%% Oh Emacs, this is a -*- Lisp -*- file despite apperance. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \title{\File{src/interp/property.lisp} Pamphlet} \author{Timothy Daly} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \eject \begin{verbatim} This file contains most of the code that puts properties on identifiers in the Scratchpad II system. If it was not possible to actually put the code here, we have pointers to where such property list manipulation is being done. Pointers: o see NEWAUX LISP for some code that puts GENERIC and RENAMETOK properties on identifiers for the parser o coerceIntCommute puts the "commute" property on constructors. o coerceRetract puts the "retract" property on constructors. o there is some code at the end of SPECEVAL BOOT that puts "up" properties on some special handlers. \end{verbatim} \section{License} <>= ;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ \section{bug fix} These two lines were commented out in the original sources. However both of these lines involved control characters that latex cannot handle. control-V and control-H should be the actual control characters, not the text replacement shown here. ;;(control-V |parseUpArrow|) ;;(|control-H| |parseLeftArrow|) <>= @ We have a similar problem with the control-G character. ;; (control-G |compContained|) <>= @ <<*>>= <> (in-package "BOOT") ;; following was in NEWSPAD LISP (MAKEPROP 'END_UNIT 'KEY 'T) ;; following was in OUTINIT LISP (MAKEPROP 'TAG 'Led '(TAG TAG 122 121)) (MAKEPROP 'EQUATNUM '|Nud| '(|dummy| |dummy| 0 0)) (MAKEPROP 'EQUATNUM '|Led| '(|dummy| |dummy| 10000 0)) (MAKEPROP 'LET '|Led| '(|:=| LET 125 124)) (MAKEPROP 'RARROW '|Led| '(== DEF 122 121)) (MAKEPROP 'SEGMENT '|Led| '(|..| SEGMENT 401 699 (|P:Seg|))) (MAKEPROP 'SEGMENT '|isSuffix| 'T) (MAKEPROP 'EQUAL1 'CHRYBNAM 'EQ) (REPEAT (IN X '( (LET " := ") (= "=") (|/| "/") (+ "+") (* "*") (** "**") (^ "^") (|:| ":") (|::| "::") (|@| "@") (SEL ".") (|exquo| " exquo ") (|div| " div ") (|quo| " quo ") (|rem| " rem ") (|case| " case ") (|and| " and ") (|or| " or ") (TAG " -> ") (|+->| " +-> ") (RARROW ": ") (SEGMENT "..") (in " in ") (|^=| "^=") (EL* ":") (JOIN " JOIN ") (EQUATNUM " ") (IQUOTIENT "//") (= "= ") (|>=| " >= ") (|>| " > ") (|<=| " <= ") (|<| " < ") (\| " \| ") (+ " + ") (- " - ") (MEMBER " in ") (NMEMBER " nin ") (WHERE " WHERE ") (AT " AT ") (MAX " MAX ") (MIN " MIN ") )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'INFIXOP (CADR X))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (= "=") (|:| ":") (|not| "^ ") (\| " \| ") (SEGMENT "..") ;" 0.. is represented by (SEGMENT 0)" )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'PREFIXOP (CADR X))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (+ WIDTH |sumWidth|) (- APP |appneg|) (- WIDTH |minusWidth|) (/ APP |appfrac|) (/ SUBSPAN |fracsub|) (/ SUPERSPAN |fracsuper|) (/ WIDTH |fracwidth|) (AGGSET APP |argsapp|) (AGGSET SUBSPAN |agggsub|) (AGGSET SUPERSPAN |agggsuper|) (AGGSET WIDTH |agggwidth|) (|binom| APP |binomApp|) (|binom| SUBSPAN |binomSub|) (|binom| SUPERSPAN |binomSuper|) (|binom| WIDTH |binomWidth|) (ALTSUPERSUB APP |altSuperSubApp|) (ALTSUPERSUB SUBSPAN |altSuperSubSub|) (ALTSUPERSUB SUPERSPAN |altSuperSubSuper|) (ALTSUPERSUB WIDTH |altSuperSubWidth|) (BOX APP |boxApp|) (BOX SUBSPAN |boxSub|) (BOX SUPERSPAN |boxSuper|) (BOX WIDTH |boxWidth|) (BRACKET SUBSPAN |qTSub|) (BRACKET SUPERSPAN |qTSuper|) (BRACKET WIDTH |qTWidth|) (CENTER APP |centerApp|) (EXT APP |appext|) (EXT SUBSPAN |extsub|) (EXT SUPERSPAN |extsuper|) (EXT WIDTH |extwidth|) (MATRIX APP |appmat|) (MATRIX SUBSPAN |matSub|) (MATRIX SUPERSPAN |matSuper|) (MATRIX WIDTH |matWidth|) (NOTHING APP |nothingApp|) (NOTHING SUPERSPAN |nothingSuper|) (NOTHING SUBSPAN |nothingSub|) (NOTHING WIDTH |nothingWidth|) (OVER APP |appfrac|) (OVER SUBSPAN |fracsub|) (OVER SUPERSPAN |fracsuper|) (OVER WIDTH |fracwidth|) (OVERLABEL APP |overlabelApp|) (OVERLABEL SUPERSPAN |overlabelSuper|) (OVERLABEL WIDTH |overlabelWidth|) (OVERBAR APP |overbarApp|) (OVERBAR SUPERSPAN |overbarSuper|) (OVERBAR WIDTH |overbarWidth|) (PAREN APP |appparu1|) (PAREN SUBSPAN |qTSub|) (PAREN SUPERSPAN |qTSuper|) (PAREN WIDTH |qTWidth|) (ROOT APP |rootApp|) (ROOT SUBSPAN |rootSub|) (ROOT SUPERSPAN |rootSuper|) (ROOT WIDTH |rootWidth|) (ROW WIDTH |eq0|) (SC APP |appsc|) (SC SUBSPAN |agggsub|) (SC SUPERSPAN |agggsuper|) (SC WIDTH |widthSC|) (SETQ APP |appsetq|) (SETQ WIDTH |letWidth|) (SLASH APP |slashApp|) (SLASH SUBSPAN |slashSub|) (SLASH SUPERSPAN |slashSuper|) (SLASH WIDTH |slashWidth|) (SUB APP |appsub|) (SUB SUBSPAN |subSub|) (SUB SUPERSPAN |subSuper|) (SUB WIDTH |suScWidth|) (SUPERSUB APP |superSubApp|) (SUPERSUB SUBSPAN |superSubSub|) (SUPERSUB SUPERSPAN |superSubSuper|) (SUPERSUB WIDTH |superSubWidth|) (VCONCAT APP |vconcatapp|) (VCONCAT SUBSPAN |vConcatSub|) (VCONCAT SUPERSPAN |vConcatSuper|) (VCONCAT WIDTH |vConcatWidth|) (BINOMIAL APP |binomialApp|) (BINOMIAL SUBSPAN |binomialSub|) (BINOMIAL SUPERSPAN |binomialSuper|) (BINOMIAL WIDTH |binomialWidth|) (ZAG APP |zagApp|) (ZAG SUBSPAN |zagSub|) (ZAG SUPERSPAN |zagSuper|) (ZAG WIDTH |zagWidth|) )) (PROGN (MAKEPROP (CAR X) (CADR X) (CADDR X))) ) (REPEAT (IN X '( (+ APP |plusApp|) (* APP |timesApp|) (* WIDTH |timesWidth|) (** APP |exptApp|) (** WIDTH |exptWidth|) (** SUBSPAN |exptSub|) (** SUPERSPAN |exptSuper|) (^ APP |exptApp|) (^ WIDTH |exptWidth|) (^ SUBSPAN |exptSub|) (^ SUPERSPAN |exptSuper|) (STEP APP |stepApp|) (STEP WIDTH |stepWidth|) (STEP SUBSPAN |stepSub|) (STEP SUPERSPAN |stepSuper|) (IN APP |inApp|) (IN WIDTH |inWidth|) (IN SUBSPAN |inSub|) (IN SUPERSPAN |inSuper|) (AGGLST APP |aggApp|) (AGGLST SUBSPAN |aggSub|) (AGGLST SUPERSPAN |aggSuper|) (CONCATB APP |concatbApp|) (CONCATB