diff options
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs
index 581f4c82a..03960b6b9 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ import Skylighting (SyntaxMap, defaultSyntaxMap)
import Text.Pandoc.Extensions
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (Style, pygments)
+class HasSyntaxExtensions a where
+ getExtensions :: a -> Extensions
data ReaderOptions = ReaderOptions{
readerExtensions :: Extensions -- ^ Syntax extensions
, readerStandalone :: Bool -- ^ Standalone document with header
@@ -69,6 +72,9 @@ data ReaderOptions = ReaderOptions{
, readerStripComments :: Bool -- ^ Strip HTML comments instead of parsing as raw HTML
} deriving (Show, Read, Data, Typeable, Generic)
+instance HasSyntaxExtensions ReaderOptions where
+ getExtensions opts = readerExtensions opts
instance ToJSON ReaderOptions where
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
instance FromJSON ReaderOptions
@@ -259,6 +265,9 @@ instance Default WriterOptions where
, writerSyntaxMap = defaultSyntaxMap
+instance HasSyntaxExtensions WriterOptions where
+ getExtensions opts = writerExtensions opts
-- | Returns True if the given extension is enabled.
-isEnabled :: Extension -> WriterOptions -> Bool
-isEnabled ext opts = ext `extensionEnabled` writerExtensions opts
+isEnabled :: HasSyntaxExtensions a => Extension -> a -> Bool
+isEnabled ext opts = ext `extensionEnabled` getExtensions opts
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs
index 47f4c4088..ea9747342 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs
@@ -48,18 +48,14 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
-- | Parse a CommonMark formatted string into a 'Pandoc' structure.
readCommonMark :: PandocMonad m => ReaderOptions -> Text -> m Pandoc
readCommonMark opts s = return $
- (if enabled Ext_gfm_auto_identifiers opts
+ (if isEnabled Ext_gfm_auto_identifiers opts
then addHeaderIdentifiers
else id) $
nodeToPandoc opts $ commonmarkToNode opts' exts s
- where opts' = [ optSmart | enabled Ext_smart opts ]
- exts = [ extStrikethrough | enabled Ext_strikeout opts ] ++
- [ extTable | enabled Ext_pipe_tables opts ] ++
- [ extAutolink | enabled Ext_autolink_bare_uris opts ]
--- | Returns True if the given extension is enabled.
-enabled :: Extension -> ReaderOptions -> Bool
-enabled ext opts = ext `extensionEnabled` readerExtensions opts
+ where opts' = [ optSmart | isEnabled Ext_smart opts ]
+ exts = [ extStrikethrough | isEnabled Ext_strikeout opts ] ++
+ [ extTable | isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts ] ++
+ [ extAutolink | isEnabled Ext_autolink_bare_uris opts ]
convertEmojis :: String -> String
convertEmojis (':':xs) =
@@ -112,7 +108,7 @@ addBlock _ (Node _ THEMATIC_BREAK _) =
addBlock opts (Node _ BLOCK_QUOTE nodes) =
(BlockQuote (addBlocks opts nodes) :)
addBlock opts (Node _ (HTML_BLOCK t) _)
- | enabled Ext_raw_html opts = (RawBlock (Format "html") (unpack t) :)
+ | isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts = (RawBlock (Format "html") (unpack t) :)
| otherwise = id
-- Note: the cmark parser will never generate CUSTOM_BLOCK,
-- so we don't need to handle it:
@@ -210,15 +206,15 @@ addInline opts (Node _ (TEXT t) _) = (map toinl clumps ++)
samekind _ ' ' = False
samekind _ _ = True
toinl (' ':_) = Space
- toinl xs = Str $ if enabled Ext_emoji opts
+ toinl xs = Str $ if isEnabled Ext_emoji opts
then convertEmojis xs
else xs
addInline _ (Node _ LINEBREAK _) = (LineBreak :)
addInline opts (Node _ SOFTBREAK _)
- | enabled Ext_hard_line_breaks opts = (LineBreak :)
+ | isEnabled Ext_hard_line_breaks opts = (LineBreak :)
| otherwise = (SoftBreak :)
addInline opts (Node _ (HTML_INLINE t) _)
- | enabled Ext_raw_html opts = (RawInline (Format "html") (unpack t) :)
+ | isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts = (RawInline (Format "html") (unpack t) :)
| otherwise = id
-- Note: the cmark parser will never generate CUSTOM_BLOCK,
-- so we don't need to handle it: