ + Put docx table captions above tables (#1641, Nikolay Yakimov).
+ + Get the page width from the reference docx file, and use
+ it to scale images that are too large to fit (Grégory Bataille).
+ + Partial fix for #1607 (Nikolay Yakimov). International heading styles
+ are inferred based on `<w:name val="heading #">` fallback, if there
+ are no en-US "Heading#" styles
+ + Look in user data dir for archive `reference.docx`.
+ + Renumber header and footer relationships to avoid collisions (Jesse
+ Rosenthal). We previously took the old relationship names of the
+ headers and footer in secptr. That led to collisions. We now make
+ a map of availabl names in the relationships file, and then rename
+ in secptr.
+ * ConTeXt writer:
+ + Add function toLabel (Mark Szepieniec).
+ This function can be used to sanitize reference labels so that
+ they do not contain any of the illegal characters \#[]",{}%()|= .
+ Currently only Links have their labels sanitized, because they
+ are the only Elements that use passed labels.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Shared`:
+ + Moved import of `toChunks` outside of CPP conditional (#1590).
+ + Fix `inDirectory` to reset to the original directory in case
+ an exception occurs (Freiric Barral).
+ * Templates:
+ + LaTeX template: load polyglossia before bibtex (jgm/pandoc-templates#70).
+ Thanks to bluebirch.
+ + LaTeX template: Added `\VerbatimFootnotes` if there is verbatim in notes
+ (#1616).
+ + LaTeX template: Add shorthands=off to babel options (#1648).
+ + EPUB, EPUB3 templates: Added `id="cover"` to body of cover page.
+ This aids styling, making it possible for example to set 0 margins
+ on the title page (#1758).
+ + EPUB, EPUB3 templates: Handle structured metadata on titlepage.
+ Previously we just expected 'title', 'subtitle', 'author', 'date'.
+ Now we still support those, but also support the format recommended
+ for epub metadata in the pandoc README:
+ ---
+ title:
+ - type: main
+ text: My Book
+ - type: subtitle
+ text: An investigation of metadata
+ creator:
+ - role: author
+ text: John Smith
+ - role: editor
+ text: Sarah Jones
+ identifier:
+ - scheme: DOI
+ text: doi:10.234234.234/33
+ publisher: My Press
+ rights: (c) 2007 John Smith, CC BY-NC
+ ...
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Templates.getDefaultTemplate`:
+ don't fail when called with "fb2" (#1660).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Parsing`:
+ + Fixed `inlineMath` so it handles `\text{..}` containing `$`.
+ For example: `$x = \text{the $n$th root of $y$}` (#1677).
+ + Change `parseFromString` to fail if not all input is consumed.
+ (Matthew Pickering)
+ + Moved `addWarning` from Markdown reader to `Parsing`, so it can be
+ used by more readers (API change, Daniel Bergey).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Pretty`:
+ + Improve performance of `realLength` (Matthew Pickering).
+ + Make CR + BLANKLINE = BLANKLINE. This fixes an extra blank line we
+ were getting at the end of markdown fragments (as well as rst, org,
+ etc.) (#1705).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.MIME`:
+ + Add mime type for WebVTT (Jason Ronallo).
+ + Changed mime type for `otf` to `application/vnd.ms-opentype` (#1761).
+ This is needed for epub3 validation.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.MediaBag`:
+ + Fix Windows specific path problems (#1597).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Shared`:
+ + Make `collapseFilePath` OS-agnostic (Matthew Pickering).
+ * Link the test suite using `-threaded`.
+ This allows the test suite to be run using `+RTS -N`.
+ * Added `network` dependency under `network-uri` flag in test section.
+ * Give better error messages when someone tries to convert from
+ pdf, doc, odt (#1683).
+ * Added `track` to list of tags treated by `--self-contained` (#1664).
pandoc (1.13.1)
* Fixed `--self-contained` with Windows paths (#1558).