SUBSPAN |concatSub|) (CONCATB SUPERSPAN |concatSuper|) (CONCATB WIDTH |concatbWidth|) (CONCAT APP |concatApp|) (CONCAT SUBSPAN |concatSub|) (CONCAT SUPERSPAN |concatSuper|) (CONCAT WIDTH |concatWidth|) (QUOTE APP |quoteApp|) (QUOTE SUBSPAN |quoteSub|) (QUOTE SUPERSPAN |quoteSuper|) (QUOTE WIDTH |quoteWidth|) (STRING APP |stringApp|) (STRING SUBSPAN |eq0|) (STRING SUPERSPAN |eq0|) (STRING WIDTH |stringWidth|) (SIGMA APP |sigmaApp|) (SIGMA SUBSPAN |sigmaSub|) (SIGMA SUPERSPAN |sigmaSup|) (SIGMA WIDTH |sigmaWidth|) (SIGMA2 APP |sigma2App|) (SIGMA2 SUBSPAN |sigma2Sub|) (SIGMA2 SUPERSPAN |sigma2Sup|) (SIGMA2 WIDTH |sigma2Width|) (INTSIGN APP |intApp|) (INTSIGN SUBSPAN |intSub|) (INTSIGN SUPERSPAN |intSup|) (INTSIGN WIDTH |intWidth|) (INDEFINTEGRAL APP |indefIntegralApp|) (INDEFINTEGRAL SUBSPAN |indefIntegralSub|) (INDEFINTEGRAL SUPERSPAN |indefIntegralSup|) (INDEFINTEGRAL WIDTH |indefIntegralWidth|) (PI APP |piApp|) (PI SUBSPAN |piSub|) (PI SUPERSPAN |piSup|) (PI WIDTH |piWidth|) (PI2 APP |pi2App|) (PI2 SUBSPAN |pi2Sub|) (PI2 SUPERSPAN |pi2Sup|) (PI2 WIDTH |pi2Width|) (AGGLST WIDTH |aggWidth|) (BRACKET APP |bracketApp|) (BRACE APP |braceApp|) (BRACE WIDTH |qTWidth|) )) (PROGN (MAKEPROP (CAR X) (CADR X) (CADDR X))) ) ;; from DEF LISP (REPEAT (IN X '( (|:| |DEF-:|) (|::| |DEF-::|) (ELT DEF-ELT) (SETELT DEF-SETELT) (LET DEF-LET) (COLLECT DEF-COLLECT) (LESSP DEF-LESSP) (|<| DEF-LESSP) (REPEAT DEF-REPEAT) ;;(|TRACE,LET| DEF-TRACE-LET) (CATEGORY DEF-CATEGORY) (EQUAL DEF-EQUAL) (|is| DEF-IS) (SEQ DEF-SEQ) (|isnt| DEF-ISNT) (|where| DEF-WHERE) )) (PROGN (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|DEF-TRAN| (CADR X)) (CREATE-SBC (CADR X)))) ;; following was in INIT LISP (REPEAT (IN X '( |Polynomial| |UnivariatePoly| |SquareMatrix| |QuotientField| )) (MAKEPROP X '|status| (CREATE-SBC (INTERNL (STRCONC "status" (STRINGIMAGE X))) ))) (REPEAT (IN X '( |UnivariatePoly| |Matrix| |QuotientField| |Gaussian| )) (MAKEPROP X '|dataCoerce| (CREATE-SBC (INTERNL (STRCONC "coerce" (STRINGIMAGE X))) ))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (|Integer| . (INTEGERP |#1|)) ;; (|Float| . (FLOATP |#1|)) (|DoubleFloat| . (FLOATP |#1|)) ;; (|Symbol| . (IDENTP |#1|)) ;;(|Boolean| . (BOOLEANP |#1|)) worthless predicate is always true (|String| . (STRINGP |#1|)) (|PrimitiveSymbol| . (IDENTP |#1|)) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|BasicPredicate| (CDR X))) (MAKEPROP '|Integer| '|Subsets| '((|PositiveInteger| . (|>| * 0)) (|NonNegativeInteger| . (|>=| * 0)) (|NegativeInteger| . (|<| * 0)) (|NonPositiveInteger| . (|<=| * 0)) (|NonZeroInteger| . (^= * 0)) (|SingleInteger| . (SMINTP *)) )) (MAKEPROP '|NonNegativeInteger| '|Subsets| '( (|PositiveInteger| . (|>| * 0)) )) (MAKEPROP '|NonPositiveInteger| '|Subsets| '( (|NegativeInteger| . (|<| * 0)) )) (FLAG '(|Union| |Record| |Enumration| |Mapping| |Enumeration|) 