-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- Copyright (C) 2007 Gabriel Dos Reis -- -- -- This file collects and documents some of the constants used by either -- the interpreter or the compiler or both. -- import '"boot-pkg" )package "BOOT" ++ Clock time unit per second. $timerTicksPerSecond == INTERNAL_-TIME_-UNITS_-PER_-SECOND -- -- Text formatting -- ++ Glyph for a box $boxString == CONCATENATE('STRING, [CODE_-CHAR 29, CODE_-CHAR 226]) ++ Glyph for an APL quad $quadSymbol == $boxString --% ANSI Escape Sequences. Note that these days, people --% will be talking of ISO/IEC 6429. The practical end result --% is the same. --% The next few definitions provide symbolic names for ANSI --% espace sequences. ++ The escape character, in string form $escapeString == STRING CODE_-CHAR 27 ++ Marker to swicth to bold font $boldString == CONCATENATE('STRING, $escapeString, '"[12m") ++ Marker to switch to normal font $normalString == CONCATENATE('STRING, $escapeString, '"[0;10m") ++ Marker to switch to reverve video display $reverseVideoString == CONCATENATE('STRING, $escapeString, '"[7m") ++ Marker to underline text $underlineString == CONCATENATE('STRING, $escapeString, '"[4m") -- -- User Interface -- ++ ++ FIXME: Eventually move this to i-syscmd.boot $noParseCommands == '(boot _ copyright _ credits _ fin _ lisp _ pquit _ quit _ suspend _ synonym _ system) ++ $tokenCommands == '(abbreviations _ cd _ clear _ close _ compiler _ depends _ display _ edit _ frame _ frame _ help _ history _ input _ library _ load _ ltrace _ read _ savesystem _ set _ spool _ undo _ what _ with _ workfiles _ zsystemdevelopment) ++ ++ List of pair (command . user level) $systemCommands == '((abbreviations . compiler) _ (boot . development) _ (cd . interpreter) _ (clear . interpreter) _ (close . interpreter) _ (compiler . compiler) _ (copyright . interpreter) _ (credits . interpreter) _ (display . interpreter) _ (edit . interpreter) _ (fin . development) _ (frame . interpreter) _ (help . interpreter) _ (history . interpreter) _ (lisp . development) _ (library . interpreter) _ (load . interpreter) _ (ltrace . interpreter) _ (pquit . interpreter) _ (quit . interpreter) _ (read . interpreter) _ (savesystem . interpreter) _ (set . interpreter) _ (show . interpreter) _ (spool . interpreter) _ (summary . interpreter) _ (synonym . interpreter) _ (system . interpreter) _ (trace . interpreter) _ (undo . interpreter) _ (what . interpreter) _ (with . interpreter) _ (workfiles . development) _ (zsystemdevelopment . interpreter)) -- -- Old Parser data -- ++ The double quote character in string form ++ FIXME: This constant is used in only one place. Move it there. $DoubleQuote == '"_"" ++ Internal type tag for big float values. ++ This must be consistent with the tag checked for in postBigFloat ++ and also set in property.lisp. ++ FIXME: Have all those places use this symbolic constants. $BFtag == ":BF:" -- -- Compiler flags -- ++ True if the system should support compilation ++ This constant does not seem very terrible useful. ++ FIXME: Check if it can be removed. $COMPILE == true -- -- Common system data -- ++ A list of precomputed formal function formal parameter names. ++ 50 parameters should be enough for everybody, right? $FormalMapVariableList == '(_#1 _#2 _#3 _#4 _#5 _#6 _#7 _#8 _#9 _#10 _ _#11 _#12 _#13 _#14 _#15 _#16 _#17 _#18 _#19 _#20 _ _#21 _#22 _#23 _#24 _#25 _#26 _#27 _#28 _#29 _#30 _ _#31 _#32 _#33 _#34 _#35 _#36 _#37 _#38 _#39 _#40 _ _#41 _#42 _#43 _#44 _#45 _#46 _#47 _#48 _#49 _#50) ++ List of precomputed pattern variable names. $PatternVariableList == '(_*1 _*2 _*3 _*4 _*5 _*6 _*7 _*8 _*9 _*10 _*11 _ _*12 _*13 _*14 _*15 _*16 _*17 _*18 _*19 _*20 _ _*21 _*22 _*23 _*24 _*25 _*26 _*27 _*28 _*29 _*30 _ _*31 _*32 _*33 _*34 _*35 _*36 _*37 _*38 _*39 _*40 _ _*41 _*42 _*43 _*44 _*45 _*46 _*47 _*48 _*49 _*50) $ModeVariableList == '(dv_$1 dv_$2 dv_$3 dv_$4 dv_$5 dv_$6 dv_$7 dv_$8 _ dv_$9 dv_$10 dv_$11 dv_$12 dv_$13 dv_$14 dv_$15 _ dv_$16 dv_$17 dv_$18 dv_$19 dv_$20) $DomainVariableList == '(_$1 _$2 _$3 _$4 _$5 _$6 _$7 _$8 _$9 _$10 _$11 _ _$12 _$13 _$14 _$15 _$16 _$17 _$18 _$19 _$20) ++ List of basic predicates the system has a built-in optimization ++ support for. $BasicPredicates == '(INTEGERP STRINGP FLOATP) ++ List of functions known to be free of side effects ++ FIXME: Check that the names on this list are not renamed. $SideEffectFreeFunctionList == '(_null _ _case _ Zero _ One _ _: _ _:_: _ _has _ Mapping _ _elt _ _= _ _> _ _>_= _ _< _ _<_= _ MEMBER _ _is _ _isnt _ ATOM _ $_= _ $_> _ $_>_= _ $_< _ $_<_= _ $_^_= _ $MEMBER) --% Types ++ The Void domain constructor form $Void == '(Void) ++ Boolean domain constructor form $Boolean == '(Boolean) ++ The SmallInteger domain constructor form $SmallInteger == '(SingleInteger) ++ The Integer domain constructor form. $Integer == '(Integer) ++ The NegativeInteger domain constructor form $NegativeInteger == '(NegativeInteger) ++ The NonNegativeInteger domain constructor form $NonNegativeInteger == '(NonNegativeInteger) ++ The NonPositiveInteger domain constructor form $NonPositiveInteger == '(NonPositiveInteger) ++ The PositiveInteger domain constructor form $PositiveInteger == '(PositiveInteger) ++ The RationalNumber domain constructor form $RationalNumber == '(Fraction (Integer)) ++ SingleFloat domain constructor form $SingleFloat == '(SingleFloat) ++ Float domain constructor form $Float == '(Float) ++ DoubleFloat domain constructor form $DoubleFloat == '(DoubleFloat) ++ BigFloat domain constructor form ++ FIXME: This does not appear to be used anywhere in the ++ source codes. $BigFloat == '(Float) ++ The String constructor domain form $String == '(String) ++ The Symbol constructor domain form $Symbol == '(Symbol) ++ The 'wildcar' for a type -- "?" in Spad syntax. This stands for ++ an unspecified type. $EmptyMode == "$EmptyMode" ++ Expression domain constructor form $Expression == '(OutputForm) ++ Exit domain constructor form $Exit == '(Exit) ++ The ThrowAwayMode constructor form $ThrowAwayMode == "$ThrowAwayMode" ++ This mode is used to indicate that the value of expression ++ can be thrown away. $NoValueMode == "$NoValueMode" ++ $ExitMode == "$ExitMode" +++ List of domains that are (currently) built-in into the system. $Primitives == '(Union Record Mapping Enumeration) --% ++ Category constructor form $Category == '(Category) ++ Domain constructor form ++ FIXME: Find where this is used in the system. $Domain == '(Domain) ++ Mode constructor form ++ FIXME: Where is this used? $Mode == '(Mode) ++ StringCategory Constructor form $StringCategory == '(StringCategory) ++ List of categories that do not have entries in the constructor ++ database. So, they are mostly recognized by their names. $CategoryNames == '(Category _ CATEGORY _ RecordCategory _ Join _ EnumerationCategory _ StringCategory _ SubsetCategory _ UnionCategory) ++ List of domains that do not have entries in the constructor ++ database. So, they are mostly recognized by their names. ++ See also $CategoryNames. $DomainNames == '(Integer _ Float _ Symbol _ Boolean _ String _ Expression _ Mapping _ SubDomain _ List _ Union _ Record _ Vector _ Enumeration) ++ $NonMentionableDomainNames == '($ Rep Record Union Mapping Enumeration) ++ List of primitive domains $PrimitiveDomainNames == '(List _ Integer _ NonNegativeInteger _ PositiveInteger _ SingleInteger _ String _ Boolean) ++ FIXME $SpecialDomainNames == '(add _ CAPSULE _ SubDomain _ List _ Union _ Record _ Vector) $optimizableConstructorNames == '(List _ Integer _ PositiveInteger _ NonNegativeInteger _ SingleInteger _ String _ Boolean _ Symbol _ DoubleFloat _ PrimitiveArray _ Vector) ++ FIXME $DomainsInScope == '(NIL) ++ List of domains in scope in fresh settings. $InitialDomainsInScope == '($EmptyMode _ $NoValueMode) ++ FIXME $underDomainAlist == nil ++ List of constructors that do not have entries in the databases. ++ See also $CategoryNames and $DomainNames. $ConstructorNames == '(SubDomain _ List _ Union _ Record _ Vector) ++ A list of functors that do not really have modemaps $DummyFunctorNames == '(Mapping) --% ++ The empty environment $EmptyEnvironment == '((NIL)) ++ $LocalFrame == '((NIL)) ++ The empty string constant. $EmptyString == '"" ++ The empty vector constant $EmptyVector == VECTOR() ++ A symbol denoting failure $failure == GENSYM() ++ The initial modemap frame $InitialModemapFrame == '((NIL)) ++ The constant 0. $Zero == '(Zero) ++ The constant 1. $One == '(One) ++ $true == ''T $false == false ++ Indicate absence of value $NoValue == "$NoValue" ++ $exitMode == $EmptyMode ++ $leaveMode == $EmptyMode ++ $noEnv == nil