'FUNCTOR) (FLAG '(* + AND OR PROGN) 'NARY) (REPEAT (IN X '( (|Record| |mkRecordFunList|) (|Union| |mkUnionFunList|) (|Mapping| |mkMappingFunList|) (|Enumeration| |mkEnumerationFunList|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|makeFunctionList| (CREATE-SBC (CADR X)))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (|<=| |parseLessEqual|) (|>| |parseGreaterThan|) (|>=| |parseGreaterEqual|) (|$<=| |parseDollarLessEqual|) (|$>| |parseDollarGreaterThan|) (|$>=| |parseDollarGreaterEqual|) ($^= |parseDollarNotEqual|) (^ |parseNot|) (^= |parseNotEqual|) (\: |parseColon|) (|::| |parseCoerce|) (@ |parseAtSign|) <> (|and| |parseAnd|) (CATEGORY |parseCategory|) (|construct| |parseConstruct|) (DEF |parseDEF|) (|eqv| |parseEquivalence|) (|exit| |parseExit|) (|has| |parseHas|) (IF |parseIf|) (|implies| |parseImplies|) (IN |parseIn|) (INBY |parseInBy|) (|is| |parseIs|) (|isnt| |parseIsnt|) (|Join| |parseJoin|) (|leave| |parseLeave|) (LET |parseLET|) (LETD |parseLETD|) (MDEF |parseMDEF|) (|not| |parseNot|) (|or| |parseOr|) (|pretend| |parsePretend|) (|return| |parseReturn|) (SEGMENT |parseSegment|) (SEQ |parseSeq|) (VCONS |parseVCONS|) (|where| |parseWhere|) ;; (|xor| |parseExclusiveOr|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|parseTran| (CADR X))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (|with| |postWith|) (|Scripts| |postScripts|) (/ |postSlash|) (|construct| |postConstruct|) (|Block| |postBlock|) (QUOTE |postQUOTE|) (COLLECT |postCollect|) (|:BF:| |postBigFloat|) (|in| |postin|) ;" the infix operator version of in" (IN |postIn|) ;" the iterator form of in" (REPEAT |postRepeat|) (|TupleCollect| |postTupleCollect|) (|add| |postAdd|) (|Reduce| |postReduce|) (\, |postComma|) (\; |postSemiColon|) (|where| |postWhere|) (|::| |postColonColon|) (\: |postColon|) (@ |postAtSign|) (|pretend| |postPretend|) (|if| |postIf|) (|Join| |postJoin|) (|Signature| |postSignature|) (CATEGORY |postCategory|) ;;( |postDef|) (== |postDef|) (|==>| |postMDef|) (|->| |postMapping|) (|=>| |postExit|) (|Tuple| |postTuple|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|postTran| (CADR X))) (MAKEPROP 'INTEGER 'ISFUNCTION 'FIXP) (MAKEPROP '|Integer| '|isFunction| '|IsInteger|) (MAKEPROP '|Boolean| '|isFunction| '|isBoolean|) ;; Many of the following are now in COMPAT LISP (REPEAT (IN X '( (+ PLUS) (|and| AND) (|append| APPEND) (|apply| APPLY) (|atom| ATOM) (|brace| REMDUP) (|car| CAR) (|cdr| CDR) (|cons| CONS) (|copy| COPY) (|croak| CROAK) (|drop| DROP) (|exit| EXIT) (|false| NIL) (|first| CAR) (|genvar| GENVAR) (|in| |member|) (|is| IS) (|lastNode| LASTNODE) (|list| LIST) (|mkpf| MKPF) (|nconc| NCONC) (|nil| NIL) (|not| NULL) (|NOT| NULL) (|nreverse| NREVERSE) (|null| NULL) (|or| OR) (|otherwise| 'T) (|removeDuplicates| REMDUP) (|rest| CDR) (|return| RETURN) (|reverse| REVERSE) (|setDifference| SETDIFFERENCE) (|setIntersection| |intersection|) (|setPart| SETELT) (|setUnion| |union|) (|size| SIZE) (|strconc| STRCONC) (|substitute| MSUBST) (SUBST MSUBST) (|take| TAKE) (|true| 'T) (|where| WHERE) (* TIMES) (** EXPT) (^ NULL) (^= NEQUAL) (- SPADDIFFERENCE) (/ QUOTIENT) (= EQUAL) (ASSOC |assoc|) (DELETE |delete|) (GET GETL) (INTERSECTION |intersection|) (LAST |last|) (MEMBER |member|) (RASSOC |rassoc|) (READ VMREAD) (READ-LINE |read-line|) (REDUCE SPADREDUCE) (REMOVE |remove|) (\| SUCHTHAT) (T T$) (UNION |union|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'RENAME (CDR X))) ;; these are accessor names for fields in data structures. Thus one would ;; write datastructure.setName (REPEAT (IN X '( (|setName| 0) (|setLabel| 1) (|setLevel| 2) (|setType| 3) (|setVar| 4) (|setLeaf| 5) (|setDef| 6) (|aGeneral| 4) (|aMode| 1) (|aModeSet| 3) (|aTree| 0) (|attributes| CADDR) (|aValue| 2) (|cacheCount| CADDDDR) (|cacheName| CADR) (|cacheReset| CADDDR) (|cacheType| CADDR) (|env| CADDR) (|expr| CAR) (|first| CAR) (|mmCondition| CAADR) (|mmDC| CAAR) (|mmImplementation| CADADR) (|mmSignature| CDAR) (|mmTarget| CADAR) (|mode| CADR) (|op| CAR) (|opcode| CADR) (|opSig| CADR) (|rest| CDR) (|sig| CDDR) (|source| CDR) (|streamCode| CADDDR) (|streamDef| CADDR) (|streamName| CADR) (|target| CAR) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|SEL,FUNCTION| (CADR X))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (\| |compSuchthat|) (\@ |compAtSign|) (|:| |compColon|) (\:\: |compCoerce|) (QUOTE |compQuote|) <> (|add| |compAdd|) (CAPSULE |compCapsule|) (|case| |compCase|) (CATEGORY |compCategory|) (COLLECT |compRepeatOrCollect|) (COLLECTV |compCollectV|) (CONS |compCons|) (|construct| |compConstruct|) (DEF |compDefine|) (|elt| |compElt|) (|exit| |compExit|) (|has| |compHas|) (IF |compIf|) (|import| |compImport|) (|is| |compIs|) (|Join| |compJoin|) (|leave| |compLeave|) (LET |compSetq|) (|ListCategory| |compConstructorCategory|) (MDEF |compMacro|) (|pretend| |compPretend|) (|Record| |compCat|) (|RecordCategory| |compConstructorCategory|) (REDUCE |compReduce|) (REPEAT |compRepeatOrCollect|) (|return| |compReturn|) (SEQ |compSeq|) (SETQ |compSetq|) (|String| |compString|) (|SubDomain| |compSubDomain|) (|SubsetCategory| |compSubsetCategory|) (|Union| |compCat|) (|Mapping| |compCat|) (|UnionCategory| |compConstructorCategory|) (VECTOR |compVector|) (|VectorCategory| |compConstructorCategory|) (|where| |compWhere|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'SPECIAL (CREATE-SBC (CADR X)))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (\: |compColonInteractive|) (DEF |compDefineInteractive|) (|construct| |compConstructInteractive|) (LET |compSetqInteractive|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'INTERACTIVE (CREATE-SBC (CADR X)))) @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}